Sunday, January 22, 2012

Catholic Church Wealth Huge

Updated 3-22-'12. Here is a great video The Money Masters: Its source seems ok. But statement in it thanking nation's leaders to create a one world government is wrong, John Vodila. Yet its source may be Bill Still. Another great video is (wait for video to open) Federal Reserve Board, Ron Paul. We add this link here on George Soros, a mean-faced Image and video hosting by TinyPicMegaCrook. And we add this alert by Jim Rogers on likely economic collapse in Spring caused by Goldman Sachs' top con-swindlers and the crooks in southern states of Europe, ie., Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and also England. (Kindly support our blogs by PayPal Donate button at Helpactivists.)
To read about Catholic Wealth being Mega Huge scroll 80% down in this blog to heading in bold font Catholic Wealth Mega Huge. But next we expose Oil Company CEOs who claim they do not determine--or contrive to drive up--crude oil barrel cost: Rather, they buy oil on the open market: Yet we must know that the Oil Company CEOs by their employed or collusive "Market Maker" day-traders do, in fact, drive up crude oil price on a 'contrived' open market by electronic day trading!! Next link is testimony before House Banking Committee by Robert Kuttner on urgent need to reinstate 1933 Glass-Steagall Act
: Note term 'asset bubble' in Bob Kuttner testimony.
The price bubble in natural gas has vastly raised cost to make ammonia. An Iowa agribusiness, The Andersons Inc., raised price for diammonium phosphate farm fertilizer some 3-fold in the last 1½ years, from $261/short ton in October, 2006, to $721 in February, 2008. The fast rising cost of fertilizer and of diesel to run farm equipment has been created into a cruel food cost bubble, by Ruthless Zionists who are the Coin Changers, the George Soros types, that are the Electronic-Call/Put-Day-Traders in New York and London. Some Day Traders work for/with Soros and Rothschilds to raise costs of crude oil, gasoline, natural gas, and food grains, corn, wheat and rice. And note that the above mentioned Jim Rogers admits being involved in driving up food grain prices. His helping Geo Soros start Hedge Funds, derivatives, and electronic day trading crap in 1970s does not make Rogers an angel.
So food costs are predicted to rise some 5-fold in 2 years unless Glass-Steagall Act is reenacted and the Enron Loophole is closed. On expose of role of former Texas Senator "Gooseneck" Gramm in creating Enron Loophole scroll to page 12 in May 2008 Congressional testimony by Tyson Slocum, and also click on his name to read about Zionist gamblers in oil in Oil Watchdog on gamblers.
So, Zionist gamblers most likely will create big food and energy inflation costs. Thus these 2 items must be put back into the calculation of payments to those living on social security retirement in order to survive in a dying America: Its death is being caused mainly by political campaign funding Zionist Sugar Daddies, and the above Zionist Day Traders. More later.
Now an item: Hillary did not demand that Bill not sign bill to repeal Glass-Steagall Bank Control Act--because Sugar Daddies controlled both. Yet people may hold their noses as they vote for another Sugar Daddy's wonder; the campaign funding Sugar Daddy, George Soros's green boy wonder O'Boy O'Bama. But at least Obama is not a Clinton who, in 1999, signed a law that repealed the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act: The Act had prevented banks from providing or investing monies into subprime mortgages. Should former Senate Banking Committee Chairman Phil Gramm, the two big Sugar Daddys of the Clintons, Sinfart Izy Weill and Robber Rubin, along with Bill and Hillary go into a pillory?
That is enough on Clintons. Now to item, Yesterday The Dotcom Bubble Burst, Today The Subprime Bubble Burst. It led to the crises of house and property foreclosures and tight or no lending by banks including interbank lending. But looming, or now here, is the most Evil Bubble of the three that the Zionist Electronic-Call/Put-Day-Traders in New York and London have created, i.e., the Conspired Tight Market Bubble. This latest, but long-conspired, Evil Bubble involves controlled access to crude oil, food, and food grains. This control will force the middle class into the poor class: And the Crude Oil Bubble will burst only when cars and trucks do not use gas/diesel, grain- or corn-ethanol. In any case, there is an urgent need to make it illegal for evil Zionists and other "electronic-hedge-fund-speculators
", and Bilderbergers to get crude oil to $200/barrel. But how to force the financial centers world wide to halt electronic day trading and market maker control in crude oil and food crops may be hard--or may not be hard--but it must be urgently done.
One fast solution to the urgent need to stop crude oil from reaching $200 is to halt electronic hedge fund speculation in crude oil by those using risk hedging and financial instruments such as a put option or futures puts or calls and puts. This gambling can be stopped if labor unions work together fast to shut down the air, truck and railroad transportation industries. The reason why all unions and their members must do a fast shutdown is because it is the very members in these industries that are now loosing and will continue to loose their jobs if crude oil is allowed to reach even $130. (Crude oil must be made to come down.) And the Homeland Security people, FBI, sheriffs, and police must not allow themselves to be used to intervene against unions by, for example, using billy clubs: Sheriffs/police belong to unions too.
Would it be best if police used Billy clubs on Billy Clinton and his former Sugar Daddy, Robber Rubin? With Americans being treated like dogs by Herr Shrub Bush, hence, most Americans likely want to lift their legs on a shrub! (Laboring people must work together to save America.) Meanwhile, financial adviser Peter Bernstein is wrong if he implies that there are no arenas left for Zionist People Controllers to make bubbles. See below. People Controllers dumped on air traffic controllers. Zionists, Sugar Daddies, politicians (mostly Republicans), and world bankers eat well to dump well. Evilly, in gambling in hedge funds, many day traders use dangerous derivative instruments to leverage calls and puts in the crude oil, grain ethanol and food bubbles.
In any case, to get energy and avoid a crude oil bubble, tiny Estonia must be allowed to use oil shale just as Canada and US are allowed to use tar-oil sands. Reading this blog, you will learn that the earth has had global warming periods that were natural events. They were not caused by Estonian ancestors using oil shale. However, recently Estonia was kept down by Russia. But Estonia must not be kept down by EU (European Union) member nations attempting to mandate that Estonia may not mine its oil shale for energy and catch up to the other more developed members. Under communism, the Slavs and Jews of Russia kept minority people downtrodden--and they still do. Moreover, the Jews, Arabs and others do not want people to know that God and Jesus spoke to the original natives of ancient northern Egypt and the eastern coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea in a tongue(s) that the indigenous people well knew, i.e., a Finnic tongue(s) akin to Estonian and Finnish: More below deeper later.
Urgent. You must mouse-click both of these first two links. But to read crucial parts of second link you must scroll in it to pages 8 (4), 10 (6), 15 (11), 16 (12), and 25 (21). The US politicians (some bisexuals? or pedophiles?) must fast pass bills to end evil useless Futures electronic trades in Hedge Funds (see in pdf), Derivatives or Derivatives, and/or Puts in crude oil, gasoline, gas, corn, wheat, other commodities, mortgages (subprime), and end the takeover of more financial houses: See Bear Stearns. The conspiracies in not only executing subprime credit-line contracts but in Derivative Time Bombs, and in inhumane electronic speculations in futures options trading in commodities, that are performed by billionaire Zionists, their lackey gnomes, and oil rich billionaire Muslims are the mega-major causes of gasoline and diesel gallon price rises, and other commodity price rises as in rice and wheat.
Politicians must pass legislation to force dismantling of and prevent the future building of all plants in USA that convert corn, wheat or wood products as sawdust to biofuels. For sawdust, bark and limbs must be left at the stump/cut site to allow minerals and organics to replenish the soil for good growth of the next tree generation. Sadly, due to not leaving tree bark and limbs at a stump site, in the southern US the paper-timber industry must spray mineral pellets from helicopters onto their tree plantations. And the pellets are picked up by birds, to, sadly, burn the birds' crops, gizzards and craws. (Will Warren Buffett stop putting Derivatives and Puts into his craw?)
In any case, until we are able to get more crude oil from the north slope of Alaska, politicians must remove tariffs and other restrictions on importing biofuel crops as sugarcane, and biofuels as ethanol from Brazil. And politicians must pass bills fast to halt
futures electronic trading. The trading of energy commodities by large firms on over-the-counter (OTC) electronic exchanges was exempted from CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) oversight by a provision inserted at the behest of Enron and other big energy traders into the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000.
On December 21, 2000, totally useless Bill "The Dope from Hope" Clinton signed this Act into law in the waning hours of the 106th Congress: See, Gambling in Futures options trading, and Zionists and other insider crooks in mortgage melt, and Subprime Mortgage Autopsy, and Oil Vigilantes. Yet, sadly, the Presidential runners and Shrub Bush say nothing about reinstating the Glass-Steagall Act. Now in next link you must scroll to its near bottom starting with red font heading, Peter Bernstein was in 1929-39 deep long crash--doesn't like what's ahead. And as you open next link let a ten second ad run first and then see Wall Street Journal reporter E. S. Browning's interview aired 4-29-8 of esteemed finance advisor and historian Peter Bernstein.
Now the above Rothschild Clan and other Zionists are involved in electronic trading in hedge funds, derivatives, futures, swaps, etc., crap games. But to the Clan this trading is not a crap game as it is the Market Maker. Here are 4 other important links, Zionists created and own fraudulent Federal Reserve, and Zionism exposed, and Benjamin H. Freedman exposes Zionism, and Zionist Rabbi Dov Zakheim stole over 3.3 trillion, all totaled, to Israel's bank accounts in Switzerland, London, and offshore accounts, from the '99-percenters', we tax payers.
The above evil Rothschild Clan owns the world's largest, still private and unregulated, untransparent, unaudited, mega bank and insurance group. To make Americans and all of the world's people servile to them, i.e., attain people control, the Clan creates ethnic and religious discord, and financial havoc. In these efforts they use mafias, extortion, priests, politicians, political campaign funding Sugar Daddies, and rogue traders in hedge funds and derivatives. And the Rothschilds and other Zionists are using, working with, or helping certain Catholics.
The Clan uses some Catholic Bishops, Archbishops, and a few Mullas, as lackeys. They aid the Pope(s), the Jesuits, and the Opus Dei group to bring into America millions of Catholics, mostly Catholic Mexicans. The World's Protestants must work together fast to halt America's death, and the death of other nations that are yet Protestant. Note: It is interesting how the rich Republicans and rich Catholics arranged the Pope's USA visit in the same week as England's Protestant Prime Minister Gordon Brown visited USA. And when Italy's poor revolt, we wonder if the Pope will share or be a survivalist.
In any case, by four Manchurian? Candidates, Reagan, the Clintons and Shrub Bush, our America was murdered right under the blurry eyes of a fooled, servile, mainly Protestant middle class. Meanwhile billionaire Zionists and other billionaires gained and gain ever more billions from wars: Yet they did not and do send their own kids to fight wars. Instead they sent and send the kids of the middle class and poor to fight wars. And, as said, on the wars they got and get richer and richer. Moreover, today's billionaires pay taxes at a heinous rate of less than 3%, under 1% if earnings kept in a vile tax haven. (European Union aims to close vile tax havens.)
Now during and after World War II the rich helped pay the taxes needed by the federal government to pay the accrued bills (1941-45 years' deficits and total debt) fighting World War II in 1941-1945. In this effort the rich allowed themselves to be taxed at the very high rate of 94% in 1944 and 1945 and then at 91% through 1963 (effective rate was 87% after use of tax loopholes). But today's billionaires who have not paid, and do not yet pay, their fare tax share burden--unlike the rich of the 1940s, 1950s and early '60s--have put and still put the past several years of war created mega deficits and debt onto this and future years' federal income taxes and state property taxes of the middle class: Yes, these taxes are--to Zionist billionaires' joy--left to be paid by middle class taxpayers, and kids.
In any case, the very rich may keep their wealth in tax havens, and buy gold, and play in crude oil futures derivatives, i.e., in the above mentioned vile useless futures hedge swaps trading in crude oil and gasoline: To read this, you must scroll a bit. Also Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs, a.k.a. Sucks, and other Zionists want India to allow futures trading in wheat and rice. Evil George Soros and other Zionists who developed Hedge Funds, Derivatives, Futures, Swaps, and other financial gambling instruments--for the lazy fat butts in New York, Chicago and other financial centers--must be removed from society. They suck. And CEOs of American auto and battery companies are totally useless as they did not and do not want to develop electric cars and hybrid trucks.
In any event, the mega rich by paying only a token tax of less than 3% have murdered America. Now just as Jesus was murdered by "interesting ones", "THEM" or "Apiru", so has America been murdered by "Them". Concerning term apiru, upon searching in scholarly articles--and also with a search engine, Google--one finds a word(s) in Sumer and Akkad from c3000 B.C. to c900 B.C. for the root (origin, base) of term Apiru (Hebrew) (prw or piru); piru is a Finnic term for devil. The root likely had two meanings, Devil, and rootless thieves. Note: You, the reader, may ask is George Soros a thief as you scroll to near bottom of next link to red font heading, Face of Evil, Devil or Thief, Geo Soros. And on Depression, click Forebodings from Hedge Fund.
In any case, throughout history the devil heads of "Them" have been driven by greed--an intense hunger for wealth. To best know the reasons why we wrote articles, already in 1960s, about items we will discuss below; and why we began this blog in 2005, and continue this blog--it takes up much of our time and effort and we receive no funds--we ask that you click, Benjamin H. Freedman exposing Zionism, and Zionist Rabbi Dov Zakheim stole over 3.3 trillion, all totaled, to Israel from pentagon, and thus middle class tax payers.
And Russian Slavs stole Finno-Ugric lands; China stole Tibet and land of Wigur. And various rootless people invaded lands of the indigenous tribes or people that lived on regions adjacent to the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea in ancient times, and more recent times. As JESUS was of indigenous tribe, HE was crucified by invaders.
And where is above mentioned, evil, closet pedophile, Rabbi Dov Zakheim? And is Shrub's Former Defense Secretary 'Rumhead' Rumsfeld enjoying rum and his billions on a tax-haven rum island, but not crying over lost American lives killed and maimed fighting the Manchurian Candidates' or Clinton-Bush wars, i.e., Zionists' wars?
Rather than use Christian kids, let Zionists send their own Zionist kids, bunker busting bombs, and nerve gas tipped missiles into Muslim lands. Now middle class and poor Christians pray for the following, i.e., that the world's top financial leaders pray for JESUS/GOD to enter their own hearts and minds to such an extent that they will recommend the following action to world leaders and to executives at some of the world's biggest financial companies fast: They must recommend: 1) All banks, including Israel's and the Rothschild bank, return to America's Treasury Department all monies stolen from America's middle class taxpayers, fast.
Continuing above, they must recommend, 2) Washington politicians re-enact Glass-Steagall Bank Control Act of 1933, 3) other nations enact legislation that is similar, 4) Federal Reserve again publish M3-Money-Supply figures, 5) The federal government controls the monetary system, and 6) Washington enforce publication and use of true cost of living inflation, Consumer Price Index (CPI): For up to 1996 the CPI included rising cost of energy and food. But since 1996, the rapidly rising energy and food costs have been left out of the CPI: Food and energy were inhumanely left out by two evil Zionists, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and Michael Boskin.
Now we add a side item. When some of us were young--about age 19 in the early '50s--we first began to research the roots of our own and humankind's many tongues, genetic trees, and religious beliefs. Then one of the makers of this blog, when on a high knoll near the Superior National Forest of NE Minnesota had an Epiphany. He heard, "Tee Hyvää". It translates in a Finnic or Finno-Uralic dialect tongue(s) to, "Do Good". Finnic has several dialect tongues; one of which Jesus most likely spoke, and that Moses most likely understood; but that later scribes most likely did not. (More on Jesus, Moses, Egypt's pyramids and Finnic tongues later.)
After the above, we begin a long blog. It has new concepts, and information; much that is not taught at universities; due partly because professors of history and religion may sometimes teach concepts taught to them when they were young undergrad and graduate students. And moreover, the fact that our concepts may be new to professors may be due to the fact that the material that is in our blog has never been presented anywhere in print. Thus perhaps readers, and hopefully professors, will enjoy this blog; as we shake a unique tree(s) of knowledge, so long hidden in the forest. And lastly, we ask what manuscripts, and other items, do France, Spain, Turkey, and the Vatican keep hidden from scholars. Many of their hidden items were stolen by Kings, leaders, and Popes from ancient native tribes. But first:
Bill Clinton in 1999 voided 1933 Glass-Steagall Bank Rule Act. And evil Zionist Sanford Izy Weill was a mega campaign funding Sugar Daddy to the Clintons. Yet Democrats and others must hope for the best under Obama Presidency, even as evil closet Zionist Geo Soros was Obama's mega Sugar Daddy. Was/is Izy a Devil?
America, and likely the world, can not be saved from economic recession or Second Great Depression
unless America's cities again burn or have riots as they did in the '60s and '70s and/or the truckers quit driving and/or pilots quit flying commercial planes. One or all of these preceding acts would make the campaign funding Sugar Daddys, with their lackey toys, the Washington politicians, likely try--as a sham?--to pass a Law that is ABSOLUTELY NEEDED to avert a fast coming SECOND DEPRESSION. We hint at a sham law because of the totally useless, in fact barf-inducing, result of the McCain-Feingold Campaign Deform Law, or "Duper" Law, that, in fact, put more Sugar Daddy money into campaigns. Campaign Finance Reform.
The MOST URGENTLY NEEDED LEGISLATION, if enacted, would demand the return of all monies stolen from the US Treasury, Military, etc., in crooked ways by evil Zionist Sugar Daddys, and others; and require The Department of Justice to demand extradition of these types of vile crooks, hiding in other nations, back to America.
Thus we support the actions already begun by independent and other truckers in some states. Unfortunately in some states the truckers' unions are controlled by their union presidents, and others--who in turn are controlled by incriminating photos, or "interesting" types. In any event, just as Thomas Paine sat on a horse, so must thousands of truckers sit in their trucks on the expressways. And the state patrols, sheriffs, and states' national guards must not hinder the truckers' Freedom of Speech right to save America. Yes, the monies gotten immorally by greedy thefts by hundreds of Zionists and the campaign funding Sugar Daddys and Mommys must be returned to the US Treasury, fast to save America, and the world.
The world's people must never forgive the vile Zionists, nor the Clintons and their two biggest Sugar Daddys, the Zionists Robert "Robber" Rubin and Sanford Izy Weill for killing, in '99, the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act. Are all Zionists as handsome as Izy?
The Act controlled the actions of Zionist run financial power houses. But, since 1999, when controls were removed on greed by Zionists, the world has been nearing a deep and long depression. Their greed to obtain grossly undeserved mega wealth was achieved by using their created hedge funds, highly leveraged derivative instruments, and shadow banking, more shadow banking, more shadow banking, and yet more shadow banking, and still more shadow banking.
Sickeningly some people have practiced greedy thefts. So have sadly the Zionists practiced greedy thefts: And the Zionists' greedy thefts of both the peoples' monies directly, and also American Government monies, have caused America's, and likely the world's economies, to begin a fast dive into the Second World Wide Depression.
As regards this next Depression, it is most important that we know the two villains that set the world to enter into this soon Second Depression. The two were George Soros and Sanford Izy Weill. And astute know that the major cause of this next Depression was the use of Hedge Funds and Derivatives in "gambling" in housing and real estate subprime mortgages. Yet few know that the early forms of vile hedge fund instruments were begun by the evil Zionist coin changer, Geo Soros in the '70s. (Soros wants open borders and a one world government.) And the other villain, Izy Weill was a BIG Sugar Daddy to Bill Clinton; the WORST President America ever had: Clinton got this honor for signing a bill that included the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act. Izy Weill was not only a major Sugar Daddy to Bill Clinton but to many members of US Congress: As he was known as the Mega-Moneyed Mugger of politician's votes it gave him the lead role at killing the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act that prevented banks from investing in hedge funds, derivatives, and making or backing subprime loans.
Now we go back to Soros. In the early '90s Soros made over a billion by attacking the Bank of England and its currency, the Pound. Since attacking the Pound, Soros and his Zionist ilk have used and still use their lackey toy politicians--no longer our honest politicians--in their efforts to destroy the value of US dollar as a major currency. And with his uncontrolled greed Soros tried to get control of the world's leading mobile phone company, Nokia; but he failed. Shortly thereafter, when on a German business trip, the then Nokia CEO fell or was pushed to his death out of a high hotel window. German police investigating the matter could find no links to Soros. Yet after Soros failed to get Nokia, and after the CEOs death, Soros was and is thought of as a vile Soreass looser. Hence, as George Soreass is the main Sugar Daddy of Obama, we recommend Obama sleep on the first floor of hotels; under beds.
In any event, the Depression has surely begun. And as stated above it will deepen fast. It will put America's dumbed down, dullard, servile, middle class, out of their homes. They will live in tar paper shacks, rusty cars, ragged tents, on soon worthless food stamps to buy milk at $9.95/gal. They will wait in long soup lines for boiled weed roots and insects, good protein. The middle class, including truckers, relatives of state patrols, national guard members, etc, will soon live as just stated unless middle class and truckers act. Yes, soup lines for handsome devils, Izy Weill and Michael Chertoff.
People acted in Chicago, Detroit and other cities in the '60s, and '30s. An author of this blog was in Chicago in '60s teaching in African American schools when Chicago, Detroit and other cities burned: Bonfires were not for marshmallows: They were hot words to politicians to put their Sugar Daddys in Prison at hard labor pounding on rocks derived as "derivatives" from hard granite.
Here we must add that sending faxes or emails to politicians is useless. They are CONTROLLED by Sugar Daddys and by sex photo extortion, as are many of their Chiefs of Staffs, and other aids. The people, as large organized groups, must enter the billionaires' gated communities, and take back the vast ill-gotten wealth from "things" like Izy Weill. He got his wealth using above mentioned, recently created, uncontrolled hedge funds, and highly leveraged derivatives. The type of ill gotten riches obtained through hedge funds, derivatives, shadow banking, etc, must be forcibly returned--from Robber Rubin, Sanford Weill, George Soros, and from all of their ilk--to the US Treasury; by an Emergency Ill-Gotten Money Back To Treasury Bill.
Although the above action may be hard fisted, yet America is in a most severe crisis. Thus politicians may need to come out from under Sugar Daddy controls and have the National Guards round up rogue billionaires, and not underfed peons. In fact many billionaires--fearing their irate seizure and holding by people, mobs; rather than courts in America (they control courts)--are now living in more safe tax haven nations.
And now we give an alert: In 1945, the raising of income tax rates to as high as 96% on super high earners was enacted for the years 1946-1951 by national politicians to gradually pay off the debt that was run up to fight World War II: The Sugar Daddys of the '40s were happy that they lived in America and readily accepted very high tax rates on themselves to pay off WW II debt. But the current Super High Earners--most are Sugar Daddys--will not pay even a 3% rate! Instead they have created foundations where they control their monies, and also give vast sums to their Zionist run religious groups. And our reading of a bill before the Senate Finance Committee makes us quite certain that the Mega Earners and Sugar Daddys will make their lackey toys, the national politicians, send America's current debt bail out bill--aka "Iraq Invasion to Help Israel" bill--to the states. Yes, they may well send Federal budget deficit and debt sums to the states for payment!
The past 40 years of Federal deficits and debt sums were run up by Fat Cats and Sugar Daddys. As stated above, in our reading of a bill before the Senate Finance Committee, the huge federal debt and deficit sums will be sent to the state politicians to send to their constituents in the form of huge new state, county, city or local property taxes or other taxes--auto license registration fee taxes, gas taxes, ammunition taxes, etc, to make the middle class very poor, and to suppress people movement, revolts.
Now one of our members ran against the current Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee in a Democratic Primary in northern Wisconsin when they first ran for Congress in 1969; Dave won. Now we pray that Dave is not controlled by Sugar Daddies that would force him and his House committee to agree with any likely Senate bill that would send any "bail out federal debt bill for payment" to be paid by the states and property tax payers.
Thus Americans must NOW take back America from Sugar Daddys; Robber Rubin, George Sorass, Sinfat Izy Weill, Dov 'Gold Sack' Zakheim, Paul 'Mange' Wolfowitz, Alan 'Scrip Money' Greenspan, Ben 'BSer' Bernanke; and their toys, Shrub Bush, the Clintons, and Barak 'Barker at Circus' Obama. As occurred in '30s, '60s, and '70s--and is now occurring in Argentina--truckers, farmers and others must halt 'business as usual'. Is there enough hemp in the world for mega hanging rope for gated community billionaires, as New York Fats George Soreass Soros and ilk?
To continue with theme of greed, China is run by a military and secret police mafia that has no limits to greed, and control of peoples' desire for freedom. The greed included theft of Wigur lands and Tibet, and the control of the freedom of the indigenous people. Russia is also run by a military and secret police mafia that mimics China's in greed, and people control. It also stole much land and riches. The land in question was and is Finno-Ugric lands and riches.
America is also run by unbridled greed by ZIONIST CONTROLLERS within the two power structures of its two parties, the Democratic Party and Republican Party. The Democratic Party is controlled by Zionists, Catholics, and greed; the Republican Party is run by idiots, Zionists and greed. Now in both parties greed is actually mega greed that, in thirst for fast riches, enticed the Republicans in full control of Congress in 1999 and Bill Clinton as then President to repeal the Glass-Steagall Act as stated above. This resulted in removing whatever was left of controls on greed--a greed that was allowed to mushroom and stampede unhindered with the use of new financial vehicles called hedge funds and derivatives (highly leveraged side bets) after 1999: There were, after 1999, NO LIMITS on rich pinstripe-suited con artists in the financial world. This has now resulted in several bank and other financial institution failures, with more to come, after Lehman Brothers. And no one's silk pinstripes will become rag cotton prison stripes--there being no punishable limits.
Yet humankind must set limits. The automobile world has speed limits. So also in the world of money there must be limits--greedy theft limits. But proposed limits will fail when Zionist Sugar Daddies keep Zionists in the Federal Reserve.
China will not give Tibet freedom and remove their Chinese invaders back to China. Yet in America there is an idiot economic sociologist who hails China: However at the end of a recent article the Johns Hopkins' professor was exposed as an idiot.
Urgent Alert to Protestants of the world. But first we send a letter. Dear Founding Fathers of America; You tried hard to create a free Nation for Protestants. Yet some of you should have gone to The Near East, Italy, Spain and Saudi Arabia in order to learn of the great perils you would put America into when you wrote into the Constitution a Right to Religious Freedom. But because one or more of you Founding Fathers had never sailed to, for example, Sicily, Turkey, or Saudi Arabia, you were not aware of the inhumanity--including organized crime units--inside many non-Protestant religions. So, not knowing of great perils to Protestants from nonProtestant religions, and in order to provide religious freedom to the people with different Protestant beliefs (Anglicans, Methodists, etc.) coming into America from England, or forming in America, you wrote into the U. S. Constitution the right to religious freedom. Yet, you meant religious freedom only for Protestants; not anticipating the threat that nonProtestant religions will have on America when they come.
So you did not write words, religious freedom only for Protestants, in Constitution. The result has been that those who have nonProtestant beliefs have entered America and destroyed America; under guise of 'Accept also our entry into America because we too want religious freedom--to kill your freedoms'. Now America is DEAD--the Depression is here, caused mainly by Zionists.
The current Federal Reserve Board Chairman, Zionist Ben "BSer" Bernanke, and a Goldman Sachs' Uncle Tom, Hank "Weak Honk" Paulson, and Politicians controlled by Zionists and Catholic Church can--and would even if they could--do nothing to save America and a world from a deep, long Depression. So Founding Fathers in Heaven kindly ask God to send down to America the Minute Men with Muskets, or more.
And now Zionists and other People Controllers 'arranged' an oral arguments hearing, 3-18-8, on gun control before the U S Supreme Court. And depending on how the court rules the court may take away our constitutional right to have guns at home, including muskets. Yet Americans, to protect their freedoms and lives, may need not only guns but bullet proof vests. But in order to hinder people in protecting themselves will an anti-gun group also sue in the courts to ban ownership of bullet proof vests?
And sadly some court judges are controlled by photos, tape recordings and/or surveillance films of the judges doing 'interesting activities'--with the judges having no pin stripe vests or silk shorts for protection from camera shots. Some judges make decisions to meet the desire of a controller(s); and in return will receive some riches.
Now we give a most negative opinion on three American Presidents of the past 50 years; Ron Reagan, Bill Clinton and Baby "Shrub" Bush. The reason these 3 are at the top of the list of America's worst past Presidents is because they allowed mega amounts of money and wealth liquidity (measured in billions if not trillions of US dollars) to be stolen by Zionists from America's middle and lower income classes. And Clinton was the worst of these Three Stooges because he did NOT VETO but rather signed a Republican passed bill that included the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 which controlled the actions of Zionist run financial power houses.
If Glass-Steagall had remained it would have controlled the Zionist heads of financial institutions from stealing at least some 300 billion US--in the form of salaries, bonuses, and golden parachutes to themselves--that came from the money and wealth of the middle and low income classes. Most importantly, if the Glass-Steagall Act had remained it would have prevented the, what will soon be, worst Economic Depression, health crises, and starvation the world has seen; and will see.
By not saving the Glass-Steagall Act, fat-legged, fat-headed, peroxide-haired Clinton will go down as the WORST President America ever had. And the 'things'--Ralph Nader excluded--running for President today can and will not save America and the world from a deep long Depression. Sorry to say but not one of America's politicians or 'things' come even a tad close to being what America's founding fathers were like when they struggled to save America from mega rich controllers. Note: Zionist Alan Greenspan was USA's worst Federal Reserve Chairman. And in next 2 links if first link makes you sign up then instead click 2nd link and scroll down--in 'Catholic Church Wealth'--rather far to bold red heading 'SINFAT IZY WEILL, USA's vilest', then return back here to our blog. So here are the two links Sinfat Izy Weill, USA's vilest, and SINFAT IZY WEILL, USA's vilest. Could there be a Devil(s) in disguise?
-----------------LIKELY GREATEST MESSAGE SINCE JESUS SPOKE--------------
Now a few words on how to hear the likely greatest message told to humankind since Jesus spoke. To hear it you must already have, or now download and install, Windows Media Player 11; it is free. It lets you hear this great speech by entering the next link and scrolling down a tad to click a link 'here to listen to files online' in Benjamin H. Freedman exposing Zionism. Zionism caused WW I, and WW II. And most likely Zionism will cause WW III. Also in next link, you must directly at left click on Daryl Bradford Smith's archive audio file of most recent speeches of 3-16-8, 3-14-8 and 3-10-8 on 'Royal Bank of Scotland', Click Audio file (9.5MB); 'Economic Meltdown is Now Here', and interview on 'Gold Market Manipulation' in Audio File. Hopefully, Mr. Smith will soon discuss the role of 'Zionists in Hedge Fund Wheat Market Manipulation'. Note: Zionists created the Hedge Fund Market to carry nefarious new, untransparent, highly leveraged, derivatives in futures instruments.
Another great link is 'Jew Watch News': In this link a great sublink is found when you scroll down to the heading, 'Jewish Leaders, Conspirators, and Power Lords'. Under the heading are many names: Amongst the names you must click on is Mordechai Vanunu. Thus kindly remember or write down the preceding instruction as you now click Jew Watch News. And in it you must scroll down to find and click name 'Mordechai Vanunu' to get Jew Watch Mordechai Vanunu. If this last link fails, then Zionists have controlled access to it. If so then you must type his name in a search engine, such as Google. Note: Sadly even search engines may not yield all sites as most if not all search engines are controlled by the Controllers, the Billionaire Zionists.
Yet the above 'Jew Watch News' link forgot to mention the 2.3 trillion dollar mega thieves of US budget monies, Zionist Rabbi Dov Zakheim, and Paul Wolfowitz; also the Bush Scam Scum Rat Pack. Here is another link to the trillion dollar thief, the mega 'money-dipper', Dov Zakheim: Zak filled his sack. Now surely there must be enacted a Dove hunt season on the makers (bastards, bums) of unregulated, untransparent hedge funds, and lying CEOs of "false-info" credit rating agencies (such as Moodys) that falsely rated derivatives, and subprime mortgages : All these sick bums have made for the middle class and others a Dire World.
If you need help to hear the audio in above Mr. Freedman's speech link then here is help: In the link at the bottom of the next paragraph search for a picture--or frame with missing Freedman picture--in upper left; or scroll down a tad to a picture, or frame with missing picture, of Benjamin Freedman: If you scroll down you must look carefully for his name because it is black upon a very dark brown background, and hence hard to find. When you find the link then click it. Next, left click with cursor finger on either of the 2 pictures, or frames, to get links to the archived audio files or audio online. Once inside either picture or frame site you will note the speech is stored unsegmented or in segments. Thus to hear the over one hour unsegmented speech by Mr. Freedman--on just one click--you may click upon either of the two picture sites or frames, and do following steps given next.
If you choose to click the picture, or frame, on upper left then (when in it) to hear unsegmented speech using only one click you must place mouse curser upon 'Click here to listen to these files'. But if you decide to scroll down a tad to the other Freedman picture or frame then you must note this: You must look carefully for Freedman's name because the webmaster put his name in black fonts against, sadly, a very dark brown background. In fact, since the name is hard to see, one wonders if Zionists 'influenced' the webmaster. In any case, click directly on the picture or frame itself and not on any text near picture or frame urging you to click here. Once in it you must choose to click on the site's sentence at the top 'Play mp3 files below online' to hear the speech unsegmented. And kindly remember that, as stated above, the speech you are about to hear is likely the greatest made since Jesus gave His speeches. So to hear the over one hour Mr. Freedman speech uninterrupted you must remember, or write down, above simple instructions. Then, as stated, you must look carefully for Freedman's name because the webmaster put his name in black fonts against a very dark brown background making name hard to see. In any case, you may now click on Freedman speech or Audio Files. Once in the link scroll down a tad to click on the audio files online.
But a click to access speech may be unsuccessful when you click on either of 2 pictures or frames mentioned above: For there may be a 'Zionist blocked' link to the speech audio. So we have another way to archived audio of the alert message. But first we need to bring the reader up to date on dirty tricks done to Mr. Daryl Bradford Smith on his website, iamthewitness. His site may allow one to access Mr. Freedman's speech. But, when you type the preceding as one word (no spaces) in a search engine such as Google or in IE address bar to go to his site and click on latest show he gave 1-9-08, you will hear him stating, "My website was harmed by Zionists who put one or more viruses on it. It (they) harmed my website and radio show. They fried my website. And they created a duplicate fake link to my website".
Thus, instead of typing 'iamthewitness' in Google or an address bar, you should go to his website by way of our (this) blog and, when in our blog, click above Audio File to get into his authentic website. For, as just stated, Zionists have created a fake website with same words; or they have removed Freedman's picture. To read about this rottenness, you should enter his authentic site safely by way of our (this) blog and, once in his website, scroll down a tad and on left look for date 2-22-8 to hear '(virus) attacks, spam' speech by Mr. Smith; and click audio file.
Now his radio show is heard again--sometimes slightly hindered--since the Zionists' virus attacks. So that is life for those who attempt to inform and alert people about vile Zionism. But because we at our blog are aware of possible attacks we do not list our email address. And we never open emails on our home computers: On most we click spam: A rare few we open, but in libraries. For the Zionists and other interesting types are out and about. And every day we run Norton Antivirus, SpywareDetector and Ad-Aware SE 2008. Also the people that host our blog at Blogstream do a good job protecting bloggers. We just hope and pray they buy more band width as it often takes very long to enter a blog in Blogstream. Crucially, when you type the above mentioned 'iamthewitness', you must click, as stated, on picture of Benjamin H. Freedman.
As stated, the archived audio file of speech by Benjamin H. Freedman exposes that Zionists caused WW I and WW II, and likely will cause WW III. Mr. Freedman left his Jewish faith to expose the ills of Zionism. In fact there have been and are many Jews who have left their Jewish faith, including Jews for Jesus: Former world chess champion Bobby Fischer (mother Jew) described Jews as "thieving, lying bastards." Mordechai Vanunu, an Israeli nuclear scientist who became a Christian, was jailed 18 years and tortured in an Israeli prison. As said, the access link to 'audio file' will be given again in the next paragraph. Kindly make copies on discs or cassette tapes--and give them to others; also to pastors.
Kindly pass them around, even to pastors, so that people will know that their children will be soldiers forced into a future "Zionist-orchestrated World War III"--as Zionists created past wars. Yet in fact Muslims may create WW III. But God will not allow WW III to happen if Protestants wake up, are alerted, and are informed on attempts by Zionists or Muslims to be earth's last living creatures--insects sucking or chewing on corpses. So the audio links are found in Mr. Smith's site by clicking on a picture of Mr. Freedman seen in upper left or seen by scrolling a tad down in center in Audio File or in Past Wars. Once in the preceding 'audio file' site you will note the speech is stored in segments, as stated above. To hear the full over one hour Mr. Freedman speech--with just one click--you may click at site's top on 'Play mp3 files below online'.
Fortunately, Mr. Freedman's speech can also be read in text form by scrolling to two headings, 'Jewish Defector Warns America' and 'A Christian View of Holocaust' found in link to Benjamin H. Freedman on Zionist's role in Past Wars, (2) Text, and the future likely War. Here is another link that has text of Mr. Freedman's speech.
Yet because Zionists may continue to harm or deny access to above website, iamthewitness, and its great links--for example its link to audio and film clip of Israel's attack on US Liberty ship--we give the text of Mr. Freedman's speech in an added post to our blog. In the post scroll a tad to read Mr. Freedman's Anti-Zionist speech.
Examples of Zionists are Dov Zakheim and Paul Wolfowitz. Now who will jail them and also the Scam, Scum, Bush Rat Pack? Here is another link to the trillion dollar thief, mega money-dipper Dov "The Duper" Zakheim; who, through theft, fills his sack. Anyone for a dove hunt season on the 'bum-makers' of unregulated, untransparent hedge funds and lying CEOs of "false-info" credit rating agencies and bond credit rating agencies (Moodys, Standard & Poors, etc.) that falsely rated hedge funds, derivatives, and subprime mortgages: These bums have made for the middle class and others a Dire World.
Now we start new item. Congressman Dave Obey and many other Democrats were right in supporting Senator John Edwards for President because Clinton and Obama have mega rich Zionists as campaign funders (Sugar Daddies). Next we comment on US Federal Reserve Chairman Zionist B.S. Bernanke, a.k.a Beany-Boy or "BSer", and "Shrub" Bush. They are for interest and tax rate cuts that, again, would largely give more welfare for the rich, and leave or increase regressive taxes on the mid- and low-income Americans. Crucially, former presidential candidate John Edwards had a great tax reform plan, and so was loathed by Zionists and mega rich. Thus he got less campaign funds and media time than others. So we give warning: You must not take mega-funded candidates' campaign releases to the outhouse: You will soil yourself.
As stated, the soiler Sugar Daddy Zionists and Bush want more tax rate cuts. And they want cuts in the discount and federal funds rates by the Federal Reserve. If the 3 steps are enacted, the steps may, they hope, result in a brief economic stimulus. A tiny spurt, if it occurs, would, they hope, move a coming economic Depression's start of true severe bottom past the 2008 election into 2009. But Democrats in Congress must know that the Republicans want fast enacting for this very reason, i.e., to have the Depression's truly deep trough or bottom begin and continue under a likely Democrat president in 2009. So that is the scheme, plan or plot, whatever term fits.
The scheme has been long in the making, i.e., creating market balloons in real estate, commodities, hedge funds, and stock markets. And it now involves the perversive real estate agencies, banks, and bond rating agencies. And an extension of time in the scheme is to have the politicians and Federal Reserve cause the steep collapse into the bottom of the next Depression--with mass unemployment coupled with high food and energy costs (food and energy inflation costs are not calculated into social security checks)--occur in 2009. This is an inhumane scheme that has been 'Zionist-pre-arranged'--connived upon the world by vile Zionists, and not by Democrats. Yet what will historians write if it occurs in 2009? The answer is that later historians will not blame Zionists or Bush for the Depression. Rather, they will state that the Depression occurred under a Democrat. Thus, as the last Depression is often termed the "Republican Hoover Depression of 1929", the next one may be known as the "Democrat Clinton (or Obama) Depression of 2009".
But a "Depression of 2009" if under a Democrat President may be a legacy that may hurt Democrats in elections for years: And Democrats know this. Yet, by likely threats to withhold monies, the Zionist and other campaign funding Sugar Daddies forced, on 2-8-8, the Democrats to work with Republicans to, 1) legislate more tax cuts, and 2) legislate or arrange, likely with the Federal Reserve, even faster ways to get money into the hands of the middle income and poor class people. And faster ways may briefly--repeat only briefly--increase the purchasing power of the lower income classes by summer 2008 to stimulate the economy before fall elections.
Getting small sums of money fast to the lower income people may briefly increase circulation of, what can be termed, "high velocity dollars" by summer 2008. These are dollars not kept under pillows but rather are fast-recycled by people and companies upwards--until they rest in offshore bank accounts of mega rich people, Zionists, and nations, tax exempt. And more high velocity, purchasing power dollars--if placed in circulation briefly (before they accrue into the offshore banks of the very rich)--may move the start of the fast fall into a Depression past the November 2008 election into 2009; the politicians hope. Next we reiterate the plot of the mega rich.
The plot is that by a threat of withdrawal of campaign funds the Zionists and others would get the timing of the Depression's fall, not only in America but the World, moved past America's 2008 election into 2009. Now obviously Democrats also want campaign funds. So besides assuring themselves of campaign funds, the Democrats did vote on 2-8-8 for legislation to stimulate the economy so that there will be less chance of a bad Depression before the next election: With no Depression on election day, the voters will be less inclined to vote Democrats out of office too. (All politicians want to remain in office.) But if in fact the result is that a Democrat becomes President, the Depression would occur under a Democratic administration. And this would enhance chances of Republicans getting into office in future years.
Sadly, the above plot fits with the diabolical schemes of Conservative Zionists, and the other inhumane mega rich. But the beginning slide into the Depression may already be here. And the US Fed can do little to avert the slide. Yet one wonders if having currencies backed by gold would both halt recurring Depressions, and Wars. Or is returning to gold-backed currencies rather late? In any case, the nation with the 2nd biggest economy, Japan, can not slow the slide into a world wide depression.
Support that Zionists and Zionist Sugar Daddies do many types of wicked acts follow: Recently, for example, they showed little love for America when they almost certainly forced Republican politicians and company CEOs to sell top secret military parts; and even sell and ship to China an entire company--formerly located in Indiana--including all of its equipment, laboratories, patents, documents, trade secrets, and intellectual property (knowhow) with valuable neodymium magnet missile guidance secrets.
And Indiana Democrats could not stop the selling of secrets as Republicans and 'The Shrub' overruled them! The military personnel and middle class must wake up and vote Democrat. You must not be fooled into voting for a politician because they say they will stop illegal immigration, and send out of the country the law breakers; as did President Eisenhower. For many--including some who help with our blog--sadly voted, not once but twice, for a sickly Republican shrub that only bore wormy fruit.
But regardless of under what President, Republican or Democrat, the next Great Depression occurs, it should rightfully be called "The Zionist Mega Depression". For Zionists created the new pyramid--virtual Ponzi--schemes in the several new financial instruments; such as Swaps and Derivatives in the subprime mortgage market, the hideous Credit Default Swaps (CDS), and Price Swap Derivatives (PSD) markets. Alarmingly, a most insecure part of the world's estimated 5 (50?) trillion (US) Zionist created pyramid schemes--made up of their created new financial instruments (houses of fools gold cards)--may soon collapse into a prearranged pump and dump black hole. The middle class is in a murky fog of untransparent, unregulated hedge funds, and credit default insurance; and shadow banking (link, a must read). Note: Here are three interesting links to some who made money on subprime debacle, Paulson hedge funds, and Angelo Mozilo, and Michael Burry.
A person who was one of the creators of hedge funds in 1980s is the Democrats' major Sugar Daddy, Mr. George Soros, a non-Zionist . Now, in 1980s, the Finnish news media reported that someone may have arranged the murder of the then Nokia CEO. Coincidentally, at the time, George Soros was thwarted by Nokia management and stock holders from getting control of Nokia. Also, at the same time, when on a German business trip, the Nokia CEO fell or was thrown out of a high hotel window--police could not prove cause. Yet today George Soros is a major funder or campaign Sugar Daddy of Presidential primary candidate Obama! Note: Soros tried to be a Sugar Daddy in Russia. But Putin wanted no Soros sugar. So, being likewise wary, we urge Obama, when in a hotel, to sleep on the ground floor--under a bed.
On shadow banking, we remind all that then President Clinton did NOT VETO a vile bank bill passed by the 1999 Republican Congress. The bill repealed the 1933 Glass Steagall Bank Regulation Act. Had Clinton vetoed the Republican bill we would not be facing a severe Depression. For if the Glass-Steagall Act had remained as law the Zionists would not have been able to create uncontrolled Ponzi-like scams (hedge fund scam instruments) presented to and used by banks to write Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs), and subprime property mortgages: Also if the Glass-Steagall Act had stayed as law the Zionists would have had less need for deceptive accomplices from the bond and credit rating agencies of Moody's, Fitch, Standard and Poors, etc.
Now the coming Crash may be more severe than the 1929 Depression. As stated, the seeds for the coming Depression were caused chiefly by; 1) unregulated, untransparent, hedge fund instruments accepted by, peddled and bundled by banks, and 2) other financial scams created by Zionist vipers that were no longer controlled by the Glass-Steagall Act--or by another much needed Federal law banning or regulating hedge funds. And, as stated, the Republican bill to repeal the strong Glass-Steagall Bank Regulation Act in 1999 was not vetoed by then President Clinton. So, to control a possible violent outrage against Zionists--and against a shrub bearing bad fruit, Depression--will Zionists force Bush to declare federal martial law?
Now we never knew we would say this but with the Clinton's daughter Chelsea hurting the middle class and poor by working in a hedge fund we say the Clintons need to hide under their gold laced bed covers--as they suck. It is about time they did it to themselves rather than to the middle class and poor. The Democrats must make certain that we do not have another deceiver following two deceivers, and maybe more than two, that have been in the White House--only Carter honest but naive--since mega rich Kennedy began the lowering of taxes on the very rich and mega rich. For a very low tax rate on very rich and mega rich--which rich Kennedy initiated--created USA's almost every year huge deficits. And it must be noted that the nearly every year huge deficits were caused by the RICH Zionists: For they threatened to not fund the political campaigns of those politicians that dared to vote against America having nearly each year huge budget deficits. So America's now mega deficit, and above--also Zionist created--Hedge Fund Ponzi-like schemes, will cause next Depression.
To avoid the severe part of the next Depression starting under a Democrat the Democrats must not allow any more tax cuts. Starting with rich President Kennedy every President up through the Shrub have cut taxes on those who benefit the most from living in this great country, the very rich--and mega rich. And chiefly Republicans raided the Social Security Trust Fund so as to lessen the budget deficit that was caused by not having the very rich and mega rich classes pay taxes at the rate they did right after WW II--top rate in 1950s was 96%. But use of tax loopholes even in the '50s reduced the actual effective highest tax rate of 96% to near 66%.
Yet it was the high effective tax rates--up to 66%--paid by the very rich and mega rich in the '50s that paid off the deficit that had been incurred by America to fight WW II. In fact the high rates in the '50s resulted in America having a budget surplus. Now the effective top rate is near a low 1%--and we have a HUGE deficit. Next is racist item.
Racist Spain and France out of "Basqueland", and Turks out of Land of Kurds. Racist Russians out of Finno-Ugric (Uralic) lands; Estonia, and Karelia; old Setuland, old Ingeria, old Vepsland and Kaliningrad--former ancient Finnic Samland. Other minorities in or near Russia, and China (Tibet) are also desiring freedom. So it is no wonder that Russia and China are opposed to Kosovo's independence; it sets a precedent. Also Antichristian Muslim Sudan must quit Darfur.
Sudan, Saudi Arabia and other Muslims hate Christians. Thus the European and American Christians must convert Kosovo, Albanian, and other Muslims in Europe, to becoming Christians fast before the Muslims with their very high birth rate outnumber Christians. The name of the game is a baby born every minute with a Muslim name: Infiltrate and outnumber is the "final control" game. We also make a comment that we are against America fighting wars when there is megatheft by those controlling pentagon money; but no prosecution. We will give more facts on this later.
Andrew Jackson, America's 7th President, said, "One man with courage makes a majority", quote no. 15. We say, "One man with intelligence and wisdom may save a majority". Thus, one man contributing to this blog was, again, a candidate--this time against 2 others--for a political office. It was no ego trip by him: He knew that no Protestant can get elected as Mayor of Madison, Wisconsin, as Sheriff of Dane County, or as a Dane County Board member. For Madison and Dane County are controlled by the "People Controllers", the Zionists and the Catholic Church; and by a local Mafia Boss who is involved in the construction industry. (The Mafia is involved in construction elsewhere.) The boss, "Dino Domato", wants the property tax payers or a sales tax to pay for his "help" to build a commuter trolley/train rail system--a local choo-choo; a choo choo from which the mafia can do drive-by chootings.
Yet Madison once had a trolley--which no one used, not even mafia. And Dane County has the highest property tax of any Wisconsin county. Thus Protestants must have courage and wisdom to expose local, national, and worldwide wrongs. For example, we must have courage to fight the problems of Wisconsin's and America's growing numbers of illegal immigrants, crime, drug trafficking, and vote count corruption.
So corrupt is Wisconsin election politics that on the one night when candidates for the Dane County Board had a debate--night of 2-12-8--the People Controllers arranged for Presidential Candidate Obama to come to give a talk at Madison's largest arena; 19,000 heard Obama, 9 heard local candidates; all got to shake hands.
To view a League of Women Voters TV tape of three candidates' answers to questions put to them on an earlier date, one may click in next link, and scroll down a bit to click 'Know Your Candidates, Dane County Board District 12'. When in the site, then on the time track at bottom of Real Player, you may slide the time bar to view and hear any particular candidate's answer to each of 5 questions.
After a question is read by the moderator, each person answers it. First answer by Will is at 5 minutes into 30 min. TV tape. Note: When you have moved the time slider to a spot where you see Will's picture at 5, 10, 14, 21, and 25, min., wait 10 seconds for audio in link to Dane County Board Candidates. But CONTROLLERS removed answers as they exposed Madison construction corruption.
Next we comment on a dire nation, Turkey. Turks must not be allowed into EU or European Union. The reason is that no tribal group in Germany or Europe has as many children born into each family than the Turk (estimated 7 when include those not counted in census). And with ever more Turks also entering Germany, in a few generations (50 or so years) Turks may outnumber native Germans in Germany!! And no tribal group has performed as many genocides or holocausts on other tribes as have the Turks, aside from possibly Gengis Khan and his descendants. Facts implicating the Turk's or Gengis Khan's and other tribe's vile acts in history are found in the many over 3500 year old blond- and red-haired mummies that have been dug up in dry desert areas in Asia, or NW China, also Egypt. As there are now no light-pigmented tribes in these areas these facts support that swarthy Turks or other Asian tribes--in Egypt's case a dark-pigmented Sudan tribe--carried out genocides of ancient blond Finno-Ugric tribes.
Convincing more recent historical evidence of the Turks performing vile genocides is their well substantiated murder and starvation of millions of Armenians in early 1900s, and Kurds--Kurdish action, ongoing.
The Turks are not the only tribes that have carried out near or total extermination of other tribes. For the Romans--actually Charlemagne, the King of the Franks--with threat of force converted several tribes to adopt the Catholic faith: Two converted were German tribes, the Bavarians and Saxons--Einhard, scroll to Saxon wars. Also converted to Rome's religion were the Latvians, Lithuanians, and Poles. These now "Catholic tribes" nearly or totally exterminated many original native pagan tribes and/or their tongues that long ago existed along the coast of or inland from the Baltic Sea--some had become Lutherans under influence of Sweden. The three largest of the aboriginal tribes were the Estonians, Finns, and Livonians.
However authors of our blog do not agree with the Norwegians (preceding above link's authors?) that the Finns and Sami (Lapps) entered Norway after Norwegians had entered it; or for that matter that the Finns had entered Sweden after the Swedes had entered the area. In fact the first maps of Sweden in 1600s showed its far southern tip had name Svecia or Gothland, meaning Swedish area--and the large central and northern part had the name Qvenland (Kainu) or Skrithfinns a Finnic area. This supports that Swedes before 1600s had moved north into Sweden.
Support for migration north to invade Finno-Ugric or Finnic lands by Norwegians and Swedes comes from the following: There are ancient Roman texts, and old maps that note areas of Noricum (Norwegian tribal area), Raetia (Swedish tribal area), and Vindobona (Finnish tribal area of forests and bogs or fens; fen in Dutch is veen [Wien]) existing in A.D. 10 north of the alps and in the areas of what are today known as Austria and Croatia. And as late as 1898 there were likely 19 tribes in Austria. This figure is from a letter sent to Mark Twain by a Jew--the Jew used term 19 "races" instead of 19 tribes. The Jew's letter is in a tract by Mark Twain. The tract is in a book on Mark Twain by Charles Neider. (Book reference is six paragraphs down.) (Note: Here is a link to a tract by Mark Twain.)
Thus the above noted Jew's letter, Roman texts, and ancient map evidence provide support that there were in times past many tribes north of the Alps; and hence support the origin of names for three tribes whose areas had Roman names of Noricum, Raetia, and Vindobona. It needs noting that as neither the Latin or Greek alphabet had the F mark they used V or Ph, respectively. And hence an ancient map, so called Ptolomais Map with Greek alphabet marks, had a Phinni or Finnic region about the Vistula River--in what is now Poland. And Vindobona referred to an area of Finnic tribes. Thus the Finns have retained in their tongue two terms, Ruotsalaiset for "Swedes" who were a people that years ago were from area of the Raeti (Krauts [Germans] or Croats); and Norjalaiset for "Norwegians", a people that once were from Noricum. And the Finns have retained in their tongue the term Saxalaiset for all "Germans" or at least the German Saxons--from a time, likely AD 600 and before, when some Finnic tribes resided more south in above mentioned Vindobona and had some contact with the Saxons. And as mentioned, in yet earlier times Finno-Ugric tribes most likely lived in several regions; for example, in the Near East and Egypt.
In any case, sadly for the Finnics and Sami, the Norwegians and Swedes eventually invaded north to steal the areas of today's southern Sweden and today's coastal Norway from the Finns and Sami (Lapps). Later the Norwegians and Swedes stole all of Norway and Sweden from the Finnics: Also Russian Slavs stole Finno-Ugric lands.
In any event, the Turks mentioned above have murdered not only the Kurds (ancient Medes) but many Finno-Ugric people. And above was a link to an audio tape that people could hear--now also printed--of a speech by Benjamin H. Freedman. In it a short comment mentioned Turko-Finns. Their ancestors were most likely the more light-pigmented mummies that have been dug up, mentioned above.
Light-pigmented tribes and their migrations are mentioned in the link Lost White Settlements. However, authors of our blog need to point out that the light-pigmented (blond) people that may have migrated--either in somewhat large numbers as tribes, or traveled as small groups as traders or venturesome types about the world, and mentioned in the preceding link--were not dark-pigmented Celts, but light-pigmented Finno-Ugrics. For the Finnics--who are the light-pigmented tribes within the Finno-Ugric tribal family (Europe has two families, the Indo-European and the Finno-Ugric)--were and are by far the most light-pigmented of earth's people. In fact the children and young of Finns of interior Finland have not medium blond hair but snow white blond-pigmented hair. Note: In human genetics the tribe that has the highest gene expression phenotype for a gene-determined trait, such as blond hair, is considered to be the tribe for the origin of the gene, i.e. founder gene that arose in generations past of the gene controlling the expression (appearance) of the trait. Note: Here is a link to the use of term founder genetic mutation to refer to an origin gene many generations past of a specific gene; in this example a gene for the high incidence of colon cancer in some family trees.
Now our blog may add aspects to the history of the Near East, and to other items. To begin, recent books have been written by Dr. Martin Bernal on Greek word roots; roots are over 60% non-Indo-European (See: Bernal, Martin, Black Athena Writes Back, Duke University Press, 2001, p.122, and below.) Thus we ask are some roots Finnic? For a book was written by Dr. Nils Idman in 1774 on likely similar word origins (bases) for large number of Finnish and Greek words. And a recent book by Dr. Felici Vinci has astounding (far above chance) likeness or affinity of place-names in Finland and in ancient Greece, Turkey, and Near East: For book citations see below.
And for a supposed Hebrew-Finnish small affinity kindly scroll down in next link to click on Ch. 28. In Ch. 28 scroll to bottom of page 2 (p. 290) to note 5 on Nils Idman in; Inquiries into Words, eds., Antti Arppe, et al., I, Morphology, Ch. 28, Tapani Harviainen, The Story of Supposed Hebrew-Finnish Affinity. When in this link click off Bookmark box so as to read text in larger font Hebrew-Finnish Affinity.
Here are 3 more links that support that Estonians, Finns, Livonians and other Finnics may have once lived more widely: Estonian genes predate Vikings in England, and Estonian tongue in ancient Britain, and this next or third link: In this third link scroll 5 abstracts down to No. 5 of Emeritus Professor Kalevi Wiik on Northern European origins. And Professor Kalevi Wiik wrote a 500 page book: The Roots of the Europeans, with many maps, published in Finnish as "Euroopalaisten juuret", 2002.
In his book "Euroopalaisten juuret", and with other linguistic research, Dr. Wiik concludes that the reason why the modern German tongue substructure is rather unlike that of other Indo-Eurpopean tongues which appear more closely related to each other is that a prior German tribe(s) absorbed likely many Finnic tribes, or visa versa, a Baltic-Finnic tribe(s) absorbed a German tribe(s). This greatly impacted and altered the German tribes' tongues: Impact is truly seen in the resultant modern German tongue's substructure.
To attempt to explain to English readers how the German tongue evolved to a tongue that has a substructure rather different from the other Indo-European tongues, and to get his maps and theory more widely known, Dr. Wiik in 2003 made an English e-book "A New Atlas on the Origins and Early History of the Europeans". It has archaeological, genetic, and linguistic maps. But before you click on next 2 links we must alert you to a pop-up add that suddenly appears. But as of 1-4-08 it does not appear. So you need not worry. In any case it was not part of the site. But if it appears, do not click it: Cancel it. And after you leave the site, run SpywareDetector and Ad-Aware SE. We click on all our sites to make certain they are working and do not create problems for ourselves or for others. And we have not encountered any problems, except in Dr. Wiik's site: It may leave a minor spy or spam problem. Thus after visiting his site you should run spy and spam removers: Is this the work of alleged People Controllers or their vassals? In any case, for now pop up is gone.
Thus go to link Kalevi Wiik and then click on lower left English, and then in top paragraph text on author--in second to last line--click link HERE. In fact on 1-4-08 we added link's url: So here is fast opening link to New Atlas (13 pages, printable). And here may be an interesting site, Motor Theory of Language Origin.
Interestingly Professor Wiik above did not refer to the origin of Near East Jews, and so called Khazar Jews, or when or how each entered Europe. And he did not dare to allege that some Finnics during and after the last Ice Age may have been in the Near East and northern Africa. He wisely did not dare to leave open a possibility that Jesus may have spoken a Finnic tongue instead of Afroasiatic, Hebrew--or note that some Jews have stated JESUS WAS NOT A JEW. That would have been too much.
Incidentally, readers also should scroll down to the bottom to click and read the Comments. To scroll down or up fast the reader should place the cursor arrow on the left edge of the cursor track, near its bottom or top. In Comments is mentioned a book by Italian nuclear engineer Dr. Felici Vinci, The Baltic [Finnic] Origins of Homer's Epic Tales, English edition, 2006, Inner Traditions, Rochester, VT. Dr. Vinci's hypothesis received the first enthusiastic support from the late chairman of Mensa Italy. p. viii. Also Finnic words may support a connection: This next link is in German, the 2nd and 3rd are in English: I have the 3rd because you should scroll to its end to read added posts (comments), some positive by professors, Homer in Baltic, or Homer in Baltic, and Homer in Baltic. And interestingly along the border between Estonia and Russia are the Seto who may have ancient ties to Sidon?.
But before the last Ice Age there may have been tribes both in the north (in Eurasia and Europe) and in northern Africa that spoke tongues belonging to the Finno-Ugric language family. Sadly, during or after the last Ice Age, the movement of glaciers may have scraped away nearly all traces of ancient artifacts left by people in Finland, and elsewhere in the north. Later below I will present studies that support that over 60% of Greek words are non-Indo-European. (Linguists may ask are some Finno-Ugric?) See: Bernal, Martin, Black Athena Writes Back, Duke University Press, 2001, p.122. Now Nov. 2006 Dr. Bernal has a new book, Black Athena, vol III. And an early discussion is in site, Black Athena. Also a most valuable Binsbergen website has appeared, with leads to possible books. For there is much controversy about Who are the modern "Greeks", and their past history, origins.
And for those interested in the many facets associated with the origins of--and the advances in--human beings, one may click on the many links found within the last five links in preceding paragraph.
In the preceding paragraph there is a link to Khazar Jews. Now the Web Site for this link was made by one or more Arabs. They maintain that "European-descended Jews have no blood line to Abraham". But if some Arabs, Muslims, and Jews have a blood-line to Abraham then they all may need to know that Abraham likely did not meet with GOD's approval. For in Genesis (12:1) Abraham left Ur on GOD's order, Lekh-lekha. Its unclear meaning, ventured most crudely, was, "Lowlife, leave" (THE GIFTS OF THE JEWS, Thomas Cahill, DoubleDay, 1998, p. 62). Or transliterated to Modern Finnish, GOD's order to Abraham, lekh-lekha was Laiska/leuhka-lähe 'lazy lout, leave'. Yes, entire Middle East needs new blood. So all Bush Texas Methodist and Baptist Oil Republicans must go there: Problem solved--our's and their's. Note: Term Hebrew may have its origin or base in Ne Piru(t), the Devil (Devil tribe), see Origin of term, Hebrew, and piru and hiisi.
Now about the previously mentioned hidden financial--and possible "KGB-like Homeland Security"--power(s) of the "Secretive Pest Rulers OF The Rulers", an added fact from past history must be mentioned: Before the 1920's, the Rothschild tribal clan owned and controlled much of both Germany and Russia. In fact Mark Twain wrote, "The Jew cheated, exploited, and controlled poor and ignorant Christians [and others] in the American South, Russia; and medieval England, Spain and Austria. The law had to step in and save the Christian from the poorhouse. The Jew is a 'Money-Getter'. They all worship money. He made it the end and aim of his life to get it [money]. Austria opened suffrage to him--and it must surely be his own fault that he is so much in the background politically, [and hated because he funds politician's campaigns, and thereby controls nations.]": Mark Twain, CONCERNING THE JEWS, published in Harper's New Monthly Magazine, September 1899, and in book, Charles Neider, ed., The Complete Essays of Mark Twain, Doubleday & Co, 1963, pp. 236-44. And rich Jewish bankers financed the leaders of Germany and Russia to have their nation's people fight each other.
Next we touch on a related topic. Rome is entering many Protestant nations--using, for example, Catholic Poles to flood into nations, especially England; and other Catholics to enter America. Also Catholics from other nations such as those of Central and South America, and Africa, are swarming into many Protestant nations, not just England. Rome will steal many nations in the same way as Rome stole northern Europe from its original natives, the Finnics. Now a word needs to be said before you the reader click on the next link. For opening it results in an ad hidden behind its home page. If you see the ad then cancel it. Otherwise the ad keeps you from coming back to our blog. Thus you must enter our blog again. Now we continue. The vile Opus Dei is gaining (stealing) ground in England. In fact the arch enemies of Christians the Muslims are gaining ground by uncontrolled entry into many nations and by increasing the number of converts. Two areas of the Muslim numbers surge are in Europe and America.
As stated above, old writings and maps prove that southern German tribes and southern Slav tribes, including Poles, were forced by the sword to become Catholic. Then the southern Catholic Germans, and southern Catholic Poles, invaded north and stole Prussia and present day Poland from the original native people, the Finnic Livonians, Estonians, and Finns (Samland), from Protestant Lutheran Sweden. (At the time, Sweden held sway over several Finnic tribes.) Now we Finnic people kindly ask the Poles to admit their theft of Finnic lands. And we pray that Catholic Priests and politicians will convert to a Protestant faith(s), and they become humane Protestants--and move to their ancestor's lands in central Europe.
Even now, as an example, there are Catholics not desiring to be humane: For Rome is trying to control all of Belgium. It is trying to keep Protestants from creating their own nation. But the Protestants want to be free of Rome's control. The Protestants want to form a new Protestant Belgium out of current Belgium, leaving its south Catholic. Side note: For bloggers here is a nice link, when blogging began.
Now as past visitors to our blog know, our blog's information ("info") is heavy, most informative (with humor intersown), and a tad (ahem) long. We were and are forced to present an urgent alert with extensive, lengthy supporting information--and in a blog rather than a book--because as Protestants we felt and feel the great need to alert middle and low income people of America, and World, of the great threat to World Peace by mega wealthy Zionists, mega wealthy Catholics--and mega wealthy Muslims, Mullahs, and Muslim religious teachers. We raise the alert in the form of a blog because people exist in parts of the world that do not normally read books, or can not afford books, available in America: Also reading a blog is cheaper than buying a thick book or better than reading, hearing, and watching wrong-info that is put out by "Mega Billionaire Controllers".
Fortunately, The People Controllers do not control bloggers. Moreover people (older children or adults) reading blogs do not have the hideous likelihood of subliminal negative instructions programmed from TV screens into their minds by Zionist owners of news television networks. So the reader(s) may want to scroll through our blog (without fear); and our other two linked blogs--for the purpose of informing themselves of matters, most dire. Here we are reminded of Soren Kierkegaard's small book Fear and Trembling. Will God allow Zionists to create a most dire future; a future of World Economic Collapse (a Mega Depression), in which the Middle Class is forced into severe poverty.
And the poverty is created so that their children, in order to receive some income, to buy food for their newly poor parents, and themselves, will be forced to obtain jobs from a private company, Blackwater, and its owner, Erik Prince, aka, Mr. "Never a war I didn't like" Prince: The jobs are to be private-army soldiers controlled by and for the multi-Billionaires--to control American citizens; as closet homosexual Zionist Beria and mentally sick Stalin controlled Russian Slavs, and Finno-Ugrics.
In first paragraph above, Freedman's message on Zionists--and their co-religionists--having caused WW I and WW II, and likely soon causing WW III, is the most important message since that left by Jesus. Is World War III likely? Answer is NOT LIKELY, if Protestants become informed about how mega wealthy Zionists, Catholics, and Muslims are working, sometimes together and sometimes against each other, to attempt to gain TOTAL rule over all people on earth. PROTESTANTS MUST STOP THE ATTEMPT.
Note: The Vatican has its wealth in safe keeping with the Zionist Rothschilds! Enough said. No more wars. Among many steps Protestants, including Pastors, can do is call Bush's Methodist Minister and have him/her kindly ask Laura, George, and the Minister to listen to the audio tape in the link to be given in next paragraph. But God only knows how strongly the Controllers control these three; and how the Controllers, i.e., the megawealthy Billionaire Controllers within Zionism, Catholicism; and Muslims--such as those in Saudi Arabia--proceed toward WW III. The megaBillionaires are in their leak-proof bunkers under water. For they believe that Nuclear and nerve gas war most likely will not kill most underwater sea life--and those human beings in their bunkers below the water's surface--when and if war(s) come.
Thus concerning wars, here is Urgent alert to all Protestants. Kindly click on the next link, and place on your computer a Windows Media Player--and listen to a taped speech of ALERT of Benjamin H. Freedman, on audio file. Make as many copies as you can on discs or cassette tapes, and pass them around to anyone--and to pastors who sadly too often tend to be Huckster Huckabees. We must be as courageous now as were, in the 1960s, the Methodist Pastor McKinley (mentioned in the tape) and Benjamin Freedman. Oh if only Methodist Bush had had Methodist Pastor McKinley: What a difference one Pastor would have made. But the Pastor that Bush had must have been an unknowing Texas Huckabee!
In any event, who will arrest and jail at least two world mega-destroyer Zionists, Dov Zakheim, and Paul Wolfowitz; also The Bush Scam Scum, Rat Pack? Here is another link to the trillion dollar thief, mega money-dipper, duper Dov Zakheim. Now surely there must be enacted a Dove hunt season on the makers (bastards, bums) of unregulated, untransparent hedge funds, and lying CEOs of "false-info" credit rating agencies (such as Moodys) that falsely rated derivatives, and subprime mortgages : All these sick bums have made for the middle class and others a Dire World.
Now as we begin our blog, we answer a question we are often asked, "Since your blog's title mentions Jesus, why do you not begin your blog with some sentences on Jesus, and then state that your blog will cover Jesus at greater length later in the blog. So we answer thus: We state that the so called "Born Again Christians"--such as a candidate in Republican primary race, Pastor "Huckster" Huckabee, aka, President Wanabee Huckabee--had their minds, when they were infants or kids, taught and filled with errors.
They were taught errors, but nothing about the true pronunciation--and thus a true understanding--of the words that God and Jesus spoke to the aboriginal (native) people of Jesus's time period, or before in the Near East. Moreover, sadly "Huckster Huckabee types" were and are also taught nothing in their religious schools about the true roots of America's, and the World's, looming severe financial crises; and other dangerous national and international problems. In any case, also in Muslim schools, the growing brains of Muslim children were and are filled with errors; and sadly, far too often filled with an urge to kill nonMuslims.
In any event, as an example of word pronunciation and meaning in an ancient time period, there are three (two) words spoken by God that have been passed down from an era preceding Jesus's time: The three words, and ventured interpretation, are in 2 sentences in a book by Rabbi Harold Kushner, TO LIFE!, Little, Brown & Co, Boston, 1993, p. 146: On his way to Egypt, Moses asks God at the Burning Bush, "What is your essence?". On an answer, Rabbi Kushner's book has 2 sentences: God answers Moses enigmatically using three Hebrew words which defy simple translation, EHYEH ASHER EHYEH. The usual translation is "I am that I am" or "I will be what I will be", both of which are as obscure as the Hebrew original.
However, we submit that the translation need not be obscure if we know the tongue the two words are found. For we must note that in Egypt and the Near East in ancient times were many tribes speaking many tongues. And each tribe had one or more people who knew more than one tongue: Some knew likely several tongues. We submit that Moses was one such person. Thus the so-called 'enigmatic words' were NOT enigmatic to Moses. Rather, we venture that Moses knew the words God spoke. For why would God have used words with Moses that Moses did not know? One would surely think that God would have answered anyone, not just Moses, with words known to them. So we submit that the three (two) words used by God to answer Moses were two Finnic words of an ancient tongue, or tongue dialect, now perhaps extinct--or maybe not!
For the two words known by Moses, we strongly contend, were and are found in Uralic and its subbranch, the Finno-Ugric language family, perhaps Finnish: They are ehjä, unbroken, and askar(oipi), tasking: Thus God answered Moses, EHYÄ (ehjä, eheä) askar(oipi) EHYÄ,: Translation: "I always was, will be, and am whole, unbroken, eternally active (at infinite tasking), whole." God answers: I am the entirety of eternal motion.
And by eternal motion God was stating; I am immortal everything. I always was, will be, and am "infinite mega multi-tasking", with never having created a start point for perpetual "motion-time", and with never having created a cessation in motion-time--and never a cessation in multi-tasking. (Time is the noted [measured] movement in a space dimension of the position of something [some item] relative to the position of something else, i.e., relative motion or movement of any two items creates [is] time--a time interval of the movement.) (And a start and end of perpetual [immortal] motion-time would be an oxymoron. For any motion that is perpetual [immortal] can not have had a start and can not have an end.)
To repeat what we stated above, we submit that Moses understood the two words. For we know even today of people that can speak in several languages, and rather well. So we venture, Moses also was one who knew several tongues; including a Finnic tongue, although his mother tongue may not have been a Finnic tongue. But, crucial to understanding how later scribes would describe the two words as enigmatic is because later generations of scribes only wrote down the sounds of the words passed down to them--but they did not know what they meant. So they added 'enigmatic'--the two words were enigmatic to later era scribes, but not to Moses!
Now we shall go forward to Jesus's time. In doing so we need to know something about the Hebrew people's history. Although Jesus likely spoke in His local village dialect, yet He was understood by all native Finnics that lived and heard Him in his travels in His region of Near East. Thus the native people understood Him, and God's message: But we know that the Hebrews, being the invaders, were obviously not natives, and, hence, most likely did not know any Finnic tongue--neither did the invading Greeks and Romans: Rather the Hebrews had lived in the eastern desert. From the east they had invaded west into the land where Jesus was born. Sadly, in a relatively short time, the Hebrews had insidiously moved in and stolen much of the land from the natives--the natives were rather naive and less ruthless--living in what is now Israel and Palestine. No wonder Hebrew are called Hebrew: The Hebrew term's origin (root, base) is most likely Finnic, He Piru(t), The 'Devil' people.
One source link for root of term Hebrew is in next link (and the reader may want to follow the threads in this link) Hebrew are Hapiru. Another link is one by an Australian Jew that may be biased against Hebrew and Hapiru being one and same people, The Australian Council of Christians and Jews: Scroll to "The 'Apiru' (or 'Habiru')": From the beginning of the 2nd millennium BCE through to the 12th century BCE, cuneiform tablets from Sumer, Babylon, Upper Mesopotamia, Anatolia and the Syrian–Canaanite region, as well as hieroglyphic texts from Egypt, register the presence of groups of people known as the Habiru. They were recognized as aggressive, rootless aliens – a socially disruptive element. They disappeared from history by the end of the 2nd millennium. The question remains if the Hebrew were descended from the Habiru, a Devilish people. Thus blog makers of this blog ask do Zionists hear the call of the Devil. Better that they heard The Call of Jesus.
This blog, besides being about the above, is also about causes of fluctuation in global warmth and cooling. Also in future, this blog will be about the builders and purposes of pyramids: For word pyramid has root or base (origin) in two Finnic words, pyörä 'wheel' and mitta(ja) 'measure(r)': The human being built and used the pyramid(s) to measure the rate of rotation of the night star zodiac wheel.
But here this current version of this blog does not say much on pyramids but instead presents linguistic evidence to support that God and Jesus spoke a Finnic tongue; and not Hebrew or Aramaic: JESUS was not a Jew. For it is obvious that to be understood by the area's original people, God and Jesus would speak in the natives' own tongue (Acts 1:19, 2:4-11, Isaiah 28:11). It was not an Afroasiatic tongue; thus definitely not Hebrew. Also others have stated JESUS WAS NOT A JEW: More later.
Interestingly, historians do not refer to the origin of Near East Jews, and so called Khazar Jews, or when or how each entered Europe. And they do not dare to allege that some Finnics during and after the last Ice Age may have been in the Near East and northern Africa. They do not dare to leave open a possibility that Jesus may have spoken a Finnic tongue instead of Afroasiatic, Hebrew--or note that some Jews have stated JESUS WAS NOT A JEW. That would be too much!
At top of preceding paragraph is link Khazar Jews. Now the Web Site for this link was made by one or more Arabs. They maintain that "European-descended Jews have no blood line to Abraham". But if some Arabs, Muslims, and Jews have a blood-line to Abraham then they all may need to know that Abraham likely did not meet with God's approval. For in Genesis (12:1) Abraham left Ur on God's order, Lekh-lekha. Its unclear meaning, ventured most crudely, was, "Lowlife, leave" (THE GIFTS OF THE JEWS, Thomas Cahill, DoubleDay, 1998, p. 62). Or transliterated to Modern Finnish, God's order to Abraham, lekh-lekha was Laiska/leuhka-lähe 'lazy lout, leave'. Yes, entire Middle East needs new blood. So all Bush Texas Methodist and Baptist Oil Republicans must go there: Problem solved--ours and theirs.
Regarding above Finnic's, and other People's, past and current history, we may ask if today's events in Europe and Near East are a conspiracy act of this age's People Controllers--"The Land- and Money-getters", "The Rulers of the Rulers"--continuing an age old sad song, maxim: To rule one must connive, conspire, attack, and grab--be a "getter"--to control or own the people's wealth, and worthwhile land; and thus control or even kill many people, and remove traces of their tribal origins or roots: Ancient ruler Nubians did it when striking into old Egypt. Muslims did it when they invaded Africa, Eurasia, and the Far East. The Judas types did it when they took ancient likely Finnic lands before and in the time of Jesus. And the Controllers did it when they financed wars in Europe: Result, Devastation, and Control, and Control, and Control: Links like these make blogs and webs most interesting, by Jove.
In the preceding paragraph in the 2nd Control link you must scroll down to read about the powerful Bilderbergers, and some of their recent meetings, and participants--most alarming; absolutely shocking. (Years ago the first group meetings were in a hotel, Bilderberger.) Who'd a thunk that the world's most powerful movers and shakers meet, and inspect their people ensnaring, controlling and ruling web--in secret, yes in secret to conspire to kill America: as they killed in the past. Yes, it is a Devilish plot, a "Devil thunk" by Jove.
And along with above we must note that Muslim and Catholic religious leaders also work to control people. And to this day the leaders of Russia control Finno-Ugric people--or exterminate their roots. I know. I was there. I walked near their last walk, or soon their last walk. They were made extinct or are being made extinct fast. And The Controllers of the people (various ethnic groups) of Russia such as President Vladimir Putin, a Slav, and the Jewish Rulers of Puppeteers of Puppeteers, care not.
As stated above, Jesus likely spoke in His local area village dialect of Finnic. So this is most likely the reason why there were so few words of what Jesus personally said--much less how He pronounced them--recorded in the first Bible manuscripts written. For the later scribes (writers) of the word sounds of Jesus--that had been passed down to them over many years or generations--were unfamiliar with the tongue of Jesus. Hence they could not reproduce faithfully in writing in their Greek (Koine dialect) the words--or even basic sound units of the words of Jesus: The words of Jesus, passed down from generation to generation, and their great meaning, were enigmatic to the ears and minds of the scribes. Sadly, the words of Jesus and their true meaning had become corrupted.
Yet the scribes did their best, and wrote some words of Jesus. Examples are: 1) Jesus said to Simon Peter, "You are named Kepha or Finnish, Kivi 'rock'; for upon this rock God will build His church", John 1:42, Mathew 16:18, and 2) The final words of Jesus on the cross were written as, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachtani" (Mark 15:34). However the words most likely were in a Finnic tongue, "Elävä, Elävä, loimme, saavutetaan". This was an astounding, most crucial call: "LIVING, LIVING, We created, layed down, accomplished, and now implement [the Great Message for humanity]." And He gave up His Spirit. Now He calls all.
To support the call of Jesus we need to write a paragraph on an essay by Mark Twain, "Concerning the Jew" that appeared in Harper's Monthly, 1899, and a Postscript in a book on Mark Twain's essays, edited by Charles Neider published by Doubleday in 1963. (The references are at the end of the third paragraph following this.) At the beginning of the Harper's Monthly essay in 1899, Mark Twain wrote, "[Including Finns there are] nineteen different races in Austria. [Against the Jew] I have no prejudice". With unbiased intention, in the essay Mark Twain wrote about facts "Concerning the Jew"; as have other writers, including Waldo Emerson, cited below. And remember statement of Mark Twain, "I have no prejudice", as we continue 3 paragraphs below.
Now a word about prejudice against NOT ALL JEWS but against "The MEGA-Rich PEOPLE CONTROLLER JEW". For the "People Controller Jew"--the mega-rich Rothschilds, Lazard parasite clan types--helped finance Hitler and Stalin. And of the early communist leaders in Russia, 90% were Jews. They began the takeover and control of people, land, oil and minerals--included was the control of Finno-Ugrics and of their resources. In fact the Mega-Rich People Controller Jews kept Stalin in power for 35 years. And during the 35 years, the Mega-Rich Jews funded Stalin's hideous suppression and murder of millions. In this drawn out inhumanness, a HOLOCAUST OF FINNS AND FINNO-UGRICS was carried out. This holocaust was conducted under the orders of Jews who were the heads of the Secret Police apparatus in Russia, and who worked with Stalin. The Russian Secret Police Jewish leadership worked virtually as vassals under the conniving of the Mega-Wealthy Jews, the Rothschilds and Lazard clans.
And working with the Rothschild and Lazard banking clans was the late notorious parasite, oil tycoon Armand Hammer. He sent clandestine or laundered funds to the Jews who headed the Secret Police apparatus in Russia, and agents elsewhere--through the Rothschild and Lazard banks. These funds kept Stalin in power and allowed near total annihilation of Finno-Ugric peoples: Edward Jay Epstein, DOSSIER, The Secret History of Armand Hammer, Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc. N.Y., 1999, pp. 119, 170: Also: Jukka Rislakki and Eila Lahti-Argutina, Translated from Original Finnish by Richard Impola, NO HOME FOR US HERE, The Mass Annihilation of Finns in the Urals in 1938, North Star Press of St. Cloud, Inc. St. Cloud, MN, 2002, and Otava Publishing Ltd, Helsinki, SF, 1997, p. 155, many other pages.
About the above hidden financial--and possible "KGB-like Homeland Security"--power(s) of the "Secretive Pest Rulers OF The Rulers", an added fact from past history must be mentioned: Before the 1920's, the Rothschild tribal clan owned and controlled much of both Germany and Russia. In fact Mark Twain wrote, "The Jew cheated, exploited, and controlled poor and ignorant Christians [and others] in the American South, Russia; and medieval England, Spain and Austria. The law had to step in and save the Christian from the poorhouse. The Jew is a 'Money-Getter'. They all worship money. He made it the end and aim of his life to get it [money]. Austria opened suffrage to him--and it must surely be his own fault that he is so much in the background politically, [and hated because he funds politician's campaigns, and thereby controls nations.]": Mark Twain, CONCERNING THE JEWS, Harper's New Monthly Magazine, September 1899, in Charles Neider, ed., The Complete Essays of Mark Twain, Doubleday & Co, 1963, pp. 236-44. And they helped finance and lead Germany's and Russia's people to fight each other.
Crucially, from 1947 through mid 1980s, a wealthy Jewish businessman, Benjamin H. Freedman, a Defector from Jewish Supremacism, warned America of the great danger of allowing our media and government to be dominated by Jews. He was at a very high level in the Jewish and Zionist power structures. He made revelations of Jewish intrigues that led to both World Wars. Three books by Mr. Freedman can be found on your browser by typing with his name, the URL, A Jewish Defector Warns America, A Jewish Defector Warns America, also 'The Hidden Tyranny Revealed', and 'Facts Are Facts'. Also in browser type URL, to get Benjamin Freedman: Defector From Jewish Supremacism. And in URL,, one can find by Mr Freedman a short article that was in a paper Common Sense, JESUS Was NOT A JEW. Note: We typed the URLs because clicking on a link may yield, 'Error 404' or 'Site not found'. If this occurs, then try other link. Controllers' funny business.
In above 'A Jewish Defector Warns America' Mr. Freedman, exposes a most hideous prayer, the KOL NIDRE. This "prayer is made three times by Jews on the Day of Atonement. In the prayer, the Jew enters into an agreement with God that any oath, vow, or pledge that he/she makes during the next twelve months shall be null and void: They shall have no force or effect. And further, the Talmud teaches that the Jew is exempted from fulfilling them".
Below we have a link to the prayer. But often it is slow to appear. So here it is: "All vows, obligations, oaths, and anathemas, whether called 'ḳonam,' 'ḳonas,' or by any other name, which we may vow, or swear, or pledge, or whereby we may be bound, from this Day of Atonement until the next (whose happy coming we await), we do repent. May they be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void, and made of no effect; they shall not bind us nor have power over us. The vows shall not be reckoned vows; the obligations shall not be obligatory; nor the oaths be oaths."
So to a Jew the pledge of allegiance to a nation or flag other than Israel has no meaning. One can also verify above about Kol Nidre prayer in a browser URL,, and click in letter K area to (Note: As stated its appearance may be slow.) Kol Nidre. Some Jews think of banning this prayer.
Thus the above reasons are why there are so few words of what Jesus spoke to the natives in his (and their) tongue in the Bible: The reasons again are: 1) A most snobbish cover-up, control type of hateful racism, and 2) the Greeks (who wrote the New Testament) had either personally heard Jesus speak--and wrote a few of the word sounds down, then and there-- or more likely, three or more generations later, recorded the passed down (from generation mouth to generation mouth) only few remaining spoken words and sentences of his speeches. But as stated above the Greek writers did not know any Finnic dialect tongue--much less the dialect in which Jesus spoke. Yet miraculously some of the words of JESUS were written down with rather correct sounding consonants and vowels, and properly juxtaposed, so as to be understood by one or more Finnish-Americans many generations later. A miracle!
But we do not give in this blog with an extensive discussion of how it could be possible that almost all well meaning "Men or Women of the Cloth" are not knowledgeable about what God/Jesus spoke to the people in that area at that time in the Near East. Note: At that time Finns and other Finno-Ugric tribes (Finnics) had not yet been fully pushed out from Egypt and the Near East by more hostile invading tribes: But over time the Finnics were pushed north into Fenno-Scandinavia, as the last remnants of Glaciers melted, left from the last Ice Age. So if one is interested in a NEW (hopefully more correct interpretation) of the spoken words of God and Jesus, kindly scroll down into this blog--scroll down far into blog to find discussion on Jesus--and discussion on or links to other matters. And do strap yourself into your chair. Lastly we give a next link; but we will not pass any judgement on link to Jesus's time.
Yet, the preceding link site does support that most likely in Egypt before Jesus's time, and in the Near East in Jesus's time, there were a "multitude of tongues". These may have included now extinct dialects of Finno-Ugric tongues belonging to the Finno-Ugric Language Family. (Note: Linguists place the home of the Finno-Ugric Language Family in central or northern Russia. Sadly any remaining traces of any other possible home of the Finno-Ugric Language Family, and/or tongues, and dialects of the Finno-Ugric Language Family, having, in ancient times, been elsewhere have disappeared.
Having said the above we begin this blog with two alerts. The Russian Mafia(s)--some Russian Slav and some Russian Jewish--may be attempting to take control of Israel via threats on or extortion of one or more key Israeli politicians--in the manner that the Russian Mafia(s) or other one or more Mafias are trying to gain or have gained control of USA politicians, industries, Universities, and sports such as tennis, and other sports: Another link, 'Mafia Types' in tennis.
We will discuss the second alert dealing with the subprime real estate mess soon below. But we first talk about the American University mess alluded to above. The mess (crime?) involves the fact that many universities are controlled by ethnic and religious groups. For example, in the next link you must click 'universities' to find that Harvard University is under a Jew Watch. And at least one state University in America, University of Wisconsin-Madison, had as its Chancellor a Jew, Donna Shalala. Now it is under CONTROL by Catholic Irish-American 'Closet Mafia Types'.
For the University of Wisconsin has Irish-American Controllers: They are Provost Patrick Farrell and President Kevin Riley: And almost all Department Heads are Irish. Even the Professor who is the head of the Finnish Language Department is Catholic Irisk. That is like having a Muslim from the Sudan as Hebrew Language Department Chairman!! No Norwegian-American lutefisk eater need even hope to be a Department Head. The Irish are backed by one or more very powerful Wisconsin Irish politicians. One was the Chairman of the Joint Finance Committee, State Senator Patrick Fitzgerald, now another Catholic is Chairman.
And we must not forget the power of a state governor--in this case handsome Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle.
This above inhumaneness of not having Finnish-Americans as Chairmen of the Finnish Language Departments in those universities that teach Finnish is because America's CIA and military is filled at the top with Catholic Irish-Americans. And they want Irish-Americans to inform them of what is occurring in Finland, with a long border to Russia.
Now are all aforementioned graduates of a Catholic University, Notre Dame? And is at least one a Jesuit? In any event, one Irish-American Controller, Chancellor John Wiley, on 12-9-'07 announced he is resigning. Is he resigning because he or his Irish pals were found to have acted over many years to keep the number of Protestant lutefisk eating Norwegian-American student admissions low--and allow entry of only one sauna steam bath reveling Lutheran Finn?
Now one or more writers to this blog have been recently threatened with arrest if they enter upon the University of Wisconsin Campus. So goes freedom in USA--controlled now by Mafia(s). But America still has a few Courageous Thomas Paines, writing an alert. This time the alert is not, "The British are coming". Rather, the new alert is, "The Catholic Mafias--mostly Catholic Irish and Italian Mafias--and other Mafias, some Jewish, are coming, or have come". Today the Thomas Paines state the new alert thusly, "To very rapidly steal (scam) from the unknowing middle class, and other economic classes, the Zionists created the derivatives mess and also one relatively new type of swaps instrument among the already many swaps, gambling crapshoot, instruments
in the subprime housing, and real estate, mortgage markets--and foreign currency markets. The Zionists and others have used hedge fund Derivatives and Swaps instruments that were and are opaque, unregulated scams on America's and the World's middle class; aided by shadowy banksters: These most inhumane of scams were orchestrated by the Zionists in major (large) private banks and brokerage houses: They used unregulated opaque derivatives that already in 1999 were predicted as the greatest danger to the free world's economic system. And so they finally did become the "Great Danger". They created a housing and real estate subprime mortgage crises--and thereby the imminent collapse of the free world's banking system". In support of this new alert being a reasonable alert we ask did Henry Ford or other person(s) imply or say, "Whatever country Jews have entered they have destroyed"? Who will arrest and jail at least two mega-destroyer Zionists, Dov Zakheim and Paul Wolfowitz? Note: Here we add a likely worthwhile link to a blog Private Equity Pro? Also we add links: The Bush Scam Scum, Rat Pack), and mega money-dipper, duper Dov Zakheim (anyone for a Dove season?)--and this new link Fed Bailout May Not Work.
Today's Thomas Paines enlarge the above alert with, "Whatever nation the Jews, the Muslims, and the Catholics (with their pedophile Priests), have entered they have destroyed--or nation(s) they do enter they will destroy.
But the 'Protestant Paines' of today--who want to give the alert--are not allowed to get on either Wisconsin or National Public Radio to alert the American People, and the world. So we ask are the Public Radio Networks controlled by Catholics and Jews?
Yet America was NOT founded by Catholics or Jews but by Protestants. Oh if only America's founding fathers had gone to Spain, Italy, and the Near East at some time during their lives, before they wrote America's Constitution: Those trips would have awakened them to the beliefs, evil clans, and groups (Mafias) in the world that are a threat to Protestants. They would have been alerted to likely future attempts by nonProtestant beliefs, clans, groups in attempts--in later generations after their (the founding fathers) deaths--to control America's Protestants.
In any event we continue this blog with 3 facts: 1) A hedge fund recently earned 1,000% betting against subprime real estate mortgage market, 2) Nearly every bank is insolvent, and 3) In Saudi Arabia an old rich woman's boy lover began Muslim belief. The first two facts/acts helped start the soon severe world wide depression. The third has aided/allowed Zionist Hedge Fund Managers, Political Campaign Funding Sugar Daddies (such as George Soros)--some can be nonZionists--and the Zionist, David 'Devil' Rothschild, and other Rothschild family members--the several Rothschilds are owners of their closely held, Zionist supporting, and nontransparent Rothschild Bank, the world's largest private bank--to create a most evil people controlling spider's web gulag network. And here it must be noted that America's CIA (aka KGB) Director is non other than an alleged closet Zionist, Micheal Hayden: He protects other Zionists and pals who were interrogators or controllers of interrogators.
Now the people controlling Zionist net of Hedge Fund Managers, Sugar Daddies, and the Rothschild Family members created a Zionist Nazi spider web network that stole trillions for themselves--and allowed these mega wealthy, and most powerful Zionists to create the financial conditions that are now leading to a soon world wide depression. And thereby did the Zionists begin their control of the the Soon Gulag Earth? Or will the Soon Gulag Earth be controlled by Senior Muslim Members (Sheiks, Mullahs and Kings) of one or more other nontransparent banks of one or more oil rich Muslim nations--along with nonMuslim Brazil, Russia, India and China--the BRICs? Will it be a Not So Happy New Year?
Here are more supporting links on greedy inhumane Zionists behind a soon to come future Zionist run Gulag Earth: 1) New York Hedge Fund Bets On Crises, 2) FINalternatives: Hedge Fund News, 3) Hedge Fund Gains 1000%, Shorts Credit Fund, and 4) Subprime Short Seller Preps Credit Hedge Fund.
Here we insert a short aside on one other fresh news item. Poland must not ask for more voting power than Germany in EU parliament: For Poland wants to take over EU by increasing babies. For the Poles argue thusly: In WWII, Germans killed many Poles who if they had survived to make many Catholic Poles then Poles would now have a much larger population than Germany. So they argue Poland must be given more voting power. Following this line of argument we Finns, Estonians, Ingerians, and Livonians kindly point out that the Poles killed many Finno-Ugrians in the 1400s and later as the Poles inhumanely moved north. In their entry into and theft of northern lands they killed a vast majority of the then native northern Livonian and Estonian people, that originally had lived in and around the present area of Poland. Yes, the Poles stole aboriginal FINNIC lands. The Polish Catholic Priests and politicians must become humane and Protestants--and go back to their ancestor's lands in central Europe. So the preceding link is to a map that supports our prayer that the Poles do not ever even dream of invading Germany, or tiny Finland.
Now we will discuss what a disastrous cult the boy lover created. The cult he began infected ancient Turkic (and other) tribes around the Black Sea. They then invaded in A.D. 1071 parts of Anatolia (present-day Turkey). Over next 300 years they stole all of Anatolia from nonMuslim believing tribes. Then they invaded the Near East, Egypt, the Sudan, Libya, etc. And today the Saudi young are taught (brainwashed)--when under age 9--by the Wahabi Mullahs to hate and blow themselves up in Afghanistan, Irag, and elsewhere. The Wahabi are a most extreme danger to all people: Today they are killing Christians in Turkey. Since the Turks and the Saudi Rulers will not eliminate the Mullahs and their schools--that teach the young to hate or kill Christians, and others--the nations and banks of the world must freeze all bank accounts of those inhumane rulers and politicians that condone, support, protect, and fund the Wahabi, the Wahabi Mullahs and those associated with their schools; and allow all NO travel to any nation.
Next we say Bravo to French union leaders, workers, teachers, and civil servants who by strikes are casting off the yoke of the Zionist Jew. But when will the Catholic Irish union leaders in America throw off the yoke of the Zionist Jew (The Rulers of the Rulers) in America? The Zionist Jew has even fooled people like Warren Buffett (his daughter is married to a closet Zionist). But no one fools France.
Now not only must the French beware Zionist Sarkozy, but the world must beware his drugger Putin--the boss of reporter killers, the poisoner of Alexander Litvinenko; and beware Putin's hegemonistic, land and resource thieving Russian Slavs: Some Slavs invaded north, first to Kiev area, then more north, eventually even taking Karelia; and parts of northern, eastern, and southeastern Finland. In these invasions they stole Finno-Ugric lands. Other invaders into aboriginal Finno-Ugric lands were Romans/Italians, Germans, Swedes, Norwegians, Poles, Latvians, Lithuanians, etc. Yet it was mainly Russian Slavs and, in its south, some Germans and Poles that invaded the once large Kingdom of LIVONIA (Estonia), (seen in preceding link to map when clicked), and a small area, Oblast Kaliningrad (Russian): This includes Samland area too. But mainly Kaliningrad and Samland were first invaded by Germans, and later by racist Russians who still hold the areas inhumanely: Yet a last link to Samland. Historically, Samland got its name from 'Suomiland', 'Suomalaiset' because of Finn's name for themselves, i.e., people of land of many lakes and fens or swamps (fen or swamp in Finn is 'suo', thus Suomiland, fenland or Finland). The areas were once part of the Great Finnic 'LIVONIA KINGDOM' of Old (Kingdom existed prior to A.D. 900).
In any case, it was the Russian Slavs and Russian Jews that invaded or stole formerly Livonian Finnic greater Kaliningrad region, and other Finnic lands, Ingeria, Vepsland, and Setoland. Of important historical note is that Setoland is most likely the remaining small homeland of Europe's Oldest Settled People, the Setu. Now the next link reads in tiny letters under heading, South Estonian dialects, 'Redirected from Uguanian language': So we give the link next as support for Uguana name: Thus a very old map of southeastern Estonia, and northeastern Latvia has a name Uguana--Finnic root Ikuinen meaning area of 'Eternal People' or 'The Ancient Ones'. Now interestingly did the Seto get their name from the Romans as Roman historian Tacitus in his history, Germania, noted in A.D.60 that the Estonians--Setos were an Estonian tribe--were the most peaceful or settled (settled in Latin is sedo) of all tribes--and that their tongue was still spoken in parts of Britain! Sadly in their entry into Britain, the Romans obliterated any remnants of the Estonian tongue in ancient Britain, by repression.
Yet today in Russia some repressive, powerful Russian Slavs (and Russian Jews?) use the threat of nuclear and chemical warfare to keep hold of other ethnic people's lands; and destroy their cultures, and tongues. For example, Putin's wife's parents were among those that invaded Konigsberg, now Kaliningrad, and nearby Samland: And she was born in Kaliningrad. But she left, as must all Russians: Russians must leave the area of Setoland on their side of an inhumanely drawn border, and all other Finno-Ugric lands and regions that they have invaded and stolen too, including Ingeri (Ingermanland), area around St. Petersburg.
Note: If the Setu (Seto) are truly the remaining living traces of Europe's aboriginal people, then the anthropologists and archeologists must fast show mega interest in researching the Setu and their present remaining land area. The area was left on both sides of a border; a border that was inhumanely placed by the racist high 'mucky muck' Russians and Russian Jews (closet Zionists) between Estonia and Russia, to divide and rule a tiny minority people. How sick and mean can the Russians be? And what a wonderful phrase is 'mucky muck' to use for the Rulers of the Rulers, who rule, control, and miseducate us peons. Mucky muck means filthy poop. Is there poop on Putin? Will Putin go down in history not as the musician, The Big Bopper, but as Putin The Little Big Pooper? And next is a humorous blog on Putin and his wife, wherein it is asserted they go to Finland; because there is no place in Russia where one can not be heard: So here is funny blog Putin and wife. (Preceding blog is pro-Catholic?).
Yet, in any case, we start with a plea to Washington politicians, and their Evil Zionist billionaire political campaign funding sugar daddies: Plea follows below. But first, who are Evil Zionist Daddies? Did a Clinton's Sugar Daddy Zionist(s) murder Kathleen Willey's husband? How did the father of current Chairman of House Appropriations Committee die in 1969 when his son, Congressman Dave Obey, first ran for Congress in 1969? (A contributor to this blog is a man who ran for the same seat in 1969, after receiving his chemistry PhD from Indiana U.) He ran because he was mega incensed with politicians that left his uncle and others to starve to death on tiny Social Security sums of less than 40 dollars a month. Read on contributor in Profile.)
In any case, Zionists are the heads of bond rating agencies (Moodys, Fitch, Standard and Poors, etc.). They gave false bond ratings. They also are CEOs that gave false statements on collateralized worthless debt obligations: They won using slinky, cruel, unbridled greed. They had and have no morality and honesty. In fact they created the hedge fund and derivative instruments. Into these they placed false information. So with these falsely rated, bundled subprime home mortgage bonds, and other junk obligations--and using other evil acts--the Zionists became and remain billionaires. Thus the Zionists ruined and are ruining the market economic system found in several nations including the Late Great USA.
Now here is a synopsis of the book "The Late Great USA". The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada. In The Late Great USA, Jerome Corsi, Ph.D., proves that the benignly-named "Security and Prosperity Partnership," created at a meeting between George W. Bush, Paul Martin and Vincente Fox, is in fact the same kind of regional integration plan that led Europe to form the EU. According to Corsi, the elites in Europe who wanted to create a European nation knew that "it would be necessary to conceal from the peoples of Europe just what was being done in their name until the process was so far advanced that it had become irreversible." Could the same thing be happening here? Is American sovereignty doomed?
Using dozens of documents secured through the Freedom of Information Act and his trademark hard-hitting interviews, Jerome Corsi sets out a chilling view of America's possible "harmonized" future -- one being created covertly, without voter input or Congressional oversight. Could our government's unfathomable position on illegal immigration be tied to the prospect of an integrated North American Union?
“The Late Great U.S.A. is a real winner that sounds a clarion call to this nation. This book uncovers the careful deceptions of a powerful elite who want to undermine our sovereignty before we realize it. I consider this a must read for every American.”
- Hal Lindsey, Best-selling author of The Late Great Planet Earth
”Dr. Corsi has ‘connected the dots’ between the Security and Prosperity Partnership, the sale of toll roads and other infrastructure to foreign companies, and proposals for a North American Union with open borders between Mexico, the U.S., and Canada. The book is an essential read for anyone concerned about the future independence and sovereignty of the United States.”--Phyllis Schlafly, President, Eagle Forum
In fact, in 1944 many nations were close to loosing their sovereignty to Hitler as Germany had a few small A-bombs then! Zionists would have lost too. In fact, is it true that into what ever nation the Zionists, the Muslims, the Russians, and the mafias--one or all--have entered, they have destroyed?
Now the Zionist political campaign funders control the politicians, the news, and the mind control medias, including National Public Radio (NPR), WI Public Radio (WPR), MN Public Radio (MPR)--and us. Thus, as the Zionists are so powerful, we plea they act to bring all American troops home, and totally halt all monies for ALL wars NOW: And they--Zionists--must act thusly until social security payments to the parents and grandparents of troops are raised: The troops save the Zionist billionaire's butts.
The sugar daddy, billionaire, chain jerkers of politicians, must halt all war funding NOW and until they, restore the people's security, health, and joy by having the Social Security Trust Fund be solidly backed by the knowledge that the US dollar is more than soon worthless paper, and that Trust monies are invested in securities issued by a government that is truly SOLVENT--as the law demanded and must demand. The politicians and their Sugar Daddies are THIEVES and must be jailed as happens to "corrupt things" and crooks in many other nations.
To avoid being cursed, hissed, spit upon, and jailed the US politicians and their back slapping, chain jerking, jerks need to redeem themselves. To do this they must triple social security monthly payments to recipients NOW. This tripling will restore monthly payments to sums--for example from $700 to $2100 or more--as originally intended in act of 50 yrs ago when food and energy were included in cost-of-living, Consumer Price Index (CPI). See Inhumanely low CPI. Incidentally, Will's birthday was Oct 11, now age 73. He still fights for humaneness--and freedom from grasp of the Mega Rich Controllers--as did America's first President, John Hanson a Finn, and Finn miners. (Note: Shamelessly, instead of listing a Finn as America's first President, the English-Americans decided that a person of English roots with an English name, Washington, must be cited as America's first President. A NO WOW DEE, over what historians write on what they like, and not on what they do not like, or fail to discover. Sad.)
There are five vital reasons why American troops must be brought home fast from all over the globe. They are: 1) Washington politicians--led by the evil agendum or plan (conspiracy) of the Zionists Michael Boskin and former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, especially in the sly, dishonest Clinton, and the following vile Bush Administrations--have cut social security payments to one third of where they humanely should be if an honest, instead of a vilely lowered, CPI had been used: Zionists Boskin and Greenspan argued that when good meat got too expensive, the social security recipients would substitute cheapest grade fatty hamburger for good meat--and would stop using fuel oil or gas to heat homes. These and other Zionists desired and continue to desire that the elderly must eat fat and suffer the cold. So Payments to Social Security Receivers should be Triple Current Levels.
Thus, for being most cruel to social security receiving grandparents and parents of America's soldiers, the Zionist campaign funding sugar daddies must fund and send themselves and their children--if unisex sugar daddies have children--to fight at the front lines against Muslim Al Qaeda and other Anti-Christian groups in Iraq, and wherever else Anti-Christians may be. Moreover Washington politicians and Zionists must first and now help American citizens rather than send billions of dollars to Israel and to their own offshore tax haven bank accounts.
And Social Security payments--including Social Security Supplementary Income (SSI) payments--must be triple current levels since corn is used idiotically for ethanol rather than for cattle feed: The use of corn to produce alcohol raises corn bushel price, breakfast cereal, and other food prices, including corn-fed beef prices dramatically--see seven paragraphs down. Note: One fourth of all homeless and starving people are troops back from wars! Yet Zionist sugar daddies make politicians build "corn-to-ethanol" plants. And then Zionists make big money by driving up corn bushel price in futures markets. So the news media should expose to the public the CRUEL cuts in social security payments--cuts to near one third of what they humanely should be--in bold headlines weekly.
To continue with vital reasons begun above, here is reason 2) A most urgent need to reenact Franklin Roosevelt's Progressive Humane Tax Act of 1944. The other reasons will be given soon below.
But next we have a link to Catherine Austin Fitts on America's inhumane tapeworm economy created by Zionists, aided by Rome: The suck-worms, mainly Zionists, create pump and dump, scam market instruments, like hedges, and derivatives; fine print, high interest, subprime bundled home mortgages (unsecured fantasy)--and unsecured promissory notes to corporations. For the MIDDLE class readers to truly understand how they will SOON BE PART of POOR CLASS they need to click on bank history, and Zionists takeover of US banks; also Mafia's Angelo R Mozilo, CEO of nation's largest adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) company, Countrywide Financial: Mozilo along with Zionists contributed to now triple-digit increases in foreclosure rates this year compared to same period last year in several states!!
Yes, Zionists are ruining the middle class, and America--and finally creating true fear: As the parasites are mostly very fat, we need strong hemp--for hanging rope. Note: Rest of our blog was unaltered this year. For above heading support see Jews own media news, and see Catholic Power. Also for above heading support click Zionism and Carlos Slim Helu, now the world's most rich man. Note: Bank of America and Vatican Bank were founded by Italians, Rome, and Spain. And see report by a man of vast brilliance and valor, a fantastic Jew who yanked out and exposed tapeworms, Sherman Skolnick. We need more people with the medicine to rid America and world of tapeworms. And here is a site by another great exposer, Michael Rivero.
Continuing our blog we give two vexing items. One is Polish Priests and politicians must not try to make the world Polish. For the Poles already invaded and stole the aboriginal Finnic land of Esthonia (Estonia), aka, Livonia to create Poland, and forced the fair-haired Livonians to speak Polish--a most crude tongue to the ear: Likewise, Muslims have for centuries plotted world takeover. Incidentally, the map in above Esthonia link supports that Norwegians, Swedes and Russians also inhumanely invaded and stole lands from the Samis (Lapps), and other Finnics such as Finns, Mari, Veps, and Setu. And now Russians and others are laying claim to oil from under Arctic Seabed--that actually should belong to the Eskimos, Samis, and northern Finnics: When will the Russians give back to the Finnics the areas of Eastern Finland, Karelia, Ingeria, Samland (Kaliningrad), Vepsa, Setu, Mari, and Petsamo, for example? For Russians have much oil and truly vast areas: They do not need these small areas. The Canadians have given or are giving back to the northern indigenous people much of their homeland areas. So Russians need also show world they are not racists against indigenous people.
Second item is a Zionist Bill Pollack plans to import Chinese cars/trucks via Mexico. Sadly the Zionists, Bill Pollack, and/or Chamcoauto have halted access to the two preceding links/websites. But the 'powers that be', and/or the advertisers, i.e., "The 'Filtered-News-for-People' Controllers" still allow one newscaster to expose items. So in this next link when you are in it you must scroll down a tad to see how The Peoples' True Pal, Lou Dobbs, exposes the threats to humaneness in America and the world: But for how long will it be before they begin to yank the chain of "Bulldog Dobbs"? Well guess what: In a week this last site was also yanked. But we found another site to see Lou Dobbs on Chamco: In it scroll down under News and Press Updates to click Lou Dobbs on Chamco. But sadly, access to all preceding links leading to expose of Chinese Chamco trucks coming soon via Mexico into America have been blocked. Yet item on Chamco's CEO Zionist Pollack is in third paragraph in this link, Chamco. Whoops, now it is blocked too. Yet you may try next two links; and click and scroll in News And Recent Press Updates, Chamco Auto, and Chamco Auto. So the Zionists, Bush, and "Free Traders" are killing US industries and jobs. Incidentally Dobbs has a competetor Bulldog Newscaster, Pit bull Keith Olbermann, an honest Newscaster. So now finally non-oil company people who place TV ads to support newscasts know that oil companies and Shrub Bush are hurting non-oil companies. And upon awakening they have found a Pitt bull to take off the silk shorts of oil company CEOs, and the Shrub. Now let us transplant the vastly overabundant Minnesota and Wisconsin wolves to the dens on Wallstreet and nearby bodes in Connecticut and Long Island of the earlier mentioned Zionist Day Traders.
America's middle class must wake up to know that the Zionists and politician's sugar daddy campaign funders are killing them. And with adulterated imported food the Chinese Communists--they control or own China's companies--are harming babies', and peoples' health--see paragraph 6 below on Chinese bad honey, vitamins, etc.
Now we start another main topic among several in this blog. As cost of food has been removed from the Social Security Core Index in allotting monthly social security payments, it is morally wrong for politicians to support growing of food crops such as soybeans and corn to make ethanol to be added to gasoline. For this raises cost of food crops, food and meat. Moreover, the growing of corn to produce ethanol for energy uses more "oil-energy" than energy obtained, i.e., inefficient. We must use algae as oil source, fast. And the young must not fight the wars of the millionaire politicians, their sugar daddy campaign funders, and the hedge fund, stock and crude oil options billionaires as long as they--the mega rich--do not allot humane social security payments to the soldiers' parents or grandparents.
And Americans must not fight the wars of politicians and sugar daddies who: 1) do not force the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) and/or other agencies to arrest and jail CEOs who hire illegal aliens and, 2) allow floods of illegal aliens to enter USA, get free medical care, become citizens after they broke the law entering illegally, and get drivers licenses, and university instate tuition.
And Americans must not fight the wars of politicians who will not approve progressive state and federal income taxes to fund education. Almost all such politicians have been and are Republicans who have wanted and want to shift support of education from the Federal and State budgets to the local property taxes to fund schools. This is why states must pass two percent property tax caps on both homestead and nonhomestead property.
Alert to Nato and West. Putin, Russians, and Russian descendants in Baltic nations--are disabling communication between computers in Baltic nations--as a test. Also Robert Zoellick must not become the new World Bank Chief as he served on an advisory council at the Enron Corporation, see under minor heading, Other Activities. And he was a cosignatory on a letter to Bill Clinton advocating war against Iraq. Before wanting Christians to fight other's wars he should have first worked with other very influential advisers to politicians to raise (double) recent social security payments to levels originally intended in Act of 50 yrs ago. As it is now the children and grandchildren of Christians now struggling on very low social security payments are being wounded and killed in wars. And Bush and Cheny must be impeached or voluntarily as moral Christians, resign--now.
And Chertoff must resign, be fired by Bush, or be impeached, now. Also the Chinese politicians and/or Chinese Mafias or uncontrolled Chinese business men or even the Nestle Zionist CEO are trying to poison Europeans and Americans? So imports of Chinese honey, and toys, and cosmetics, vitamins, food, including apples, and apple juice, and prescription and other drugs must cease, as FDA and USDA inspect 0.7% of all food and drugs sold. In searching Chinese adulterated honey we found this next website: Now when you are in it then type in its search box 'bush clinton dynasty' Clinton and Bush tied. Note: Some blogs are long; for if info was in a book, then people--say in Italy, China--might not have access to info. Also links give more or updated info--see comments at this blog's bottom, below. Now next is a word on how all Washington politicians and their sugar daddies are truly the MEGA CROOKS when they force and allow tax revenues by counties, cities, states and local units of government to be raised almost entirely by way of property taxes: This THEFT by BULLITICIANS and their CROOK DADDIES hurts all property tax payers.
Now some people or their relatives in our group have nonhomestead property in Minnesota. So we e-mailed Minnesota politicians (bulliticians) including Republican Governor Bullenti, requesting a ten year tax rollback and a two percent tax cap on nonhomestead, forest, and undeveloped seasonal property. Note: Although Bullenti said he would not raise taxes now he may call a special session to raise the gas tax, because the London or Minnesota bridges are falling down.
But as stated earlier above we start with a plea to politicians and their sugar daddies to bring troops home and halt all monies for Iraq or any wars NOW until they double social security monies so as to restore monthly payments to sums--for example from $700 to $1400 or more--as originally intended in act of 50 yrs ago when food and energy where included in cost-of-living or CPI.
There are five vital reasons why above must be done fast. They are: 1) Washington politicians, led by the evil agendum of Boskin/Greenspan, especially in the dishonest Clinton, and the following vile Bush Administrations, have cut social security payments by roughly half from where they would have been if an honest--not vilely lowered--Consumer Price Index (CPI) had been used. (Zionists Boskin/Greenspan argued that when good meat got too expensive, the social security recipients would substitute cheapest grade fatty hamburger for good meat--and would stop using fuel oil/gas to heat their abodes; they would suffer the cold.) So Payments to Social Security Recipients should be Double Current Levels. And soon payments should be triple current levels if corn is used ever more for ethanol (raises corn bushel price dramatically) rather than for cattle feed, see first paragraph above. (Zionist sugar daddies con politicians to allow building of "corn-to-ethanol" plants. And then Zionists make big money by driving up corn bushel price in futures markets.) (The news media should carry this cruel--payments reduced by half and soon by 2/3rds--result in bold headlines weekly.), 2) A most urgent need to reenact Franklin Roosevelt's Progressive Humane Tax Act of 1944.
Reenacting above Tax Act on earned incomes would pay for war material, equipping soldiers, their health care, and restore social security payments to the humane levels intended and needed. Thus children of middle income and poor class people (and adults of these classes) who have their tour times to war areas extended must not fight megawealthy peoples' wars--the megawealthy pay virtually no taxes. Sadly the middle class and poor Christians have been tricked to fight the wars of the megawealthy--mainly Zionist Sugar Daddy campaign funders. Most vitally, the Tax Act would allow Washington politicians to send, as they did in 1944 through 1961, a good part of the large tax revenues gained with a progressive tax, back to the states and cities to lower property taxes, help pay for cost of schools, universities, teachers' salaries, make university tuition again affordable, and save the middle class. For a nation's security demands that all of its young bright minds get a low cost university education--rather than end up in a Blackwater-Bush Private Army.
And from above here is next vital reason, 3) Inhumane rapid increases in cost of food. And reason, 4) Thieving, totally unsupported, unnecessary mega-increases in cost of gasoline caused by top oil executives, Zionists, Saudis, and Russians operating in electronic trades in crude oil/gasoline futures options: Both food and gasoline costs are not in CPI. (The futures options market in crude oil must be banned worldwide by whatever it takes.) And last, 5) Inhumane rapid increases in property taxes, including nonhomestead taxes. This blog will deal with these items first; other topics follow.
Now regardless of whether or not the above '44 Progressive Act is reenacted, states must enact property-tax caps, and limits on amount of such taxes local governments can collect. Already over 31 states have done this. Thus Minnesota must also do so. Minnesota must both rollback nonhomestead, timber, and undeveloped seasonal property taxes to amounts they were ten years ago; and LOWER, and CAP nonhomestead, timber, and noncommercial seasonal recreational property taxes at 2 percent. For the Minnesota property tax bill sent to governor 5-21-7 has property assessment increase of either 15 or 50 percent in 2008 (depending on the case) on nonhomestead, timber, and noncommercial seasonal property: This allows these property taxes soon to double every 2 years--or even faster depending on additional actions of local taxing jurisdictions, such as counties, villages, and school districts in Minnesota.
So while core inflation--it excludes food, energy, gas/diesel; and it is wrongly calculated starting with Clinton--is 2 percent, yet some property tax inflation in Minnesota is 50 percent, or higher! Thus the Governor, Senate and House must both rollback, and cap at 2 percent all forms of property tax--including undeveloped nonhomestead, timber, and seasonal property: The property tax is a very regressive tax. Now as stated the property tax bill does not have a ten year rollback and 2 percent cap. So Governor must veto the tax bill now sent to him without these 2 needed items--and call a special session--as he has vowed to not increase, or keep any increased, taxes on all forms of property, including nonhomestead, timber, and seasonal. (If he does not veto the bill, then the 2006 tax bill stays unchanged, with a hideous 50 percent increase in assessments on nonhomestead property in 2008.) But in the tax bill the concept of creating a higher tax tier on higher incomes is morally right, to gain the loss of revenue from lowering high, regressive property taxes.
Note: The gas tax is a regressive tax. Take the example of two families, each of which owns a Toyota Corolla. The Smith's annual family income is $18,000; the Park's is $90,000. If both families drive 15,000 miles a year and their car averages 30 miles per gallon, they would buy 500 gallons of gasoline a year. Assuming gas costs $3.00 a gallon, each family would spend $1500 a year on gasoline. The $1500 the Smith family spends on gas is 8.4 percent of their family income but it is only 1.5 percent of the Park family income. All things being equal, this example speaks for itself. An increase in the price of a necessity that is consumed by everyone at the same level clearly puts a greater burden on low middle class and poor people.
And the move to make alcohol from food crops like corn is morally wrong as making it consumes more energy and money than is gotten from it. And using food crops to produce alcohol raises cost of food which like energy is not in CPI calculation.
As an example of Minnesota tax revolts the following is a comment on MPR, 3-2-'99, by Grand Meadow farmer Dan Gehling, "A nonhomestead acre in our township right now is $23. On a 1,000-acre operation that is $23,000 a year in property taxes". Note: To prevent nonhomestead property taxes to rise to such inhumane audacious sums, Indiana has for years had a nonhomestead tax cap of two percent. So a nonresident of Indiana on an undeveloped 40 acres pays a tax of some 50 dollars.
There are continued revolts against ever higher property taxes. Note: The preceding "revolts" link is to a commentary article for 'Need property tax caps' by Connecticut Republican Governor, M. Jodi Rell, on 5-6-7 in the Hartford Courant.
From the above Humane Tax Act of 1944, we give vital sentences: "Since then, the original vision has been turned upside down. The income tax has come to fall almost entirely upon the workers and entrepreneurs it was intended to spare. In the 1947-'61 period 85% of American households paid low or no income taxes. So almost 80% of federal income tax revenue came from the top one-half of one-percent of households. Little of the burden fell on work. But by 1990, almost three-quarters of the federal tax revenues came from work". Now by 2007 95% of all tax revenue--when property tax is included--comes from the middle income and poor who foolishly vote for Republicans. A sad example is Bill Gate's state of Washington where the rich pay no income tax. This makes the property tax to be the most important factor in making the Washington state tax system so regressive. Taxes ought to be based on peoples' ability to pay them. Note: The next link may not open fast. So wait a bit. If it does not open then click it again to open it. So try to see Washington, the most regressive tax system state Likely with no 2 percent cap on property taxes, Minnesota's system is not far behind.
But rich Democrats also like high taxes on the middle class and poor, and low or no taxes on their (rich) families. The "Rich Joe Kennedy Family Types" through son John as President acted in 1964 to lower the "Rich Tax". They and he lowered the top tax bracket significantly, although from a vastly higher starting point than anything we've seen in recent years; 91 percent on marginal income greater than $400,000 cut to 70 percent. Now a point needs mentioning. Measured in constant 2003 dollars, although the Kennedy 1964 tax cut--which itself was overly large--was 55 billion; yet shockingly the three Bush tax cuts of 2001, 2002 and 2003 totaled 188 billion, Table 1, bottom! So the rich CEOs of oil and drug companies get richer. But the middle class strugglers get poorer, pay ever more for natural gas, gasoline, diesel, medicines, and send children to wars to save USA for the Bushy Oil-Rich Family Types, and political campaign funding Zionist Sugar Daddies. What a con!
And there is a vital need to give states a right (state's rights, a Republican motto) to negotiate big price discounts with drug companies to lower drug prices. This was done by Wisconsin Senate's Democratic majority and Democratic Governor Jim Doyle by creating a hugely popular program, Wisconsin Seniorcare. For sadly the rich Republicans were and are against affordable health care for the middle class or poor.
And Republicans are against people having affordable gas/diesel for cars or trucks, and natural gas for home heating. Thus legislation must be enacted to ban the use of electronic bids, and voice bids in NY commodity pits, on crude oil, gas and gasoline futures. For it is the vile useless futures hedge swaps trading in crude oil and gasoline that help raise the gallon pump price. The swap instruments were created by an "interesting type(s)", and then used as fast growth investments with leveraged money by both the swap instrument creator(s) and a few top management people of energy companies. In this activity some "interesting types" earned hundreds of millions US dollars in 2006. Jesus asked people to throw the coin traders out of the temples.
Now just as the mega millionaires from 1944 to 1961 participated in paying taxes (at a rate up to 94%) to pay for the cost--and left over debts--of WW II, so also must today the billionaires share the cost of the Iraq War. For today their effective tax rate is only 1%, if even that: To send only 1% of their yearly income to Washington they use tax loopholes--and the enacted very low tax rates on mega millionaires and billionaires. Note: Lowering the rate on the rich was begun by rich President John Kennedy, next by Reagan, and now to lowest level ever by "Baby" Bush. Note: Besides this blog our other blogs are Ruler Rules Rulers, and Catholic Church Wealth Huge.
As requested above kindly enact a ten year tax rollback and a two percent tax cap on nonhomestead, forest, and undeveloped seasonal property. Yours, Will Sandstrom, PhD., Exec. Sec. Fish & Wildlife Unlimited, P.O. Box 8323, Madison, WI 53704.
Note: Some blogs are long and have many links so as to help inform people around the world who otherwise would not ever read the info if it was only in a book form. And books cost, blogs don't. Kindly scroll down to read more about this in comment section found at very bottom below.
All thank JESUS/GOD for entering the hearts and minds of the leaders, the people of Ireland and the world to halt hatred: For wrong thinking can result in murder most foul, as occurs in Saudi Arabia after Mullah's Friday night prayer services. Now we must pray the Mullahs and Priests will hold sermons on the need to lower the birthrate in their religious groups, rather than try to increase the size of their groups relative to other groups such as Protestants: Human being numbers are already too large in many areas such as China, India and Mexico. The Mullahs and Priests must act to prevent culture clashes. For nations are now swamped with illegal fugitives.
It is a sad thank you to the still living older American politicians who in the '60s wrote immigration laws to allow large numbers of Catholic Irish, Italian and Germans but not Protestants to enter America. And now the Catholic descendants and their Priests and Catholic politicians are acting to flood America with additional vast numbers of Catholics, mostly Mexicans--to make America a Catholic controlled nation. Some of the Catholics who thank Protestants in this most unkind way are the Irish, Italians, Germans and their powerful Archbishops, California's Irish Roger "Foger" Baloney and Minnesota's Irish Hairy "Flim Flam" Flynn; and their politicians such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Ways and Means Chair Charles Rangel and Appropriations Chair Dave Obey. The Catholics sure know how to thank Protestants: One would think the Catholics would know that Mexico now provides 80% of the hard drug crystal meth "ice" into America by way of Catholic Mexican legal and illegal immigrants, mafias. Protestants must WAKE UP and ACT NOW--to avoid more California cities.
On National Public Radio in February '07 a spokesman for the Los Angeles Police Dept (LAPD) stated that the 90,000 cops of the LAPD have been "overwhelmed" by street gangs in the area: Already gang member numbers are from 150,000 to 200,000 in strength. And the gangs, ages 10 to 40, are armed--some with automatic weapons. The Negro gangs (BLOODS, CRIPS, etc.) have been replaced by the Mexican mestizo outfits like M-13; part of America's new Mexican Drug Mafia.
In Long Beach, near Los Angeles harbor, there is a struggle going on between newly emerging Asian gangs and the mestizo's for
control of the area. Thomas Chittum predicts that this street gang war is the beginning of what he calls "Civil War 2" and total disintegration of USA. For discussion see Frosty Wooldridge on Chittum and items, or Tom Chittum's book, and related items by Tom Chittum. And some sites in The Controversy of Zion are also worthy of a look. Warning: After clicking a link(s) within preceding site, then run 'Spyware Detector' to remove "snoops".
Now like Iraq, California is just waiting to rumble as its
population increases fast. For California's population is now some 40 million and will double in under 20 years.
LAPD cops are quitting or retiring and moving to Idaho rather than
stay in LA under these mad conditions. Sidewalks in some parts of
downtown LA are filthy with human waste. Cops going there sometimes
put on rubber overshoes or plastic bags to keep the crap off their
shoes. Mostly, they just try to stay out of those areas. So gangs have streets to themselves in one area of California--and likely soon in other areas in USA. Thus readers may want to become familiar with 1960's George Lincoln Rockwell's book: Within months of its appearance he was slain. So because of for example now the culture clashes between Spanish youths and Latino gangs in Spain, Protestants must WAKE UP.
Now California has moved Presidential primary to Feb. 5, 2008. So even more now the true Controllers of America are campaign mega-rich funders or "Sugar Daddies"--such as George Soros (alleged arranger of the murder of former Nokia CEO), Nate "The Nat" Landau (Indian tribes' lobbyist), Robert "Robber" Rubin; the California Jewish movie moguls--and pedophile protecting Archbishops, like Roger "Foger" Baloney, and Minnesota's Hairy "Flim Flam" Flynn, see below. Yet California already influences the nominating process in other states through "the money primary". Winning candidates must fill up on California dollars, even if they never have to stump for votes. But that's a primary few Californians or others are rich enough to partake in.
So Protestants will loose America--and other yet Protestant nations--unless Protestants stop just sitting in churches listening to ministers who have no clue about what danger awaits Protestants. It seems Ministers only collect money at services, and run funerals; while the last funeral, the Protestant world's funeral, awaits. But there will be no Protestant ministers left to cry at the last funeral. Note: Finland has no sugar daddy controlled evil primary--and hopefully nearby Estonia never will. Yet Orthodox Zionists opened a synagogue in Estonia 5-16-7. Hopefully they will try to have the descendants of the Russians--that KGB head Jew Felix Dzerzhinsky and Stalin moved into Estonia--move to more warmer climate areas south of Moscow.
Before we add to this blog we urge that President Bush and the United Nations kindly urge Russian President Putin to induce or make all Russians--that Jews, Slavs, and evil Stalin sent as vile crime ridden occupiers--and their descendants, exit Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Kaliningrad (Finnic Samland of Old, mapped area of once large Ancient Livonia/Esthland), Karelia, Ingeria, Vepsland Mari, and other lands of The Natives. Yes Russian Slavs are cruel fisted racists. In fact a little known event in ancient Russian history mentions the Mari defeating invading Mongols (with much loss of lives): The Mari defeat of Mongols caused the Mongols to retire back into Asia: Mari saved Europe. But it left the Maris less numerous. This allowed Slavs thereafter to invade north into Finno-Ugric lands. We must pray that the United Nations (UN) act to save the Mari and other Finno-Ugric people, tongues and cultures. Even today the Russians accuse the West of spying so as to cover their own sins.
The above type of coverup of history by Slavs was also done by Catholic Poles who would not allow a Polish historian to state that aboriginal people of what is now Poland were, prior to A.D. 900, Finnics--Livonians and Estonians. Such ethnic and religous racism, especially against Protestants (often Lutherans) must cease.
Now the Catholic controlled European Union (EU) forced Finland, the most Protestant nation in the world, to protect its wolves over its Protestants: Yet Greece and Catholic Bavaria, France, Italy, Poland, Spain, etc., will not accept a Finnish wolf. This is blatant racism--as if a Finnish wolf would get a Catholic farmer's goat. For a world authority on wolf scat or poop, the noted scat scientist, Lou "Lucifer" Mech (stein)--a Polish Jew, whose preoccupation is excrement, scatology--has alleged that tax funded studies on wolf and coyote scats infer they eat mainly mice and grasshoppers.
Now we discuss the great need to subpoena the "vile things" such as Paul Wolfowitz, Dov Zakheim, Rich Armitage and Karl Rove. The Senate and House Judiciary Committees must begin by subpoenaing Presidential political adviser Karl Rove. He once gave tickets for free beer to people on Chicago's skid row and red light area--to be turned in for free beer at a "Democratic Candidate for State Treasurer" gala. Event was a full house: But high roller sugar daddies left early!
Yet the above Karl Rove was taking a chance. For in Illinois "get out the vote groups" at least once got people out of skid rows and graves to vote, to help win elections.
Now is Bush protecting a Republican Goebbels? Yet two Republican Senators have the courage to state that Attorney General Gonzales must be fired. But who will ask that Michael Chertof, the Head of USA's Homeland Security--who is akin to Stalin's and Russia's former KGB (now FSB) head Felix Dzerzhinski--be fired? And US Democrats in Congress must impeach and remove Bush and Cheney. Or does USA just have "things" in Washington who get free medical and urgent mental health care?
Now a tad on a member finding a precious "old hidden web sites archive": The link is at end of this paragraph. But kindly do not spend so much time in it that you forget our also valuable (ahem) blog. One of our members found a cousin, Ms Laura Laitala, by typing in a search engine the words "finnish american" and clicking View as HTML. In depression '30s, Ms Laitala's father died. So at age 7 she began striving, running her dad's Ely MN boarding home, with help. Later, while doubly visually impaired, she learned English, got MS degree, and became noted in sex education: See Archives of old web sites, type name laitala, click 'View in HTML' and scroll to near the end to see name Laitala that is highlighted by yellow background. Thanks University of North Texas: Although Molly Ivins is gone, Texas still has something--but sadly also Bush and Gov. Perry.
Incidentally, Molly Ivins with true white blond hair was likely "White Irish" rather than like a true "Black Irish" Bill Clinton; who dyed himself into a "Bottle Blond".
Now follows more politics. A member of Fish and Wildlife Unlimited (members make blog) was in Madison WI Mayor's primary race, 1-2 to 2-20-7. He was NOT in the race for an ego trip. He and we wanted to warn that America is dying and wanted to bring to Americans an ALERT on the following four items: 1) Political campaign finance reform, including misused unaudited Catholic Indian tribal money 2) Halt illegal alien entry into USA, 3) Need to reenact former President Franklin Roosevelt's 1944 Progressive Humane Tax system on earned incomes, 4) Vile role of Catholic, Muslim, Jewish and Russian Organized Crime in America and the world. So we first give alert on Indian tribes two paragraphs down.
But here is alert to Putin in the Kremlin as Russia's God Father. We pray Jesus/God enters the hearts and minds of Putin and the Russian Slav to give back to northern Russia's indigenous/native people their lands where they, Finnics, can be their own rulers--and not have Russian organized crime and gambling. And the Protestant God loving Norwegians must also do the morally right act and give their northern areas, including coastline and undersea oil, back to area's indigenous/native Sami-Finnics.
Now Catholic American Indian tribes with their money laundering Gambling Casinos are on a list of major political campaign funders--the "Mega Sugar Daddy Barons". The Catholic tribal leaders or "Tribal Barons" along with Catholic "Mexican Drug Mafia Barons" are akin to the "Money Mafia Barons": The truly mega money barons are: 1) The Baron David Rothschild (He recently retired as the head of the Rothschild family banking and insurance clan--Rothschilds is London's and the world's last truly mega large private bank), 2) George Soros (Barack Obama's sugar daddy), 3) US former Treasury Secretary Robert "Robber" Rubin (Hillary Clinton's sugar daddy) and, 4) Indian Casino's Washington lobbyist Nate Abe Landau (Al Gore's sugar daddy). The American Indian tribes and their barons are now included in a list of the New Sugar Daddies in funding of politician's campaigns in Wisconsin and many other states. PROTESTANTS MUST WAKE UP.
Also alarming is Catholic Indian tribes in America are allowed to be Indian Nations within a nation (USA). Hence America's law enforcement and border patrol officers are not allowed entry into Indian reserves or areas to help control entry by illegal aliens across USA's borders that run through their Indian tribal areas. Thus the Catholic Archbishops, priests, and Pope have use of areas of Catholic Indian reserves as open borders for entry by vast numbers of Catholic, Muslim and other illegal aliens.
And Catholic priests including Southern California's Archbishop "Foger" Baloney and Minnesota's Archbishop "Flim-Flam" Flynn want open borders for floods of Mexican Catholics to swell the lists of registered and unregistered voters, in all states! Note: Protestants must not allow the brains of their children to be dumned down by Hip-Hop or Rap-Crap junk/music. Rather young Protestant minds must be wised up to vote.
And on Tuesday 3-6-7 at the Madison WI City Hall the City Alders and the "Polish Mafia Mob Mayor" Dave Cieslewicz's spokesperson on the city's Organizational Committee had a chance to pass a resolution seeking to create a public taxpayer funding of campaigns for city offices.
Now one of our members, Will Sandstrom, attended the above committee meeting. He heard when the resolution was amended to set up a "Blue Ribbon Committee" to study the issue over the next six months and report back to the Organizational Committee about their findings. Yes, this is another case in Wisconsin--and as an example, also in America--where this most vital issue to get the ball rolling to save America and America's politicians from CONTROL by the mega rich sugar daddies/mommies is to be a "slow bubble gum stretched out" study: This and other studies are done almost always by select "Blue Ribbon Committees" behind closed doors, if studied at all. Note; Will Sandstrom and Mr. Mike McCabe, executive director of Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, spoke in support of the resolution, before it was amended to be sent to a blue ribbon committee to be studied (most likely to death) for 6 months.
Incidentally Alder Zack Brandon (Jewish businessman) appeared before the committee to speak against passage of the resolution. He argued that it "would help odd low income people like Will Sandstrom to get funds to run for public office in Madison". Note: Will Sandstrom was described as an "odd fellow" near the very end of an opinionated editorial in right wing WI State Journal (WJS) of Sunday, 3-3-7.
In any event the resolution--if it is ever written as a good one--by the "Controller approved Blue Ribbon boys (girls)", and if it is in 6 months ever passed out of this committee to be next considered and passed by the Madison Council, would make American history. For the Alders and the Polish Mafia Mayor must pass--as any good Christian would--city taxpayer funding of the campaigns of those citizens who want to save America from pedophile Catholic priests, a Polish mafia tied mayor and their Controller(s). For Wisconsin was the first state to have a statewide Primary election, 1903 (see below). Now let Wisconsin be the first state to have its capital city, Madison, and its Protestant voters--what is left of them (us)--show how Madison's Protestants and America's Protestants can get out from under the yoke of CATHOLIC and OTHER "Sugar Daddies"; and get our boys out from under pedophile priests. Note: On 3-20-7 full city council voted to have a committee to study public financing of city elections: Committee must report its findings in six months.
So come all yee faithful, Protestants. Let us in Madison start the ball rolling to save America from the Baloney Flim-Flams. And Madisonians must not take a WI State Journal (WJS) newspaper north to their summer cabins--not healthy for backsides. Oops, Catholic pedophile priests may take the Madison paper north, including its editors, but no boys. Note: Protestants must not trust Madison's politicians.
And let good Protestants pray that a Catholic editor of the WI St. Jr. (WJS) paper--who wrote near the end of his editorial that one of our good people, Will Sandstrom, was an odd fellow--will go up north this summer and find a cabin with no indoor plumbing. Now although the following addition to the prayer may be a tad unchristian, let us further pray that the above slandering editor of Republican leaning WI State Jr. "rag" enter the small building behind his cabin, fall into the hole, and come back all pooped. We wonder if the WJS editor and Controlling owner(s) are Black Irish.
Now as an example of Catholic fear mongering upon politicians and political parties we felt Protestants must read this short title to a book authored by Michael Sean Winters to be published this summer by Basic Books. He has written about politics and Catholicism for The New Republic,, The New York Times Magazine, The Washington Post and other publications. His book's title is to be, Left at the Altar: How the Democrats Lost the Catholics and How the Catholics Can Save the Democrats. But we say that before publication the title must be changed to: How The Catholic Priests, Energy (Oil, Gas) Industry, And Those Seeking Ever More Riches, Do Control Both The Democrats And The Republicans. Meanwhile the only tax-payers that pay taxes, The Middle Class, did not make an effort--on a northern cold February--to vote for the "Honest Protestant Democrat", Will Sandstrom.
In fact by far most Madison's voters did not know that there was a fourth candidate, Will Sandstrom, an honest retired PhD cancer research biochemist, who in 1978 asked the Hungarians to "Take down your fence, make the walls come tumbling down" (before Reagan or the Poles acted) so that the East Germans would start marching to freedom in 1979.
But the Madison Middle Class taxpayers were not informed by the news media to be inspired to come out and vote in Madison's Mayoral primary for Will Sandstrom--to thank Will for the many humane and brave acts he has performed. Meanwhile the politicians--and their aids--get their nice salaries, health care and big pensions. And in Madison its Mayor and alders are intent on fleecing the middle class property tax payers for a potential 300 million dollar trolley car system, so that Madison's Mafia can use armored trolley cars in drive by shootings.
Meanwhile Will Sandstrom has to live on six hundred fifty dollars social security a month. Thus people like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, David Rothschild, Robber (sic) Rubin and George Soros must stop attempting to become even richer. Instead the mega rich must act like the CEO of the Salvation Army: For its CEO--unlike the ones in the Catholic churches--earns a pittance: He works for God, not with Rome's god.
From 1-2-7 to 2-20-7 one of the writers to this blog was in a race for Madison, WI Mayor. He is Dr. Will Sandstrom. He did not get into race for ego trip. He is a retired (age 72) PhD cancer and anti-aging researcher. He would rather have been out on skis setting traps for dog murdering coyotes, bears, pumas, and wolves--and illegal aliens. But Will believes he and others were called by JESUS/GOD to act to save Protestant America from, 1) takeover by a mafia(s), 2) pedophile Catholic priests, and 3) Rome's and Catholic priests' actions to make America into a Catholic nation--by flooding America with Catholic illegal aliens.
Now when will Madison's Mayor, City Council Alders and state politicians act as a California city recently did when its Mayor and Alders approved an ordinance barring landlords from renting to illegal immigrants, see Escondido City Council? Answer is they never will. For the Catholic Opus Dei Mafia priests and Democratic politicians want to increase their joint CONTROL over the people of Wisconsin, and the Nation. And the Rothschild clan is happy. For the Vatican keeps its mega funds in the non-transparent extremely private Rothschild Bank, although it also does have some nontransparent sums in its own Vatican Bank. Jingle, Jingle, Jingle.
In any event, the election was on 2-20-7. Here is the result: Will lost. Note: This blog's top 1/8th updated 1-1-8: Blog's remaining 7/8ths has remained unchanged over past few months, including Part 2 that is found in Catholic Wealth; except for latest suit, 2-28-7, against California Catholic homosexual Archbishop Fuger Baloney, and his minions of homosexual pedophile priests (see preceding link). Interestingly his Controller of vast church finances, an Italian-American, last year, 2006, accepted a call to be Rome's Controller of Finance. Jingle, Jingle, Jingle. Now a word about America's ailing politics. For America is one of only a smattering of nations that allow evil primaries. And Wisconsin was the first state to have a statewide primary, 1903. And only by 1917 did other state's voters begin to fall for having an evil primary. The following short paragraph is found when you scroll 30% down to heading "Types Of Elections" in this link Primary Elections:
Primary Elections. Mainly characteristic of the United States, primary elections are held in advance of the general election so that voters may participate directly in the selection of party candidates who will then run for public office. Primaries in the United States formed first in one-party areas of the South in the late 19th century. Wisconsin, a midwestern state, enacted the first comprehensive statewide primary law in 1903, and by 1917 most states required established political parties to make nominations through direct primary elections. Nonpartisan primaries are held in some jurisdictions.
Now the above paragraph deserves a comment. We suggest the reason why Wisconsin was the first to have the evil primary election hurdle was because even back then (1903) the Catholics saw Wisconsin as a good "first" state in which to hinder honest Protestants from getting through the Primaries, i.e., Protestants were divided into many sects, whereas Catholics had One Controller.
Madison's Mayoral Primary (held every four years) is an example of what ails politics in America today. For the choice to vote for candidates (Democrat, Republican, etc.) in General Elections by the average American is most easily CONTROLLED at the Primary election level--when voter turnout is low, often less than 10%--by billionaires, both Mafia (mainly Italian and Jewish) and legitimate billionaires. And sadly at least one of the latter was and is a thief with a billy club over us--a truly Hog-billionaire: And diamond jewelers are "over charging" thieves too. In any case, "Billy Club" Bill--other billionaires address him as Mr. Bill Gates, who the billionaires accept as one of their elite kind, and not in their opinion the middle class sucker tax paying "riff-raff"--far overcharged on patent rights and licenses to build items needed for PC computers.
But above Mr. Billy Club is not the only mega white collar thief. For there are oil, food, and pharmaceutical dealers/sellers who carry billy clubs in the pockets of pin-stripped suits. They are the CEOs that overcharged and continue to overcharge on their items of oil, food, gasoline, and medicines. Happily, most nations do not use evil Primaries.
Primary elections are evil because, as stated above, there is a very low voter turnout in Primaries--only 10% turnout occurred in Madison of eligible voters, on this cold February, 2007 Mayoral primary day. This allowed the rich "Sugar Daddy" campaign donor(s) and The Mobs, to get the current Polish Mafia Mayor Dave Cieslewicz to get through the primary: He attended an all boys Milwaukee Polish Catholic school that allegedly got money from the Polish Mafia. (Incidentally it is no wonder that England has recently banned entry of Poles into England. For it has enough Mafias already.) In any case the Mayor's pals had fooled or paid help, aids, phone bank callers, etc., to get out their voters. And they were only 5% of all eligible voters (Mayor got 50% of votes cast, and total voter turnout was only 10% of eligible voters.) Yet that 5% determined that the current "Wallet Burglar" Mafia Mayor won the Primary to get through into the General Election.
So here is the Madison example--referred to from above--of politics in America. It starts with a question. Is Madison a Mafia Mob City? Is it allowed to be a "Mob City" by 90% of eligible voters not voting in this last Mayor's primary race? Thus will this and future generations of Madison's property tax payers end up funding--by way of immediate or later increases in property taxes or bonding costs--the huge expenses of Mob pushed and bribed useless boondoggle building projects. One such project this past year--under the Madison Mafia owned current Mayor--was the Goodman Swimming Pool: It was so named because the owner of a Goodman Diamond Jewelry Store gave money towards building it.
But we submit the pool would be better named Badman Pool. For in America all diamonds are sold from a mixed source that includes African Slave Diamonds and Blood Diamonds; and also inexcusably from this next source now given: It is Al Qaeda, which upon clicking to access you can read when you scroll 80% down to Bold red font title heading in link AL QAEDA DIAMONDS, Muslim terrorists get Al Qaeda Diamond funds. And in the preceding link there is a NY Times long update piece on Sunday front page, 3-25-7, on "Blood or Sweat Diamonds".
In the prededing above paragraph a comment must be made here: In July 2007 the paragraph's first two links to items on child slavery in producing blood diamonds for the "Zionist Jew" Diamond Cartel were temporarily "highjacked" (taken over) by a 24 year old Zionist, Nate Rapaport, to a different link or site that advertises his Zionist father's company in Sierra Leone as a wholesaler of diamonds. Moreover, many retail diamond store chains in America play major Control roles in radio stations by buying many ads on them and/or on their owner, Clear Channel Radio Network: The network is CONTROLLED by a closet (secret) Zionist former Texas junk yard owner who over the years bought radio stations to create a 1100 radio station mega-network.
In any case, did or does "Abe" Goodman, mentioned above, sell synthetics? Also natural diamonds are very abundant: In fact a newly found Canadian MEGA deposit was found in 2005 under a northern Ontario lake. It is forecast to be by far the largest diamond field found in the world. But the price of a diamond was and is kept artificially, scandalously and unconscionably extremely high by De Beers: Jews who use Africans as slaves.
Thus should not The Goodman Pool be renamed The Badman Bloody African Slave Diamond Pool? Should the water be dyed red? Yes the Madison property tax payer must demand that the portion of their city property tax monies that was wrongly used to build the Goodman/Badman Swimming Pool must be returned. It must be returned as a tax credit on the property owner's next year's property tax statement/bill. The Mafia Mayor and his Mafia Mob pals must return the transparent and nontransparent "under the table" monies.
Note: Shockingly, Jews began the African slave trade with Rothschild money, credit and loans, to one or more nations, particularly Spain and Portugal, to build ships, and to fund the shipping of slaves. But in fact from A.D. 1550 to 1808--in 1808 America began blockading slave ships sailing into her ports--the rich Catholic merchants in Spain and Portugal did not likely need Rothschild bankster clan backing (loan credit) to build slave ships, pay for the catching or pay for the already enslaved Africans (individuals enslaved by other tribes); and ship African slaves to Brazil, the Caribbean and America. For by the 1600s they had their own immense wealth gotten from the mega amounts of gold and silver they were looting from the natives of the Americas. In addition they were adding to their wealth with their African slave trade. For their ships earned money in making round trips to the Americas. Their ships went to Africa to pick up slaves. From Africa they sailed to the Americas with slaves to sell. Then their ships returned to Spain and Portugal from the Americas with gold and silver (This is how the Catholic Church got its huge wealth in gold. It used part of the wealth to build Catholic Universities in America. And they are used to launder money and as an aid to gain control of America.) Later there ships carried to Europe three addictive drugs to sell, coffee, tobacco and booze, mainly rum--slave produced Brazilian and Caribbean coffee, cigarettes, cigars, and cane sugar plantation rum. It was a sad turn around all the way around.
Note: In the preceding link the Prussians and Slavs are mentioned as having been slave traders. But the link fails to mention that many if not most of the captured slaves for shipment south were blonds, especially the most blond Finnics, the Estonians, Finns, and ancient Livonians. Thus it is truly a miracle that--with such ghastly culling of human beings carrying one or more genes involved in the expression of the "blond" trait-- there is even one blond left, Will Sandstrom. So Will does not have to dye his hair from black to blond like does Bill Clinton! Hey Bill, You might look good in red, or blue--a blue blood. Why dyed just right, you may even gain free entry into Madison's Bloody Pool.
Now since no author or historian dares or cares or is even a small authority on the "Blond Finnic Trade", mentioned above, then we Finnics finally must expose it. Thus the Kazars (Rothschild's Asiatic ancestor tribe), the Russian Slavs, and the Romans and Muslims were involved in an unspeakable trade in ancient times, long before the 1600s. It was "The Blond Slave and Blond Scalp Trade". For Africans never were scalped. Yes northern blond Finnics and other northern Europeans were sent south by Greek, Jewish, Muslim, Roman and Slav (Byzantium) traders to be sold as slaves or simply hideously scalped for their blond hair scalps: The mainly blond slaves or their scalps were sent in large boats down rivers, such as the Danube (Ister) and Volga, from areas north of the Black Sea; mainly from the Mari, Veps and Baltic Finnic areas (such as Greater Livonia, Estonia, Ingeria, Samland and Seto areas) to Rome and the southern Muslim areas: The scalps were made into wigs so that the men could have their ladies be "Sexy Blonds". Blonds never had more fun. Man is Wolf to Man.
A wolf kills for food. A man kills for......Thus sadly Johnny Cash sang of human being's evil side in his song, I Shot A Man In Reno/Just To See Him Die.
Now concerning the above earlier mentioned diamond trade, there is another site "The Diamond Scam" that notes the Diamond brokers and sellers astronomical, shameful profits. But sadly the CONTROLLERS (Rothschilds and pals, kin) made it almost impossible to get to--open--the link. Yet after an hour of effort we found the four steps needed to access and open it. Here are the steps: Now write these down so that you know what and where to click when you click the link which we give at the end of these four steps, 1) When clicked link opens scroll down a tad to see on the right an Archives link, 2) Click Archives and in it, 3) Click Nov., 2006, and in Nov. you need to, 4) scroll to near bottom to exact date Nov. 4, 2006 to read "The Diamond Scam": But as it is hard to access we give it next below: (Yet if you want to read the reference source directly--it is the same as below--you may go through above click and scroll steps to see the below great read, The Diamond Scam.) In any case here it is:
Diamonds used to be really expensive, but then diamond mines were discovered in South Africa in the late 1800s and prices plummeted. Thus was the De Beers Group formed as a cartel to bolster prices.
De Beers has been an extremely effective cartel. Diamonds would probably sell for only a fraction of their current prices where it not for a combination of restriction of supply and a marketing campaign to increase demand.
The tradition of the diamond engagement ring is a bogus one. It's a tradition that De Beers invented in the 1930s. De Beers spent big money on marketing, and worked with Hollywood to place diamonds in romance movies.
The retail price of diamonds is two to three times the wholesale price, which in turn is quite a bit higher than what you would get paid if you wanted to sell back the diamond. And probably the wholesale price is several times higher than what it would be without a cartel to prop up the prices. (De Beers has successfully convinced people not to sell back their diamonds with its "diamonds are forever" campaign--if people sold back their diamonds instead of keeping them as family heirlooms, this would put downard pressure on prices.)
Who decided that a man should spend two to three months of his salary on an engagement ring? De Beers. If only all the men of the world would unite and agree not to pay so much, we would all be better off.
A combination of new supply from Canada and Russia, as well as the development of laborataory created diamonds indistinguishable from the real things, threatens to cause a huge crash in the price of diamonds. This is yet another warning against spending two months of salary on a diamond; ten years from now that same diamond may sell for only one week of salary.
Kelly Jane Torrance, who wrote this article about artificial diamonds, really seems to understand the the psychology of women:
Imagine if the century-old De Beers’ artificial scarcity was destroyed by a little American startup. Imagine a world of hundred-dollar diamonds. We would soon see that it is not the beauty of the diamond that is important to women, but the price of that diamond. If a ring that now costs $30,000 were suddenly $1,000, does anyone think women are going to be happy with that ring? It’s just as luminous as before, but it loses rather a lot of sparkle when it’s accessible to all. Diamond Scam article END.
Thus we continue blog: In any event, it was wrong to build a costly swimming pool in a city with many lakes. Hence it was bloody wrong to name it as a good man's pool.
Now the bloody Mayor is on record as wanting property tax payers to fund the building of a trolley system when the city has many buses--and when more buses could be added to flexible schedule and path routes servicing working peoples' areas, running more often: A proposed trolley would run on a nonflexible path route of rails in only the rich elite area: Only a few people living near the route might use it. And would part of the costs of building more pools and a trolley system be covered by bank bonding loans that must be paid back, including interest? Would 'Bankster Gangsters', seeing big profits, be very joyful if expensive pools and a very expensive trolley system are adopted by a majority of Alders and the Mayor? Would an alleged relative of former 1920s New York Mafioso "Big Dick" Amato, (ref., Peter Maas, The Valachi Papers, 1968, p.100), and a relative (son?) of Madison, WI Mafioso, "Little Dick" Amato, of 1960s, get millions from the construction of an expensive frivolous trolley system?
Now we know that in USA's primary elections only a tiny percentage of those eligible to vote actually vote. For in America voting is on a weekday, a working day, Tuesday. And most voters are not allowed to leave their work place to vote: Most must vote after work. Thus in primary elections by far only voters with: 1) strong vested interests, for example construction projects such as trolley construction and its associated jobs, and 2) getting money, sometimes bundles of hundred dollar bills, from Mafia Mobs and other groups, actually vote; or will work canvassing, using phone banks--and even transporting people to voting places--to get their people to vote for their candidate. This is American "Machine Politics".
Thus Madison WI was an example of Machine Politics in America's Mayoral primary races--particularly Catholic run Machine Politics--where money and Catholic voter turnout numbers determine election results in a nation that does not have 100% public tax supported funding of various candidates campaigns. Through funneling of work and construction projects to supporters over his past four years in office the current Mayor had amassed a large campaign funding "Warchest" for the primary fight--a vast sum advantage over opponents. And his minions, or hired temporary workers, hung 10,000 doorknob fliers; and called 5000 voters into Tuesday night of the election. And in Madison WI and nearby area some 250,000 Catholics are Controlled--and likely told or advised to vote for Catholic candidates--by their Priests and their Catholic Bishop of the Diosese, Morlino. Contrarily, Protestants are divided into many Churches, many Sects--they have no "One Top Mind (Vote?) Controller". In addition, mobs own most politicians not only through money but through photo negatives of their extra sex acts. The negative of elections in America (elsewhere?).
In any case, as stated by far only a tiny percentage of the total eligible voters--and only those with vested interest--do make the extra effort to vote in a primary and help make certain that their person gets through the primary filter hurdle, into the general election. And this is the case in all primaries, not just Mayoral. So only certain voters truly bother to take the time and effort to go to polling places to vote: And in order to do so they must first find a place to park where they won't get an illegal parking ticket. And from there they must walk, often in storms, to the polling site; and then wait outside in lines to vote. And in America, unlike other nations, elections are held on a weekday; one day, Tuesday. But for example in Europe, elections are held on weekends, Saturday and Sunday: This allows working people to vote much more easily. And if one day has bad weather, the next may not.
In fact since, as stated earlier, large amounts of money help candidates through Primaries, and since essentially only those voters with a very strong vested interest vote in Primaries in America, the federal politicians must get rid of Primary Elections.
In any case Will Sandstrom lost. Now in the last Mayoral primary election, '03, Will got only 1% of the vote: But this year, '07, Will got 2.5%. So Will is on a roll! A few more attempts, each time doubling his vote, and he may get through a primary.
Now Will kindly requests the "Ruler of the Rulers" England's Lord Rothschild and his clan to "inspire" Russia's Putin, and his Secret Police and Military Mafias, to return to Finland, the areas of Ingeria (Ingermanland), Karelia, Kola Peninsula, Kaliningrad (Samland), Setoland, Vepsland, and other Finno-Uralic lands that the Rothschild ancestors so inhumanely helped Russian Slavs cruelly take from the native Finnics.
Note: A Republican, Catholic, African-American, Ray Allen had his second place victory celebration at the Esquire Club of the Catholic Knights of Columbus. And in the TV newsreel clip in the background close behind Ray was a Catholic Priest. Hey now, must Sven Svenson, Ole Olson, Lars Larson, Jans Jansen and Ville Vilho have many Sven, Ole, Lars, Jans and Will Juniors so that some two generations from now Madison might have a Protestant Sven, Ole, Lars, Jans or Will as Mayor with a Protestant Minister near him!--and no Mafias that want armor plated trolley cars for drive by shootings. More light on Catholic Esquire Club next.
For certain Catholics conspired that Will was not allowed in Mayor's Debate held 2-13-07, 8 PM, by the Northside Business Association of Madison WI, at the Esquire Club. Its sign has a KC mark, Knights of Columbus. It is obvious; Some powerful Catholics, including Madison's Catholic Mafia and Madison's Bishop Morlino did not want a Protestant elected. In any case Will did pass out some campaign flyers. But soon he was told he could not do so. Then Will said, "If elected Mayor I would act to lower property taxes. I would not allow the city to build a trolley/streetcar system or another swimming pool. Their building costs would only wrongly increase property taxes or bonding costs. Madison has buses and plenty of lakes".
Then Will began stating a bit of his colorful history. But he was interrupted. Yet if allowed to continue he would have followed in the following line. And a record of the meeting would have stated as follows: Will said, "In 1988 in Helsinki, Finland, I kindly urged visiting Hungarians to take down the fence they had between Hungary and East Germany, Austria. One older man asked, "Who are you?" Answering, Will said, "I am here helping support my wife through medical school. And I am trying to find out what happened to Karelian, American, and Canadian Finns. For you must know that the Rothschild clan urged Stalin, and KGB head Felix Dzerzinski, in 1935, to do a Holocaust upon Finno-Ugrics; so the Rothschild Clan, and Russian Slavs, could get oil, gold, diamond, and mineral wealth away from under the invaded Finno-Ugric lands". The old Hungarian admitted nothing, but said, "You must know that in 1956 we revolted and fought against Moscow's troops and authority to become free".
And he continued, "But Israel saw this as an opportunity to invade the Sinai, Egypt. So when we asked for America's help, your American politicians were distracted by Israel's opportunistic invasion into Egypt. Thus America's politicians did not come to our aid. Many Hungarian citizens and soldiers were shot fighting Russians. And our leaders of the uprising such as Imre Nagy were executed. So if we take the fence down, will again Israel attack some nation?" Will answered, "I have been in politics for a bit in America. Americans will aid you this time." In the next month or so, Will is sure they researched who he was. Then a few months later, in early 1989, they began to test this daring act by taking down one or more short stretches of the fence.
And East Germans began walking to freedom through two just opened holes--short new opened stretches--in Hungary's fence: For the East Germans could not get out any other way. For the hard line East German Communist head Erich Honecker would not take down Wall between East and West Germany. Also Poles were not free yet--as their shipyard workers were not yet striking. For they were cautiously watching if large numbers of Russian soldiers would again march into Hungary; this time to patch the holes in Hungary's fence. But this time then Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev--and some Russian Communists that were more hard line than Gorbachev--felt that, unless Israel attacked some nation to again distract the world's eyes, the world opinion would be too strong against another Russian invasion into Hungary.
Will states that concerning the above conversation with the old Hungarian only one old Finn knew--and only after the fact. And Will met the Finn by chance. For the Finn fixed, restored, and sold old European classic cars. And to help fund his wife's, and newly born daughter's, living expenses, his wife's medical education, and his stay in Finland, Will restored and exported classic cars to Finland--including some '59 Cadillacs! The Finn came to see one of Will's cars. He was a sturdy, rather tall Finn who was reputed to have hunted one or more times with the Russian Politburo: In Estonia he shot a huge bear--that turned out to have the world's record (largest width) brown bear head. He worked on some of Will's cars. He became a semi-friend of Will. But when Will--somewhat trustingly--stated that he had recommended the Hungarians take down their fence, the Finn did not like what Will had said to the Hungarian. He said, "Will, keep mouth shut, be careful. Someone may have your head". Will cared and dared.
But Will was not allowed to say the above so that voters might appreciate Will's past actions while away from Madison, in Europe. Thus to get on topic of why people should have voted for Will he said, "If elected I will hire more night duty policemen working 8 PM-4 AM to protect University students and citizens. Almost every night a University student is attacked, robbed and/or raped, on the city streets, on campus or in the dorms. But the Mayor has ordered the exposure in the news media of this evil activity hushed up." Note: Recently, two of Will's children, one a pre-med student and one a doctor, were attacked near the campus.
Continuing, Will said, "As I stated I would act to lower property taxes. Thus I would not build a trolley system costing property taxpayers hundreds of millions; and which property tax monies would go to the Nino Mafia Mob and arranged contractors--and in bundles of one hundred dollar bills in black briefcases and suitcases to the Mayor." At this point Will was asked to leave or police would be called and he would be arrested. Madison WI has a crooked Mayor run by the Mob. Note: Some state's Mobs enforce no tight control in their states thereby allowing more than one mob in the state; but that may not be entirely true.
Now it is hard to believe that in a Mayoral forum the Mayor of an American city would allow a threat to be made by a moderator, i.e., the city police would be called to arrest and remove an opponent from a debate event, if he/she does not leave willingly. Only in America could that happen! And leave it to a Polish Mafia Mayor. A person does not know if they should laugh or cry.
Fortunately Mary Rathbun, a reporter from Madison's afternoon paper, "The Capital Times" was there; and wrote a jolly good piece on the likely arrest of Will enlivening the event. But since access to Ms Rathbun's article in a printer friendly version has expired or been denied here is a short synopsis (The full original article is accessible in preceding link above): UNINVITED RIVAL CRASHES, ENLIVENS MAYORAL DEBATE. From The Capital Times, Wed Feb 14 2007. Will Sandstrom was not welcome at the Northside Business Association's mayoral debate Wednesday night and only left after he was threatened with arrest for intruding at a private function. On his own initiative, Sandstrom, whose name will be on Tuesday's ballot, showed up at the forum in which the three other mayoral candidates had been invited to participate.
But in running a recent article on the Mayor's race, Dr. Will Sandstrom was not noted by another Madison paper as a candidate. Yet actually it was an Associated Press (AP) wire story that the paper used. And the story itself was written by a Catholic Irish-American Associated Press reporter; so why should he include a Protestant being in the Mayor's race. And Ch 15 NBC-TV on 2-13-7, on its 10 PM local news, and on the next AM local news, had its Ch 15 local newscasters stating, "Dr. Sandstrom, a write in candidate, was asked to leave". But Dr. Sandstrom was not a write in. His name was on the ballot as an official candidate. So much for fairness. Yet a very nice and very humorous article was written 2-15-7 in support of Will by reporter Dave McGrath at The Badger Herald. And Matt DeFour WI State Jr. wrote, Mayor Candidates' Stands, as did Vikki Kratz in Isthmus paper about Four Grousers (bird hunters) Get The Bird?. And The Daily Cardinal's Quinn Craugh wrote a nice article Will For Progressive Tax.
Note: In the preceding link's bottom all 3 candidates opposing Dr. Sandstrom, but not Will, stated they OPPOSED enactment of any Federal, State or Local law making it UNLAWFUL for a home owner to knowingly harbor an illegal alien.
Now here is an open letter to the Prime Ministers and Presidents of all Protestant Nations. The State of Wisconsin through its many Catholic Politicians and its "screened or controlled" news media is under the control of Catholic Bishops. So Will Sandstrom was been told by four news people--all Catholic--that they had decided Will was not worthy of news coverage. And Will was "locked out" of Mayoral forums or debates. Thus few of the small number of voters--that bothered to vote in this Mayor's primary election--knew that there was a Protestant, Sandstrom, running in the Mayor's race against three Catholics. So Will was realistic. And he got no money on pallets.
Since few knew that Will was in the Mayor's race and why Will was in the race, Will felt he would be lucky to get six percent of the total vote out of a small number of voters that would bother to vote. And all three Catholics--current Mayor attended an all boys Catholic school--were against the building of any fence along the Mexican border to slow illegal alien entry. And they were against legislation to ban rental of rooms and homes to illegal aliens. For they openly wanted and want ever more Catholics to flood into America's cities (including Madison) in order that Catholics each year gain more political control in America, and eventually make America a Catholic run Nation; as Catholics run Ireland, Malta, Poland, and Portugal. In these four nations Catholics allow little or no freedom for Protestants, anti-Protestantism. Also Mullahs and their controlled muslims are anti-Protestant.
Now America's founding fathers believed in freedom. But some should have traveled to Italy to know about the dangers of letting into America--under the guise of religious freedom--Catholics infiltrated with evil Mafia(s). Also some should have traveled to Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Pakistan to know about the evil Mullah Mafias. With that knowledge they would have added some vital sentences to our Constitution, to insure that America remains a Protestant Nation free of Catholic Pedophile Priests, the Catholic Mafias; and the Mullah Mafias--and free of an education process that hinders open inquiry by the growing mind, as may occur in the Catholic or Muslim child.
In fact one or more non-Protestant Religions have a saying similar to the Catholics, "Give us your child until the age of six and it will remain Catholic in its outlook the rest of its life". Some educators and psychologist feel the filling of the young mind with certain limiting types of thought is the reason that the Irish and Saudis, for example, have no Nobel Prize Winners in Science. So now you know why Will decided to run.
For Dr. Sandstrom believes he is inspired by JESUS/GOD to help alert or inspire Protestants to save America from evil Catholic takeover, and the growing Rothschild bankster gangster clan; as Thomas Paine alerted and helped the first Protestant settlers from attempted control by the then evil Controllers of England.
Note: Although very few people know this, some years ago, on the high ridge on the north side of a ravine that was a temporary wilderness mouth of one of the glacial melt stages of ancient Glacial Lake Agassiz, Will experienced the appearance--for a moment, almost as akin to Moses--of a misty figure. Then two words came in a Finnic tongue, "Tee Hyvää, Do Good".
Hearing these words in a possible Epiphany, he is somewhat embarrassed at having to admit that he stood there for a few minutes, blinking and rubbing his ears. He then walked slowly around the base of the high knob to look for one or more people with a megaphone and a mist-making canister. He found no one. Should one be a "doubting Thomas"? John 20: 24-29.
Noteworthy with regards to the above two words is that the Bible has enigmatic vital base (root) words unknown and untranslatable by the Hebrews, Greeks, and others not versed in Finnic (Finno-Ugric) tongues. In Exodus 3:13, Moses asks GOD, "What is Your name? What are You all about?" GOD answers Moses enigmatically in a tongue unknown to the Hebrews, EHYEY ASHER EHYEH. It defied translation. Guess renditions were, "I am that I am" and "I will be what I will be"; both were as hazy as the original words. The phrase was also ventured to mean GOD is pure Being (whatever that means). Another rendition noted the unknown word ehyeh in the verse just before Moses' question, with GOD saying to Moses, "When you stand before the Pharaoh, I will be ehyeh with you." One ventured guess rendering of ehyeh in this verse was that GOD was seen as saying to Moses, "I am wholly with you."
New linguistic, genetic, and archeological studies yield a most likely tongue meaning of EHYEY ASHER EHYEY. It is a Finnic tongue, EHYÄ (ehjä, eheä) askar(oipi) EHYÄ, "I am ENTIRETY, entire, whole, always ahead, immortal ENTIRETY, HOLINESS, with no beginning, no end". Did GOD speak a Finnic tongue to the Native People so that GOD would be understood? And Moses was a passerby of the Burning Bush who did not understand any Finnic tongue; poor fellow.
And JESUS likely spoke in HIS local area village dialect of Aramaic-Finnic. Hence this most likely is the reason why there are so few words of what JESUS said recorded in the Bible. For the later writers of the sounds or words--that had been passed down to them over many years--of the words of JESUS could not reproduce faithfully in writing in their Greek (Koine dialect) the words--or even basic sound units of the words--of the enigmatic (to their ears) tongue of JESUS, much less their meaning. Poor fellows.
Thus the writers doing their best, wrote the final words of JESUS on the cross as, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachtani" (Mark 15:34). But the words instead likely were in a Finnic tongue, "Elävä, Elävä, loimme, saavutetaan". This was an astounding, most important announcement, "LIVING, LIVING, WE created, and now accomplish, implement [the Great Message for humanity]." And HE delivered HIS SPIRIT.
To read about Will scroll to middle of 4th paragraph down from this one. To see/hear all four Mayoral candidates at League Women Voters Forum, kindly click on next link; you must have Real Player installed (free). In fact if it is not already installed on your computor you should install "Quick Time" (its free), it helps in viewing this. And you will see Will too. Note: If Real Player "times out" then move "time arrow" on "time bar position" back a tad and show should continue from just before where it last ended: Do this each time you get "timed out". But with Quick Time installed you may not need to "fiddle".
But sadly the People Controller(s) may be behind making Real Player time out in showing this Mayor forum. Yet the timing out may be due to how your Real Player is time set. So if you have problems viewing you may want to click folkstreams and scroll down to 'Go to toolbar in Real Player', and do as guided for setting Real Player. In Real Player click on arrows to right of view, then click on tools and then preference. Next click box on left of connection to make plus, and then click on word connection. In it you should set times to 160 and 300 seconds. So with the just given guidance on how to see full show, now you may click on the next link at the start of next paragraph: And once in it then scroll down a tiny tad to click on left, "Know Your Candidates: Madison Mayor". And lastly write down the following time intervals in the near hour long show when Dr. Sandstrom speaks. Thus by moving the time arrow each time Will's segment ends to the next time segment start you will not loose valuable time waiting for the next time segment when Will speaks again. Thus write down these interval times: 5:20-8:40, 12:50-17:50, 22:40-24:45, 34:10-38:45, 44:15-46:15, and 49:45-51:10.
Now only four percent (see near beginning above) of City of Madison's eligible voters actually voted on this past cold February 20, '07 day, and over 90% of Madisonians are vehemently against any trolley system. But the Mob wants trolley construction as it wants millions of dollars skimmed off trolley construction funds. And the Labor Unions came before the last City Council meeting to urge trolley construction. For if City Politicians do not approve Trolley Project then some of their members would not get a few more construction jobs: They would be unemployed. Thus the Mob, The Wallet Burgler Mafia Mayor and some Council Alders want 90% of city property tax payers to keep the Mob, the Mayor, and the Alders on property tax payer supported WELFARE (trolley construction welfare boondoggle of millions of dollars). But the property tax payers are waking up.
This blog's top 1/8th UPDATED 12-17-7. With informative new links added daily, we pray you will kindly bookmark, revisit and send it about. Thank you. GOD BLESS. Now
Herr Karl 'Fat-Aid' Rove and Dick 'Buckshot' Cheney must be jailed fast to save America. This blog is linked to our two other blogs or posts, Ruler Rules Rulers, and Catholic Church Riches is MEGA Huge.
To read about one author of this blog--now running for Mayor of Madison, WI--kindly click Will Sandstrom tries for Mayor again. Next scroll to near the middle of the next paragraph to two links to two pages in the Wisconsin State Journal. The paper has added a new feature, "virtual page". So once you click "Will" or "People to get lower property taxes" you will be in a page. Now for reading this particular archived date's paper the following instructions may not apply anymore as the paper is archived, and this following instruction access feature has been removed.
In any case, here are instructions: To see page with colored or black-white photos, kindly note to click--in it at the top--on the link "Virtual newsprint edition available".
Next, in the downloaded virtual edition click "link to proceed", to access Adobe PDF file of a page. If you do not see color or black-white photos you must first install Adobe Reader, it's free. So click Will wants people to get lower property taxes. We thank the newspaper's "Deciders" for this new feature. But the CONTROLLERS do not want those of us who are "Not in the corrupt system" to get elected: One of us, Will, still struggles in politics to get elected--this time running to be Madison, WI, Mayor, again. Hey now, Abraham Lincoln lost elections, but not the last one. And I was born in a log cabin of one room; Lincoln's had two.
Now Will, a courageous, compassionate, wise and knowledgable PhD biochemist, has spoken out against Madison, Wisconsin's poisonous drinking water, the asthma causing molds in the Univ. of Wisc. dorms' air filters; against ever more attacks on, and rapes of, University students, and against the MADISON MAFIA involvement in "nursing" bids and awards involved in City of Madison construction projects--such as unneeded swimming pools in a city with many lakes! And Dr. Will has spoken against the many Mafias bringing 80% of "meth, the most addictive of all drugs--and even more evil new designer drugs--into USA from Mexico and Israel. Yet the Controllers allow nothing to be known about Will's candidacy: But the current corrupt Mayor and the two other Republican candidates for mayor are every day on television, and radio; and in newspapers. Reason: The PEOPLE CONTROLLERS, and the Mafias, have photo negatives of newspaper, television, and radio CEOs--and of photo, voice, and print editors; using or on drugs, and in bed with boys and girls!!!. Two have owned up.
In the '60s, when Will was young, writing his PhD, and just starting in politics, America had the brave reporters, Victor Reisel (Riesel), and Jack Anderson. They wrote about Scicilian, Naples's, and Jewish Mafias back then controlling some 22% of America's business. And they wrote about the Mafias continued growth by the muscling into and taking over of legitimate business, i.e., that relative to legitimate ownership of companies, their ownership percentage was increasing by an estimated 2% a year. So who now owns much of America? Thus who is a People Controller(s)? Is it the Rothschild Bankster Mafia? Or are there other Mafias working to make America into a Mafia ridden Mexico or Columbia? Can American, Australian, Canadian and Northern European Protestants yet save Australia, Europe, North America, and the World from the Bankster Mafia(s), the Drugster Mafias, the Oilster Mafias, the Catholic Mafias, the Mullah Mafias, and the Eastern European and Russian Mafias?
Now here are three links, first is to a letter by Larry Heims, Editor, Grapevine (retired FBI agent's newsmag); and the next two link to two courageous writers: All write on the past and today's Mafias: In the first link, scroll 5/6ths down, and in the second scroll a tad to read about the 1958 blinding by thrown lye into the face of a New York Times crusading journalist, Victor Reisel, or Thomas L. Jones. And this next. i.e., third link opens--and at first scrolls--very slowly because a brave Boston radio station has, thankfully, for our education, filled their website link with a fount of info on the Mafias, past and present, Howie Carr. In Massachusetts, its University President was tied to the Mafia. And in Madison, WI the daughter of the Milwaukee Mafia boss was until recently President of a Catholic college in Madison. It was (and still is?) allegedly involved in money laundering. So do the Milwaukee and Madison Mobs bring drugs into the Midwest ala The Dixie Mafia? In any event the Wisconsin Mafia bosses are not lutefisk eating Norwegians.
This blog, and posts linked to this, as noted above, deal with several most urgent and alarming matters: These have been or are being created in many nations--including America--by billionaire Catholics, Hindus, Muslims--and by both religious and atheist Jews--and by also those billionaires who belong to no religious group. Also the alarming matters herein were or are being created by high men of the cloth, Mullahs, Priests, and Rabbis. These are not laughing matters: All are part of an evil web.
The web involves the Rothschilds, and sadly the Vatican (most of its funds are in Bank of Rothschild), as well as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the governance of Swift, a Belgian company, that is the world's foremost financial processing and communication service company. And Swift is controlled by the Catholic King Baudouin Foundation. Noteworthy is that it is through Swift that most of the transfers of 1) money, and 2) information dossiers about individual people in the world occur.
Thus we begin with Rabbi Dov 'Weasel' Zakheim. He is a Jews' College London '73-grad: In this just given link the note to Jews' College is in item "Pentagon finance manager resigns, his Background", if it is important. But scrolling it yields great links
, as does this info link. This mastermind over evil stole with Paul Wolfowitz, under former Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, 3.3 trillion, of our dollars, to offshore weasel holes--Israeli dens. They were likely mega-aided by the Rothschild clan, and the Zionists' offspring, and/or the "secret closet Zionists", and other sly, vile Connivers.
Now as stated above, Swift, with Headquarters in Belgium, is the big overseas Coin Changer and Dossier Keeper in the Temple. And the Chairman of the Board of the Governors of King Baudouin Foundation--foundation is major Swift stockholder; and thus controls Swift--is also the Governor of the IMF. The Governor has a pal Paul Wolfowitz. And the records of the transfer overseas of the above stolen 3.3 trillion by Zakheim were burned when a building housing the Swift records, the WTC7 building, next to the 9-11 Twin Towers collapse, was purposely "pulled" down by Larry Silverstein
: He destroyed the computer records of how the trillions were stolen.
Now one of the authors of this blog has been in politics since the 1960s. He is a PhD Chemist, and has lived half his life in Europe, a tad in Russia, since 1977. He opines that the billionaires do not just play with young boys and girls; or tiddlywinks. Rather they toy with us out of their gated castles; or soon--some already now--toy with us out of artificially-lighted and climate-controlled deep caverns--"billionaire megabunkers".
Incidentally average folk may need some way(s) of "above-ground- climate-control" soon, due to possible coming alarming climate fluctuations. In fact one of us, Dr. Will, noted past severe cold and hot climates during and after natural events: One natural phenomenon is the motion in the universe of mega bolloids, some move as "loose cannons". One or more likely mega bolloids or enormous asteroids may affect future climates. A truly mega rogue-Bolloid (Moon-sized?) on a direct collision or a glancing course with Earth or by a "near fly by" nudging and/or tilting Earth's orbit about the Sun would be capable of changing the climate of Earth: One such mega asteroid splashing deep into an ocean may have in the past sent and placed a mega-sized amount of a water, moisture, cloud blanket high in the atmosphere for an very long period of time--causing earth's heat radiation to be reflected back to the earth's surface and making a long term global "Warm Age" rather than an "Ice Age". (Both water vapor and methane are 20 times better than CO-2 at reflecting earth's heat radiation back to earth's surface.) But hopefully the one or more such encounters may be avoidable with technology now or soon available.
Now the above mentioned somewhat Moon-sized masses roaming as "Loose-cannons" about the Universe may have passed near Earth affecting Earth's or Mar's climate in the past. The events affecting climate were presented in a book, Our Secret Origins, History Exposed; To Save Humanity If We Can, ISBN 0-9667841-1-1, and LCCN: 2001126579, (c) 2000, 2002, Finn Inc. Box 8323, Madison, WI 53708-8323. Revised edition, Send check $19.90, includes S & H to Will Sandstrom, P.O. Box 8323, Madision, WI, 53708-8323.
And the above PhD scientist author had discussed his theories already back in 1955 about three major natural causes of notable rapid fluctuations in climate warming and cooling. In 1955 he was invited to the home of the "Father" of the NASA Weather Surveillance by Satellite Program. On his living room floor the "Father" laid out some of the first photos taken by satellites of cloud movements. Then he said, "Someday people will see how cloudy weather systems move about our planet on television". The program father was then Professor and Chairman, Dr. Werner Suomi, Department of Meteorology (climate), University of Wisconsin.
In 1956 to protect Will himself as being the theorist about how climates have altered (sometimes fast)--and will change--the author mailed and addressed to Will himself the theories in a registered letter, still unopened. He was a poor boy then. And now he is a grandpa with a mind full of rich experiences and wisdom--and a blogger. In the 1950s the Chairman of a political party said to him, "You are so far ahead of your time that no one will understand you. Voters do not vote for men of genius, and bearers of bad news; they vote for men who have the big coin, or who are pals of the coin changers". If you are interested in reading the gist of the three theories kindly scroll half way down to bold heading, 'Global Warming and Cooling' in post/blog Catholic Wealth. Enjoy it now before cometh the sweat on the brow; shivers on the spine.
First let us thank Mothers Against Illegal Aliens and their Webmaster for providing a great discussion on Wake Up about Illegal Aliens shown on You Tube, and also the funders and webmaster of the Minuteman Project and website.
Second, we note Senator Hillary Clinton seeks Presidency. But she is a fake like her thing-ding husband. We need only remember that Congress passed the 1999-Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act to repeal the 1933-Glass-Steagall Banking, and the 1956-Bank Holding Company Acts--the later act's wording more strongly kept banks from selling insurance. But Bill Clinton did not veto the '99 bill. Thus shortly after Bill Clinton signed the repeal; the Rothschilds began selling Rothschild Insurance! And Hillary Clinton--being a pal of "Gangster-Banksters" such as Rothschilds--voted for the vile 2005-Bankruptcy Law. In fact sadly many cast a 'yea'; including Sen. John Edwards. So Iowa and all Democrats--in fact all voters--must wake up. Note: Shockingly only 16 Democrats voted against gangster-bankster Rothschild clan and vassal ilk.
Before we begin we link to nine Dick Cheney Cartoons: To save valuable time click just on cartoons as other stuff is not germane to our blog--but do click to enlarge the lower left cartoon (just below word oops) where Cheney, while showing gun, has it accidentally go off (into an oil exec's face?), oops; its a hoot, Elmer Fudd as Cheney.
Also before we begin, one member, Will, making this blog has written about himself as an example of what many have gone or go through with little or no wealth. So rather than click in upper right box 'About Me' on 'Will' or 'Profile'--which is written in tiny font and no paragraphs--click and scroll to near bottom in next link: In it "About Will" is written in larger font, and organized into paragraphs, finn7777. And one may also want to read about huge Catholic Wealth.
Now we begin. By a huge margin the world's people do not want Mullahs to be the CONTROLLERS of all people, no more than past people wanted a Hitler or Stalin. Yet Pres. Bush may ask America's middle income tax payers to agree to spend even more of their tax monies by way of the Defense Department. But to morally in Jesus' name ask for more such monies, America's "Kenny Lay Bush" must first arrest and convict his and the world's megathief, former Defense Department Controller--the vile Zionist Megathief and Rabbi, Dov Zakheim: He stole 3.3 trillion dollars to Israel.
Note: To a Zionist Jew the pledge of allegiance to a nation or flag other than Israel has no meaning. One can verify this by finding the Kol Nidre prayer in a browser URL,, and click in letter K area to--its appearance may take time--Kol Nidre. Yet since it may be slow to appear here it is: "All vows, oaths, obligations, and anathemas, whether called 'ḳonam,' 'ḳonas,' or by any other name, which we may vow, or swear, or pledge, or whereby we may be bound, from this Day of Atonement until the next (whose happy coming we await), we do repent. May they be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void, and made of no effect; they shall not bind us nor have power over us. The vows shall not be reckoned vows; the obligations shall not be obligatory; nor oaths be oaths." So will we beware a Zionist?
Thus we need to make a link to how the dollar has been and is being made weak by the acts of a Megathief Zionist and two other megathieves. And we make a link to "Eurabia" to warn the world's people of the Death of all beliefs except Muslim. The Mullahs' Muslims flood, convert, set up terror hubs and cells, and if need be KILL ALL to achieve what French scholar Olivier Roy calls a "Globalized Islam": And it begins in Europe. But for Islam to "globalize", it must make North America into an "Amerabia" by forming hubs and cells in it too. Thus Detroit MI is now one hub: For proof note how the Detroit hub sent Muslim Ellison to Somali Muslims in Minneapolis, MN to be elected the first Muslim in the U.S. House--in order to help Globalize Islam.
Now what all need to ask is who in North America and Europe were the Politicians, their Chiefs of Staffs, and their main Sugar Daddy Campaign Funders that acted to bring Muslims into North America and Europe to create discord in--and begin the potential conquering of--Canada, America, and Europe; and thereby more easily obtain a Globalized Islam.
For they--the Rothschild vassal Sugar Daddies for example--have made a terrible mistake if they helped or funded Muslims to enter other nations for the sake of creating discord; as the Rothschild clan and vassals did in helping fund Hitler and Stalin. Beware the Mullahs: They are many Hitlers and Stalins--spreading to form a Globalized Islam.
But to prevent a Globalized Islam the politicians in Russia, India, and China--unlike in North America and Europe--are acting to prevent a "Russiarabia", "Chinarabia" and "Indiarabia". In any case, all of the world's non-Muslims must unite to forever solve "The MULLAH THREAT". Since the Mullahs do not act to have Muslims dramatically reduce their birth rates and migration to other nations there can be no half way. Today their entry into--and high birth rate in--France has caused unemployment in many suburbs to be at 25%, much higher among young people. And in some suburbs in France the 'foreign' population is now near 30%; in Clichy-sous-Bois it is 35% foreign, many non-French-speaking. (N.Y. Times, 10-21-06, p. 1.) And although there are no well done population studies in France it is likely half the young in some French suburbs are now non French: Population studies do occur in some European nations.
And in any nation, once the Muslims become over 50% of the total population they will rule the nation and take the jobs. Thus with Mullahs we can not be bleeding hearts; for the Mullahs will--in nonMuslims--bleed hearts. For example, the Mullah led and their taught Muslims carried out holocausts on Armenians, Kurds, Finno-Ugrics and many other people. Thus Soon Eurabia? And a large Eurabia area will allow each Suni and Shia Mullah to have a much larger area than each now has from which--or in which--to act to kill off all opposing Mullahs; and their tribal clan mafia-type killers and roadside bombers; but not their own.
Thus Protestants must have at home the type(s) of gun(s) that can truly defend their homes and Protestant Nations. And yet we pray that the situation of the Protestants does not become so dire that a few must always have guns in churches to prevent Churches from attacks and invasions by nonProtestants. But it seems that the only way politicians in yet Protestant Nations can save their Nations from becoming controlled by Muslims or Catholics is to adopt the "Israeli Solution" or Protestant Nations Dead; for nonJews may not enter Israel, vote immediately, and later become Israeli citizens. Note: In many nations politicians are already controlled by very rich Jews who are the campaign megafunders, aka Sugar Daddies--in U.S., Jew and Oil Sugar Daddies.
Supporting the above Israeli Solution may be the Humane Activist J. G. Caldwell who wrote the preceding weblink's article. (Dr. Caldwell has another article very worth reading on his and Thom Hartman's alert about the Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight. Mr. Hartman notes Israel taking lands of natives.) And if you think our blog is long, wait until you scroll the entire lengths of Dr. J. G. Caldwell's articles composed in many subsites within his website: He is a Ph.D. mathematical genius on missile ballistics. Now the ballistics mathematician, who made the three and other very long preceding informative, and most educational articles in his website, is a very sane gentleman. Their long lengths do not mean he has gone ballistic.
For like many people Dr. Caldwell is aware about our fate but not yet angry, ballistic. So instead of writing a book--that would cost readers to buy--he put his thoughts into a website, for people to read free: And for sharing his thoughts freely we thank the gentleman. Now he and many others are extremely concerned about having lost or loosing their Nations to the control of Muslims, Catholics or Jews. So they (we all) tend to write long blogs and websites to alert the people of the world about the Controllers and would-be Controllers. Yet possibly some of us Protestants may be accused of being bleeding hearts and foolish if we give links to those who are very concerned and write blogs or websites such as, for example, one written by a poet daughter of an American-Palestinian. Oh how we pray that she could sit on the lap of every Mullah--one at a time--and whisper in each Mullah's ear a kind request for each Mullah to say out loud in their every service, "Allah Is Too Great. For fellow Muslims, we have way overpopulated our nations. But Allah does not command us to send our mega-numbers of Muslim young to populate and overpopulate other nations."
Now short note to Bush: Before you send boys and girls of the middle class and poor to fight a war, you must act to have the megathief Zionist, Dov 'Evil Weasel' Zakheim, return fast to the US Treasury the 3.3 trillion dollars he stole to Israel; and also have your megarich pals pay taxes at a MegaRich tax rate of 94%--as the megarich did to help pay the cost of World War II (WWII). This high rate is noted in the preceding link, by scrolling in it 60% down to the heading, World War II-The Income Tax Becomes A Mass Tax: 'To pay for WWII, Roosevelt turned to a mass tax. The top rate went up to 94% for incomes over $2,000,000.' Now knowing that since 1945 the Consumer Price Index (CPI) has risen over 900%--some prices have gone up even more--a $2,000,000 income would today be near $200,000,000. Note to George W. Bush, aka The Ken Lay of U.S. Government: Not to be read upside down in bathroom.
And George Bush, in unison we ask, "Is the Swift Meat Packing Company President and CEO, Zionist Sam Rovits, a pal?" (He was formerly Head of Bain & Company global mergers and acquisitions dept.) Swift has hired illegal aliens at 9 dollars/hour salary to replace American citizens it fired because they earned 20 dollars/hour. NO, the Zionist Rovitz-types need not try to say to legal U.S. citizens and Christians that, "Illegal aliens do work that Americans won't do." For Zionists fire American Christians who do the work that Zionists say, "Americans won't do." Zionists fire and lie. Did Sam Rovits knowingly aid and abet illegal aliens to come into and hide with false 'papers' in America? Are you, George, protecting campaign contributor Sam Rovits? For interestingly neither he nor Swift have been charged. Do you and 'things', as Rovits, want high unemployment for American citizens--and US citizens to loose jobs--so that they will join the National Guard to fight Rothschild's and Israel's war(s)? (Note: Former Texas Swift workers sue.)
Now we present two news links emailed to one of us. This news is not in 'Controlled' media. Subject: China Dumping Dollars? Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006. Publ. 15 Dec '06 7:27 PM EST. CHINA TO DUMP ONE TRILLION IN U.S. RESERVES! If true, then U.S. as we know it is finished and the world may be headed for economic disaster. Erskine 'Erskine Show Overnight'. Now you, the reader, may click on the two Erskine Overnight links, two paragraphs on. But we noted that you can not get access to the original information, "info" news links--for the links are to emails on Yahoo sent to one of us: They only read, 'Your login session has expired'. Now a private email being inaccessible is for a good reason, i.e., that no one else can read an email sent to an individual--should the link to the email be inserted into a blog or website. Thus we made a new link that combined all the info items that were in the two personal emails.
And here is the info link, Megathief Rabbi. Now on Christmas, Santa was to add info. But instead he and we got led by a red-nosed
reindeer, Rudolph, to update links to discussions on books by Emeritus Professor Martin Bernal on Ancient Greece, Near East, and Africa--find scrolling 1/2 way down: He has a new Nov. 2006 book, Black Athena, Vol. III. Oh how we pray that some young people who may write books on origins of people, tribes and tongues would learn a Finnic tongue. Why they might become as brilliant as Dr. Bernal; and find facts that support a different theory--and allow people to entertain the idea that nice people may be wrong without lowering the valuable discussion they have promoted. (Besides the theorists make money selling 'theory books'. But we who write blogs do not make money writing blogs. Many of us write to expose a Controller--or controllers?--of the value of the money used in various nations, and the ideas disseminated within the nations.)
Now to get back on the topic of info links, we did place the reference links for the info items--as sent to us (noted above)--into accessible links nearby the Erskine links. Yet the Erskine emails themselves may in fact become accessible. So next are the two emails from Erskine Overnight: First we made a link that opens to the news item. Now this news item was in a Hal Turner blog--made by Hal on a blog hoster, "eblogger"--which Erskine linked to. (Erskine knows nothing about the blog creator, Hal.) The item was Megathief Rabbi. Now Hal Turner's blog--that was removed by Google owners, Zionists Larry Page and Sergi Brin--was China dumps dollar. It referred to China using its trillion or so dollars to buy gold, oil, military items, etc. while the dollar still has some value
. Now we add Russia went to Euro, as did Sweden. And our alert friend Erskine, of Erskine Show Overnight, has sent a most important alert, Megathief Rabbi, or Bush Depression Likely. If it happens, historians will write about two Great Depressions, Hoover and Bush Depressions. It will make Old Papa Bush cry, long, and hard three times, wailing: 1) My son allowed Rabbi Dov Zakheim, yes the Zionist 'Evil Weasel' Zakheim, and another Zionist, David 'Devil' Rothschild, to Mega-Steal 3.3 trillion dollars from America's middle class taxpayers, 2) Bush name to be associated with a Great Depression, and 3) No Bush--not even son Jeb--can ever be President. Yes, Bush Presidential Dynasty era has ended.
In the above link there are four sentences that create alarm: They are: If the U.S. tried to intervene against any Chinese military action, the only plant in the world which can manufacture specialized gyros needed for U.S. Cruise Missile guidance systems, is now located in China. So China could prevent that plant from shipping to the U.S. Thus once our arsenal of cruise missiles was depleted, it would take a long time to re-tool a plant to make more gyros and resupply cruise missiles for battle. And the Chinese feel they could reach certain military goals before the U.S. could re-tool.
However in the source given in the link we were unable to find the preceding four sentences. So here are two direct links to the Hal Turner Show itself, referred to in the above link: But before you click it, you need to be warned: Put on diapers! And smile awhile: For Hal is against huge numbers of illegals now in North America and Europe, and more coming. See: Hal Turner Show, and Hal Turner. Now the preceding 'Hal Turner Show' link does have above four sentences. And once in it, you may scroll 60% down on right to 'Priceless Video'. But to save time here is the direct video link next; and note at the end the repeated yelled word INS mean Immigration and Naturalization Service--'Priceless Video, How to lawfully turn in illegals': IT'S a RIOT! We viewed and saved it on our thumb drives. (It did not harm our computers.)
Note: The Controllers gave Americans an Anti-Free-Speech Christmas sad present: For at 1 AM Christmas morning 12-25-'06 Americans and the World's people were no more allowed access to two preceding links, Turner Show, and 'Priceless Video'. Instead appeared, 'IE can not show website', or 'Not Found'. And on 12-29-'06 appeared from eblogger, 'The requested URL was not found on this server'. So Hal Turner foolishly made his blog with eblogger on eblogger's server. And since eblogger is owned by Google founders and Zionists Larry Page and Sergey Brin, that is to be expected. For example on our blog they were able at one time to place an ad for bowel flush (To read about this inhumanness scroll 1/2 way down in this, our, blog). The Controllers are out and about--not with Santa; but with doo doo.
But all believe in free speech. So we give gist of 'Priceless Video' clip noted above: A gentleman driving a large pick-up truck notes six Mexicans on a corner hoping that someone will give them day-work. He stops and offers them a job to build a deck addition to a house. They accept and climb in the open back of the truck. He drives direct to the front of the nearest INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) building, and yells, "INS, INS, INS". Video ends showing fast scattering.
But now, 12-26-'06, the world's people got a belated Christmas present with again access to Hal Turner Show; for the people to smile awhile. So Merry Post-Christmas. And may GOD bless to all of us a Happier New Year--and especially to those who stay in their own nations to wipe out organized crime and create humane nations.
Whoops: We spoke too soon as on 12-27-'06 people were again denied access to the Hal Turner Show: Controller(s) may flutter about. Beware the Controller(s).
Now we add to above gyro-topic: There are new more advanced 'chip gyro' guidance systems: And they are likely in the newer Russian Foxbats. But the old slower heavy Foxbat had thousands of small but heavy old-type vacuum tubes in its guidance system. So it was less affected by an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) from a nuclear blast that may ruin a chip gyro guidance system.
A history side note: We 'oldtimers' remember when the US military could not figure out why in the '70s the Russians continued to fly heavy less agile Foxbat fighters until one Russian pilot defected with one to Japan. In it they found the answer; it had heavy old vacuum tube type electronics. So a high altitude nuclear blast would have hindered the electronics in US planes which had lighter more advanced chip-based electronics. Our military may need to know that Putin and the Russian Bear have minds of a Fox.
In any case the next link ties to the above 'China may dump' link (first one above) and follows after this statement: Older people remember when during and after World War II the taxes took from America's super-rich 94% of their total yearly income. This was done to help pay off the financing costs and debt incurred by US Government in fighting WWII. (As a source reference on this high rate here are sentences found in a link presented after the next sentences--found by scrolling down 60% to heading, World War II-The Income Tax Becomes a Mass Tax: "To pay for WWII, Roosevelt turned to a mass tax. The top rate went up to 94% for incomes over $2,000,000", see Robert Schalkenbach Foundation Rich tax 94%.) Now sadly Christians and many Nations may be in a prolonged conflict with Muslims. Yet for last six years American's have been led by a person of low IQ: He has adored the advise of his 'Handlers who Control Him' and 'Campaign Funding Sugar Daddies' that NO taxes on the megarich and on companies--especially those that have made record megaprofits, the bank holding, pharmaceutical, armaments, and oil companies--is GOD's will.
So to help the reader understand how NO taxes on the Megarich is helping to lead to the death of America one needs to read an article recently allowed to be published by Rolling Stone Magazine owners: The piece is by Paul Krugman, The Great Wealth Transfer. And just as we thank Finland's Helsingin Sanomat for publishing a great piece by Russian documentary film director Andrei Nekrasov--from the bedside of his Polonium 210 poisoned friend, Alexander Litvinenko (see below)--we must thank the powers that be at Rolling Stone, its Editor(s), and advertisers for allowing Paul Krugman's great article to get wide readership. Stones has other pieces. Thanks.
Now to continue: Protestants must act now. For events happen, and then it may be too late. For example on 12-13-6 a Lutheran, So. Dakota Democratic US Senator, Tim Johnson, became ill speaking to reporters: That night he underwent surgery on blood vessel(s) in his brain. Let us pray Senator Johnson recovers fully, fast. But if the worst happens (let us pray it does not) and it is certain that he will never be in the Senate--thus far beginning 1-3-2007 to be ruled by Democrats, 51-49--then the So. Dakota Republican Governor will appoint a Senator, likely a Republican; and the Senate will stay under Republican control. Note: If Johnson were unable to be at an organizational Senate session and cast a vote, the Democrats and one independent could still vote 50-49 to install Democrats in positions of leadership for the next two years.
Moreover, as long as a Senator is alive he is a member of Congress. For example, in 1964, Senator Clair Engle suffered from a brain tumor, and was unable to speak or walk. Thus he was carried on a stretcher into the Senate to vote on a most important bill. When the Speaker, calling for a vote, came to the stricken Senator's turn to vote and asked, "How does the Senator from California, Senator Engle, vote?" The prone Senator cast a critical vote for the Civil Rights Act by solemnly pointing his finger to his eye. The Speaker said, 'The Senator from California, Senator Engle, votes aye'.
Now we who make this blog ask how many politicians--while speaking--have mysteriously become ill. I myself am a PhD biochemist who has been in politics for many years. I helped Congressman Dave Obey be placed by former Congressman Wilbur Mills (deceased) onto House Appropriations in '69. Since late '60s I have lived in Europe half my life: I lived a tad in Estonia, Latvia and Russia in '60s, 70s and '80s. Having been around some blocks and ducked into some alleys, I urge that politicians do not drink the water or tea in a glass offered them at a table or podium at any event, or restaurant. For something 'interesting' may be offered. Thus we give advice to any politician: If you, the politician, nip--as Wilbur is known to have done--keep the lady on your lap; and keep the bottle always under your eye, strapped below your belly button: Your stand may impress.
Now in the case of Senator Tim Johnson, Doctors say he has larger than normal brain blood vessels. Such vessels have weaker walls and are more prone to leakage, thus causing a stroke. So I ask is there a molecule(s) that can increase leakage occurring in normal vessels, and hence even more readily in larger vessels.
In fact with what has happened to some very worthwhile people, I am beginning to ask if the world has one or more People Controllers arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic (Earth)--and who gets the life boats. Note: The Turkish tribes in Central Asia were controlled under threat of death by the Muslim Mullahs to become Muslims. And they did a holocaust on Finno-Ugrics, Armenians, and others.
And they invaded an area in the northern Middle East, killed many of its native people, and gave the area the name Turkey--and put it under MULLAH MAFIA CONTROL. Europe must not allow Muslims into Europe. For history may teach us something when in c300 BC a Latin chief asked the Romans, "Why do you kill the Samnites?" And a Roman answered, "We will not be safe until the last Samnite is dead". So for example, the U. N. may need to place 'quarantine' on Sudan. When the iron is hot, act.
Next we give a new recent link at the end of this paragraph. And for past few days we often clicked on this new next link to test its accessibility. (In fact we often test all links we put in this blog.) And upon clicking it we got to the website fast. But not on 12-12-6. Sometimes it took time to download, or would not download. The reason may be that it is getting many visits (hits) or Putin has 'high jacked' or 'arranged' many computers to overload the website's server. So the reader must be patient as it is a great read. If it is unavailable, the reader might remember to try to access the new website later: The link is Complete transcript of letter sent to the major newspaper in Finland, Helsingin Sanomat, by Russian documentary film director Andrei Nekrasov from the bedside of his Polonium 210 poisoned friend, Alexander Litvinenko. We must thank Helsingin Sanomat for letting the eyes of the world see the letter.
Also the website of London's Telegraph newspaper may have a problem. So to come back to this blog from this next link you may need to click 'Back' 2 or 3 times, slowly. So the Telegraph newspaper may need to be aware that Putin may have poisoned or played with their website too! In any event here is the next link--to Nakrasov's friend. As noted above he was Alexander Litvinenko, who was poisoned with Polonium 210. Litvinenko, a former officer in the Russian FSB (formerly KGB), died 11-23-2006 in a hospital in London, England. Now is the Russian mafia(s) culture--especially the second wave of the Jewish Mafia--spreading into Israel, England, and America? With things going the way they are in Iraq and the world, will the world's anthem be a line in a song by Johnny Cash, 'I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die'. (With no Xmas.)
Now the cause of our watching a man die may unfold soon. And one or more Rabbis want our Christmas to die. For example one Rabbi caused all nine Christmas trees to be removed from Sea-Tac International Airport: Nighttime airport crew removed the 9 trees rather than add a GIANT Jewish menorah to the holiday display as a rabbi had demanded. He threatened to sue if the menorah was not put up, and gave a two-day deadline to remove the trees. A Rabbi 'Grinch' stole Christmas. And another Rabbi, Dov Zakheim, stole--under 'Enron Ken Lay twin', CEO Pres Bush--3.3 trillion dollars.
Thus we begin with Rabbi Dov 'Weasel' Zakheim. He is a Jews' College London '73-grad: In this prior great link to 'Jew Dov' one may scroll to click its amazing links. This mastermind over evil stole with Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld 3.3 trillion of our dollars to offshore weasel holes--Israeli dens. They were likely mega-aided by Rothschild clan, and Zionists' offspring or 'secret closet Zionists' and other sly, vile CONNIVERS.
Now before we get really rolling with this blog we need to bring up some items about the Clintons. First it is important that all readers of this blog read the next link to know the relationship of the Clintons with the Rabbi, Weasel Dov, by scrolling down 10% of way in this link, and look for "DOV" in quotes, Clintons with both Dov Zakheim and Marc Rich, two 'mega-thieves'.
And next it is crucial that a reader understands how Clintons were and are controlled by Baron Rothschild and his ilk. Now this paragraph is a repeat of that at top. We see Senator Hillary Clinton seeks Presidency. She is a Fake like her thing-ding husband. When Congress passed the 1999-Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act to repeal the 1933-Glass-Steagall Banking, and the 1956-Bank Holding Company Acts--the later act's wording more strongly kept banks from selling insurance--Bill Clinton did not veto the 1999 bill. Directly after signing of repeal the Rothschilds began selling Rothschild Insurance! And Hillary--being a pal of "Gangster-Banksters" such as Rothschilds--voted for the vile 2005-Bankruptcy Law. In fact sadly many cast a 'yea'; including Sen. John Edward's. Iowa and all Democrates, in fact all voters must wake up. Note: Shockingly only 16 Democrates voted against gangster-bankster Rothschild clan and vassal ilk.
Now the above 1999 bill allowed the 'Rothschild Bank Clan' to become a 'Mega Controller'. For this bill dramatically changed the American financial system. It knocked down the existing barriers that separated insurance and banking and also separated securities and banking. In fact the former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, Alan Greenspan, believed barriers so important that he has said in testimony before the House Commerce Committee that if we had a bill that allowed banks to provide these expanded services within the bank itself, that bill would be so dangerous in terms of providing an unlevel playing surface -- in terms of encouraging artificially the concentration of securities products being sold and serviced inside the bank -- and the safety and soundness dangers with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation would be so great, that he and every member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Board have taken a position that it would be better to pass no financial services modernization than to allow banks to provide these new services within the bank itself. (This statement is in preceding link.)
Thus the above passed new legislation allowed banks to sell insurance. And the evil baron immediately created his insurance arm, Rothschild Insurance!
People must have a choice in buying insurance rather than being 'directed' by their bank to buy their bank's insurance. For as yet people have a broad choice in trying to find and buy a house, rather than just buy what their bank offers.
And to watch over US Govt account spending books Clinton appointed David M. Walker as US Comptroller General. Between 1989 and 1998, Mr. Walker worked at Arthur Andersen LLP, where he was a partner. And he was a board member of Arthur Andersen, the auditing firm headed by Joe Berardino, when this firm let Enron mega-rob workers' pensions. Wake up Americans. Mrs. Clinton must never become President. And Obama may need to be wary of support from Soros. For when Soros failed to get control of Nokia in the '80s, the then CEO of Finnish Nokia died after he fell--or was pushed out--of a window of a hotel while on a business trip in Germany.
To prove Washington politicians and Chiefs of Staffs are NOT Connivers controlled by the Zionist Political Campaign Funders--aka Zionist Sugar Daddies/Mommies--the politicians (US Congress) must investigate Dov Zakheim. And it must do all it can to jail forever the world's Mega-Bandit, Dov Zakheim. For sadly, there are 'things' that have chimp-brains; that lack a 'moral center'--wherever that may be. Congress must not be a Congress of Chimps, but rather be a Congress of Champs.
And the next Congress must impeach Bush--aka The "White House Enron Ken Lay"--who was the 'thing' who did not stop the mega-crooks from stealing the tax monies of the middle class: Note: It is those in the middle class--who do not have attorneys to help them hide their incomes in off shore bank accounts--who pay nearly all of the taxes the States and Washington are able to collect by way of honest people's income taxes, and middle class home owners property taxes.
Yet does Bush Sr cry over the fact that his deceased pal conniver Lee Atwater can not help another Bush, his other son, Jeb get elected as President--so as to lower taxes even more on the mega-rich, and help the 'Dov Zakheim-Zionist-Mafia-types' steal another trillion or so; above the already 3.3 trillion dollars his other son (aka 'The Enron-type-President') allowed to be stolen from the Defense Department, and the middle class taxpayers? As the one Republican Bush son, 'Thing-George, not King George', was the "Enron Ken Lay" in the White House, thus most certainly America's middle class taxpayers do not need yet another Bush or Republican in the White House, in at least the next 50 years. Note: Amongst the Jesuits and Opus Dei it has been a policy to have one brother be a Priest and another to be in the Mafia. And the Rothschild family clan has vassals who get title of Rabbi as cover for conducting 'vile acts'. And does Russia have many mafias, including 'The Putin Mafia'?
Now in the tax thefts did the following play roles?: 1) Montreal's Bonanno mafia family, 2) Alfonso Gagliano, 3) Rizutto-family-clan Mafia, and 4) 'Rothschilds of Mafia' ref. 12--who are on the Money Laundering and Tax-haven Caribbean Island Aruba--and 5) world's crime webs. And what does the--just forced to resign 12-6-06--Head of Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Giuliano Zaccardelli know? Zaccardelli was born in Prezza, Italy. He has tried to clarify the issue. Zaccardelli told the Toronto Star newspaper--to read this, scroll half down in this next link--There is no "Italian Mafia" in Canada. That is like stating Putin has no Nashi harrasing The British Ambassador in Moscow. To read a piece by Mischa Gabowitsch on today's Russia, Putin and the Nashi scroll to bottom of pg. 2 in this next link Inside The Looking Glass. Amazing; but maybe not. For
a Russian is a Russian even in a Russian ice cream cone: But in any offered ice cream, or crotch item (Aids virus), or tea (Polonium 210 or other poison) there may exist death--like the death they have brought and continue to bring to the areas of the native Finno-Ugric People of central and northern Russia: These areas were occupied by the expansionist land hungry 'Controller' Principality of Moscovy.

Concerning Controllers taking land and riches and not paying taxes, we ask why is not Mafia Billionaire and one of Canada's Controllers, Canada's 'godfather' Vito Rizutto, not on Canada's Super-rich list? And unlike Canada, it's illegal in Italy--to read this, scroll down to near end of this next link--to be a member of the criminal organization known as the Mafia, or to plot crimes with members of the Mafia. But there are no anti-Mafia laws in Canada. See Canada does not have a law making it illegal to belong to the Mafia or other clans involved in Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO Act of USA). Thus those in Canada wanting to save Canada from the 'Evil ones who aim to be the Controllers' must act to remove the Controllers and certain Canadian politicians that cover-up exposure about crime gangs--and who do not act to eliminate crime gangs; but instead will often act to protect them.
Now Republicans aided in the above 3.3 trillion dollar theft of our tax monies by way of the theft of US Defense Department monies--and ultimately theft from the Treasury Department--by the above vile Zionist Rabbi (and by the Rothschilds?). This is theft from middle class tax payers--more later below--and the poor who will have to pay tax monies into the US Treasury to cover the sinister Rabbi's theft.
Thus Nancy Pelosi must not remain the new House Speaker as she is overly pro-Israel and would act to protect the evil Rabbi from prosecution and jailing for (Mega) theft. Moreover we must pray that the new Democrat controlled Congress will impeach Bush--and get England to send Hyper-rich 'King of Wealth and People Control' Rothschild before the US Congress.
And Former President Jimmy Carter must be thanked for his honesty and courage in speaking out on Israel's land grab. Now if only many world leaders would speak out against Russian and Jewish land grabs of Finno-Ugric lands, and attempts at extermination of very endangered Finno-Ugric People.

More below. Incidentally, Jews did not want Bert Lance, Jimmy Carter's nomination as Chairman of the Federal Reserve, to succeed. This is in a quote--found by scrolling 3/4ths way down in next link--by William Safire, "We (Jews) didn't want you to become Chairman of the Fed." So must The Federal Reserve be renamed The Jew Reserve? (Since 1933, 8 of 10 Chairmen, Jews.)
Now, although already requested above, I ask readers to go to the top right box, About Me, and click 'Will' or 'Profile' to better understand where I am--and where we are--coming from. For there are some people left who lived through or were born in 1930s' Depression Years, and that add to this blog.
Now that you, the reader, have read on top right 'About Me' My Profile you understand what many went through in "1930s' Depression". My grandfather, born in Finland, was of Finnish and Swedish stock. He was an engineer and helped design and build churches in Finland. Then in the late 1800s he came to America, met to be President Teddy Roosevelt, and was in the Spanish-American War. My grandfather Oscar was asked by Teddy, after the war, to fill a staff position in the Whitehouse--and go fishing with Ted and his fishing pals. But instead granddad decided with his wife and children to homestead on Ely Lake 70 miles north of Duluth, MN, build a log cabin, a sauna, farm--and fish off the dock that led from the sauna into the lake, idyllic.
But idyllic his life was not to be. For in the early 1900s the mainly Lutheran Finnish-American iron and copper ore miners were on strike for more humane working conditions. So the 'Iron-Copper Robber Barons'--the Carnegies, Mellons, Pickands, Mathers, and others--replaced the strikers with picket crossing strike breakers or 'Scabs': They were non-Protestant Croations, Slovenians, Irish, Italians, etc. So to help the starving unemployed miners my granddad, from his farm, fed them. But he was caught doing this honorable Christian act, and his life was threatened. For both the 'Barons' and the Catholic Church sent Italian Mafia and Mexican 'Bulls' as 'Hit Men' to kill the Protestant strike leaders: Those shot were mainly Finns: And some who were caught giving them food and shelter were shot too. So granddad moved further north in Minnesota to near the Canadian border, to start all over to build another farm. Yet he did not get a chance to build a 'big' farm, but only as a start; a small barn, log cabin, and a dock into a fish-loaded river, and a sauna--of course. He died too soon. He seems to have given up on human beings, as he had a saying, "A wood chopping floating in the river means someone is too close; time to move on".
Now there are those that add to this blog who had parents and/or relatives that were discriminated against in America because they were labor activists. Thus some moved to 'aboriginal Finnic People's Lands' east and SE of Finland, such as Ingeria, Karelia, and Vepsland, to live with the gentle Finnics that lived in their own lands in NE Europe. They went to try making a humane land.
But the Jews and Russian Slavs had infiltrated into these lands; and took the lands, and did a near HOLOCAUST on the indigenous people. Thus we must work hard to make certain the political campaign funding 'Sugar Daddies', the Zionist Rothschild family clan, the religious leaders--Mullahs, Priests, Rabbis--and 'sick, vile, fanatical despots' (as Putin and the CEO?) do not force human beings to starvation, or early death by bullets or poisons; as Jews and Slavs did and do in Russia, and elsewhere. See Benjamin Freedman exposes conniving vile Rabbis who want wealth, land and followers-- as do Priests, Mullahs, and high elite in Putin's Russian Secret Police, FSB (former KGB)--so all these toads need not work. He exposes sleazy lazy liars. Note: Russian mafias and bribe taking worse: And a former FSB/KGB colonel poisoned, for exposing Putin and FSB causing 9/11 type apartment explosion events in Russia; so Putin wins election, and will be a Russian Controller with spies or killers: But Bush and oil pals dare to play ball with a racist controller and killer. Beware: Putin with iron gloves does not play tiddlywinks. And there are others who do not want freedom and democracy in Russia; or elsewhere.
Note: We accidentally found the first report of the poisoning of Russian FSB Colonel Litvinenko on the web on Sunday 2 AM, 11-19-06, and were the first to put the links up. They were the 2 links above: Rus Secret Police, FSB, and Rus Mafias and Bribe Taking Worse. But after 1 AM of 11-22-6 the 2 links were not seeable when clicked. So Controllers are controlling what one can see on the web. Now who'd a thunk it?
But after America's Thanksgiving day, 11-23 the 2 links were again seeable. Must we thank the Rothschilds and Putin? May the clan family and Putin both have pet turkeys, unpoisoned, at their sides, even when sleeping. To control Indigenous Finno-Ugrics and their land resources such as oil, minerals, waters, and timber, do birds of a feather bed together--carefully so as to not ruffle. But is Putin a 'vile closet-plucker', plucking away riches and opponents? And are Moscow and Russian FSB (former KGB) still using poisons, agents, and iron gloves, i.e., withholding energy access, stolen from Finno-Ugrics,--just as they kept grain from the Ukrainians to make bread; after stealing their grain. And today the New York Times does not report about theft of oil and minerals from Finno-Ugric lands; just as it did not report Ukrainian starvation and theft of Ukrainian grain in 1930s.
So because of the nefarious acts of the Controllers, we use links the 'semi-approved' press is allowed to have on the web. Here are four, Poisoned spy, Spy thriller, Another Putin critic, Yegor Gaidar, ill, and Were killer(s) on plane(s)? Interestingly, we note that one of the writers of this last great link has surname, Lawless.! Amazing.
But control to inform people is not new. For years our Protestant members have not been allowed to call in on 2 radio talk shows, America's National Public Radio (NPR), and Wisconsin Public Radio, to give Protestant opinions: All the hosts are Jewish--yet a few Catholics are allowed, but no Protestants. Are these 2 talk shows not both controlled by Jews and Jesuits (Sinister Opus Dei)? (And Protestant taxpayers help support such shows where they can not have at least half the hosts be Protestants.) Note: For more on intrigues, mafias, etc., scroll in link Sad World. Yes we PROTESTANTS MUST AWAKE.
To help in this awakening the Protestant Blue Dog Democrates must not allow Nancy Pelosi to remain new House Speaker in 2007. For example she wants ever more Catholics in America and so is against building 2 rows of fences along America's borders. Sadly America lacks wise politicians (The Jews and 'Oil Rich' campaign funding Sugar Daddies make certain we do not get wise people elected. Need we Protestants pray that GOD/JESUS is our Sugar Daddy?) And the unkind photo the Jews and the Catholic's Nancy Pelosi arranged of one of America's great Protestant former Presidents, Jimmy Carter reflects their opinion of Protestants and Protestant politicians--as if there was not a better photo. This is religious bigotry.
Note: Pelosi, if retained, will be a bad House Speaker as she voted for immigrant rights, and she voted AGAINST the Secure Fence Act of 2006. And Protestants know that Catholics want ever more Mexican and other Catholics into America so as to vote into office Catholic politicians by outnumbering Protestant voters in elections. Since Catholics control so very many nations why must they try to control yet another nation, America? People not only in America but the World must know that it was the Protestants that saved most of the world's people from the clutches of a corrupt Catholic Church and its Priests. (Note: Some individual Priests are not corrupt. Oh if only they would become Protestants. Why they could even marry!) Now let us pray that the world's people will save all people from the clutches of the other religious racists, the Mullahs, the Rabbis, the Russian Orthodox Priests, and the Russian Slav racist Putin. And since the Russian Slavs have such a vast amount of land why do not Putin, the FSB, and Russian Church Priests give back to Indigenous Finno-Ugrics their Finno-Ugric lands? The Russian Priests, Duma, and Putin must allow GOD to remove their hate, before at GOD'S gate it is too late.
Now due to above corruption in the Catholic Church and with two Irish-American Archbishops, California's Foger Baloney, and Minnesota's Harry 'Flym-Flam' Flynn, wanting America's borders wide open--so vast numbers of Catholics enter America to vote Catholics into office--we add Sunday's 12-3-06 LA Times great article next:
With $4 billion in real estate and more priest abuse, the payouts on scandals could prompt the Los Angeles Catholic church to sell properties. Hit with an initial $40-million bill for its share of 45 clergy sexual abuse settlements announced Friday, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles warned that it will have to make cutbacks. And the 485 remaining molestation lawsuits could cost hundreds of millions more. The payouts will certainly hurt, but kindly click this link to find that archdiocese has vast wealth.
Before we add to this blog we urge that President Bush and the United Nations kindly request Russian President Putin to induce or make all Russians--that Jews, Slavs, and evil Stalin sent as vile crime ridden occupiers--and their descendants, exit Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Kaliningrad (Finnic Samland of Old, a small area of once large Ancient Livonia/Esthland), Karelia, Ingeria, Vepsland Mari, and other lands of Natives. Yes Russian Slavs are cruel fisted racists.
The Ancient Livonians lived in Livonia, a wide area on the eastern coast of the Livonian Bay. With the Väina (Daugava) River (an important trade route in the Middle Ages) running through their land. They were once farmers, livestock breeders and fisherman, with a well developed material culture. Today there are only 30 remaining and only 15 fluent speakers.
The Livonians are assumed to be the first to break off from the other Baltic-Finnic tribes. In 1206 the Livonians were defeated by crusaders when the city of Riga was built at the mouth of the Vaina (Daugava) River on their territory. During the 19th century there were still a few thousand Livonians remaining, they were assimilated mainly by the Latvians. Then during Soviet rule what little was left of Livonian culture was destroyed. The Livonian Society was banned and their community center given to others. Today there are intellectuals of Livonian decent who have tried to preserve the Livonian language and culture. Let us pray they will save both.
Part Jew, mentally sick Stalin hated Jews and many other people. Yet he had the help of the Zionist Rothschild clan, and Armand Hammer a Jew--and they used the KGB and Jews Abe Dzerzhinsky and Lav Beria--to near annihilate indigenous people. But in 1997 a Russia fascist racist, Aleksandr Dugin, has suggested that in exchange for other lands Russians leave Kaliningrad.
Note: In A.D. 700 there was a Livonian or Estonian nation (a.k.a. Wit-, Wat-, or Wetland, Suoland [Marshland or Suomaa, Suomi]). It ran along the southern shore of the Baltic--and somewhat inland--from the Elbe River eastward through Estonia. The next two sentences are from Charlemagne by Einhard, 4th and 5th sentence in part 12. Slavic War: "A gulf [Baltic Sea] of unknown length, but nowhere more than a hundred miles wide, and in many parts narrower, stretches off towards the east from the Western Ocean [North Sea]. Many tribes have settlements on its shores; the Danes and Swedes, whom we call Northmen, on the northern shore and all the adjacent islands; but the southern shore is inhabited by the Slava and the Aïsti [from whom derive the modern name of 'Estonia']".
But because the above writer, Einhard, had never personally been to northern Germany or the areas bordering the Baltic Sea he mistakenly placed the Slava or Poles as living on the south shore of the Baltic. But in A.D. 800 the Catholic Church had not yet forced the Poles to migrate north into the homelands of the native Finno-Ugrics such as the Estonians and Livonians.
The Aisti or Esti (Estonians) were and are Finnics. In ancient times the Esti lived not only in the area they now occupy but also further south. But in more recent times the before Germans, Lithuanians, Russians, Poles, Latvians and Jews moved into (in next link scroll to its end for Votes of Watland and Livonia) Livonia and Esti. And these invading tribes stole Livonian and Estonian lands. And the Pomeranians were likely Finnics too. For the root of the term Pomerania may be Finnic Pohjamerenrandalainen "North-sea-shore people".
For ages ago Finno-Ugric people lived widely. In fact Roman historian Tacitus wrote in A.D. 90 'The Estonian tongue is spoken in Britain'. And why should it not be so if Britain's ancient tribes (before entry of Celts, Romans, others) were Finno-Ugric. In fact the preceding reference link mentions that amongst items found in ancient soils of Britain are jadite axes from the Far East. Thus for example the first Kings of Norway were Saamis or Lapps. Moreover the Etzlaub Compass Map of 1511 has the Daci--possibly the Dagoid or black vile bandits that had been kicked out of India
in more ancient times--in southern Sweden! And just north of the Daci were the Sveci. And in what is today central and northern Sweden Etzlaub placed in his map Funland--the happy Finns. Etzlaub had sources to knowledge that has been lost or suppressed. And sadly the Russian Slavs and Jews have taken away the joy of being Finno-Ugric. Another map, depicting tribal areas in A.D. 800, had central and northern Sweden populated by Skrithfinns.
Now only a partial genetic holocaust occurred in some lands as there are yet natural blond-haired human beings in the world: However, they are only 1.8% of the total world population. Yet in some areas of Finland the natural blond population is still over 91%. And some Finnish communities have 97% of children as blond. In any event, as blonds are an endangered species, Finns must not make war but make love. And if possible have 18 children per family.!!! Also we must pray that GOD/JESUS acts to halt the entry of Muslims into Finland--and in fact reduce their numbers fast in Europe, the Americas, and in Russia. For Protestants to survive they must awake to their possible fate--before it is too late. Honestly stated.
We begin with Rabbi Dov 'Wolf' Zakheim. He is a '73-grad of Jews' College London: In this prior valuable website one might scroll and click some amazing links. This mastermind of evil stole with Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld 3.3 trillion of US dollars into offshore wolf-rat holes, Israel dens--likely led or aided by Rothschild clan, and other Zionists' offspring or recruited 'secret closet Zionists' and more sly, vile CONNIVERS.
And Republicans aided/condoned 3.3 trillion theft--more later below. In any case the tax paying middle class and poor will have to pay tax monies into the US Treasury to cover the vile Rabbi's theft. Thus Nancy Pelosi must not become the Democrat's House Speaker as she is overly pro-Israel and would act to protect the vile Rabbi from prosecution and jailing for (Mega) theft. Moreover we must pray that the new Democrat controlled Congress will impeach Bush--and get England to send Hyper-rich 'King of Wealth and People Control' Rothschild before the US Congress. And Former President Jimmy Carter must be thanked for his honesty and courage in speaking out on Israel's land grab. Now if only many world leaders would speak out against Russian and Jewish land grabs of Finno-Ugric lands, and attempts at extermination of very endangered Finno-Ugric People. More below. Incidentally, Jews did not want Jimmy Carter's nomination, Bert Lance, as Chairman of the Federal Reserve to survive. This is in a quote--found by scrolling 3/4ths way down in next link--by William Safire, "We (Jews) didn't want you to become chairman of the Fed." So must The Federal Reserve be renamed The Jew Reserve?
Now readers of this blog will learn much that is not in history books, or other blogs--because there has been a COVER-UP. An example of a cover-up is not having in print in any history book what was done to Finno-Ugric People over centuries. Thus we living Finno-Ugrics have had to spend many years researching old texts and maps to discover and expose an inhumane cover-up. For in the distant and recent past the ancestors of many of those who contribute to this blog, The Finnics, have encountered several Holocausts: The Holocausts occurred in: 1) Egypt, 2) Near East, 3) Italy, 4) Libya, 5) Northern Europe, 6) Areas about Black Sea, and 7) Western and Northern Russia. And in USA's and England's elections there are COVER-UPs of a group(s) contributing most of the money to political campaigns in America and England.
The Money is from the Hyper-rich Jews, who now control us Americans: And they are working to flood into America masses of Catholic Mexicans--some to act as their 'Mafia Bulls'. Recently Mafia Bulls decapitated some 150 Mexicans on the Mexican side of the USA-Mexico border. In the past the Megarich Lumber, Copper and Iron ore mining Barons brought Catholic Mexican and Italian 'Bulls with guns' to shoot any Finnish (and other) lumberjacks or 'jacks' (this click link is as previous, but it has some pictures and a total of 45 'clickable' reference links), and miners who struck for better earnings. One jack was shot while pulling out a hanky from his rear pocket to blow his nose! Bull's motto was to shoot first, and then find it was only a hanky. The Catholic Bulls did not like Protestants, anyway. Many Lutheran families at a Christmas party on 2nd floor of a hall were burned to death, when the hall was set on fire, and the stairway and one door were barricaded--caused by racism. Mideast has it's racism.
Incidentally, aside from just outright racism, the main reason why the already hyper-rich Rothschilds, hated Finns was because the Finns in 1861 struck a joint Rothschild and rich Russian owned leather and fur factory in Oulu, Finland: Worldwide, it was the largest such factory in its time: It sold leather goods and furs worldwide. But the workers were slaves working 7 days a week, 14 hours a day. The Finn workers fought a bitter strike. At that time the Russian Tsar controlled Finland as a duchy. But the strike made the Tsar afraid that the Finns would start a revolution not only for a humane work week but for freedom. And the Tsar and rich boyars who had taken the lands of the Finno-Ugric and other native people throughout Russia were fearful that a revolt in Finland would spread to the Finno-Ugric and other tribes in Russia. So to calm the Finns the Tsar finally reduced the work week to 6 days, and 8 hours per day.
And then the Finns came to America--and were the seed people to fight for a humane work week in America's copper and iron ore mines. Again as in 1861 there were bitter strikes, this time not only in the copper and iron ore mines but in the coal mines. And the Finns were the leading activists amongst the copper and iron ore miners' 1907 and 1916 strikes, and the 1917 lumberjacks' strike. But noteworthy is that already shortly after the Finns had won a human work week in Finland, the American Government on June 25, 1868 adopted the 5 day 8 hrs/day work week for government employees: And the President in 1868, Andrew Johnson, (one ancestor a Swede-Finn or Finn-Finn?) was a most remarkable and brave man who was hated by the mega-rich, including the Rothschilds. In any case, the humane work week went worldwide, Rothschild types notwithstanding. (Just for a kick we add this click.)
But we Finns are now an Endangered Species in America. Yes, there are so few of us knowledgeable, activist, humane 'Oldies' left who know the true origins of the once humane work week. Note the word once. For under the hyper-rich, who control Bush, American's have lost humane salaried jobs, the once humane work week. Sad.
Sadly, unlike when America got out from under control by 'Things' during it's founding by brave knowing men, today there are too few who read or are even aware of blogs of wisdom like this--blogs or websites kin to Thomas Paine's Common Sense, that made men know to revolt. The American middle class, many labor union leaders, and poor are Controlled and Dumbed-Down, Dragged-Down and Kept-Down by the 'Hyper-rich' Jews and others, and by Hyper-rich high up German, Irish, Italian and Spanish Archbishop/Bishop Controllers, and Opus Dei Jesuits in the Catholic Church. These inhumane types give the Americans candidates that do not have minds; and wisdom obtained by having lived many years in various parts of the world. In the next Presidential election the major parties will have as candidates some 'interesting types', with their aids known as gophers--go for some tea for me, or a Page Boy.
And they must remove the tax exempt status of the Roman Catholic Church for not adhering to the requirement that for the Catholic Church to be tax exempt it must not allow its Bishops to force Catholics how to vote: For Jesuit Bishop Robert C. Morlino, Madison, WI., has violated a trust, and the law. Annie Laurie Gaylor, Freedom From Religion Foundation and Protestants must picket the living quarters of this 'Jesuit Controller Bishop' sited in a megarich castle on a spatial hill west of Madison, WI.
Have Protestants found an Annie Oakley, to help save America from the Jesuit Controllers? The Protestants and MinuteMen must mount their horses. And with muskets and blaring bullhorns they must circle the castles--before Opus Dei, the Jesuits, and Archbishop Baloney's lackeys and toadies have circled us, with Mexican cocaine snorting bulls.
The Hyper-rich King of Clans is the above Rothschild Clan. It has the INVESTMENT BANK ROTHSCHILD, and the ROTHSCHILD INSURANCE arm. What did the 'Hyper-rich' Rothschilds and Saudis know about the 9-11-2001 USA building destructions? Will Britain's Baron Rothschild be forced to come before and dance to the tune of US Congress; and bare all? Oh Boy Old Boy.
Now will a Russian Jew, and brothel bouncer, Avigi Zigi Lieberman go into a Jew cabinet, to become next Prime Minister? And throughout history, just as the Italian (Daci) and Spanish Catholics, and Muslims took other people's lands, so also have Russian Jews and other Jews taken non-Jews' lands, and wealth. In fact mainly a Rabbi Dov Wolf Zakheim--aided by others--has stolen 3.3 trillion US dollars into Rothschild offshore wolf dens such as Israel, wolf-rat holes. Actually Jack Bernstein exposes vile greed, as do Ex-Catholics for Christ. Moreover vile Opus Dei acting through Republican Senators Sam Brownback (Kansas) and Rick Santorum (Pennsylvania) are aiding in this theft. And Christian's kids are tricked to fight the Jew's wars, while the Jews steal our tax monies! Christians must WAKE UP. More below.
Welcome. We are invited to an Old Boys dance of THE PEOPLE CONTROLLERS; the megarich Rothschild and Saudi clans; peds, peds, peds, in this site click Listen, brave Amy Berg, on pedophiles, brave Mike on gays, campaign sugar dads as George Soros, and CEOs that approve crooked, and easily hackable, electronic, vote tallying clunkers. And are old Chief Rabbis, Grand Muftis, the Pope, and Dobson types, the fiddlers at the dance? Already the '30s had a pawn's dance. Note: Webmaster in above gays' link banned our comment on alleged child molester Dem Congressman gay Barni Phrank, for we are normal. (Is Judge Kathy Cardone a closet lesbo? And are some Judges Controlled to instruct juries wrongly?)
Many thank above brave Amy and Mike for their work on child pedophilia. Others have been fearless too, including Gary Rosenblatt, and the former Head of the Los Angeles FBI, brave Ted Gunderson. Note: At age 9, one of us who contribute to this blog, was picked up by a pedophile, and survived. And in 1943, at age 9, in the back room of a news and comic book store 2 Jewish men who owned the store paid the boy ten cents to do sit ups, with only his shorts on. And after he got the ten cents he was asked to buy a comic book. He didn't, and he never went back. Note: On 10-31-06, the above gay site's webmaster removed our positive, constructive comment link--it was No. 5, an alert. We wonder what happened to gay site's webmaster as a boy.
People: Welcome to the dance as THE CONTROLLERS and pro-Israel wolf pack jig, fiddle, and Steal 1/2 billion, and 1 trillion, and then 2.3 trillion US
--until jig is up: Actually, in the above CBS 60 Minute 1/2 billion link, the heading is wrong in that the missing 1/2 billion is not 'The Mother of all Heists': Rather the very courageous reporter linked above, Jerry Mazza of Online Journal, has it right by helping expose that The Rabbi of Rabbis (USA's King Zionist Crook) and Paul Bremer wolfed down in total 3.3 trillion US into secret offshore dens-rat holes, run by Rothschilds. On these megathefts, and other vile acts, there is a fantastic website by a true patriot trying for congress, Todd Hyde. And Bremer is hiding in Switzerland and Israel where spider clans spin webs. Note: Also in past the Rothschilds and Vatican spun webs. In fact, as did Dov Zackheim, so have Jesuits, Opus Dei, Opus Dei, Opus Dei, Vatican put their monies into Rothschild Bank (Bank of England), and some American banks.
And from the vile spiders we average Americans can not save America by getting someone elected as President who would make a supreme effort to get the spiders jailed for high crimes and treason. We average people can not get an average citizen elected as we and they do not have the money to buy ads, and own the electronic vote counting machines. This is why parents must demand that their kids leave the National Guard units, and join the MinuteMen militias to take America out of the hands of the megarich Controllers and bring it back into the hands of us average people. Huey Long, where are you when we again need you?
Most interestingly, on 9-10-06 Donald Rumsfeld admitted the Pentagon had 2.3 trillion missing. And US Treasury also missing trillions. Now the records for the possibility of tracing where monies went were kept in the WTC 7 building next to the twin towers that were hit by planes the next day, 9-11-06: Conveniently all 3 buildings were owned or leased by an interesting type, i.e., Larry Silverstein. On 9/11 that adjacent building with the crucial SWIFT bank records of monies sent out of US was 'pulled' down by preset explosives--to cover tracks of wolves that moved wolfed trillions of tax monies to offshore dens. And supporting records of contracts and disbursements kept in an audit records room in the Pentagon were destroyed when something hit into this room with its files, now burned, and auditors, now dead: Also see another brave man's site 8th Estate. These are trillions that our and future generations need to pay with taxes, and with interest, by way of the government to banks! (This is one reason why US needs its own bank. See Andrew Jackson, scroll to Bank Veto.) Not wolves but tax payers, now and in future need to howl. Chinese eat dogs. Anyone for roast wolf?
So will some hundred human beings, living far from wolf dens, swimming in warm litorals, and diving for clams to eat, be the only ones soon left to save our species--to multiply and dance again about dens many millennia or ages from now?
Here we insert 2 'Hawkscafe' links for the reader to ponder--for sadly none of us have the time to investigate everything. They are Hawkscafe 1, and Hawkscafe 2. At least to some this investigator's findings may be fascinating, intriguing, in fact damning.
With kid molestation and 3.3 trillion mainly middle class taxpayer's dollars missing--middle class pays most of taxes--the middle class and others MUST NOT VOTE for Republican candidates again for another 70 years! The current President, Republicans, and a RABBI are the MOST VILE TAX BANDITS that America has had since it was founded
Rabbi Dov 'Fill My Sack' Zakheim is alpha stalking wolf of the Zionist pack circling the wagons of peace in USA; and using and killing Christian kids in Iraq, and elsewhere.
Now here is a map of formerly Finnic Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and western Russia--and Prussia and Samland (both now under control of Poland or Russia). Since the 1950s some of us have been collecting old maps and history books on these areas. And some of us have been, or lived, or in fact were born, in these areas.
In A.D. 60 Roman historian Tacitus stated these areas were Estonian, and that Estonians also lived in Britain--genetic markers support this. (More on this below.) (Astronomer, geographer and cartographer Ptolemy in A.D.90 placed Finns adjacent to the Vistula (Wisla) River in what is now Poland; and he placed Finnic Livonians--Levoni--in what is now Sweden, and also Finns not only in Poland but in northern Sweden and Norway.) Thus prior to A.D. 700 the Baltic areas were Finnic: In these areas lived Finnic tribes such as Estonians, Livonians, and Finns. Slowly after A.D. 700 some tribes of Slavs, Germans, and Jews entered these above areas. These people took the lands from the Finnics and either made slaves of them, killed them or bred with the blond Finnics--even scalped blond Finnics and sent/sold the blond wig-scalps to Rome and Iraq or Iran, so that their ladies could wear blond wigs and look more appealing: Some also sold blonds into slavery in Rome or elsewhere south. (Blonds never had more fun.) Thus for example there is a skin and hair color pigment cline in Poland, the eastern Poles still dark. And a Rabbi's wolf pack and the Rothschild wolf pack chase Christian kids to be killed in the Near East. We pray that Protestants wake up--also work to get Tesla's electric car.
Now to dance before Congress, will the "Robber Bank Baron" bring other clan-gang members? And will the Baron of Barons want; 1) Jack Abramof, 2) Kissinger, 3) Paul Bremer, 4) Bob Ney, 5) Fig Foley, 6) Richard Perle, 7) George Soros, and 8) Paul Wolfowitz as character witnesses, to also bare all before Congress; rather than just in infamous Bohemian Grove or 'Gay Fig's Grove'. This and 4 links Secret Rulers of the World, People Magazine reporter ousted, and Former top FBI man has photos of 'Fig' Grove are must reads. For these types are what Waldow Emerson wrote about as being 'The Rulers of The Rulers'--Emerson's writings on the Elite discussed later below. President Andrew Jackson also warned about rapacious moneyed class.
The 'Elite Rulers' meet every summer in California's Redwoods. The Old Boys along with Jewish Rabbis, the Pope, Roman Catholic Archbishops, and Muslim Mullahs, "misuse" the world and our girls and boys as toys. And in this next link try scrolling to date October 7, '06 to see Bush with pedophile Foley noting a page boy's size. But on October 12 this gay web site removed a 10-7 photo of Foley with mouth slyly open in awe next to Bush who has his hands held out forward 18 inches apart; and its caption read 'Bush and Mark comparing notes'! And you see Mark whispering, likely saying, "Oh Boy. I'll send the boy an Instant Message (IM); and ask the boy for at least a photo. Even seeing it will make me feel sooooooo good." Oh Boy Old Boys.
On 10-11-06 I became age 72. And I still twist pedophile fig's tails--and also those of politician's megarich sugar daddies, to make 'em jump a bit. One reason is I was picked up at age 9 by a fag: I lived to tell the tale.
Log Cabin Republicans are sick.
Now we who add to this blog made a kind and urgent request of Chad Hurley and Steven Chen, cofounders of You Tube, that they "do not accept a 1.6 billion (US) bid for You Tube from Google cofounders, megarich Jews Serge Brin and Larry Page": But they accepted bid. Yet they should not have accepted the bid. For megarich Jews (almost all are avowed atheists) are blatant racists against people of other religions and backgrounds. The Justice Department, Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and Congress must investigate Google's purchase of You Tube--with Google stock--in order to prevent 2 megarich Jews from becoming near 'gate keepers' of news and information fed to people by way of television. For few know that Google plans to be the world's premier news and entertainment channel by way of the web.
Now following is an example of Google's search engine limiting access to an article that would yield information that people may want to find: In May 2006 Google listed our blog under Finnish Origins or Finn Origins. Moreover it was number 2 under a web site hosted by Virtual Finland and written by an excellent authority on the Finnish language, Helsinki University Professor Ulla-Maija Kulonen of Finno-Ugrian Studies Dept. Then suddenly Brin and Page removed our blog from their search engine.
And then to top it off, when people found our blog using other search engines and then clicked the top right side box, 'About author, Dr. Will', it yielded ads sold by Google: Ads were for colon flush pills! Better that 'things' are flushed from England and USA.
So Hurley and Chen must note that billions do not buy Heaven. Thus they must not allow the megarich to CONTROL the information available to people--for example, with use of You Tube. For even now the controlled news has colon flushes.
And it is time megarich political campaign funders--sugar daddies/mommies--and politicians would do colon flushes on themselves, rather than flush poop on voters. In fact about the only newscasters worth watching are Lou Dobbs and Bill Moyers.
The poop pile has much in it already. On what is in the pile, one of the many who help in this 'blog dig for truth' effort has true interesting information. The material concerns what was contributed to the dung pile by the sugar daddies (Rothschild clan types), and politicians in the '50s. For in the '50s one of our helpers had a blond tall strong 2nd cousin who became a marine. He (Ken Ranta) became the aid to a most high US military man. He carried the man's secret small black bag. He went to parties. At the parties were only men politicians, high military men, waiters, and boys: All were nude.
And the men all stumbled about helping themselves to food, drinks, and the boys! When driving back to Minnesota from a California Bohemian Grove meeting, Ken was forced off a steep cliff out west. He died. He knew too much. American politics is Sodom and Gomora--and Rome. And the sugar daddies dumped on a courageous triple amputee, Vietnam Veteran former U.S. Senator Max Cleland. And they dump today. Even with eyes wide open, it pays to have on-the-ready a double-use umbrella, for pedophile wolves and wolf scat: Rothschild types must be scatted to Hades fast.
They must be sent to Hades for following reason: They keep their bank dealings off shore. By this income tax evasion scheme, many Rothschild kin, with U.S. citizenship, pay no U.S. income taxes. But in the 1970s Idaho's then U.S. Congressman George Hansen went after the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)--and after the Sugar Daddy Rulers who controlled the politicians who gave the IRS marching orders, i.e., The nontaxpaying Rulers of The Rulers. For such daring, the Rulers shackled then Congressman Hansen. In this next link scroll a tad to read how cruelly he was put in shackles, and given USA's GULAG diesel treatment. Thus middle class and poor people are forced still today to pay the share of federal and state taxes the megarich do not pay
. The Megarich Zionists do not play tiddlywinks. They use money--untaxed.
And Zionists made politicians create a 'hideout'--Israel. Now they have politicians of many nations send billions of dollars to Israel. And with only tiny sums of this they pay off politicians and fund, through many ways, political campaigns. They perform a true scam of the tax paying middle class! And the scam is truly brazen when they as 'Rulers of the Rulers' force the Rulers (politicians and top military) to have the daughters and sons of other nation's middle and poor class fight their war(s). It is no wonder they are called Hebrew; root base is Finnic, He Piru, The 'Devil' people.
The origin base of term Hebrew is in link The Australian Council of Christians and Jews: Scroll to "The 'Apiru' (or 'Habiru'): From the beginning of the 2nd millennium BCE through to the 12th century BCE, cuneiform tablets from Sumer, Babylon, Upper Mesopotamia, Anatolia and the Syrian–Canaanite region, as well as hieroglyphic texts from Egypt, register the presence of groups of people known as the Habiru. They were recognized as aggressive, rootless aliens – a socially disruptive element. They disappeared from history by the end of the 2nd millennium. Were the Hebrews part of the Habiru?" Thus we blog makers ask do Zionists hear the call of the Devil? Better that they fast heard the call of Jesus.
Now it is interesting that Muslim Mullahs, Rabbis, and Catholic Priests --who all also want people's minds and money for themselves--are not allowed into secret meetings of The Rulers of The Rulers (term coined by Waldow Emerson in his essay, Fate). More on sayings of Emerson and others about CONTROLLERS below later. But now here are 2 links to another murky get-to-gether planning session of The Elite of The Elite: The Secret meeting of the CONTROLLERS at a BILDERBERG group meet. More on Controllers later. And an Elite firm guarded The Elite of The Elite.
Yes the Zionist Rothschild clan and the many megarich Zionists who control many Republican politicians with campaign contributions and 'sex-act photo-extortions' are all in glee over not only the CONTROL of money and wealth but over the CONTROL of elections with hacked, altered voting machines. On this Lou Dobbs had a nice commentary, Bad voting machines put democracy in USA (and ALL nations) at risk. Now is CEO of 'vote-clunker' Diebold a Jew? And in next link scroll down a tad to photo Fingers say CEO a puppeteer? A photo worth a thousand words!! CNN, Lou Dobbs must get photo rights with no face--and show it often with caption: A Puppeteer Vote Controller shows Bush how Republicans win. Also Princeton video shows How to play to win.
Thus here are 4 new important links, 1) Waynemadsenreport, 2) Thetruthseeker, 3) Sex Crimes and Vatican, and 4) Father Tom Doyle, a canon solicitor, sacked by Vatican and Pope for criticizing cover-up of Priest abuse of children
Now before you click on the next site, kindly read the paragraph below this so that you know who the so called ILLUMINATI are: For today they may be only the Zionist Rothschild Clan: Or they may be an elite group of spiders: The Rulers of The Rulers of a nontransparent hazy World Wide Net/Web. The Elite of The Elite Rule, MURKILY. So here is a site that is an appeal to the so-called ILLUMINATI; THE CONTROLLERS who make WARS OVER CONTROL OF PEOPLE and RICHES.
The ILLUMINATI mentioned above are defined as those who control one or more actions that impact from one to millions of people either directly or indirectly. (An interesting site on The Illuminati and The New World Order is: Final Warning.) The control is done by one or more small groups or clans who have more knowledge than average people about how to obtain and keep wealth; and how to use megawealth to control people. And they know that the best means to control people is to be a private (nongovernmental) mega International Bank, with murky, opaque records--records kept nontransparent. Now Rothschild and Lazard are two of the only very few elite (biggest, snobby, secretive) international banks: And they all pay very little or no taxes as they are based in tax havens. Over this the tax paying Republican middle income class taxpayer should be incensed--in fact mad as Hell.
And all middle income tax payers must be informed about fact that immense amounts of their taxes have gone to Israel. The sum sent to Israel totals over 84 billion, and with interest it totals 135 billion as of 1997. And the amount to Israel is 108 billion as of 2006: This figure does not include interest. (Does a 'chicken-hawk' closet Jew send money to Israel with 'help' of a front and back door closet?) Thus the next Congress must remove Bush from office, do all it can to put megathief Dov Zakheim, USA's King Zionist Crook, behind bars for lifetime, and get Israel and Rothschild clan to return the 3.3 trllion dollars their agent Zakheim stole.
And instead of sending money to Israel, the congress must fund--not just approve--the building of 2 rows of fences along entire 2000 mile length of the border with Mexico, rather than only the 700 mile length approved (and the monies for building even this short stretch has not been appropriated yet!). It is sad that private monies had to fund the start of the first stretch of the border fence (scroll for photos), to help confront southwest border threat. The Republican Chairmen of both the U.S. House and Senate Appropriations Committees must be voted out of office: Their upper and lower heads must be with boy pages.
For who could ever imagine that what once was the greatest country in the world, USA, has now a congress full of homos, lesbos and most likely secret pedophiles--and whose election campaigns are funded by Zionists of the same "Sweetie-silk-shorts" type. We appeal to all members of the Rothschild clan to accept Jesus as your Savior. And when you accept Jesus you can come out of your bank's closets.
Now in the Muslim World the top Mullahs--although they are divided into Shia and Sunni--may be the MUSLIM ILLUMINATI of their world. And they in their mosques or schools may cause (program) early developing minds of the Muslim young to offer to die to gain control of people (be they Muslim or not) and megawealth? Now are young boys told that they must die before thin bin Ladin gets in--a virgin, or 10,000?
Next interesting links are to be added by us "Oldies". Yes us "Oldies of the Goldie's" who are aged 70 or older, and who remember minus 30 degree winters in NE MN in the 1930s when riding in dad's cool (cold) model A Ford--and remember following our dads on skies as they set traps for coyotes and wolves (wolves killed many calves and deer) in the northern parts of the states of Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin; yes us Goldie's Oldies--must insert the following 2 links in the next paragraph.
But before we give the 2 links we need to state that we know first-hand how this "wrestler-turned-politician", a former governor, ruined the once great state of Minnesota. Sad to say we know he is not very bright. For although he is not a Republican, yet like most Republicans he wrestles with and tries to read and understand a book, Bugs Bunny for Dummies, upside down. Thus be careful as you read about and hear this animal's recent howls in Texas, trying to dumb down the younger generation of voters. Here then dear reader are the 2 links; but be careful of any skunk gland scent that might lead you into a trap--Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura Howls, and Jesse opens mouth; and lifts leg to leave odor on carpet.

Now most people know that there are other Robber Barons that have come back under "Robber Oil Baron Bush", and that Bush may be a small drug baron. But now we pray that the Ruler Baron of Barons, the Zionist Baron Rothschild--and his clan--will save a girl in Iran from Death by Mullahs' Orders: So here is petition against Mullahs' Death Order. For if anyone can save the girl's life it is the Baron. For he knows how to control positively or negatively the movement of money, i.e., freeze some mega-assets. Obviously we pray that the Mullahs do not take Vitamin C.
And we pray that US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and George Bush--both nonMuslim and nonJew--will admit now, not tomorrow, that the Republican Party has lied for several years to the American people. They must make the same admission that a Hungarian recently made: The Hungarian Prime Minister stated that politicians in Hungary have made boneheaded acts and lies about their economy. We pray that these Americans, who hope to go to Heaven, will stop lying about why tax cuts for the rich--and allowing the rich to keep bank accounts and earnings in offshore tax havens--are stupendous for America's middle class. For it is the lower middle income class, the working class, and the poor that end up carrying the load of needed tax revenues.
And it is USA's working poor and lower middle classes that have their daughters and sons go to fight wars so that there is freedom for the very rich to not have to pay income taxes. The Bush's, the Rothschild's, the Israeli elite's, and the Mullah's, own children are never on the front lines. The needle's eye is slim. Fat heads full of rancid lard may not get into Heaven--nor will Zionists with Zionism. Oh lordi, lardi rich boys.
There is another very huge investment bank involved in destroying Protestantism. It is Lazard LLC: Its major controlling shareholders consist of a tiny murky cobweb of hyperwealthy Jews within a misty labyrinthine web of ownership: In the preceding link, the first sentence needs a correction, i.e., with Lazard now public, there is today only one closely held financial empire-Rothschilds. And its income and decisions are held in an offshore tax- and decision-hideout--a tax haven island base: Hideout avoids any surveillance means that a vilely impacted nation(s) and people would use to learn about any and all Rothschild clan skullduggery or buried skeletons. Oh lordi oh my.
Now interestingly, a Jew(s) forced a nonJew to resign from the Lazard board. And Rothschild got Jewish Robert Goodman from Lazard to head its insurance arm. And will following the money and orders from Rothschild in some of the threads in st911, and HawksCAFE lead to the spider, and Israel? Note: On 9-14-06 in clicking on the preceding site we got a great site, day or night. But a day later upon clicking on the preceding site a message(s) appeared, "Unavailable due to small bandwidth" or "Site currently unavailable". Now we wonder about the real reason, i.e., if Controllers are controlling what we see. For support on this possibility go to the next site and scroll down a tad--and on right click No. 7 in Founder's Corner list Scholars for 9/11 truth assailed, and No. 11, Attacks on 9/11 researchers growing. Also scroll down and click No. 10, Banned from the classroom. Yet when we tried to print full 2 pgs of No. 10 we got only pg. 1. So we searched web and got the full article, at Jews attack a Christian Physicist, Dr. Jones: We printed only 2 pgs, as remaining 3 were ads: NO we did not click on g-string ad site. And here is another link, Bush likened to Hitler.
Coming are 2 sites about physicist Dr. Jones of Brigham Young University, who has been inhumanely treated by Jews (and Catholics?). You can see the links here; one Jones link is next, and one is in next paragraph. But now we give an alert. If you click on either Jones link you may not be able to return to this blog directly. Thus click out of the site--is it by type in our blog's URL again. Yet we sent desnews an email about the problem; and they fixed it. Now here are 2 sites: Jews, Catholics fight Protestants Dr. Jones, and Dr. Barrett. Incidentally, an example of controllers removing 2 sites are on Inhumane Satanism's History, and the preceding link to Dr. Barrett; for access to it, halted: But these following two sites have not been removed yet, Jew Watch and Catholic Jews.
Over this next Dr. Jones site remember, as stated above, that you may not be able to return to our blog directly: So click out of this site and then type our blog's URL again to get back into our blog. But the problem is now fixed, at least for a while. (The Controllers may have been trying to slow truth appearing.) So here is another site on Jewish (and Catholic) Control of many universities Physicist Jones has support.
In any case, we tried to get to previous mentioned above HawksCAFE site by typing Dave Hawkins' URL to no avail, Thus you may want to try Forensic Economist David Hawkins. Controllers control access to wake-up facts. Now update: On 9-24-06 HawksCAFE again open--and serving roast raptors and predators (hawks, wolves, Mexican coyotes, etc). Now three great alert sites are Seeking Truth, and Londonistan, and book Londonistan.
Now an example of how and where the "elite of the elite" hide access to there financial assets from not only the tax man but from most honest Protestant Nations and people that would wish to know the money trail of the "Rulers of the Rulers" go to a small report on Lazard--it is based in an offshore opaque tax haven, Bermuda. Obviously Baron Rothschild and the Rothschild Clan "The Clan of Clans" keep nearly all wealth and profits offshore untaxed too. It is left to the Middle Class to pay taxes.
Now in many nations some people in the economic Middle Class vote a Conservative Party ticket--in America they may vote Republican. So we wonder if Albert Einstein's spirit and Harvard's Dr. John Spritzler would agree with the following: Many people in the Middle Class in many nations have been "DUMBED DOWN" by the; 1) Sugar Daddy Handlers of the politicians, 2) Religion handlers, and 3) megarich politicians or donors; also by 4) University "High-Ups", such as Provosts, Chancellors, Presidents, and Department Heads, 5) Legislative Finance/Appropriation Committee Chairmen, and 6) in USA by the state politicians in each state who have in their electoral districts a campus of a partly state funded university system. Sad. Now four important "wise-up, wake-up" sites are, Webster, Zionism, and londonistan.
Yet many Universities have courageous WAKERS. They are those types of Presidents, Chancellors, Department Heads and Provosts who will not be CONTROLLED by Republican politicians who want one or more Universities to fire teachers searching after truths --especially when the great BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) will tape and film for world's people a lecture to be given tentatively 10-1-6 by two of America's many great teachers: And the following site shows England has great teachers too, the truth seekers.
So it appears that America's Republican politicians want to control truth seekers. Now do America's Republican politicians pass poop like Porky Pig, as they grunt, sit and pass upside down; and while passing--the time and more--they attempt to read and understand a book, Daffy Duck For Dummies, upside down? In any case we hope that the Administrators in America's and other nation's universities will not be cowed--made meek. And so for example when will universities allow teachers to teach that possibly Einstein was a plagiarist--a Jewish Thief? Oh my Oh my.
In fact one of us involved in writing this blog left the university life of Publish, Pilfer or Perish because a paper that they submitted in 1967 to the prestigious science journal, Nature, was pilfered. For it was sent to a referee, Sidney Brenner, who rejected the paper because he was not cited in the long list of references. He then published the same paper, slightly altered. He got a Nobel Prize in 2002. He is dead now. Moreover it is widely known that most of the people who are the ones that nominate and choose Nobel Prize winners are Jews. And if one is a Jew in a university they are much more apt to get funds for research than if they are Protestants. Oh my Oh my. Such is life in this universe on a mostly Jew's, Catholic's and Muslim's planet--Earth.
Hey Blond Finns start making lots of blond bambinos before the racists cause white flowers to disappear--become extinct-- from God's garden of human beings. For in nature it is nice to see flowers of different colors. But racists do not want to save white human being flowers. For Mexicans and others are flooding into America and Canada. And Muslims and others are flooding into Europe, even tiny Finland. And Finns must give them warm cloths to survive winters, as Finland is a member of European Union. In 2005 over half million illegal alian Africans entered Spain and received immigration amnesty--residency papers. And then anyone with residency in one EU country may enter other EU countries. So the Catholic Priests aid and abet them to go to other EU countries, even Finland. And other EU nations must provide room and board--and Finland, also warm winter clothing. Oh my.

Oh if only European, Canadian and American politicians will Wise Up and help working people--and not help Zionist bankers and other megarich--the politicians will save Europe, Canada and America from the mega flood of illegal aliens. The politicians and officials must act like politicians and officials acted under President Eisenhower: Illegal aliens were removed from America. Our and other nation's politicians must act like Hazelton, PA mayor, who is fed up with illegals and Mesa, AZ. The politicians and their hyperwealthy Jewish campaign funders must work to save Protestant nations--while there are still a few Protestant nations to save. The Zionists must not Destroy: Neither must the Chairperson of Prime Minister Tony Blair's family, his Roman Catholic wife help destroy Protestant England. What do they confess? In the following link scroll down to read of her alleged support of suicide bombers. The Rothschilds, other Zionists, and Jesuits must not work to destroy America as they tried when working against President Jackson.
To best understand Zionists control of--or effect on--people, politicians, and nations, people must read and scroll carefully to the end in a great link: JEWS CONTROL banks, bingos, pimps, and politicians, and thus control us. In fact the last several paragraphs are an absolute must read. Then you must note to click on the link at its bottom; Jewish influence in "Indian casinos". Once you are in that then scroll down the page to Native American section. Yes Indian casinos may be thought of as money laundering nations within nations of a once great nation, America. They are Trojan Horses within Trojan Horses within America. The Megarich Jews, the Roman Catholic Archbishops, Priests, Catholic Indians, and Roman Catholic Latinos and Mexicans know how to Destroy. Yes our blog is an ALERT to all lay Protestants, Protestant leaders, Church Ministers--WAKE UP, WISE UP, and ACT NOW.
Thus Protestant politicians in Washington must do all they can to remove Bush and Homeland Security heads Michael Chertof and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Yes Protestant politicians must act as the opposing party politicians acted in the last few weeks against Mexico's Jewish President Fox--they put Fox into a Foxhole.
So we pray that there are in America Protestant politicians who in turn pray to God and Jesus to use and help them (Protestant politicians) to halt the placing of middle class taxpayers' US trillions into an unaudited rat hole. Now here is a site about the Missing Trillions Rat Hole. In reading it, the middle and lower income classes will realize how oily Bush and his "handlers and oily buddies" created for the working, the poor, the lower middle, and the middle income class taxpayers a debtors' prison rat hole out of which their (our) children of the next generation's middle and lower income classes must struggle up and out; if they ever can--and maybe out of deep bunkers.
Note: This next link is by the man referred to in above 'missing trillions' link 28-year career CIA official, Mr. Bill Christison. Like many other knowledgeable people he writes 911 was an inside job: He suggests missing pentagon trillions, as potential motive. In fact there are several links to Mr. Bill Christison and the missing pentagon trillions. But we give a warning: Some links may have been created by "Interesting Ones": They may have in their links or sites some nasty "pop up ads" and/or key stroke "snoopies/trackers". So hopefully you (middle class Republican taxpayers) can believe that trillions (US) are in oily Bush's and Cheney's and their Handlers' secret offshore bank accounts. So sorry that we did not make your day. Incidentally, we wonder if Bill may be a FennoScandinavian Lutheran--if so, wow Dee! Note: Protestant FennoScandinavians are becoming an endangered species.
And it appears that no Protestants are among the top people in Homeland Security, FBI, CIA, Army, Navy, Marines, and National Guard. But instead they are Jewish and Roman Catholic. Yes, the Protestants of America and all nations must wake up--wise up, NOW. For the Zionist Rothschild clan most likely "orchestrated a sad song" for the world, and the USA, i.e. they "arranged" a 'KGB-like Head' in America--the above mentioned Michael Chertof--to be the head of Homeland Security. And are the "Interesting Ones" working with the Roman Catholic hierarchy and Roman Catholic politicians in America and the world to destroy Protestantism worldwide? And why are all the high people in the Army, Navy, Marines, and National Guard Roman Catholic? Are they with guns to be used to control Protestants in America, as was done by Stalin in Russia when he used his KGB homeland security gunmen to control people in Russia? We pray Protestants do not just ask a Loony Toones, Bugs Bunny question, "Eh, What's up doc?". For Catholics, Muslims and/or megarich Jews may be no Elmer Fudds. They may hunt--well.
There is an example of unprovoked Catholics hunting down of Protestants, and destruction of Protestantism in the past. For it was the Roman Catholic Germans and Rome that worked with one or more minority tribes to overthrow a ruling Protestant or pagan tribe(s). For example, in the Baltic area some minority tribes--the nonFinnic tribes, Latvians, Lithuanians and Poles--converted from being pagans (some were Protestants) to becoming Catholics. Some converted at the point of a gun, and some, for a promise of Finnic lands. Next, in return for help by the minority tribe(s) to defeat the Finnic tribes, the Roman Catholic Germans "arranged" the once minority tribe(s) to take over and rule the Finnic lands, along with Germans (one area that became German, at least in the dominant language spoken, was Prussia). Later in their newly acquired areas, the Latvians, Lithuanians, and Poles forced most Germans to leave--even out of parts of Prussia: Both Russia and Sweden were involved in events too.
To understand this Catholic takeover of tribes and regions let us begin in A.D. c600. Beginning in A.D. c600, Italian, Spanish, and French Catholics with the aid of Rome used tribes to fight and subjugate other nonCatholic tribes. And beginning in A. D. c900 Rome used the French and Germans that had been converted into Catholics to convert their adjacent northern minority tribes, the Latvians, Lithuanians and Polish Slavs, into Catholics. But they could not convert their northern majority tribes, the Estonians and Livonians.
So the Catholics had a way to solve the problem of the Protestant (Lutheran) and pagan Estonians and Livonians not wanting to become Catholics: They made promises of land and wealth to the "Converted" minority tribes: The Catholic Germans aided and abetted the minority Latvians, Lithuanians, and Poles to invade and overthrow the pagan and Protestant Finnic Livonians and Estonians. Yes, the pagan or Protestant Finnics once were the majority people in what are now Catholic Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland--and former Samland. Note: Sam word base or root is likely suom, schwam, or suo meaning WETland (Old Witland).
Now in the summer and fall a somewhat wet, moist northern soil area was favorable to the growth of the mushroom. And the Finno-Uralic people for centuries were known as "The mushroom gathering and eating people of wetland areas". So here must be mentioned that an old English word, suom or suamm meant fungus, mushroom (Henry Sweet, The Oldest English Texts, 1885, reprint 1966, pp. 62, 65). And the term Finns in their own tongue was "Suomalaiset": It likely meant 'The Mushroom eating people of the wetlands or marshlands (suo)': This is akin to the name given to Arabs that lived in a marsh, the Marsh Arabs. In Finland on fall days--before cold winters set in--collecting mushrooms was a great family activity for centuries. And they dried the mushrooms under sunlight: The light rays altered a molecule in mushrooms into vitamin D. This vitamin was required for good health by all people--and notably by the Finnic people living in winter low sun or sunless areas. So they ate dried mushrooms all winter to get nutritionally very important vitamin D, not really knowing why.
Now why is it important to understand the role of the mushroom as having been the near only source for vitamin D for some Finnics that lived in certain limited specific areas? The reason was this: Sadly there were northern areas where there were no ocean fish to eat. Now why must ocean fish be mentioned.? It is because ocean fish have vitamin D. Thus in some particular areas of the north that were devoid of ocean fish--for example areas that were inland above river high falls that kept ocean fish migrating inland--the Finnics gathered mushrooms. And, as stated above, they dried them in the sunlight on rather rare sunny days of the fall. And they ate them--and thus vitamin D--all winter; and remained healthy.
And incidentally in those areas where there were no ocean fish as a source for vitamin D, there was another item that allowed the sun's rays to make vitamin D: It was the skin: For a very light skin and blond hair allowed the sun's rays to enter into the deeper layers in the skin to convert a molecule residing there into vitamin D. This sun and skin source vitamin D provided vitamin D--along with the eating of the mushroom--sufficient for the human being to survive in areas devoid of ocean fish. Thus in winters in the north in areas where there were no ocean fish, the mushroom and white skin and blond hair aided the Finnics to survive. This is the reason how Finns became the most blond of all people: They became the great white hunter of the north, picking on the defenseless mushroom. But Eskimos and other northern people that had access to ocean fish--either directly from the ocean or from rivers with no high falls--remained dark-pigmented, and with black hair: They did not have to bully/pick on the mushroom.
An interesting aside is that the Parasol (Macrolepiota procera) mushroom is in the Finnish tongue the Ukonsieni 'God's mushroom'. Note: In this preceding link to a Finnish-English Dictionary as you scroll down you will see on the left the word mushrooms/sienet to click. Upon clicking on mushrooms a list of names appear, among them is Ukonsieni. Now the Ukonsieni or Parasol is the tallest, largest, likely most glorious, and easily the most delicious of all mushrooms. Sadly author has no photo of it among the wonderful photos of other mushrooms he has taken in Finland.
Note: Samland, mentioned above, was renamed Konigsberg when it was under German occupation. And under now Russian occupation it was again renamed Kaliningrad. Yes historically old place names have been renamed and renamed by each new bully.
In fact old place names, maps, and histories support a theory that before the invasion into the north of mainly dark-pigmented tribes, the tribes north of the central areas of France and Germany had an admixture of light-pigmented tribes--likely kin to Finnic Estonians and Livonians. This invasion and takeover will be discussed near the end of this blog, and the discussion will have references. For example, the discussion will note that as swarthy Roman troops were moving north into southern Belgium and Holland, prior to invading England, they encountered Old Rippa and the blond Anglis. Note: In those days there were giants in the earth. Now are the Fenno-Scandinavians--and including the possible Finnic (?) ancestors of the Dutch and northern Belgians, the descendants of possible blond giants? Was Roman historian Tacitus A.D. correct when he wrote in A.D. c100 his History of the German Tribes that "the Estonians are the most gentle of all tribes and their tongue is still spoken in Britain"?
Yes the gentle and trusting may often loose. Thus for gentle and trusting Protestants one MOST IMPORTANT ALERT must be made: It is most likely that ROME is using American Irish Archbishops, such as California's Archbishop Maloney, and Flynn a Minnesota Archbishop to aid, abet, and bring into America Roman Catholic Latinos, and Mexicans--and FAST: Purpose: To take America away from the yet majority Protestants. In fact, as the rather gentle Estonians, Livonians and other Finnics lost land area to more aggressive tribes, will the less aggressive Protestants be the victims of one or more power and land hungry clans, religious leaders, tribes, etc. who may use other nonlethal means to defeat Protestantism? Protestants must not make the mistake of the Carthaginians when they were lulled by the Romans: In this preceding link see Book Two, Chapter One.
Now others in above act against Protestantism are World Bank President Paul "Bush Handler" Wolfowitz, and Felix "Tin Cup Con" Rohatyn (Rogatin), and former British Petroleum's BP Chairman, Mr. Peter Sutherland, a (Jesuit Gonzaga College grad). And we must not forget a coin changer George "The Soiler" Soros, a Rothschild vassal. This Soros--Mr. Lucifer--link is a "must read"; to be read fully. It was written by a Russian doctor and if you like the post you had better print it while you still can, because the account has been banned. But now an update, for because we made a link to the site it has been "unbanned". So sorry Lucifer Soros, old boy.
Now all the above vipers are Anti-Protestants. But the majority of BP Board members and shareholders are not anti-Protestant, and so they held a Crises Meeting and fired the "Oily Jesuit" BP Chairman, with no golden parachute--and also fired CEO John Browne, whose mother is Jew. Interestingly, in August 2006 this link stated his mother as Hungarian Jew, but in September 2006 it states his maternal ancestry as Romanian. Some soilers cover. Thus in our blog, if you see a link you like you may want to save it, or print it, before a soiler(s)--Controller(s)--alter or ban it.
Sadly the Peter Sutherland of Broken Pipes (BP) Oil Company link, 2 paragraphs above, can suddenly no more be viewed, or viewed only occasionally. It was/is a nice expose piece in an online edition of a school newspaper at the London School of Economics (LSE), May 10, 2006. The expose, "The Oil Baron of LSE", was about Peter "Polluter and Soiler" Sutherland, possibly taking the chair of LSE's Court of Governors. Since May 10, 2006, one could access the article. But within days after we put up the link in our blog a message appeared on 8-30-2006. It stated that one must join to login to view the article. So I joined and got a password to login and view article again. And from a different computer another person tried. We both got a message, "You are not allowed to view this resource". Yep. The Controller(s) banned it too--they got to a computer or someone. I sent the LSE editor an email about the problem of blocked article(s).
So hopefully readers can soon again read the link--a good one. For just a tiny heading of the article, type in Google search, the oil baron of lse. The article exposed how the Pied Piper of Pollution, the Peter Piper of BP, or the Planet Polluter, polluted. But as the article can not be viewed anymore perhaps puttering Peter was out and about; but not mending Broken Pipes (BP).
Note: Update: On 9-3-2006, we got an email from "Jeremy, a deputy editor" at LSE Online. He wrote, "I have begun an investigation on this article's status". Let us pray.
Note: Update to preceding update. On 9-4-2006 the LSE expose of "Polluting Peter" has been "unbanned", and updated 9-3-2006--Sunday prayers answered. One of my daughters is a graduate of LSE; and in a rather large company, is 2nd in command in its European office based in London. It is nice that LSE is kind to parents. But here is latest update: On 9-8-'06 the LSE site is again unavailable, on occasion: So Peter--the Broken Piper of Pollution--may be out and about.
Yes the Controllers are out and about. For 5 hours on 8-30-2006, from 4 to 9 AM, we could not login to our own blog, to edit it. I emailed our blog host, Blogstream. After only 3 hours they emailed back, "We found a minor technical issue. We believe we have corrected it". So now we updated our blog, for readers. Let us pray that Bush will read more than "Shakespeare for Dummies", or "Bugs Bunny for Dummies", i.e., our blog. In fact 2 books should be published for Bush; titled, 1) How To Lower A Nation's Debt For Dummies, and 2) How To Build Anti-Alien Border Fences For Dummies. And Laura Bush may read Wake up.
Comically, on the upper right side of our (this) blog is a site "Author Will". When you click on Will you see "Contact". In it one can send a private message to me. But you must become a member of Blogstream, which is simple, no cost. Once your in, you need to notice all the advertisements in the site: All ads are on colon flushing! So the soiling Controllers are out and about, dumping.
Note: Update: On 9-4-2006 the colon flush ads were banned--replaced with a banner. Note: Update 9-5 to update 9-4: The colon flush ads were "unbanned"--they are back. Alert: Do not click on the ad sites: They have pests, worms--from Google cofounders Sergei Brin and Larry Page. But at 9 AM interestingly, Brin and Page must not have appreciated our implying they are pests, that have worms. Thus they "rebanned" or dumped the colon dump ads! Interestingly, both are hyperwealthy Jews.
Now parts of the above mentioned destructive action are: 1) raising cost of energy, 2) stringing and "puppeteering" nations into severe debt, 3) allowing NO unregistered guns with which people--especially Protestants--can take back their nations from the Puppeteers of the Puppeteers such as the Rothschilds who control key politicians or from, as Waldow Emerson rightly wrote, The Rulers of the Rulers of Earth (cited soon) and, 4) aiding and abetting illegal aliens to burst, flood into and destroy America, and other nations: They destroy America and other nations by their uncontrolled extremely huge illegal entry numbers--and by having kids in very large numbers: Thus soon their numbers (kind) will grow so huge so fast that soon they will outnumber and outvote the legal citizens. And this overrunning of citizens by the uninvited language and culture holders will destroy the legal citizens' languages and cultures. These and other alarming topics, such as topic "The Elite of the Elite", The Bilderbergers follow soon.
Here I must insert a guide for bloggers that is found in a link that I shall give at the end of this paragraph. Near the beginning of the link there are instructions (in light brown text) for how one can often get a URL source to a sentence in a book. By the method explained a writer can obtain (copy) and place (paste) a URL link to a statement such as the one we made above by Waldow Emerson: Otherwise the writer would have to cite the book--and the reader would have to go to the library or buy the book to read the statement in its context. The link is jewishtribalreview.
Now in the above mentioned destruction of Protestantism by the 2 named devilish ruler clans, other non-Jewish clans help, knowingly or unknowingly. They are the Sicilian Mafia clans such as the clan of the Canadian Teflon Don or "Vito Rizutto, only own kids" Mafia clan, and other Mafias. Yet lastly on 12-1-06 FBI got Vito sick Rizutto.
Crucially, very well done research on Vito Rizutto and his children has strongly implied that their own tight, extremely secretive, family controlled Mafia clan--only personal "genetic-family" at top--has brought into Protestant and other Christian children's veins in America and Canada heroin from Afghanistan; and this by way of mainly Russian Mafias. Note: The Rizutto family is estimated to have several billion (US) in foreign bank accounts. Yes both the Rothschild "Money Controlling Mafia" clan and the Rizutto "Heroin Controlling Mafia" clan will do anything for a billion or two, or more--even jolly roll in the devil's bed, by Jove.
Now most alarming about Vito Heroin Controlling Mafia Clan is that it has copied the method of the Rothschild "People and Money Controlling Mafia" clan in keeping "outsiders" from hearing or knowing discussions or decisions made by the very few at the top of the clan. The method is to allow only own children to be at the top in decision making. Hence it has been impossible for any nation's intelligence service to hear any discussions or decisions made by top members of either clan.
A good link on the Rizutto heroin controlling clan is in an article on a book in link on how Vito of Montreal became The Godfather of The Godfathers --a link worth reading. And a book just published is: Lamothe, Lee and Adrian Humphreys THE SIXTH FAMILY, The Rise of Vito Rizzuto, John Wiley, NY, NY, Aug. 2006. After you have clicked on The Sixth Family then on left side click on Read Excerpt, Chapter 33--also worth reading. One may ask why Vito has made many trips to Venezuela and Cuba. Was the purpose to arrange heroin and other drug shipments into North America so as to ruin the minds of children, including Protestant children?
More helpers to destroy Protestantism are Muslim Mullahs, Catholic Priests, Russian Slav leaders, and above Peter Sutherland: As stated, he was an Irish Jesuit high school grad, and Chairman of BP--Big Polluter. And Mr. BP "Befouling Polluter" Sutherland is also Chairman of Goldman Sachs International. Moreover, not everyone knows that for nearly 2000 years Jews and the Roman Catholics have used each other for advantage in their efforts to control the people of the world. Yes these "soilers" roll in the "world bed" as bedfellows, soiling. Yet there is a saying, "Soil not your body, or bed in which you sleep". But the soilers hear not: They just keep on rolling, soiling.
For example, the past BP Chairman Mr. Peter Sutherland did not have BP's 21 miles of oil transfer pipelines--lines feed main transit pipeline--inspected for 14 years in Alaska. Yet the big 800 mile Trans-Alaska pipeline--used by all oil companies to transit oil down from Alaska's North Slope--was inspected every 4 months. Yes, "Oily Pete" left long ones. Pete has not been off the pot for years. Yet, the BP board did recently pour "Oily Pete", the "Oily Jesuit", out; on a log, with no parachute or paper.
Now as we continue we agree with all the people we meet when they say, "High gasoline, diesel and natural gas prices are bankrupting many industries, such as airline, auto, independent trucking--and hurting people". Sadly many got fooled by the Baby Bush 'handlers', fat Karl 'Fool-em' Rove, and Paul "the wolf" Killing Innocents Wolfowitz; and the Rothschild family "ruler clan" ilk; who play roles in Whose War. So in next elections, Republicans must regain their party, and our country, from the Texas Oil Republicans. They must vote en masse for Democratic candidates, to educate Texas Republicans to treat America's other Republicans, the Non-Oil Republicans, such as the Transportation-Industry-Republicans fairly, and not put energy users into the poorhouse! And I voted for Thing Bush: Fooled by Rove, by Jove. Good Grief!
Yes we were fooled. For many hoped the Republicans would quickly approve funds to build 2 rows of fences along the entire lengths on our northern and southern borders with Canada and Mexico: These 2 rows would slow entry or flood of illegal aliens into USA. For such high, well built fences on the Finnish and Norwegian sides of their borders with Russia have totally stopped people entry from Russia. Now rumor leaks that Finns have bred a most cuddly new dog--a mix of Irish Wolf Hound, Pit Bull, Rottwieller, jaguar killing Argentinean Mastiff, and lion hunting Akita. And the Finns will gladly give Vice President Dick Cheney a free moose hunt permit to hunt on Finland's border with Russia, and promise each morning one good shot--of Finnish Vodka.
Sadly we were also cruelly fooled when, beginning in 1988, under former Republican President Ronald Reagan, we were tricked by two Texas Republicans who deregulated energy trading: They were former Senator Phil "Goose Neck" Gramm and wife "Wicked" Wendy, who played major roles in the deregulation of energy trading in electricity, natural gas, crude oil, diesel and gasoline. In fact Congress and the President must enact "reregulation" of energy trading fast to save America and get back low cost crude oil, natural gas, gasoline, diesel, and aviation fuel.
Also America needs enacted fast the following new Constitutional Amendment: In elections for political office at the local, city, county, state, and federal levels, only paper ballots shall be allowed in casting and counting of votes; and such voting shall be allowed ONLY by LEGAL American citizens. Let us not be fooled again, by Jove.
And this blog may be most timely in terms of crimes that have been and are now being done to Lebanon, Sidon and Tyre: The area once was Phoenician: And they likely were kin to Finnics--such as the very endangered Setos of Setomaa (Setoland), located on both sides of Estonian-Russian border: And they are kinsmen to Kola Peninsula Saami who long ago had the name Terfinns. Now if one has time to read one can find one or both mentioned in the following 4 very informative links, (links are full of info on the original tribes of much of Russia) Redbook, Uralica Perm, Shor, and Early Finns. The theory of kinsmen may find support from Dr. Felici Vinci, Homer in the Baltic. (Dr. Vinci's recent book in English is noted 11 paragraphs below.)
The theory of kinsmen may also gain support from studies on the earliest Baltic people --the Saami of reindeer husbandry--in the Baltic region, and the Baltic Amber trade to Mycenae (Greece), Babylonia, Egypt (Tutankhamen's tomb) and elsewhere, by Phoenicians. Incidentally, the second link in this paragraph notes sadly that after Rome arose there was not only an amber trade but a northern blond girl slave trade to Rome. Also the host for the Seto link or post above has thrice removed a 'thank you' comment we left for the writer: Thus she (host) may be a vassal type who does not want the Seto writer or others to find our blog.
Yet this blog may add aspects to the history of the Near East, and to other items. To begin, recent books have been written by Dr. Martin Bernal on Greek word roots; roots are over 60% non-Indo-European (See: Bernal, Martin, Black Athena Writes Back, Duke University Press, 2001, p.122, and below.) Thus we ask are some roots Finnic? For a book was written by Dr. Nils Idman in 1774 on likely similar word origins (bases) for large number of Finnish and Greek words. And recent book noted above by Dr. Vinci has astounding (far above chance) likeness of place-names in Finland and in ancient Greece, Turkey, and the Near East: For book citations see below. And in next link, scroll to click on Ch. 28. In Ch. 28 scroll to bottom of page 2 (p. 290) for note 5 on Nils Idman; Inquiry into Words, eds., Antti Arppe, et al., I, Morphology, Ch. 28, Tapani Harviainen, The Story of Supposed Hebrew-Finnish Affinity.
Here are 3 more links that support that Estonians, Finns, Livonians and other Finnics may have once lived more widely, Estonian genes predate Vikings in England, Estonian tongue in ancient Britain, and in next scroll to abstract by Emeritus Professor Kalevi Wiik Northern European origins. And Professor Kalevi Wiik wrote a 500 page book: The Roots of the Europeans, with many maps, published in Finnish as "Euroopalaisten juuret", 2002.
To get his maps and ideas to English readers, Dr. Wiik in 2003 made an English e-book "A New Atlas on the Origins and Early History of the Europeans". It has archaeological, genetic, and linguistic maps. But before you click on the next link I must alert you to a large pop-up add that suddenly appears. It is not part of the site. Do not click on it: Cancel it. And after you have left the site, run SpywareDetector and Ad-Aware SE. We often click on all our sites to make certain they are working, and do not create problems for ourselves or for others. And we have not encountered any problems, except in Dr. Wiik's site: It may leave a minor spy or spam problem. Thus after visiting his site you should run spy and spam removers. (Is this the work of Controllers or vassals?) So with this alert, you may now proceed to see some of the maps, with underlying explanations: (Note: Dr. Wiik's site problem has been corrected.) Thus go to link Kalevi Wiik and then click on lower left English, and then in text on the author click HERE (13 pages, printable).
Interestingly Professor Wiik above did not refer to the origin of Near East Jews, and so called Khazar Jews, or when or how each entered Europe. And he did not dare to allege that some Finnics during and after the last Ice Age may have been in the Near East and northern Africa. He wisely did not dare to leave open a possibility that Jesus may have spoken a Finnic tongue instead of Afroasiatic, Hebrew--or note that some Jews have stated JESUS WAS NOT A JEW. That would have been too much.
In the preceding paragraph there is a link to Khazar Jews. Now the Web Site for this link was made by one or more Arabs. They maintain that "European-descended Jews have no blood line to Abraham". But if some Arabs, Muslims, and Jews have a blood-line to Abraham then they all may need to know that Abraham likely did not meet with GOD's approval. For in Genesis (12:1) Abraham left Ur on GOD's order, Lekh-lekha. Its unclear meaning, ventured most crudely, was, "Lowlife, leave" (THE GIFTS OF THE JEWS, Thomas Cahill, DoubleDay, 1998, p. 62). Or transliterated to Modern Finnish, GOD's order to Abraham, lekh-lekha was Laiska/leuhka-lähe 'lazy lout, leave'. Yes, entire Middle East needs new blood. So all Bush Texas Methodist and Baptist Oil Republicans must go there: Problem solved--our's and their's.
Regarding above Finnic's and other Peoples' past and current history, we may ask if today's events in Europe and Near East are a conspiracy act of this age's People Controllers--"The Land- and Money-getters", "The Rulers of the Rulers"--continuing an age old sad song, maxim: To rule one must connive, conspire, attack, and grab--be a "getter"--to control or own the people's wealth, and worthwhile land; and thus control or even kill many people, and remove traces of their tribal origins or roots: Ancient ruler Nubians did it when striking into old Egypt. Muslims did it when they invaded Africa, Eurasia, and the Far East. The Judas types did it when they took ancient likely Finnic lands before and in the time of Jesus. And the Controllers did it when they financed wars in Europe: Result, Devastation, and Control, and Control, and Control: Links like these make blogs and webs most interesting, by Jove.
In the preceding paragraph in the 2nd Control link you must scroll down to read about the powerful Bilderbergers, and some of their recent meetings, and participants--most alarming; absolutely shocking. (Years ago the first group meetings were in a hotel, Bilderberger.) Who'd a thunk that the world's most powerful movers and shakers meet, and inspect their people ensnaring, controlling and ruling web--in secret, yes in secret to conspire to kill America: as they killed in the past. Yes, it is a Devilish plot, a "Devil thunk" by Jove.
And along with above we must note that Muslim and Catholic religious leaders also work to control people. And to this day the leaders of Russia control Finno-Ugric people--or exterminate their roots. I know. I was there. I walked near their last walk, or soon their last walk. They were made extinct or are being made extinct fast. And The Controllers of the people (various ethnic groups) of Russia such as President Vladimir Putin, a Slav, and the Jewish Rulers of Puppeteers of Puppeteers, care not.
The "Money Controlling Mafia(s)" used "Texas Oily Republican Politicians", and Enron "High-Ups" to STEAL from all who use various types of energy.
Here follows a bit about the above clans and their vassals: Vassals include many politicians. They destroyed and destroy many nations by arranging floods of illegal aliens; Catholic Church involved too. And very importantly, the pinstripe suited, "money controlling mafia" clans--the above mentioned Rothschild and David-Weill type "Investment Banking" clans--caused sharp rises in gasoline and diesel prices. They did this by "enticing"--beginning as stated above in 1988, under former Republican President Reagan--two Texas Republicans to deregulate energy trading: They were as stated former Senator Phil "Goose Neck" Gramm and wife "Wicked" Wendy. They played major roles in the deregulation of energy trading in electricity, natural gas, crude oil, diesel and gasoline. The deregulation allowed the pinstriped Money Mafias to be the Market Makers in Hedge Swap Futures in crude oil. They made swap futures rise fast.
And after the clan(s) took their profits in swap futures
, then the oil giants, Shell, BP and ExxonMobil made and make mega-profits from much higher crude oil prices. And from mega-profits their "Oily Top Officers" paid themselves mega-incomes and mega-bonuses, into their nontaxable offshore bank accounts. And states gained and gain from higher revenues obtained by way of the gasoline tax from now much higher per gallon price, even if people drive less. More on Rothschilds as Market Makers in crude oil swap futures in next paragraph. Because of its impact I will repeat it later.
On 5-6-2006 on CBS-TV Saturday Evening News, a 3 minute clip on hedging in swap futures in crude oil alerted that over half the recent huge rises in the pump price of a gallon of gasoline and diesel went as profits to a Market Maker(s) by way of trades (electronic) in swap futures in crude oil. The report had an interview with a floor trader in the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). In fact a printed abstract (free) and a telecast clip of the report can be obtained by typing in Yahoo, Vanderbilt TV News archive; sign up, go to date; click CBS news, scroll to Weekend Journal and Oil Trading. Note: Rothschild, David-Weill clans or Bruce Wasserstein were not named.
And a report, dated 2004, has Baron Rothschild suggesting his clan should cease doing any type of trading in gold or oil; as there is more money to be made in other areas. (We wonder if being an Offshore Unaudited MONEY GETTER from the unaudited war defense/attack industry might be the new sinister megasource for money. Does the Baron say to his Honey, "Hey Honey, do not attack being a MONEY GETTER in the 'Attack Industry'. Its Real Money Honey".
In fact there is REAL MEGA-MONEY; TRILLIONS (US) MISSING, in US Defense Department. Thus for gross crimes in office, all 3 of America's Herr Leaders, Bush, Cheney, and US-KGB Head Chertof must be removed from their offices fast, by the US Congress. Do not dither as away they may slither--offshore to count their cut of slithered money from their banker, Rothschild (The pinstripped Mafias' Banker).
But not only are America and other nations being destroyed by the Money Getters in the Money Getting Defense and Attack Industry but they are being destroyed and controlled by another means. That means involves America and many other nations being destroyed by the Market Makers in electronic trades in various energy swap futures, mostly done at the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). Also America and other nations are being destroyed by the huge monetary costs to candidates running for political office. (In America men such as Ben Franklin could not get elected today.) Also use of electronic voting machines has prevented honest elections. In many counties and states they can be and often are preprogrammed or hacked to give the results controllers want. Thus only paper ballots must be used to obtain truly honest vote counts--and thus to help save our freedom from the Controllers.
This blog, besides being about the above, is also about causes of fluctuation in global warmth and cooling; also eventually--sorry not yet--about the builders and purposes of Finnic pyramids. And this blog presents linguistic evidence to support that GOD and JESUS spoke a Finnic tongue; and not Hebrew or Aramaic: JESUS was not a Jew. It is obvious that to be understood by the area's original people, GOD and JESUS would speak in the natives' own tongue (Acts 1:19, 2:4-11, Isaiah 28:11). It was not an Afroasiatic tongue; thus definitely not Hebrew. Also others have stated that JESUS WAS NOT a Jew. On this I have more 24 paragraphs down, and also near end.
Before I continue, I must kindly request that you do not click on any adds hosted by Google: From every click, Google receives money. Now last month Google stopped listing my blog: It was under Finn Origins on Page 1, No. 2. But, no more. Interestingly, earlier this month, a person typing finn origins in Google got on pg 1, as no. 1, Finnish Forum: Clicking it got 2 short info sites, one by Finn Originin, and another by Uno Snoopinen, on Finnics. However on 7-30-06 Google removed even that. Apparently Sergei Brin, cofounder of Google, and a Russian-American-Jew, must not like that I exposed how Jews were deeply involved in taking the lands and resource wealth of Russia's northern indigenous peoples, the Finno-Ugrics: Jews did this by being in the secret police command structure, under the Georgian Djugasvili (he changed it to Stalin): In fact when Stalin slept, Stalin kept at his bedroom door a guard, a Jew, Ivan Ripkin. Yes, Jews used or worked with many Russian Slavs, to carry out a FINNO-UGRIC HOLOCAUST, in the attempt to get the resources on Finno-Ugric lands: Now the Russian Slavs under Putin have the Finno-Ugric's resources, such as oil, gold, and diamonds--and are making their tongues and cultures extinct Shor. In any case, Yahoo has this blog under finn origins, yet. Note: AOL, others have it under finnics7.
So to access our blog in Yahoo type, finn origins; or in nearly all search engines type finnics7. But best access is to type in a browser, Kindly spread word about how to access our blog; and that Google cofounder Sergei Brin is one more of Mark Twain's "Money-getters", and Controllers--discussed below.
Incidentally, is there in America an attorney that believes in Freedom of Speech and Press, and would sue Sergei Brin and Google about controlling access to Freedom of Blog Speech; and help protect free uncontrolled use of the Internet by all earth's people? Note: Brin and Google are already being sued for falsely raising the number of reported hits using Google search. So any helpful Attorney, kindly scroll down to the bottom of this blog, to item 'Add a Comment' and kindly send a private reply. And to you thanks beforehand from all freedom loving bloggers, and users of the internet.
Incidentally, readers also should scroll down to the bottom to click and read the Comments. To scroll down or up fast the reader should place the cursor arrow on the left edge of the cursor track, near its bottom or top. In Comments is mentioned a book by Italian nuclear engineer Dr. Felici Vinci, The Baltic [Finnic] Origins of Homer's Epic Tales, English edition, 2006, Inner Traditions, Rochester, VT. Dr. Vinci's hypothesis received the first enthusiastic support from the late chairman of Mensa Italy. p. viii. Also Finnic words may support a connection: This next link is in German, the 2nd and 3rd are in English: I have the 3rd because you should scroll to its end to read added posts (comments), some positive by professors, Homer in Baltic, or Homer in Baltic, and Homer in Baltic. And interestingly along the border between Estonia and Russia are the Seto who may have ties to Sidon?. Sadly, during or after the last Ice Age, the movement of glaciers may have scraped away nearly all traces of ancient artifacts left by people in Finland, and elsewhere in the north. Later below I will present studies that support that over 60% of Greek words are non-Indo-European. (Linguists may ask are some Finno-Ugric?) See: Bernal, Martin, Black Athena Writes Back, Duke University Press, 2001, p.122. Now Nov. 2006 Dr. Bernal has a new book, Black Athena, vol III. And an early discussion is in site, Black Athena. Also a most valuable Binsbergen website has appeared, with leads to possible books. For there is much controversy about Who are the modern "Greeks", and their past history, origins.
And for those interested in the many facets associated with the origins of--and the advances in--human beings, one may click on the many links found within the last five links in preceding paragraph. And as we have stated near the very beginning above, we ask that some young students studying for advanced degrees in Linguistics or Camparative Philology be urged by some universities to learn a Finnic tongue, say Finnish. By doing so they may find new linguistic and other facts that may contribute to the study of where and how did the many facets of human beings advance. This is not to say that the many very intelligent people who have so far written on these matters or facets are close--or not--to one or more truths. As is said, "The more, the merrier". Hey, 'Nice People', let a 'Nice Finnic' add to the merriment, contribute. (It may be hard to find a native Finnic, such as a Finn, to contribute, or give a presentation, i.e., talk: They tend to be shy. But we who write this blog may make up for them, right or wrong.)
In any case 231 years ago Professor Nils Idman in doctoral thesis showed many (over 50%?) old Greek words having a Finnic word root or base, origin: Idman, Nils, Finska och Grekiska Spraken, Abo University, Finland, 1774; and Ph.D. thesis: In French, see next link; scroll to click on Ch. 28. In 28 scroll to bottom of page 2 (290) for note 5 on Nils Idman; Inquiry into Words, eds., Antti Arppe, et al., I, Morphology, Ch. 28, Tapani Harviainen, The Story of Supposed Hebrew-Finnish Affinity.
Now the odious killing act by the Controllers and Wealth Getters, as stated above, to fast destroy Protestant and other nations, is being done with Floods of Illegal Aliens. In the case of America, they are acting to destroy it (us) with soon over 20 million illegal aliens, mainly Mexican Catholics. They were and are aided by their vassals, such as the 2 ZIONISTS, Paul Wolfowitz and Joshua Bolten, who were the 'Controller' and the Chief of Staff of Baby George Bush, respectively. Europe is being invaded by others: See Migrant masses killing Britain, and Clans killing politics in UK, and Migrants too many. Now, to save America from a mega flood of illegal aliens, we must support mayors such as Hazelton, PA mayor who is fed up with illegals, and the Save Our States Forums.
Hideously, to help destroy Protestant America by bringing in illegal aliens fast, the Controllers and Bush have proposed or decided on a new Super Highway (construction has started 2007). It will go from Mexico to Canada through middle America. And it is owned and controlled by a Spanish company: Thus it may likely be secretly controlled by some board members who are Spanish Jesuits (Sinister Opus Dei?), with the aid of the Rothschild and David-Weill clans. Note: Currently less than 2% of trucks are inspected for illegal aliens: And trucks will be only electronically inspected! Imagine Mexican customs to be in Kansas, and Spain to own and take tolls on NAFTA Canmex megahighway so as to kill USA with mega floods of illegals.
Other vile vassals are Mexican President, Jew Vicente Fox, and the Mexican Jewish Mafia "Godfather" Mogul, Lino Korrodi Fox and Korrodi--and the many pedophile protecting Roman Catholic Archbishops Pedophile Priest hiders. Now in the past one could type on a browser, and get the site put on the internet by Aztlan, or one could click on the link just shown, Fox and Korrodi, and read about Zionists, Fox, and Mafia head Korrodi--but not after 6-25-2006. Now no sites from Aztlan appear. One only gets 'This page can not be displayed'.
So already the Controllers control nonlewd info on internet. Thus I searched for other sites that expose Zionist Bankers, Mosad Jewish Secret Police, and Jewish Mafia as Controllers. Here are 2 sites, Jewishtribalreview, and zoominfo Lino Korrodi. But after 6-27 the above Fox and Korrodi link again works. Yet on 7-3-06 it was again made "inaccessible". But on 7-4-06 it was again accessible. A site (sight) worth seeing, when you can see it.
Note: Not all are vassals of Zionist Investment Banker Clans: For example, getting Catholic voters to outnumber Protestant voters will allow newly elected Catholic politicians, and Priests, to control, along with Jews, America. If Catholics, Jews, Muslims are truly humane, and realize the great need for Protestant led nations, they must allow some countries to remain Protestant.
Now Protestants, others are loosing to Controllers. The control is by Ruler Parasites, i. e., by the "RULERS of the RULERS of EARTH" (Waldo Emerson, cited below). Most vitally this is about People Control by the above 2 RULING CLANS. They, (1) have, or have ready access, to the use of Hyper-Wealth, to be "Market Makers", and/or, (2) can manipulate computer programs, to raise by electronic trades the Swap Futures Price of Crude Oil, and thereby gasoline and diesel prices. And a high gasoline price controls (lessens) people movement by auto. Also at end of May, 2006, there began another betting market--a Housing Swap Futures Market. In this vile action to artificially raise price of both crude oil futures and housing futures--and thereby the price of gasoline and housing--the clans are aided by vassals.
In fact on 5-6-2006, as stated above, on the CBS-TV Saturday Evening News, a 3 minute clip on hedging in swap futures in crude oil alerted that over half the recent huge rise in the pump price of a gallon of gasoline went as profits to a Market Maker(s) by way of electronic trades in swap futures in crude oil. The report had an interview with a pit trader in New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). In fact a telecast clip of report can be obtained (free abstract print): For TV clip access in Yahoo see above.
It needs noting that the above report did not name the Mega Market Makers--the traders for, and scions of, Rothschild Investment Banking clan--who trade or "Make The Market" electronically: The Clan reaped hyper-millions (US) in profits. Yet now, after this expose, the news medias have tried to give other reasons for price rises in gasoline and diesel. I add, 'Yes the Truly Mega Market Makers is the Investment Banker, the Rothschild Clan; for it have the Truly Mega-Sums of Money, honey. Follow the mega-money': And so they are: After this expose, other Investment Banks such as Goldman Sucks are making electronic trades in crude oil swap futures. Yes, the Mega International Banksters--who are 'The RULERS Of The RULERS', and thus our Controllers--are truly The White Collar Gangster Organized Bankster Crime Clans. They control us by way of raising swap futures in crude oil so as to create high gasoline and diesel pump prices; also by funding politicians campaigns, and by removing paper ballot voting.
And certainly the Controllers and others who gain from high crude oil prices do not want a theory of the late Dr. Thomas Gold to be known. He wrote about existence of a Mega-abundance of Cheap oil/gas. In the following Wire Magazine site article about Dr. Gold it may read 'error', but below 'error' is article Fuel's Paradise to scroll; a 'truly-Must-read'. And the book by Thomas Gold is: THE DEEP HOT BIOSPHERE, The MYTH OF FOSSIL FUELS, Copernicus Books, NY, NY, 1999. In fact to help disprove that crude oil comes from buried ancient plants and dinosaurs--and to disprove that there is only limited crude oil amounts--America must open more drilling areas in Alaska, and Lower USA; and in Alaskan Mega oil pools for Mega oil source.
But we must not allow BP to continue drilling in Alaska because its Chairman Peter 'Jesuit' Sutherland, and CEO John Abe Browne have not tried to protect Alaska's environment--BP Careless or Louisiana's BP Careless: Thus BP warned, and again BP Warned. (Note: From last BP warned link to return to this blog one may need to click back arrow twice.) Relative to their wealth, tiny fines will not stop BP's polluting. But banning their operating in America would cause BP to sell USA operations; hopefully to an American company. Yet news (7-19 and 8-7-06) is BP may finally act.
Now the Controllers control access to the possible mega amounts of cheap oil by making sure that the Congress and President do not fund any drilling by the Federal Government for this cheap oil. In fact the Controllers continue to raise the cost of gasoline and diesel. By so doing they are better able to control the movement of people, and become even wealthier, faster. The Controllers want to control the movement of people should the people decide 'enough is enough'; and the people decide to drive to Washington, and then march en masse to the Capital and Whitehouse to throw the controlled 'things' out. And the National Guard must help the people: They must not allow themselves to be used by The Controllers--The Rulers of the Rulers--to prevent a march or demonstration, perhaps many.
And the British must do with their Controller (Rothschild clan) the same as Russia's Putin did with a Russian Jew, Boris Berezovsky, who tried to become a Controller of Russian Slavs. (Recently the British did arrest a political campaign mega-funder, Lord Michael Levy; who is now in a closing net, and a vassal controller of real controllers.) Yet the Controller Russian-Slavs (Putin and pals) must show the world that they no desire to be controllers over the original native people of the north in Russia. They must treat the natives in a humane way, as Canadians treat the northern people: Russians must give back to the Finno-Ugrics their lands, resources, oil and gas fields.
Now back to the earlier thought about people driving to Washington: They need not do so. For I know what the people did when I was young, writing my Chemistry Doctoral Thesis in the 1960s; and meantime helping the young by teaching in Chicago's inner city. The people did not just march. They did something else. People from age 15 to 70 did not let the Controller influenced newspapers, radio and TV dumb them down.
Incidentally, there may be a reasonably fast way to get the crude oil barrel price down to $25. The way is to convert coal to crude oil. And to calm environmentalists, they may need to know that the world's climate was warmer between 5000 BC. and AD. 1400 than present: See Antarctic glacial history, and Global temperatures were warmer between 5000 BC. and 3000 BC., and Antarctic Ross Sea climate was warmer between 1300 BC and AD 900. So although converting coal into gasoline and diesel fuel may likely cause some global warming, yet even many conversion plants would not raise global temperatures to what they were before the current 600 year cooler period. Now the cost to convert coal to crude oil is only $25 per barrel. Yet crude oil price is $75. Thus, safely, to produce cheaper diesel and gasoline, 2 plants, one near Illinois-Wisconsin border, and another in Mississippi, will soon be built: See, Coal to transportation fuels, diesel and gasoline. And hopefully at least two more among many will soon be built; one in Montana, Coal-to-Oil, and one in Pennsylvania.
Now a MOST URGENT ALERT. Today, worldwide, the "CONTROLLERS" are attempting to have politicians in many nations enact laws to Register and Confiscate Guns and--within nations--to Control Free Movement OF People, internally, NOTE: INTERNALLY; akin to what occurred in Germany and Russia in the 1920's and 1930's. (To hinder people movement the Controllers may raise the price of gasoline very high.) Beginning in 1917, Investment Bank owning Jews such as the owners of Kuhn-Loeb Bank, and Guaranty National Trust (Jacob Schiff) connived with Trotsky, Lenin, and later Stalin, to Enact People Control and Extermination: One Jew was Felix Dzerzhinski: Stalin appointed Felix as Head of CHEKA, later GPU and OGPU. (The OGPU became GUGB, then, NKVD; all forerunners to the KGB--Russia's Homeland Security.) Another Jew was Genrikh Jyagoda, head of GUGB. A third was the Jewish Rothschild, a banking clan. The connivers hideously succeeded: All guns were taken from the people. Then they arranged for 90 million people to be shot, worked at hard labor to a very early death on starvation diets, or just left to starve, period. These included 17 million or more Finno-Uralic people. As the American movie and television industry is owned by Jews there will never be made a "Jew Bankers' List" Movie (akin to Schindler's List movie).
History repeats: Now sick "Baby Butt" Bush, is Conniving To Control People: Or is he Compelled to connive--to get out from under a sex photo extortion expose of himself with boys: Photos taken when he was addicted to alcohol or drugs? Thus the "Sicko Butt" has recently appointed--or been Controlled to appoint a Jew, Michael Chertoff (means Devil), as Head of Homeland Security (USA's KGB). And now Baby Butt made--or was compelled to make--on 5-5-06, a Friday (when legislators are catching plane flights to their districts), a replacement appointment, With Urgent Speed; This was one to head the CIA: He was/is Catholic, Michael Hayden.
Before continuing with my article I need to write a paragraph on an essay by Mark Twain, "Concerning the Jew" that appeared in Harper's Monthly, 1899, and a Postscript in a book on Mark Twain's essays, edited by Charles Neider published by Doubleday in 1963. (The references are at the end of the third paragraph following this.) At the beginning of the Harper's Monthly essay in 1899, Mark Twain wrote, "[Including Finns there are] nineteen different races in Austria. [Against the Jew] I have no prejudice". With unbiased intention, in the essay Mark Twain wrote about facts "Concerning the Jew"; as have other writers, including Waldo Emerson, cited below. And remember statement of Mark Twain, "I have no prejudice", as we continue 3 paragraphs below.
Now a word about prejudice against NOT ALL JEWS but against "The MEGA-Rich PEOPLE CONTROLLER JEW". For the "People Controller Jew"--the mega-rich Rothschilds, Lazard parasite clan types--helped finance Hitler and Stalin. And of the early communist leaders in Russia, 90% were Jews. They began the takeover and control of people, land, oil and minerals--included was the control of Finno-Ugrics and of their resources. In fact the Mega-Rich People Controller Jews kept Stalin in power for 35 years. And during the 35 years, the Mega-Rich Jews funded Stalin's hideous suppression and murder of millions. In this drawn out inhumanness, a HOLOCAUST OF FINNS AND FINNO-UGRICS was carried out. This holocaust was conducted under the orders of Jews who were the heads of the Secret Police apparatus in Russia, and who worked with Stalin. The Russian Secret Police Jewish leadership worked virtually as vassals under the conniving of the Mega-Wealthy Jews, the Rothschilds and Lazard clans.
And working with the Rothschild and Lazard banking clans was the late notorious parasite, oil tycoon Armand Hammer. He sent clandestine or laundered funds to the Jews who headed the Secret Police apparatus in Russia, and agents elsewhere--through the Rothschild and Lazard banks. These funds kept Stalin in power and allowed near total annihilation of Finno-Ugric peoples: Edward Jay Epstein, DOSSIER, The Secret History of Armand Hammer, Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc. N.Y., 1999, pp. 119, 170: Also: Jukka Rislakki and Eila Lahti-Argutina, Translated from Original Finnish by Richard Impola, NO HOME FOR US HERE, The Mass Annihilation of Finns in the Urals in 1938, North Star Press of St. Cloud, Inc. St. Cloud, MN, 2002, and Otava Publishing Ltd, Helsinki, SF, 1997, p. 155, many other pages.
Now about the above hidden financial--and possible "KGB-like Homeland Security"--power(s) of the "Secretive Pest Rulers OF The Rulers", an added fact from past history must be mentioned: Before the 1920's, the Rothschild tribal clan owned and controlled much of both Germany and Russia. In fact Mark Twain wrote, "The Jew cheated, exploited, and controlled poor and ignorant Christians [and others] in the American South, Russia; and medieval England, Spain and Austria. The law had to step in and save the Christian from the poorhouse. The Jew is a 'Money-Getter'. They all worship money. He made it the end and aim of his life to get it [money]. Austria opened suffrage to him--and it must surely be his own fault that he is so much in the background politically, [and hated because he funds politician's campaigns, and thereby controls nations.]": Mark Twain, CONCERNING THE JEWS, Harper's New Monthly Magazine, September 1899, in Charles Neider, ed., The Complete Essays of Mark Twain, Doubleday & Co, 1963, pp. 236-44. And they helped finance and lead Germany's and Russia's people to fight each other.
Incidentally, from 1947 through mid 1980s, a wealthy Jewish businessman, Benjamin H. Freedman, a Defector from Jewish Supremacism, warned America of the great danger of allowing our media and government to be dominated by Jews. He was at a very high level in the Jewish and Zionist power structures. He made revelations of Jewish intrigues that led to both World Wars. Three books by Mr. Freedman can be found on your browser by typing with his name, the URL, A Jewish Defector Warns America, A Jewish Defector Warns America, also 'The Hidden Tyranny Revealed', and 'Facts Are Facts'. Also in browser type URL, to get Benjamin Freedman: Defector From Jewish Supremacism. And in URL,, one can find by Mr Freedman a short article that was in a paper Common Sense, JESUS Was NOT A JEW. Note: I typed out the URLs because clicking on a link may yield, 'Error 404' or 'Site not found'. If this occurs, then try other link. Controllers' funny business.
In above 'A Jewish Defector Warns America' Mr. Freedman, exposes a most hideous prayer, the KOL NIDRE. This "prayer is made three times by Jews on the Day of Atonement. In the prayer, the Jew enters into an agreement with God that any oath, vow, or pledge that he/she makes during the next twelve months shall be null and void: They shall have no force or effect. And further, the Talmud teaches that the Jew is exempted from fulfilling them".
Below we have a link to the prayer. But often it is slow to appear. So here it is: "All vows, obligations, oaths, and anathemas, whether called 'ḳonam,' 'ḳonas,' or by any other name, which we may vow, or swear, or pledge, or whereby we may be bound, from this Day of Atonement until the next (whose happy coming we await), we do repent. May they be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void, and made of no effect; they shall not bind us nor have power over us. The vows shall not be reckoned vows; the obligations shall not be obligatory; nor the oaths be oaths."
So to a Jew the pledge of allegiance to a nation or flag other than Israel has no meaning. One can also verify above about Kol Nidre prayer in a browser URL,, and click in letter K area to (Note: As stated its appearance may be slow.) Kol Nidre. Some Jews think of banning this prayer.
Here must be said a word about Jews, America, Iraq and Iran. Iraq and Iran are not America's huge threat, not now. Rather, the flood of illegal aliens into America and other nations is the mega-threat. We need to build immediately a row of 2 fences along the entire border with Mexico. And we fast need our National Guard protecting our border day and night with live shells--and also with dogs at night and other times when temps are cooler for dogs. Let us place our troops fast on our border to save America. Let us not be distracted, by a war in Iraq. And let us not become divided by Catholic Priests and some politicians who attempt to bring into America floods of Latino Catholics. Let us not fall prey to 'Divide and Conquer'. Thus let Jewish boys and girls "save" Iraq, and Iran. It is their issue number one. Our Issue One is to save America, first, now, and fast. So we need National Guard, fences, Minutemen, muskets and Cheney, placed on the border, NOW.
History repeats: Now the above 2 clans--and their vassals who also gain--are conniving to have America's and Iran's people fight each other. And most hideously, they control either directly or indirectly nearly all large American companies, sports franchises--also hideously, British Petroleum. And how are Catholic Jesuits involved--if they are--in possible attempts by Catholics to take over political control of Protestant nations? In the process, the David-Weills and Rothschilds care not how many people, including Jews, pay high interest or penalty fees on bank loans, and live on very low incomes--or die. Will they be the last living things--insect pest clans sucking on dead straw?
The Rothschilds and David-Weill Banking Clans are among the "Tribal Type Pests" that CONTROL National Public Radio (NPR), & Politicians. NPR has no people with protestant names--such as Will Hill, Ole Olson or Ken Kent--in its top positions, and as reporters or hosts: Only relatives of banking tribal types have high positions: Our taxes are misused--to help NPR racism.
And most hideously, the Rothschilds and David-Weill clans are manipulating the swaps futures in crude oil on the NYMEX, London and a few other markets. Note: The use of swaps futures in electricity, natural gas, crude oil, gasoline, and other commodities became possible because of, as stated above, Republicans who deregulated energy trading markets: And deregulation was exploited by con artist gangsters and parasite pests by their creating and using Enron. Congress and the President must reregulate trading exchanges that are exploited by ExxonMobil, Goldman Sachs (Sucks); and the biggest energy traders--the Rothschilds and David-Weill "Investment Bank" clans. Only when congress reregulates these trading exchanges will our gasoline and natural gas prices come down.
For more information on the above, in google type: Joan Claybrook federal control nymex oil futures. Her site should be at top (# 1) on page 1. Also in google type: deregulation oil trading date; on pg 1 click on sites 1 and 3. In site 3,, click Home and then click on tutorial. All of these are most important sites. They inform the citizen how the Market Makers (Rothschilds) control, manipulate, and raise the price of oil futures by "Making And Nursing" the price of oil swaps futures. Note: Claybrook's site starts with title: Mergers, Manipulation and Mirages: How Oil Companies (and Rothschild and David-Weill Parasites) Keep Gasoline Prices High.
Before I continue, people of the world must in Yahoo or a browser type jewish buffalo, and scroll down to click on home. In site 'jbuff' click at the bottom on Search, then find 'Search for', and in it type, American Jews; and scroll down and click on American Jews. (Clicking here on jewish buffalo should get the site; but one may need to type it--due to whims of the Controllers.) Upon reading it, we find how 10 of 100 US Senators are Jewish. And most are from states with less than 2% Jewish population! America is controlled by BIG campaign money to feed the Jew buffalo: Result on us is jpoop.
Below this article on Catholic Wealth is Sinfat Izy Weill, USA's Most Vile Thing. But first are two great humor articles, written by U of WI recent grads in the student paper, The Badger Herald: To read first one click Courtney Johnson. To read second click Dave McGrath. As sometimes links vanish, McGrath's article is also 3rd to last at bottom: The 2nd to last article at bottom with red font heading is GEORGE SOROS, FACE of EVIL. And the bottom article with red font heading is, PETER BERNSTEIN, One Guy Who Has Seen It All Doesn't Like What He Sees.
We start with Catholic Church Wealth in Western Hemisphere controlled by Chicago Archbishop, and then we discuss California wealth, especially that owned by the Los Angeles Archdiosis; it is huge: Most of the wealth is in land. (This blog updated 2-1-10
. For blogs/posts linked to this click back arrow or finnics7 and finn7777.)
Just as a starter on Catholic Church wealth today we give this interesting link to Catholic wealth in 1500s.
A LA Times analysis found that the archdiocese is the recorded owner of one of the biggest real estate portfolios in Southern California — at least 1,600 properties with an estimated value of about $4 billion. But others say -- ONE BILLION HIDDEN.
Now what the nation's most-populous Catholic jurisdiction might be willing to sell to settle its sexual abuse scandle is likely to feed an ongoing debate within the church over who controls parish property — the prelates governing the institution or the parishioners. Most of the archdiocese's property is devoted to religious purposes, such as churches and schools. But there are also oil wells, farm parcels, commercial parking lots, a fashion district building and the land under an Alhambra car dealership. If recent settlements are a guide, the archdiocese and its insurers could have to pay $500 million or more to dispense with the rest of the molestation suits. That would be far and away the costliest resolution in the U.S. Catholic Church's marathon run of sex scandals; resolution latest info, 2-28-7.
The archdiocese says it expects insurers to pay almost all remaining settlements. But the liability companies insist that the church should bear most of burden. At the same time Cardinal Roger Baloney has staked out a position on internal ownership rules that seeks to restrict the plaintiffs' access to billions in church and school property. He has asserted that churches and schools belong to individual parishes and that the archdiocese doesn't have the authority to liquidate parish property to settle lawsuits.
Baloney's stance may be rife with possible church-state conflicts, pitting canon versus civil law. Plaintiffs say he is merely trying to avoid fairly compensating abuse victims.The finances of the archdiocese are difficult to decipher, in part because it does not include the assets of parishes and other church organizations in its public balance sheets. On its website, the archdiocese reported gross assets in the last fiscal year of just $510 million, all of it in property and funds controlled by the central administration.
Looking at property records an LA Times examination of property records and other documents suggests that about $175 million of the archdiocese's real estate portfolio is in properties not classified by the tax assessor as used for religious purposes or cemeteries — and thus more likely to be available for settlements.
In addition, the archdiocese has investment funds of about $660 million, although it says most of that money belongs to affiliated organizations and parishes, according to the church's newspaper, the Tidings.
Balony said the archdiocese set aside $40 million last year toward Friday's settlements. He has not said how the church would pay for its share of settlements in the remaining lawsuits.
"Our goal is to have no impact to our parishes or ministries that would imperil our ministry," the cardinal said. "There are ways to combine services, maybe to accomplish the goals with fewer personnel, down the road."
But many parishioners fear that the settlements will cut into the archdiocese's network of churches, schools and ministries, which serve 4.3 million people in Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara counties.
The archdiocese's contention that its insurers are obligated to pay for the rest of the claims has been disputed by liability companies, which contend that California law renders coverage void because church superiors had reason to expect that the abuse would occur. The two sides have also differed on dollar and time limits of coverage.
Church and legal experts predict a compromise. In 2004, the Diocese of Orange split the cost of a $100-million settlement with its insurers. The diocese paid the $50 million with a bank loan and by tapping investments.
The archdiocese's attorney, J. M. Hennigan, said his client could not begin to pay half of a bill that could exceed $500 million without "great pain". He said the archdiocese is weighing which nonreligious property it could sell and will explore bank loans. If more cash is needed, Hennigan and others said, a fundraising appeal may begin.
But few doubt that archdiocesan programs will suffer in the end. For many note that, when confronted with a $4.3-million budget shortfall in 2002, the archdiocese closed ministries for students, the disabled, minorities, and gays and lesbians. Tom Honore, a Los Angeles parishioner who sits on the national board of Call to Action, which pushes for reforms in the church, said the archdiocese should sell nonessential property to settle the claims. "Before schools, parking lots should go," he said. "I am very concerned. Families and communities are built around parishes."
Hennigan said schools and churches are "not vulnerable" to closure and sale, but he hedged a bit. "You can never say never on anything," he said.
The archdiocese will not declare bankruptcy to protect its assets from the litigants, Hennigan said. Four other dioceses have taken that step because of molestation lawsuits. Church scholars say Balony has almost unchecked authority to sell church property. He consults with a variety of advisory councils that he appoints, but he ultimately answers only to Pope Benedict XVI, they say. "The cardinal can sell what he wants," said Charles Zech, an economics professor at Villanova University in Pennsylvania. "Each bishop or each cardinal is the 'pope' of his archdiocese."
But putting churches and schools on the market could be thorny.
In a showdown that could have implications for Los Angeles, Boston parishioners have accused Cardinal Sean Patrick O'Malley of violating canon law when he decided to shut about 80 parishes — in part, church members say, to help offset millions in molestation settlements. O'Malley has said that dwindling church attendance and a priest shortage, not the abuse suits, prompted the closures. Canon law generally prohibits a bishop or cardinal from seizing parish assets, unless he can establish that factors such as a lack of worshipers left the parish unviable.
Hennigan said Balony interprets canon law to mean that he cannot sell parish property to pay settlements, a position likely to be challenged in court only if the church seeks bankruptcy protection.
Plaintiffs' attorneys say civil statutes trump canon law. They also note that the archdiocese is incorporated in California as a single entity, parishes included.
Bankruptcy courts have grappled with the church-state clash over ownership. In Portland, Ore., and Spokane, Wash., where dioceses filed for bankruptcy protection because of molestation lawsuits, judges found that parishes belonged to the bishop and could be sold to pay claims. Since a U.S. District Court reversed the Spokane decision, that case is in mediation.
Still, in nearly all circumstances, bishops who wanted to sell parish holdings had little trouble doing so. "The bishops say, 'No we don't own the parishes,' when it comes to fending off a bankruptcy, but, 'Yes, we do own them,' when they want to close them down," said Charles Wilson, executive director of the St. Joseph Foundation, a conservative parishioners' rights group that has fought, largely unsuccessfully, 89 parish closures since the 1980s.
The L.A. Archdiocese seems to have some cushion against selling churches and schools. Its nonreligious properties run the gamut of real estate investments: as varied as undeveloped desert parcels, six dozen single-family homes, the land beneath Goudy Honda in Alhambra and a Mission Hills self-storage business, county assessor records show. One property in the fashion district is home to a number of stores-- including the Berry Sexy Too clothing boutique!
Altogether, the records list about 1,500 properties in Los Angeles County and about 100 in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. The archdiocese also owns land elsewhere in California, and in Minnesota, Illinois and Arizona. The tally might be incomplete, because the properties are recorded in different names for the church, as well as variations of those names. Hennigan said the archdiocese could have title to 1,800 properties.
"Even our lists are not certain," he said. "This is not a well-oiled Fortune 500 company."
Most of the properties have been in the archdiocese's hands for many years, and county assessments of their value are out of date. The Times broadly estimated their current worth with a formula that applied regional increases in median home prices to archdiocesan properties. Land records and most experts consulted by the newspaper suggested that, at least since the early 1990s, commercial, industrial and church properties have increased in value at a similar rate to that for single-family homes, although some studies suggest that commercial and industrial prices have risen at a lower rate. Experts in church sales also cautioned that, even in the area's vibrant used-church market, Catholic churches might sell for less because of their design.
Some of the lower-profile properties are more marketable than others. Legal, zoning and parishioner hurdles aside, selling churches and schools could involve daunting demolition costs if they were not bought by other religious or educational groups. "The churches are kind of white elephants," said Allan Kotin, a real estate consultant. And church scholars say land can be a misleading indicator of archdiocese's true wealth.
Like other dioceses, the Los Angeles church often faces red ink because revenues for its central operations are relatively low — $107.6 million in the last fiscal year. The three major sources for that money were cemetery revenues, $39 million; rents, fees and "other" income, $22 million; and its 8% share — about $20 million--of Sunday collection baskets' take, plus other donations.
"There's a lot of mythology about the so-called wealth of the Catholic Church," said Thomas Rausch, a theology professor at Loyola Marymount University in Westchester. "I don't think the archdiocese is especially well-off right now."

But others say it is impossible to know. As a religious organization, the archdiocese is not required to disclose as much detailed financial information as other tax-exempt entities. Zech, the Villanova professor, said dioceses have revealed even less in recent years, as the abuse lawsuits have piled up. "They are so secretive," he said. "An archdiocese the size of Los Angeles…. They could find $1 billion tucked away somewhere.". This great piece appeared 12-3-2006 by Paul Pringle and Ted Rohrlich of Los Angeles Times.
SINFAT IZY WEILL, USA's most vile. Article by Louis Uchitelle in Business section, N. Y. Times, 7-15-7.
The tributes to Sanford I. Weill line the walls of the carpeted hallway that leads to his skyscraper office, with its panoramic view of Central Park. A dozen framed magazine covers, their colors as vivid as an Andy Warhol painting, are the most arresting. Each heralds Mr. Weill’s genius in assembling Citigroup into the most powerful financial institution since the House of Morgan a century ago.
His achievement required political clout, and that, too, is on display. Soon after he formed Citigroup, Congress repealed a Depression-era law, Glass Steagall Act, that prohibited goliaths like the one Mr. Weill had just put together anyway, combining commercial and investment banking, insurance and stock brokerage operations. A trophy from the victory — a pen that President Bill Clinton used to sign the repeal —hangs, framed, near the magazine covers.
These days, Mr. Weill and many of the nation’s very wealthy chief executives, entrepreneurs and financiers echo an earlier era--the Gilded Age before World War I--when powerful enterprises, dominated by men who grew immensely rich, ushered in the industrialization of the United States. The new titans often see themselves as pillars of a similarly prosperous and expansive age, one in which their successes and their philanthropy have made government less important than it once was.
“People can look at the last 25 years and say this is an incredibly unique period of time,” Mr. Weill said. “We didn’t rely on somebody else to build what we built, and we shouldn’t rely on somebody else to provide all the services our society needs.”
Those earlier barons disappeared by the 1920s and, constrained by the Depression and by the greater government oversight and high income tax rates that followed, no one really took their place. Then, starting in the late 1970s, as the constraints receded, new tycoons gradually emerged, and now their concentrated wealth has made the early years of the 21st century truly another Gilded Age.
Only twice before over the last century has 5 percent of the national income gone to people in the upper one-one-hundredth of a percent of the income distribution — currently, the almost 15,000 families with incomes of $9.5 million or more a year, according to an analysis of tax returns by the economists Emmanuel Saez at the University of California, Berkeley and Thomas Piketty at Paris School of Economics.
Such concentration at the very top occurred in 1915 and 1916, as the Gilded Age was ending, and again briefly in the late 1920s, before the stock market crash. Now it is back, and Mr. Weill is prominent among the new titans. His net worth exceeds $1 billion, not counting the $500 million he says he has already given away, in the open-handed style of Andrew Carnegie and the other great philanthropists of earlier age.
At 74, just over a year into retirement as Citigroup chairman, Mr. Weill sees in Carnegie’s life aspects of his own. Andrew Carnegie, an impoverished Scottish immigrant, built a steel empire in Pittsburgh, taking risks that others shunned, just as the demand for steel was skyrocketing. He then gave away his fortune, reasoning that he was lucky to have been in the right spot at the right moment and he owed the community for his good luck — not in higher wages for his workers, but in philanthropic distribution of his wealth.
Mr. Weill’s beginnings were similarly inauspicious. A son of Jewish immigrants from Poland, raised in Brooklyn, a so-so college student, he landed on Wall Street in a low-level job in the 1950s. Harnessing entrepreneurial energy, deftness as a deal maker and an appetite for risk, with a rising stock market pulling him along, he built a financial empire that, in his view, successfully broke through the stultifying constraints that flowed from the New Deal. They were constraints not just on what business could or could not do, but on every high earner’s take-home pay.
“I once thought how lucky the Carnegies and the Rockefellers were because they made their money before there was an income tax,” Mr. Weill said, never believing in his younger days that deregulation and tax cuts, starting in the late 1970s, would bring back many of the easier conditions of the Gilded Age. “I felt that everything of any great consequence was really all made in the past,” he said. “That turned out not to be true and it is not true today.”
The Question of Talent
Other very wealthy men in the new Gilded Age talk of themselves as having a flair for business not unlike Derek Jeter’s “unique talent” for baseball, as Leo J. Hindery Jr. put it. “I think there are people, including myself at certain times in my career,” Mr. Hindery said, “who because of their uniqueness warrant whatever market will bear.”
He counts himself as a talented entrepreneur, having assembled from scratch a cable television sports network, the YES Network. “Jeter makes an unbelievable amount of money,” said Mr. Hindery, who now manages a private equity fund, “but you look at him and you say, ‘Wow, I cannot find another ballplayer with that same set of skills.’ ”
A handful of critics among the new elite, or close to it, are scornful of such self-appraisal. “I don’t see a relationship between the extremes of income now and the performance of the economy,” Paul A. Volcker, a former Federal Reserve Board chairman, said in an interview, challenging the contentions of the very rich that they are, more than others, the driving force of a robust economy.
The great fortunes today are largely a result of the long bull market in stocks, Mr. Volcker said. Without rising stock prices, stock options would not have become a major source of riches for financiers and chief executives. Stock prices rise for a lot of reasons, Mr. Volcker said, including ones that have nothing to do with the actions of these people.
“The market did not go up because businessmen got so much smarter,” he said, adding that the 1950s and 1960s, which the new tycoons denigrate as bureaucratic and uninspiring, “were very good economic times and no one was making what they are making now.”
James D. Sinegal, chief executive of Costco, the discount retailer, echoes that sentiment. “Obscene salaries send the wrong message through a company,” he said. “The message is that all brilliance emanates from the top; that the worker on the floor of the store or the factory is insignificant.”
A legendary chief executive from an earlier era is similarly critical. He is Robert L. Crandall, 71, who as president and then chairman and chief executive, led American Airlines through the early years of deregulation and pioneered the development of the hub-and-spoke system for managing airline routes. He retired in 1997, never having made more than $5 million a year, in the days before top incomes really took off.
He is speaking out now, he said, because he no longer has to worry that his “radical views” might damage the reputation of American or that of the companies he served until recently as a director. The nation’s corporate chiefs would be living far less affluent lives, Mr. Crandall said, if fate had put them in, say, Uzbekistan instead of the United States, “where they are the beneficiaries of a market system that rewards a few people in extraordinary ways and leaves others behind.”
“The way our society equalizes incomes,” he argued, “is through much higher taxes than we have today. There is no other way.”
The New Tycoons
The new Gilded Age has created only one fortune as large as those of the Rockefellers, the Carnegies and the Vanderbilts — that of Bill Gates, according to various compilations. His net worth, measured as a share of the economy’s output, ranks him fifth among the 30 all-time wealthiest American families, just ahead of Carnegie. Only one other living billionaire makes the cut: Warren Buffett, 16th place.
Individual fortunes nearly a century ago were so large that just 30 tycoons — Rockefeller was by far the wealthiest — had accumulated net worth equal to 5 percent of the national income. Their wealth flowed mainly from the empires they built in manufacturing, railroads, oil, coal, urban transit and mass retailing as the United States grew into the world’s largest industrial economy.
Today the fortunes of the mega rich are spread more widely. In addition to stock and stock options, low-interest credit has brought wealth to more people--by, for example, aiding the sale of individual businesses for much greater sums than in the past. The fortunes amassed in hedge funds and in private equity often stem from deals involving huge amounts of easy credit and vast pools of capital available for investment.
The high-tech boom and the Internet unfolded against this backdrop. The rising stock market multiplied the wealth of Bill Gates as his software became the industry standard. It did the same for numerous others who financed start-ups on a shoestring and then went public at enormous gain.
Over a longer period, the market lifted the value of Mr. Buffett’s judicious investments and timely acquisitions, and he emerged as the extraordinarily wealthy Sage of Omaha, in effect, a baron of the new Gilded Age whose views are strikingly similar to those of Carnegie and Mr. Weill.
Like them, Mr. Buffett, 78, sees himself as lucky, having had the good fortune, as he put it, to have been born in America, white and male, and “wired for asset allocation” just when all four really paid off. He dwelt on his good fortune in a recent appearance at a fund-raiser for Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is vying for Mr. Buffett’s support of her presidential candidacy.
“This is a much richer country than 10, 20, 40, 50 years ago,” he declared, backing his assertion with a favorite statistic. The national income, divided by the population, is an abundant $45,000 per capita, he said, a number that is made high by an affluent class in the nation. But it also obscures the large numbers of people with low or no incomes: When analyzed closely it is seen as a lopsided income distribution; the high $45,000 is skewed or distorted high by inclusion of the mega high incomes of the mega rich.
“Society should place an initial emphasis on abundance,” Mr. Buffett argued, but “then should continuously strive” to redistribute the abundance more equitably.
No income tax existed in Carnegie’s day to do this, and neither Mr. Buffett nor Mr. Weill push for sharply higher income tax rates now, although Mr. Buffett criticizes the present tax code as unfairly skewed in his favor. Like Carnegie, philanthropy is their preference. “I want to give away my money rather than have somebody take it away,” Mr. Weill said.
Mr. Buffett is already well down that path. Most of his wealth is in the stock of his company, Berkshire Hathaway, and he is transferring majority of that stock to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation so the Gateses can “materially expand” their giving.
“In my will,” he has written, echoing Carnegie’s last wishes, “I’ve stipulated proceeds from Berkshire shares I still own at death will be used for philanthropic purposes.”
Mr. Weill’s vision may not be for philanthropic purposes but to create a financial institution in the style of those that flourished in the last Gilded Age. Although insurance is gone, Citigroup still houses commercial and investment banking and stock brokerage.
The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 outlawed the mix, blaming conflicts of interest inherent in such a combination for helping to bring on the 1929 crash and the Depression. The pen displayed in Mr. Weill’s hallway is one of those Mr. Clinton used to revoke Glass-Steagall in 1999. He did so partly to accommodate the newly formed Citigroup, whose heft was necessary, Mr. Weill said, if the United States was to be a powerhouse in global financial markets.
“The whole world is moving to the American model of free enterprise and capital markets,” Mr. Weill said, arguing that Wall Street cannot be a big player in China or India without giants like Citigroup. “Not having American financial institutions that really are at the fulcrum of how these countries are converting to a free-enterprise system,” he said, “would really be a shame.”
Such talk alarms Arthur Levitt Jr., a former chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, who began on Wall Street long ago as partner with Mr. Weill in a stock broker firm. Mr. Levitt has publicly lamented the end of Glass-Steagall, but Mr. Weill argues that its repeal “created the opportunities to keep people still moving forward.”
Mr. Levitt is skeptical. “I view a gilded age as an age in which warning flags are flying and are seen by very few people,” he said, referring to the potential for a Wall Street firm to fail or markets to crash in a world of too much deregulation. “I think this is a time of great prosperity and a time of great danger.”
The new tycoons oppose raising taxes on their fortunes. Unlike Mr. Crandall, neither Mr. Weill nor Mr. Griffin nor most of the dozen others who were interviewed favor tax rates higher than they are today, although a few would go along with a return to the levels of the Clinton administration. The marginal tax on income then was 39.6 percent, and on capital gains, 20 percent. That was still far below the 70 percent and 39 percent in the late 1970s. Those top rates, in the Bush years, are now 35 percent and 15 percent, respectively.
Mr. Weill escorts a visitor down his hall of tributes. Then he lingers at framed charts with multicolored lines tracking Citigroup’s stock price. Two of the lines compare the price in the five years of Mr. Weill’s active management with that of Mr. Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway during the same period. Citigroup went up at six times the pace of Berkshire.
“I think that the results our company had, which is where the great majority of my wealth came from, justified what I got,” Mr. Weill said.
New Technologies
Others among very rich argue that their wealth helps them develop new technologies that benefit society. Steve Perlman, a Silicon Valley innovator, uses his fortune from breakthrough inventions to help finance his next attempt at a new technology so far out, he says, that even venture capitalists approach with caution. He and his partners, co-founders of WebTV Networks, which developed a way to surf the Web using a television set, sold that still profitable system to Microsoft in 1997 for $503 million.
Mr. Perlman’s share went into the next venture, he says, and the next. One of his goals with his latest enterprise, a private company called Rearden L.L.C., is to develop over several years a technology that will make film animation seem like real-life movies. “There was no one who would invest,” Mr. Perlman said. So he used his own money.
In an earlier era, big corporations and government were the major sources of money for cutting-edge research with an uncertain outcome. Bell Labs in New Jersey was one of those research centers, and Mr. Perlman, now a 46-year-old computer engineer with 71 patents to his name, said that, in an earlier era, he could easily have gone to Bell as a salaried inventor.
In the 1950s, for example, he might have been on the team that built the first transistor, a famous Bell Labs breakthrough. Instead, after graduating from Columbia University, he went to Apple in Silicon Valley, then to Microsoft and finally out on his own.
“I would have been happy to partake in development of the transistor,” Mr. Perlman said. “The path I took was the path that was necessary to do what I was doing.”
Carnegie’s Philanthropy
In contrast to many of his peers in corporate USA, Mr. Sinegal, 70, the Costco chief executive, argues that the nation’s business leaders would exercise their “unique skills” just as vigorously for “$10 million instead of $200 million, if it was the standard.”
As a co-founder of Costco, which now has 132,000 employees, Mr. Sinegal still holds $150 million in company stock. He is certainly wealthy. But he distinguishes between a founder’s wealth and the current practice of paying a chief executive’s salary in stock options that balloon into enormous amounts. His own salary as chief executive was $349,000 last year, incredibly modest by current standards.
“I think that most of the people running companies today are motivated and pay is a small portion of the motivation,” Mr. Sinegal said. So why so much pressure for ever higher pay?
“Because everyone else is getting it,” he said. “It is as simple as that. If somehow a proclamation were made that C.E.O.’s could only make a maximum of $300,000 a year, you would not have a lack of very qualified men and women seeking the jobs.”
Looking back, none of the nation’s legendary tycoons was more aware of his good luck than Andrew Carnegie.
“Carnegie made it abundantly clear that the centerpiece of his gospel of wealth philosophy was that individuals do not create wealth by themselves,” said David Nasaw, a historian at City University of New York and the author of “Andrew Carnegie” (Penguin Press). “The creator of wealth in his view was the community, and individuals like himself were trustees of that wealth.”
Repaying the community did not mean for Carnegie raising the wages of his steelworkers. Quite the contrary, he sometimes cut wages and, in doing so, presided over violent antiunion actions.
Carnegie did not concern himself with income inequality. His focus was philanthropy. He favored a confiscatory estate tax for those who failed to arrange to return, before their deaths, the fortunes the community had made possible. And today dozens of libraries, cultural centers, museums and foundations bear Carnegie’s name.
“Confiscatory” does not appear in Mr. Weill’s public comments on the estate tax, or in those of Mr. Gates. They note that the estate tax, now being phased out at the urging of President Bush, will return in full in 2010, unless Congress acts otherwise.
They publicly favor retaining an estate tax but focus their attention on philanthropy.
Mr. Weill ticks off a list of gifts that he and his wife, Joan, have made. Some bear their names, and will for years to come. With each bequest, one or the other joins the board. Appropriately, Carnegie Hall has been a big beneficiary, and Mr. Weill as chairman was honored at a huge fund-raising party that Carnegie Hall gave on his 70th birthday.
The Weills — matching what everyone else pledged — gave $30 million to enhance the concert hall that Andrew Carnegie built in 1890 in pursuit of returning his fortune to the community, establishing a standard that today’s tycoons embrace. “We have that in common,” Mr. Weill said. Amanda Cox contributed reporting.
Correction: July 21, 2007
A front-page article on Sunday about a new era of wealthy and powerful men incorrectly described the management role of Robert C. Pozen at Fidelity Investments, and referred incorrectly to his pay. Mr. Pozen oversaw the entire investment department at Fidelity; he did not manage any funds, including one that made a profit of $1 billion one year. The manager of that fund, not Mr. Pozen, was paid $15 million. Also, the article misinterpreted comments by Mr. Pozen about managing a company. Mr. Pozen was referring to the manager of the portfolio that made $1 billion--not to himself--when he said, “In every organization there are a relatively small number of really critical people.”
What follows is continuation as PART 2 from bottom of blog Zionists Run Federal Reserve.
You may skip the items herein on religion and Finns. But the Urgent Alert here is too vital to skip. Protestant America and northern Europe are being destroyed--murdered--by the pedophile Jesuits, the Muslims, and the tribal vassals of the David-Weill and Rothschild banking clan type pests, and pests' pals: The Banking Clan Pests are RULER(s) of the RULERS of earth. Thus Protestant Nations must CLOSE BORDERS NOW: See Waldo Emerson's WARNING below. The "People Controller Clans" are making USA, Canada, Australia, and many European nations into Muslim or Catholic nations: Now into America, for example, they "encourage and help" the entry of millions of illegal Catholic aliens--and they work to have them stay. In fact, on April 9, 2006, Archbishop Harry Flynn, St. Paul, MN, said, "Mexicans and Latins have a right to enter America illegally and remain. We must welcome strangers"
This article is about: (1) controllers of people, (2) slavery, ethnic cleansing, racism, misuse of power by some religious leaders or others, (3) pyramid builders, (4) tongue of JESUS, and (5) causes of fluctuation in global warming and cooling. Now we know that the world's biggest threat is that the tribal banking clan types are working to get millions of Catholic Mexicans, Muslims, and others into America: Devil clans trying to make America--and many other protestant nations--into Catholic or Muslim nations. Their means of control of people is to create as many divisive issues within every nation as they can achieve. But I will write on the tongue of GOD and Jesus first.
When Finland had a Glacier, Finnic tribes lived elsewhere, some in Near East.
At the end of the last Ice Age, c11000 BC, Fennoscandia had cold summers and a shrinking glacier. Thus in the past Ice Age the Finno-Uralic or Finnic tribes lived outside of Fennoscandia: Some lived in the Near East and northern Africa: I will write more on this below. But first, I will write a few paragraphs on Finnic tongues, and that many tongues existed in the ancient Near East as stated in the Bible: Acts 2: 4-11.
The Bible had/has enigmatic statements. One was GOD'S voice to Moses in an alien tongue, "EHYEY ASHER EHYEY", (TO LIFE, Rabbi Harold Kushner, Little Brown, 1993, p. 146): Another was JESUS saying to Simon Peter, "You are named Kepha Kivi 'rock'; for upon this rock GOD will build HIS church", John 1:42, Mathew 16:18.
I submit that these statements were in a Finnic tongue. Moses heard GOD'S voice, "ehjä askar(oipi) ehjä" '(I AM) WHOLE, ENTIRETY, UNBROKEN, ALWAYS AHEAD, IMMORTAL, ENTIRETY, WHOLE'. And JESUS named Simon Peter, Kepha 'rock'. In Finnish it is Kivi,'rock'. For with another tongue will He speak to his people, Isa 28:11.
Now the Old Testament states that a racist foreign tribe was invading the region/land where JESUS was born. The tribe was the Hebrew or Piru 'Devil'
tribe. A Finnish transliteration is the Se(He) Piru 'The Devil', The Hebrews: To Jews the term Hebrew is a pejorative--and no wonder. Yet it needs stating that not all tribes were racist.
But Judas of the Hebrew tribe was a swarthy racist against native fair Finnics: Judas was a spy, linked to term Iscariot, 'betrayer, spy'. And a Finnish term for spy is iskeä 'spy, strike, thrust,'. Note: The derivation or base of iscariot is unclear: R. E. Brown, et al., THE JEROME BIBLICAL COMMENTARY, Prentice Hall, Englewood Ciffs, New Jersey, 1968, vol. II, p. 438. Thus Judas had JESUS arrested, Acts 1:16. Like other invaders, Judas took the aborigine's land in and around Jerusalem. For Acts 1:18-19 states: Judas headlong (bloodily) thrust upon (took land from), and gushed his bowels (pooped) on the natives. This was known to the dwellers of Jerusalem; inasmuch as the land in their own tongue is Akeldama 'Field of Blood', Finnic Akkiel(s)tähmaa '(bloodily) fast taken land, field'. It is worth noting that the base (root) of name Jerusalem may be Finnic; jörö(s) (julma) 'bloody raw', alem(pi) 'lower', maa 'land, field'. Tribes still rawly fight over it. This ancient land, now Israel or Palestine, was cruelly taken long ago from Finnics, and is still the Land of Blood.
Interestingly, regarding the term "Land of Blood", if the theory that the Setos of Setomaa in Estonia and NW Russia, mentioned above, have ancient ties to the Near East then their land's name Setomaa or in Finnish Sotamaa, meaning "War Land" may have remained from times of old, when their land was a land of war and blood.
In fact, already in 8th century B.C., Arabs and Jews were roaming in desert areas in what was then Assyrian Empire. Thus King Sargon II wrote an edict (c.716-704 B.C.), 'No person shall sell or teach how to make iron to Arabs or Jews (for iron swords in their hands will help them drive us out, north)': The Correspondence of Sargon II, Pt I, vol. 1, State Archives of Assyria, Simo Parpola, Helsinki Univ. Press, 1987, p.140.
On a possible movement north of one or more Finnic tribes I add the following sentences: "The theory has been put forward that the Finns came north from Egypt many centuries ago. The Finns, and everything worthwhile, do not yield themselves at first acquaintance. They must be known thoroughly to be appreciated. When they are, it will be realized that they give a glimpse of that lost world of what-might-have-been had the upsweep of Mediterranean cultures been turned back--had the pagan Finns been allowed to go their own way and express their own thoughts in art. For Sibelius's music harks back to the Edda, the sagas, and the runes of the 'Kalevala'. Sibelius has become the musical Redeemer of an ancient faith, the Nordic Word Made Sound. An eminent historian has said that the center of creativity has constantly been moving northward: from Egypt to Greece, Rome, Central Europe--and now to Scandinavia, Finland": Chapter XIV, Finland, by Carleton Smith, internationally known music critic (in 1930's) in: C. E. Laughlin, So You're Going To Scandinavia!, Houghton Mifflin, N. Y., The Riverside Press Cambridge, 1937, pp. 358-360.
Note: Did Nubians of Sudan drive some Finnics including some Finns out of Egypt, starting in 3100 BC? For the engraved Palette of Narmer--it has Nubian King striking head of Egypt's king--may imply this. Interestingly, Finnish has term, naarmu, 'cut, scratch, strike(r's) mark'. I will add more on above and other items later. But this article will cover alarming and urgent alert topics first, next.
But before I get into alert topics, I must add a comment on the lost world of an ancient culture mentioned above: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, most likely America's greatest poet, stated that if he could choose one language for the world he would select "Finnish, abounding in vowels (with no harsh consonants)." Also the Oxford linguist and scholar J. R. R. Tolkien--author of The Hobbit--wrote that studying the Finnish language was as "discovering a wine-cellar filled with bottles of amazing [aged] wine of a kind and flavor never tasted before. It quite intoxicated me." He spoke on the need to find our ancient roots and the importance of the mythology found in Finnish poems. These mythological ballads are full of that very [ancient] undergrowth that the literature of Europe has on the whole lost. I would that we had more of it left--that belonged to [native Finnic] English." An exciting notion: Humphrey Carpenter, J. R. R. Tolkien, Houghton Mifflin paperback edition, 2000, p. 67. Also see: Jane Chance, Editor, Tolkien And The Invention Of Myth, Part V, Tolkien and Finnish, University Press of Kentucky, 2004.
Incidentally, Professor Parpola, in the reference above, is considered by many of his peers to be most likely the greatest living Sumerologist. But I am only a retired Ph.D. Chemist, and a "lone thinker". Now as this is a 'work in progress', it may have some grammar and punctuation mistakes. I know as I have read several books on careful writing. And in rewriting and moving paragraphs about in this article, I found several mistakes. I tried to correct errors. Yet some may remain. And if an English teacher finds an error, kindly excuse as this 'work in progress' is written by a Chemistry and not English major. One need not judge a man by the shine on his shoes; be they proper English Oxfords or snowshoes.
The need to write correct English brings up the misuse of power, mentioned above, and how it is that young people today do not learn to write correct English. On March 14, 2006, The London News Telegraph had an article--and on March 18, 2006, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) aired a 20 minute report--on a study of student learning skills in various nations. The survey by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) found that the highest level of grade and high school education standards and achievement today was in Finland, followed by Korea. Sadly, England and America were rather low on the list. The report gave the reason how England was not able to educate its students at the level it once did. The reason given was that England was no longer a nation homogeneous in people types.
Now Henry Kissinger was not mentioned in the recent BBC report. But in a 1978 report on the BBC I heard him allude to an alarming conspiracy. He stated how and why the English, French--and other nations'--people after WW II were made less homogeneous. Kissinger implied that the Rothschild and Lazard Clans--world's then 2 biggest financial powers--arranged the decrease in the outward appearances (phenotypes) and cultural homogeneities of the English and French people--and other European nations' people. The conspirators' purpose was to insure that European nations had a multitude of people of different skin colors; some wearing a headgear more noticeable than a skull cap--for example, the turban. With entry of the new people types, they (the Jew) would be less noticed in Europe. They achieved this by having their controlled officials allow people--that were even more "un-European" in appearance than they were--to immigrate into Europe. After a few years of new "more unusual types" having entered Europe they--the Jews--would draw less attention; and discrimination. Thus being less noticed, they would be able to reside in England, France, etc.--with less fear of surveillance.
And here is the Big Reason why they wanted/want less surveillance of themselves. Especially from England and France--virtually undetected--they could/can best conduct nefarious financial activity. Thus today--with NO surveillance--their activity involves being the CONTROLLERS or MARKET MAKERS of the value of various nations' currencies. They determine the value of various nations' currencies by writing nefarious programs into currency trading computers
: Today "tribal banking clans" keep their wealth in very secretive offshore tax havens: Thus wealth is only estimate.
With this ingratitude, the Rothschild and David-Weill Clans--and other tribal financier types--have become the Ruler(s) of the Rulers of the USA Dollar dependent world. Through their controlled politicians they "arranged/arrange" the, (l) value of various nations' currencies, and (2) that oil was/is traded with the USA dollar as the currency of payment. But Iran and some other nations do not want their oil trades and profits to go through the Jewish Clans' banking system cartel. The Muslim Oil Cartel "wants out" of the Jewish Banking Cartel: Now Imams want to control all politicians.
Today the Rothschild, David-Weill, and other tribal banking clan types, rule and control politicians by: (1) "payoffs", (2) contributing campaign monies through their directly or indirectly controlled companies and CEOs, (3) finding and controlling young men and women who they believe they can "arrange" to rise to the high rungs in the political ladders of various nations. In America, in the 1970's-1990's the "Rothschild and Lazard types" had a politician controlling or "handling club": It was the "Nate Abe Landau Club": To be a Jewish member you had to have over 50 million in wealth: A club member and the handler or "Sugar Daddy" of Bill Clinton was Robber Rubin: He became Secretary of Treasury: Under him auditing money printing was Abe Ripoff.
And Nate himself was the handler or Sugar Daddy of Al Gore: The Sugar Daddies get young politicians drunk or drugged in bed with boys or girls--and keep the negatives of their "ordered' photos of the "sexual lays". Now if Ken Lay and Baby Bush didn't stand tall, are they a tiny shy--laying low? Incidentally, both Nate Landau and Abe Abramof are the attorneys who informed some American Indian tribes that if they wanted any positive action in Washington concerning their tribes they must hire them as the Rothschild's and Lazard's politician controlling lobbyists.
The Controllers are the ones Henry Kissinger alluded to in a comment he made on the BBC news clip I heard in 1978, and mentioned above. Kissinger stated, "Before World War II, the British and French were a rather homogeneous people, and Jews looked different. After the war We arranged (conspired) that into England and France immigrated many different people types. Now Jews are not noticed." From the We, a cruel thanks to the savers of the We. The motto of the We is: We must be richest of people; divide the people, and thus Rule the people. We must work to control a nation's key politicians. Above all we must control the value of a nation's currency. And we can do this by writing program(s) in the computer(s) that trade currencies; in the manner that we "write nefarious programs" in electronic vote counting machines, to help our "controlled" candidates win.. Note: Some nations are considering an arrest warrant on Henry Abe Kissinger. To help, must we--the people--get out the guns, muskets? Or perhaps Vice President Cheney might invite the Rothschild and Lazard clans and Henry on a hunt.
Yes, the sons, daughters, and grandchildren of the people that lived in England and America before 1940 must become like the once famous American Minutemen; and get out the muskets. We must take back our countries from the inhumane tribal banking types. They now fund political campaigns; and arrange winners by having cites/counties/states use pre-programmed electronic voting machines. Fortunately, in Finland elections are paid fully by tax monies. In Finland there are very few inhumane ones creating discord--and the inhumane ones do not fund politician's campaigns. In Finland the elections are held on weekends--Saturdays, Sundays--and on paper ballots. In Finland every citizen has an identity number, and only legal citizens can vote. So Finnish citizens have honest elections; no need for muskets.
Here, on the loss of honest elections in America, I must add more. At the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention of 1787 a delegate, Charles Pinckney, recorded in his diary an alarming alert statement made by Ben Franklin: In whatever country the Jews have settled in any great number, they have lowered its moral tone; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially, as in the case of Spain and Portugal. If we do not exclude them from these United States, in this constitution (by stating it in writing) in less than 200 years they will dominate (CONTROL, RULE) us and change our form of government, for which we have shed our blood. Note: Some say that this statement is a fraud.
Yet on control and rule Waldo Emerson wrote: "The opinion of the million was to pile it over (quash the opinion of the average citizen) with strata of society,--a layer of soldiers, over that a layer of lords, and a king on top: The misery which is the badge of the Jew has made him, in these days, the RULER of the RULERS of EARTH": Emerson, Ralph Waldo, The Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Conduct of Life: FATE: Houghton Mifflin, Riverside Press Cambridge, Boston and NY, 1860, 1888, 1904, pp. 34-35. Essays and Poems: Fate: by Ralph Waldo Emerson, with introduction by Peter Norberg, Barnes and Noble Classics, NY, NY, 2004, pp. 381-2.
In fact at the end of the civil war, Ulysses S. Grant, American General (later President) became so infuriated at Jews, while General in Oxford, Mississippi, that he attempted to expel the Jews. His order: 'Within 24 hours from receipt of this order, by Post Commanders, they will see that all of this class of people (Jews) are furnished with passes and required to leave'. But "CONTROLLER" Jews in Washington, through pressure, had the expulsion order countermanded by General-in-Chief, H. W. Halleck.
Thus, as if to alert/save Protestant America from control by the Rothschild, Lazard tribal banking clan types, oil parasites, and Catholic Opus Dei pests, Emerson wrote: "Our (Protestant) culture must not omit the arming of the man. Let him hear in season that he is born into a state [world] of war, and that the commonwealth [America] and his own well being require that he not go dancing in the weeds of peace [to be controlled by the tribal banker types, oil parasites, and Opus Dei]."
Emerson also wrote: "If the Rothschilds at Paris do not accept bills, the people at Birmingham are forced into the (beggar's) highway: Economic power touches the masses through political lords." And he wrote: "I hope," said good man to Rothschild, "your children are not too fond of money and business [banking]: I am sure you would not wish that." [Rothschild answered] "I am sure I would wish that: I wish them to give mind, soul, heart, and body to [banking] business -- to make a great fortune."
Emerson answered, "For you, O broker [banker], there is no other principle but math. For me, commerce is of trivial import; love, faith, truth of character, aspiration of man, these are sacred; nor can I detach one duty, like you, from all other duties, and concentrate my forces mechanically on the payment [making] of moneys: Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Essays and Journals, Excerpts Selected and Introduction by Lewis Mumford, Internat'l Collectors Library, Garden City, NY, 1968, pp. 18, 219, 396, 410.
In Maxims of George Washington, 1779, as President, he [allegedly] wrote, regarding currency speculators who sought to profit by taking advantage of the soldiers and others during the Revolutionary War: 'They, tribe of black gentry (Jews), work more effectively against us than the enemy's armies. They are a hundred times more dangerous to our liberties and the great cause we are engaged in. It is much to be lamented that each State, long ago, has not hunted them down as PESTS to society, and the greatest enemies we have to the happiness of America'.
Concerning Jews, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, in poem Hiawatha, wrote, "the Jews, the tribe accursed.": Edward Wagenknecht, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Oxford University Press, New York, 1966, p. 200.
Certain Controllers will say that some writings are frauds, or that the writers did not favor the then major money hungry clan, the Rothschild clan; and that their writings--against Rothschilds and coin changer Jews--should be purged, hidden, covered up. Yet as a Finnish-American I can write about a cover-up of the greatest holocaust of all: Some 30 million Russian Slavs and c10 million blond Finno-Uralics were starved or murdered by the Jewish leaders of the Russian Communist Party and Russian KGB: The KGB still exists under another name. Oh. Oh. My buddy, my puppy is barking, saying, "Hey master, stop typing. Shut down the computer. Just now on a leash went by a girl doggy. So take me for a walk. I must check her out--NOW."
So here, before I take my golden retriever to exercise his nose--only his nose, poor fellow--I cite 3 authors who wrote on cruel racist activities by Jews and Russian Slavs: Arthur Koestler, John Sacks, and Mayme Sevander: Their books are cited later.
Unfortunately, their books are not to be found anymore in bookstores or in libraries--if they ever were in libraries. The controllers have the money, money, money, to buy, buy, buy, control, control, and control. But please do not let the controllers control our muskets. And let us--not them--control our borders against millions of 'interesting types' turning our Protestant Nation into a Roman Catholic Nation. The Controllers are working to bring more Catholics and Muslims into America, and Canada. They want each and every Nation to have many different religious and ethnic factions or groups to struggle against each other. THE CONTROLLERS MOTTO: DIVIDE AND CONQUER. Note: Opus Dei Roman Catholics, in collusion with the Rothschild tribal banking clan types, have more countries that are under Catholic control; than Protestants have nations that are Protestant. PROTESTANTS MUST WAKE UP.
And my protestant puppy chimes in, "Americans must have National Guard Troops home with Minute Men on our borders, as pest controllers; and have 2 rows of fences along our borders, as Finland and Norway have on their borders with Russia--Right Now." Yes, the National Guard, Minute Men with chin high Irish Wolfhounds--and Cheney with a musket--would scare 'em. Also perhaps we could have the Catholic's sinister Opus Dei sect, and California and Minnesota Archbishops, Roger Maloney (Baloney) and Harry Flynn--who love and protect pedophiles, and Mexican and other Catholic illegal aliens--to be near Cheney; offering musket guidance, but no wine.
As stated above, at end of last Ice Age, c11,000 BC, Fennoscandia had a shrinking glacier, and summers were cold yet. Thus in the past Ice Age the Finno-Uralic or Finnic tribes lived outside of Fennoscandia in four directions, areas: (1) south toward or around the Mediterranean Sea, (2) southwest in England, Spain and Mexico; also (3) east in Central Asia. In Central Asia they left evidence of past selves--as blond mummies, c4000 years old: The Finns are most white-blond of tribes--91 %: The Central Asia mummies likely were of people that had genes from both Finno-Ugric and Indo-European tribes. And area four was the Near East and northern Africa.
There are at least two historical items that support that some Finnic tribes once lived in the Near East and northern Africa--and support my theme that GOD and JESUS spoke a Finnic tongue. Two supporting historical items I mention now, others later. The first item is the phenotype or outward appearance of David. In I Samuel 16:12: The Lord favored David and anointed David as his skin was 'ruddy'-pigmented or pink-hued. And in I Samuel 17:42: The Philistine disdained David for he was 'ruddy, and of a fair countenance, blond'. The second item involves ancient Egyptian reliefs. They show that in c1100 BC the earth had people of four color types or phenotypes: They were: (1) Black, (2) Brown, (3) Yellow, and (4) White. The fourth had white skin and brown hair. They lived in Libya. Today some people in the mountains of Libya and Africa's other northern Atlas mountains--some of the Berbers--are blonds.
Now, unlike the natives in North America, those in South America used captives from other tribes as slaves--beasts of burden: LATIN AMERICA, William R. Shepherd, Henry Holt & Co, NY, 1914, p. 39. Thus many pyramids were built with slave labor: Pyramids tell of slavery and bloodletting. The early natives of Mexico used as slaves blond Finnics. And Arabs used as slaves blond Berbers: The Turk and Arab Mullahs murdered Berbers, except for some that hid in parts of the Atlas Mountains. Also Spanish Catholics exterminated the original natives of the Canary Islands, the blond Guanches. And Spanish Catholics with the urging of most of their Priests--but not all--first made slaves, then later murdered the original natives in Cuba and many areas of South America. Also Spanish and Portuguese Catholics made slaves of people from Africa and sent them to the Americas. In any case, photos of remaining blond Berbers, and ancient drawings or paintings of blond Guanches, including blond slaves in the south are found in a book: KON-TIKI MAN, Thor Heyerdahl with Christopher Ralling, Douglas & McIntyre, Vancouver, Canada, 1991, pp. 180, 300-2. The blond mummies of Central Asia are in: THE TARIM MUMMIES, J. P. Mallory, Victor H. Mair, Thames & Hudson, London, 2000, pp 17-24.
Up into the 1700's the Roman Catholic hierarchy, the Muslim hierarchy, and the Greek and Russian Orthodox hierarchy trafficked in slaves to various parts of the world: For example, the Spanish Catholic hierarchy sent slaves from Africa to the New World. And the Italian and German Catholic hierarchy had members of their faith capture and send blond Estonian, Finnish, Livonian, Norwegian and Swedish girls and boys to Italy and Rome. The same inhumane sex trade in young Finno-Uralic and other blonds was carried out by the Orthodox High Priests and the Muslim Mullahs. They had their religious followers go north, capture and send to the south many blonds as sex slaves.
In fact the hierarchy of all 3 religions condoned the scalping of long haired blonds, be they men or women. The blond scalps were sent south. As there were no blond women in the south, men in the south would buy the blond scalp hair pieces to put on their ladies. This was known as the "Blond Scalp Trade". In fact this is the reason that in times past some blond people--long haired men, women, boys and girls--in northern tribes shaved half their heads: This made scalps worthless. Sadly, because there was money to be made, Swedish Vikings would capture and send south, down the Volga River, blond Finnic girls and boys to the Mullahs and their followers.
Trafficking of young girls and blond boys (pedophilia) still occurs in Eastern Europe. There the former and current Communist Leaders and Racketeers are very inhumane. Today the Russian and Chinese secret police and Mafias send girls and blond boys--also Chinese girls--to Dubai, Iran, Saudi Arabia for use in sex. I know as from the late 1960's I have lived half my years in Europe, a mite in Russia: The Mafias sent and send girls and blond boys everywhere, even China. Having lived in Europe, I learned much that is not in history books. Gratefully, in recent years the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has had reports on ethnic racism and inhumane sex slavery in news segments on Dubai and other nations. Blonds never had more fun.
Language and Ethnic Racism have Twisted our Knowledge about Our Roots.
To begin, I hold that "language racism" and ethnic racism have distorted or twisted the Biblical knowledge about the tongue or language of GOD and JESUS. I state that the tongue was a Finnic tongue. I will give facts to support my theory below. In the past due to the idea that one race and its tongue is superior to another race and its tongue the Biblical scholars and others were not able to--or did not want to--correctly understand and transliterate the words of GOD and JESUS.
Thus we need to pray that GOD will have scholars learn the Finnish language. Yet some Biblical Scholars and others may feel they are too old to learn Finnish. If that be the case, then they may desire to guide the next generation of young minds to learn Finnish. For it is those people who read and speak Finnish reasonably well that are best able to weigh the part of this article that is about the tongue of GOD and JESUS. Readers however will readily understand the other topics in this article.
The main part of this article concerns the theme that the tongue of JESUS was Finnish, and how GOD by Global Warming made it so. To glean the revolutionary meaning of the possibility that the tongue of GOD and JESUS was Finnish--and to better understand the Bible--the Biblical scholars should know the Finnish tongue. Thus scholars and others who do not know Finnish would find great value in having access to an English version of the recently published Finnish Etymological Dictionary. Sadly, it is as yet only available in Finnish.
Thus hopefully many will pray that GOD and JESUS will move a foundation, perhaps Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation, to fund the translation--by Finns--of the recently published Finnish Etymological Dictionary into English. And in anticipation we say to Bill and Malinda Gates, "Kiitos" Thank you. Also the Gates family may want to become members of Blogstream--it's free: Members can add a comment at the bottom. Oh yes, I am a Microsoft customer. But I buy other products too. I believe in free and open competition. Ahem. Incidentally, I do not know anyone at Blogstream.
Billionaires try to catch up with the Rothschild and Lazard tribal clan types: The "Pest-types" are worth estimated c2 trillion US. Their offshore tax haven accounts are never audited by governments: Thus 2 trillion is only a guess.
Now we average people are realists. We know the Mega-Rich of all nations put their money into offshore bank accounts and foundations. They do so in order to avoid paying taxes: The tax revenues would help all nations deliver humane services to all of their citizens; for example, proper health care for all. Incidentally, the Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation's own report shows it gave a major university in its home state $1000.00--one thousand dollars. That a way to go Bill and Malinda.
Of course we average folk of the world need to feel compassion for the mega-rich, the multi-billionaires. They are paying politicians in order to have nations not place taxes on them--the mega-rich. Now why do we need to have compassion for the billionaires and allow them not to pay taxes? Simple answer: Mega-rich need to avoid taxes so they can try to become trillionaires--catch up with the Joneses: Oops; I typed wrong: I must type--catch the Rothschild and Lazard tribal types, worth c2 trillion. Like the tale of the tortoise always falling further behind in its race with the hare, the "turtle billionaires" have a long way to go to catch up with the "hare trillionaires"--and they never will. But Bill Gates is trying. That away to go Bill--at our expense.
Here I must add an alarming alert concerning how the world's "mega-wealthy hares" are running away from us "slogging sloggers", and the "wealthy turtles" like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett or the Walton family. How the "Hog Hares" are running away from the "Tiny Turtles" is explained in a recent economic activity research paper, "Where Did the Productivity Growth Go", Ian Dew-Becker and Robert J. Gordon, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2005, no. 2, pp. 67-127. The study states that between 1972 and 2001 the wage and salary income of Americans at the 90th percentile of income distribution rose only 34% or 1% a year, while income at the 99th rose 87%, income at the 99.9% rose 181%, and income at the 99.99th percentile rose 497%. Thus, as the Rothschild family clan's income--although not US citizens--can be placed at the 99.999 percentile; the clan's income rose above 1000 %: But, to catch the clans or hares, the turtles keep trying: And slogs do not even try. We have no hope.
Yet Warren Buffett tried. Warren thought he could be a "Market Maker" in electronic foreign currency pits by recently betting against the dollar with 20 billion US. He lost "big time". Relative to the Hog Hare Trillionaires (Rothschild Clan and their controlled coin changer scum), the Buffett's 20 billion is chump change. With their own personal trillions, and with the trillions in currencies of various nations they control, the Hogs (Pigs?) are the Mega Market Makers in foreign currency trading. Hey Warren, before you again dabble with your tiddlywink 20 billion in foreign currencies, give me a holler.
Warren must rather have his Berkshire Hathaway Combine or Group make shirts in America--and oh yes, make g-strings, thongs. Somewhere in tiny print Warren could have a slogan, 'Made in America by American women for American Men's eyes.
Yes the turtles are trying to catch the hares. But they never will. Yet we pay the price. We feed both the turtles and the hares.
Will our prayers to GOD and JESUS throw the mega coin changers out of the temples? Oh if we only had hunting with the Rothschild-Lazard types some Cheneys.
Meanwhile, many of us pay over a thousand dollars for a computer. And what do we get? Answer, deeper in debt.
The reason I have digressed here is to hopefully inspire some mega-rich person--I think I lost Bill--to fund the printing into English of The Finnish Etymological Dictionary. My pastor recently said, "Will, you may be onto something. But scholars can not know if your theory is correct, or weigh it, as few know Finnish. And even if they did know Finnish, they surely would find an English version of the Finnish Etymological Dictionary most helpful. Thus let us pray that the University of Helsinki gets a wealthy donor to fund this most worthwhile task." P.S. I have spoken recently with the Professor who is regarded by most of his peers to be the world's greatest living Sumerologist. But he does not know I am sending out this appeal for funds--not to his "Sumerology" Department, but to the Finnish Language Department. And if the Chancellor of Helsinki University finds out I have a Swedish last name, and I wish to help Finland, he may ask, "Are you sure the good doctor is not a Martian?"
Incidentally, no one is too old to learn new knowledge. I am an example. At age 67, I began taking courses on computers; the internet, creating a Web Page, HTML, etc.
There is a most important climate fact that supports and explains how the tongue of GOD and JESUS was a Finnic tongue. The climate fact is that over many centuries the global average air temperature fluctuates, and climate fluctuates. And in turn these fluctuations can cause huge shifts in environments. I state that the climate in the Near East before the time of Moses and JESUS was colder than at present. This explains how it may be that the tongue of JESUS and GOD was a Finnic tongue.
For to the reader I must explain how some Finnic tribes were in the Near East and Egypt when GOD and JESUS spoke. And only if Finnics were in the region--as a native indigenous people remaining from a prior colder more ancient age--would it then make sense that GOD and JESUS would speak to the people in a tongue the people of the region still spoke; before they encountered racism, expulsion, and ethnic cleansing: These encounters caused their tongue in the region to die.
Most likely even loan words obtained from tongues of the conquered tribes were purged from the tongues of the more dark-pigmented invading conquering tribe(s): BLACK ATHENA WRITES BACK, Martin Bernal, Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 2001, pp. 4, 5, 111, 123. But GOD made certain that some words remained, that Finns remained; and that a Finnish-American lived long enough or at the right time to entice and stimulate the minds of scholars.
Before presenting more linguistic evidence below that JESUS spoke a Finnic tongue, I will now present as evidence GOD's words to Moses who was one person in the area. Here I may be getting ahead of my story when I just now only say that poor old Moses was a recent invader into the areas where there were Finnics, and other tribes, but not yet Hebrews. GOD knew that Moses was not a Finnic.
Thus at the burning bush (Exodus 3:14) GOD spoke to Moses in what I submit was not Hebrew but Finnish, yes Finnish. To Moses GOD's tongue was enigmatic: TO LIFE, Rabbi Harold Kushner, Little Brown, NY, 1993, p. 146. Also: THE JEROME BIBLICAL COMMENTARY, R. E. Brown, J. A. Fitzmyer, R. E. Murphy, Prentice Hall Inc, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1968, p. 50. (Earlier I transliterated GOD's statement.) So poor Moses was befuddled. He did not understand the tongue of GOD.
And sadly they still don't. In fact Hindus, Muslims, Jews and others may want to accept JESUS as their Savior. It would stop the murder of people, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, and others. Already there is a growing movement for JESUS, JEWS FOR JESUS. I will write more on All for JESUS later below.
Here I must add four words of kindness to the men of the cloth, such as the Mullahs, and Rabbis: Don't worry, be happy. When you accept JESUS you will still be religious leaders, teaching out of the New Testament. Yes, you will still have an income. Although I am not a Methodist--and certainly not a George Bush Texas oil rich Methodist--you all could be, for example, Methodist Ministers. Now that I think of it I had better send this article as an email blog to the Chechins, the Chinese, and Russian President Putin. Imagine if Putin became a Methodist. Why he might allow Karelia, Ingeria, Setoland, Vepsland, and Kaliningrad (former Samland) freedom to join Finland, or become Independent Nations. And remember that I said I am not a Methodist. But I can not be a Norwegian or Swedish Lutheran, or Russian Orthodox. They all took much land from the Finnics.
Now, as alluded to above, during and after the last Ice Age much of northern Eurasia was extremely cold, covered partly with glaciers. And people did not live under the ice. Thus I suggest that Finno-Ugric tribes lived elsewhere, some south. To support this possibility, I submit the drawings found on cave walls in central and southern Europe. The drawings were made during and after the last Ice Age. They depict people husbanding or handling reindeer. Today only Finno-Ugrics husband reindeer.
I suggest that a part of the southern region--where some Finnic tribes lived--reached yet further south: The southern part was in the Near East and the northern part of Africa: And the Finnic tribes obviously spoke Finnic tongues. But we and our ancestors, when in school or church, were not told about this. This was due to a most inhumane racism that was carried out against white-pigmented Finnics. Remember that I alluded to this in the beginning of this article. And here we must note what an ancient Egypt's High Priest said to the swarthy Greek, Solon, in c600 B.C., "You Greek invaders of the land where you now live are a young people. Before your invasion into where you now live, there lived (in Greece) a people most fair, white".

To find evidence for climatic fluctuations the sedimentary rock geologists (stratigraphists) have studied High Asian loess. So what is loess and what can High Asian loess tell us about past global climate variation? Loess gives us an answer as follows: Loess consists of hardened stratified layers of strong wind-blown soil, sand, silt, clay, dead organisms and dust. Now the loess in High Asia is most unique in regards to what informational data and facts it has stored, and can yield. For it was formed by strong winds carrying fine material from many regions of the globe. The wind deposited the material in High Asia over the past 2.4 million years. The stratified ancient layer types in this particular High Asia loess provide scientists strong evidence for past mild spans of global warming, and severe cold spans or Ice Ages: Most importantly, the layers tell when and how long each span existed.
In 1978, in then Communist East Germany, a Chinese geologist showed me the layer data. And the High Asia stratified loess layers predict the following: For the near future--of the next several thousand years--the current warm age remains and grows: The global average air temperature will creep to rise in a seesaw pattern from a current 58°F to near 72°F in another 8,000 years, before the next downturn. I will discuss this topic more, with facts, latter.
Here, however, I will present my hypothesis about the mechanisms for the causes of climatic fluctuations. In 1955 I met the Department Chairman of Meteorology, University of Wisconsin, Professor Werner Suomi. He is the "Father" of America's or NASA's satellite cloud weather surveillance program. I presented Dr. Suomi my hypothesis. Now in 1955 scientists did not know what the origin of heat within the earth was: And scientists do not have an absolute proof for its cause today. Some believe the heat arises from material 4000 miles high pressing down on the earth's core. Others suggest the intense heat arises from radioactive decay in the core. But one lone geophysicist, J. Marvin Herndon, believes that a five-mile wide ball of uranium burns, churns, and reacts as a nuclear power plant in the inner region of the core: The outer layer of the core is liquid; the inner core is a natural giant nuclear fission reactor: NUCLEAR PLANET, Brad Lemley, Discover Magazine, vol. 23, NO 8, August, 2002, pp. 35-42. Recently Dr. Herndon has added mantle decompression as an additional heat source: WHOLE-EARTH DECOMPRESSION DYNAMICS, J. Marvin Herndon, Current Science, vol. 89, NO 11, Dec. 10, 2005, pp. 1937-1941.
In any event, whatever its source, I presented to Dr. Suomi my theory that from the center of the earth the heat is brought upwards in a fluctuating manner by layers of very, very slow rising molten rock material or magma. Stated more precisely, the magma or mantel is composed of various phase density layers. And the reason why the heat must be carried up, rather than conducted up, by molten magma is that magma--unlike, for example, copper--is a very poor conductor of heat. Thus the heat of the earth's intensely hot core is carried very slowly up by a succession of stacked phase density layers. And the layers are stacked one above the other--as onion layers are stacked. Each molten layer turns over--most slowly. In doing so each layer releases some of its heat to the next less heavy layer above it. After the heat is carried up through several layers the heat finally reaches and warms the earth's crust.
Now the earth's crust is found both under water bodies such as oceans and also in areas that are not covered by water. In some areas of the crust the heat reaches the very top surface as volcanoes or hot pipes. And these are mainly under oceans. No one knows what determines where volcanoes rise. In any event, in those areas of the crust where there are no volcanoes the heat is released directly into the crust causing the internal crust areas to warm up: These semi-hot areas in the crust can be thought of as semi-warm hot plates or radiators in a room. Their heat warms the air in the room. As stated the heat is carried up in a fluctuating manner. And, as stated, I hypothesize that the heat from the earth's core rises in a fluctuating manner to add heat in fluctuating amounts to the crust. And the crust in turn transfers its heat that fluctuates finally to the earth's air; and understandably again in fluctuating amounts over time. Now in lower regions of the crust--where the sun's rays and heat never reach--the crust is again heating up.
Yet the sun also warms the earth's air. And I theorize that the sun has ion gas density layers--heaviest ion gases near sun's center--which may cause a fluctuating release of radiation heat by the sun. Both the earth and the sun have fluctuating mechanisms involved in energy release. These mechanisms control the amount of heat contribution by each to the earth's air masses. The mechanisms determine the earth's global average air temperature each year. And the temperature fluctuates understandably over time. Also a huge asteroid or "rogue planetoid" hitting the earth, or nudging the earth into a slightly altered orbit may affect earth's climate. I will write more about the causation of periods of global warming and Ice Ages in earth's climate history below. Meanwhile, as implied above, adding to past climate warming were no '59 Cadillacs.

Now I continue with the tongue of JESUS topic. As stated above I now first must write about racism or discrimination and its effect on our belief systems, especially on how we have come to accept what we believe to be the truth. For racism carried out by rulers and scholars has often twisted the truth. Now awful ethnic racism and "linguistic racism" occurred where and when JESUS lived, and shortly thereafter. The discrimination, racism, and cover-up were due to invaders taking the lands of the Indigenous people where Jesus lived and spoke: Sadly, as already stated, the invaders caused the tongues of the natives to die as a result of racism, linguistic purging, expulsions and ethnic cleansings: Black Athena Writes Back, Martin Bernal, Duke University Press, Durham, NC, pp. 4, 5, 111, 123. The King dictates, "You will speak only in the tongue of my tribe or die--or you may die with no choice".
The taking of lands in the Near East was done by an invading Hebrew tribe. Thus, the Biblical Judas took land. He was a swarthy racist against native fair Finnics: He had JESUS arrested, Acts 1:16. And Judas took the aborigine's land in Jerusalem. As stated in Acts 1:18-19, Judas headlong (bloodily) burst upon (took land from), and gushed his bowels (pooped) on the natives. This was known to the natives of Jerusalem; inasmuch as the land in their tongue was Akeldama 'Field of Blood': A very close Finnic term in enunciation is Akkiel(s)tähmaa '(bloodily) fast taken area'.
Now the invaders, the Hebrews and later the Romans also, "arranged" that later generations of Believers and others received twisted and obfuscated information, knowledge, history and teaching about the aboriginal people and tongue(s): The natives and their descendants were taught a cover-up. And in fact it is likely that the descendants of the original inhabitants often did not want their children to learn of--or the "Controlling Tribe" people to know of--their (the natives') true roots. Sadly this hushed cover-up was accepted by the elder(s) of a tribe(s) or a family. They accepted the cover-up in order that they and their offspring would be more accepted and fit into the controlling tribe--or save themselves from being killed.
In yet later generations the Jews wanted to be accepted by Christians. Thus to gain acceptance by Christians they claimed JESUS was a Jew: They did not want later generations to know that JESUS spoke a tongue of the native Finnics--not Hebrew.
And still later Biblical and linguistic scholars and teachers did not know--or desire to know--in what language family the tongue of GOD truly belonged when GOD spoke to Abraham and Moses; and when JESUS spoke to his followers and the people.
For to know to, (1) what linguistic family the tongue of GOD and JESUS belonged, and (2) understand and transliterate the tongue, would have required scholars to learn a new tongue--a tongue that was so unlike theirs. It would have required scholars to learn the most difficult, and yet the world's most versatile, flexible and beautiful tongue, Finnish. The Finnish tongue did not belong in the Indo-European or Afroasiatic language families. It was in the Finno-Ugric language family. Biblical Scholars, linguists, archeologists, Egyptologists, Muslim Mullahs, Imams,--even the Pope--and others must study and become fluent in a tongue(s) that are not in the Afroasiatic or Indo-European language families. To be humane is not to be a language or ethnic racist. To be open-minded is a blessing from GOD.
Incidentally, every day I ask GOD and JESUS to use me as THEY desire. But so far GOD and JESUS have not come into my kitchen to have breakfast with me. Thus one of my sons, who is a Neurophysiologist and Psychiatrist--and who attends church with his wife and children every Sunday--recently said to me, "God not having breakfast with you is a good sign". And now may you continue reading--relaxed. Enjoy.
Here I must say that I have lived some 6 months per year for 30 years in Europe . Under Muslim weight, I have seen Europe sink--rapidly. Yet Americans, with GOD's guidance, may help save Europe, and the world. But we must act now. Thus I pray that God and Jesus have moved me--and will move you and others--to write alert articles, and to act--now. For the people of America and the World are now in their most dangerous time, since the years when America's first colonists revolted and won against "THE PEOPLE CONTROLLERS". They obtained freedom for us.
So who are the Controllers? The Controllers include those who are the Muslim Mullahs, Imams, and the Rothschilds: Some others are the Controllers of the Chinese, Jewish, Roman (Rome), Russian Secret Police Networks. (In the last named network the Controller is Putin.) The others include those who control the largest newspaper, television and radio networks. Sadly many, if not almost all of the people--things--in these cobweb hierarchies are HOMOSEXUALS and PEDOPHILES: THE RISE OF THE HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD, Count Egon Ceasar Corti, Translated from the German by Brian and Beatrix Lunn, Cosmopolitan Book Corporation, 1928; Introduction to the Western Islands edition, Western Islands, Belmont, Mass., 1972: Two "must read" source sites are on the Internet (Net): Thus in Google--type: 1)Ted Gunderson or 2)Alex Jones. But have the Controllers who have the Majority Stock Controlling Interest in AOL-Time Warner blocked or controlled access to both sites? A great article to read on The Controllers is Pat Buchanan's Whose War? at URL, Yes, American and British Christian soldiers must come home, from Iraq and Iran. Jewish soldiers of America and Israel must fight in Iran, Iraq and other Muslim run nations. The Controlling Types, the Rothschild and Lazard Clans, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Robber Rubin, and USA Zionist Senators and Congress people, must be in the front lines.
The Controllers in recent years have rather successfully hindered our fishing group, Fish and Wildlife Unlimited. For many years, beginning in 1959, we appeared on many radio and TV stations--some aired nationwide. Yet recently we have not been on radio shows (not even on tax supported ones), except on the ERSKINE OVERNIGHT Show? But Erskine is heard live Sundays, 12:06 AM-2:59 AM, E.T: Now at Midnight, Saturday, people are asleep, or going home, half drunk. However, people in other nation's time zones may be awake, and hear the show on the Internet. And Americans can time their radio to record it live, and later play the show. Can the Controllers, who have a major stock interest in one or more ISPs (Internet Service Providers), or Search Engines, soon decide what may be heard or seen on the Net?
Now at the start of the American people's revolt against the Controllers, Paul Revere rode a horse and yelled, "The British are coming". Yes, JESUS, acting like Paul Revere, has an alert to the people of the world, The Muslims are COMING--but, NOT to Heaven!
Thus we people must save America and the world from the Muslim Mullahs. People in non-Muslim countries must stop the sermons and proselyting by Mullahs--just as the Mullahs stop Christians from spreading the Good News of JESUS and GOD, in countries that they control. The people in non-Muslim nations must close Muslim brain washing schools. They must stop the Mullahs' inhumane use of "petro-dollars" dollars gotten for oil-- and now. Politicians in non-Muslim countries must fast enact laws that stop Muslim Hawala-mode of wealth (gold and funds) transfers. These funds support terrorist or other inhumane acts: Hawala transfers, untraceable.
Thus I write this article to alert us Americans whose ancestors were here before 1910 to take back America from the Oil Billionaires, the "Campaign Funding COIN CHANGER Sugar Daddies", and the Muslim Hawala petro-dollar money controllers. We Americans must: (1) keep unregistered guns at home, (2) defend our borders, and 3) fund all political campaigns fully with tax dollars, as they do in Finland. Only by doing this will we save both America and the people of the world from an otherwise most hideous doom. We Americans must again have the courage and intelligence of Thomas Paine, George Washington, Andrew Jackson, and Paul Revere.
But many say it is too late to save America. Many say that corrupted voting, and the need for mega amounts of money to fund political campaign ads, have killed America. Many say that an "arranged" high gasoline price is fast becoming the way of people control--people movement control. Many say that finding a cheap alternate energy source to propel cars (for people movement) will never be allowed by the CONTROLLERS. But hopefully Americans will pray to GOD/JESUS to guide and help Americans to free themselves from inhumane hands of the Controllers.
Here I alert readers about the threat of people being controlled--People Control. This threat is carried out by Muslim Mullahs, Imams, the Israeli Mosad, illegal Mafia type migrants, and the likely very sinister groups in the Catholic Church, the Opus Dei and Jesuit Order. They all move untraceable wealth, drugs, and illegals between nations. They also abduct and murder children for pedophilia.
Before I proceed, I want the readers to know that it was the Finns who, in recent history, won against the controllers. By doing so they were the first by their own written laws to allow growth of humaneness amongst peoples: The Finns were first to allow freedom of speech, allow women equal rights, and allow people to have a 5 day, 40 hour work week: Others in the world followed--but only partially. That is sad.
I say sad because there is now a most inhumane threat to all living entities, even plants, in the world. The threat is the Muslim Mullah(s). They instruct their misguided followers to delivery death dealing systems upon non-Muslims. The systems include nuclear bombs, nerve gas, fungi, bacteria, guns, and viruses. The Mullahs through their sermons and orders may tell their faithful followers to deliver these items by way of missiles, planes, suitcases, ship containers, ships, boats, trucks, cars, or even bikes. (They may even use migrating predators or raptors as delivery means.) The Mullahs have not allowed a humane way of living for those under their influence. And they want to take away humaneness from all peoples. The Mullahs want to convert or kill non-Muslims: The Turkish and other Mullahs did this to the Finno-Ugric peoples, Christian Armenians, and indigenous peoples of Turkey and North Africa: THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE, Arthur Koestler, Random House, NY, 1976, p.126, and other pages. In next link click on picture to download book pdf.
Incidentally, the facts in the above book support that some 95% of the ancestors of the world's Jews are from east of the Ukraine and far southern Russia: Yes, 95% of the Jews are not from the Near East. It may be of great importance to know that in the 1960's the number of Sephardim Jews, who are descendants of Spanish Jews, was estimated at only 500,000. But the Ashkenazim, who are descendants of peoples of the ancient Khazar Empire north of the Caucasus Mountains and east of Ukraine, numbered about 11 million. These figures are on page 181 of above Koestler's book.
For daring to publish his book Arthur Koestler, although a Jew, got "much heat". The reason was that the Jews wanted (and want) to have an area of land in the Near East--or somewhere. Getting the world's people to believe (wrongly) that for 95% of the Jews the Near East was their homeland would help the Jews to get a land area in that region as their own. In a land area where they are the masters they could (and can) initiate and mastermind certain activities undetected--protected from surveillance. They could (and can) master mind: (1) spying, (2) nefarious economic activities, (3) creation of discord among nations (divide and conquer), and (4) "interesting jobs". One such job was an attack on the American ship, the Liberty. Another action was the attack of a cargo ship that carried uranium. With this job Israel got the uranium for their atomic bombs.
Interestingly, the Khazars were apparently descendants of mainly Turkic and, perhaps, blond Finno-Ugric tribes: Many migrated into, or were people of, former Livonia, now northern Germany, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. And this may explain how the Rothschild's long ago founding ancestor's name was Isaac Elchanan, a Finnic type last name: THE RISE OF THE HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD, cited above, p. 3. Also a famous Rabbi in the part of Livonia that became present Lithuania was Rabbi Isaac Elchanan: THE ROTHSCHILDS, Frederic Morton, Atheneum, 1962, p. 202. Also in the old testament there are some Finnic type names--implying hanky-panky, or more.
In any event, let us go back to discussing the Mullahs. The Mullahs do not teach in their schools how their followers can improve their own countries and control their internal population explosion. Instead, in the past 80 years the Mullahs, using their Muslim faith followers, have worked to enter--and fast vastly increase, legally or not--the number of Muslim faith members into Christian Europe, and into all other countries that have not yet fully converted to the Muslim faith.
The Mullah's countries sell oil to Europe and America for dollars(US)--"petrodollars". But, the Mullahs do not use their billions of petrodollars to create jobs in their own countries. Instead, the Mullahs force their Muslim countries' Kings and politicians to increase unemployment in their own countries. By this action they force their Muslim faithful to go (by any means) into non-Muslim countries to: 1) Seek work, 2) Bring their marriage partners into the countries and have many children in order to increase their Muslim numbers in the new countries. The Mullah's plans are to take over non-Muslim countries or their major cities by eventually being more numerous: Already in France, Marseilles is poised to become the first European city with a non-European majority. Some estimates hold that within 20 yrs, one in four French residents will be Muslims.
And they use their (our) dollars to build big mosques. These religious centers are used to house and employ some of their trusted Muslim faithful. The faithful are used to spy on non-Muslims, print and distribute subversive tracts, and carry out inhumane suicides: The suicide missions are sadly forced on often young, often drugged, boys.
Already in Europe there are 20 million Muslims, and growing by leaps and bounds! Thus Christians and others need to be alerted, warned, and fast. The Mullahs want to gain control of the world. They will attempt this by having their followers kill or convert the original indigenous peoples everywhere, as they did in Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, Turkey, elsewhere. The Mullahs know they have a good thing going--going for themselves: They do not have to do any hard work. They can just sit back, teach and preach to their misguided young men and boys to enter other lands and kill Christians or others: ESCAPE FROM SLAVERY, Francis Bok, St. Martins Press, 2003, p.227.
Meanwhile, the Mullahs and their controlled Kings or politicians count their petrodollars. And they all go to Denmark, Holland, Norway, Sweden, and Finland to "use" blond girls, and young ladies. They occasionally even airship--taped and drugged--some young blond girls and boys in their "diplomat" or "embassy" labeled large crates, or large suitcases: Crates labeled "Diplomat" are not inspected.
Yes, the Danes, Norwegians, and others have a right to print the cartoon with Muham mud in a cloud saying to young Muslim boys, who killed Christians, "Sorry boys, but there are no virgins. I used 'em".
Then Muham mud says, "Yes, you boys feel tricked. But don't call me a false prophet. I am just an unfaithful horny gigolo".
Now other people, who are not Muslims, have entered other lands. In their new land they have not done harm. Instead, they have performed good deeds. A prime example of helping other people is what the Finns did. In the mid 1600s, when Finns first came to America they taught the few other ethnic groups that had just come to the New World, and the natives, not Muslim beliefs, but how to build log cabins. Before the entry of "Finnish Log Cabin Technology" into North America many English and Natives froze: Before the entry of Finns, the English, Scottish, Dutch, Germans, and natives lived underground in sod covered pits: THE AMERICAN BACKWOODS FRONTIER, Terri Jordan and Matti Kaups, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 1989, pp.135-36, and other pages.
Thus, as noted above, Finns have given much to the world. But, sad to say, Finns have not been treated well by other ethnic groups. The Finns have been treated most inhumanely by the hideous Oil Billionaires, such as Armand Abe Hammer, and Money Coin Changer Billionaires, such as George Abe Soros. In the 1980s Soros tried to abscond with Nokia, a great Finnish electronics company. But Soros was thwarted, with his pants down. Yet, shortly thereafter the CEO of Nokia "accidentally" fell out of a high hotel window, while on a foreign business trip. There are many interesting ones who in the past and currently do not like Finns--perhaps Finns have been and are too honest. One group was and is the "Rothschild Family". They actually are trillionaires--worth c2 trillion US, mentioned above; this is only an estimate on their holdings.
Another group was the heads of Russia's Secret Police, the KGB, Abe Dzerzhinsky, Abe Yagoda, and Abe Kagen, along with oil billionaire Armand Abe Hammer. They guided, or were guided, by Russia's communist leader, Stalin, in the 20s and 30s. They murdered over ten million Finno-Ugric peoples--a holocaust. They did this to get at oil, mineral, diamond, gold, and timber on and under the lands of the Finno-Ugrics: HAMMER, Armand Hammer, G. P. Putnam's, N.Y. 1987, pp. 141-143, and other pages: DOSSIER, Edward Jay Epstein, Carroll & Graf Inc. N.Y., 1996, p.119. The cruelest attempts at getting Russia's wealth finds strong confirming support in 5 additional books: One is by a Jewish MD who suffered immensely in a Russian Siberian Gulag: MAN IS WOLF TO MAN, Janusz Bardach and Kathleen Gleeson, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1998. The fact that "man was and can be wolf to man" finds, sadly, added support in a second book: THE GATES OF NOVEMBER, Chaim Potok, Alfred A. Knopf, 1996.
Three more books support that some people's brain organs lack a "compassion or capable of love" center. The books are: (1) THEY TOOK MY FATHER, (2) RED EXODUS, and (3) SOVIET BONDAGE, all authored by Honorary Doctorate, Mayme Sevander. The 2 publishers of are: (1) Pfeifer-Hamilton, Duluth, MN, 1992, and the last ones, (2) McNaughton & Gunn, Saline, MI, 1993, 1996.
Another book that I must cite is: AN EYE FOR AN EYE, THE UNTOLD STORY OF JEWISH REVENGE, John Sack, Basic Books, NY, 1993. John Sack is Jewish. He researched thoroughly for 7 years about crimes Jews did to Germans. After publishing his book the "Controllers" attempted to murder Mr. Sack. Like the Danish cartoonist, he has to be in hiding. I recommend obtaining the paperback edition, 1995. The paperback has a great preface. In any case Wolves do not enter heaven. Metaphorically speaking, in Hell their ice cold hearts will finally find warmth--a plenty. The Controllers have been cruel--as they were cruel to JESUS. And to us they still are.
Now let us continue. In what enigmatic language did GOD and JESUS speak? What property about the tongue made it enigmatic to some people? Was racism involved in a likely cover-up? Why did "The Ancients" build pyramids, such as Egypt's Great Pyramid? Why did the Ancients write in hieroglyphics?
Over the ages, what was the causation of fluctuation in amount and extent of heat energy that was delivered into--and through--earth's crust: What caused the fluctuating mode of convection of heat to the crust? Has this process caused the crust to become warm, and cool--very, very slowly, often? Has this process caused and will it cause not only the earth's crust but the water and air masses above the crust to warm up, and cool down, vastly, and repeatedly? Although most rare, can this happen fast?

Did a fluctuating heat flow into one or more regions of the earth's crust cause the past Warm Ages and Ice Ages? Was this heat flow mainly into the unexposed crust located beneath soils, deserts, glaciers, tundras, oceans, seas, etc? What is the mechanism that explains how our global average air temperature will creep to rise, in a seesaw pattern, from a current 58°F to near 72°F in another 8000 years before the next downturn? Answers to all these questions I will present below. But here I must add that past climate warming was not caused by cow flatus, planes or '59 Cadillacs!
Back in 1955, while studying for one of my degrees in chemistry, I presented, to a climate authority, my hypothesis on a major cause of both Warm and Ice Ages: The authority was the then Chairman of the Department of Meteorology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.,Professor Werner Suomi. He is considered the father of surveillance by satellites of cloud and weather movements. To the above questions I will present answers below. But to some extent I already discussed my hypothesis about a cause(s) of climate global warming and cooling episodes, above. Yet I will discuss this topic more below in a few days as I only recently learned about blogs, and that blogs are the best way to reach many people. And I apologize for rearranging paragraphs occasionally. This is a work in progress.
Now for us to be able freely to communicate widely by blogging, when we are not allowed to communicate otherwise, we must thank GOD. GOD has allowed human beings to create the new blogging system: For in our case, a fishing group, and myself as an example, the Regents and Presidents of two large universities have not allowed our organization, Fish and Wildlife Unlimited, to speak: Our members gave the Federal Fish and Wildlife Service its name, nearly 30 years ago!

And nearly 40 years ago our members moved congress to pass and then President Nixon to sign the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, RICO Act. Those of us who are still alive remember when Americans fought for a humane life for all people. So, in the 50's and 60's we did not allow the air waves to be controlled by the "Controllers". But now the Controllers own mega amounts of radio stations from which they can send signals to "dumb" us down with rap crap radio noise booming in rooms and cars--and ruin our hearing: Now the controllers "dumb down" Americans.
Yet although many Americans say we are living in America's "Dumbed Down Zombie Death Age", some of us still have hope. We pray that there are still middle and young aged people in America who will act fast to take back America from the Oil Billionaires, the Ken Layes, the "Company Book Auditing" Joe Barardinos, the "Campaign Funding Sugar Daddies", like Robber Rubin who was Bill Clinton's sugar daddy--and from some inept University Presidents; many screened by controllers.
A prime example of a "laughing catastrophe" for a University President is the following: When now China graduates 300,000 engineers a year, and America graduates only 30,000, a certain large American university has as its President, not a scientist or engineer, but a Catholic Irish poet--and a lousy poet at that! Incidentally, this state's University President was "screened and chosen for the position" by the state's most powerful Republican politician. He is Chairman of the powerful Legislative Joint Finance Committee: He sends to the university much money. He is Catholic Irish. So is the Chancellor! So is the Provost! Oh the luck of the Irish; especially when a university needs as its President more than a lousy poet.
And as I write poetry, and even won prizes as a poet and artist, I surely am not anti poet. Example: When clouds on high begin to form. / And wind with swiftness starts to blow. / It's sure a sign of coming storm. / With millions of white flakes of snow. So I say to Irish poet President and Irish Regents: Get out crying towels. Put on pampers.
Before two university presidents and the Regents, our members are not allowed to speak. We want to speak on the urgent need to lower very significantly the cost of tuition for the children of our and other people. And some of our Fish and Wildlife Unlimited members who are Finnish-Americans want the people who teach the Finnish Language in some universities to be Finnish-Americans, or their descendants. But as it is now, at one major university, U. of Wisconsin, the man who teaches the Finnish language is an Irish-American and Roman Catholic.
This is inhumane discrimination and an insult towards Finnish-Americans and Finland. How would Jewish-Americans feel if this or any university in USA had a non-Jewish person teaching Hebrew language or Hebrew studies? How would they feel if the teacher in fact was a Muslim from the Sudan? In any event, it is the Irish and Jewish politicians who decide that Jews teach the Hebrew language, but the Irish Catholics teach the Finnish language. Yet Finns are not Catholic, Finns are Lutherans. And at least one Irish-American professor who teaches Finnish is Opus Dei Catholic!
The University Irish High Ones are "Outlaying Irish Ken Lay" in laying a fowl egg--pardon the pun: Ken Lay along with Joe Barardino, as CEOs of 2 companies, received notoriety in 2001 in their roles in a scam--the Enron Energy and Anderson Auditing "stocks swindle scam", a stock market cesspool: Notice how "Con Bums" will find cover under a Scandinavian name, as Anderson. Oh well, at least not Finnish.
In any case, the universities "Big Butts" are receiving Mega salaries for shuffling papers. And, instead of their really working and teaching, they use people who can not speak understandable English to teach! When I was at St. Olaf College 50 years ago, my 2 chemistry professors not only taught but they did research. Yet they had me take Speech 01 so that I would stop speaking in a Finnish accent: But 50 years ago nearly all St Olaf students were Norwegian-Americans: So their Norwegian accent needed no correcting: They did not need to take a course, with no credit, Speech 01.
In any event, one of the St. Olaf College professors discovered Mylar film for 3M corporation, and the other discovered how to combine hydrogen with other metals as hydrides in the hydrogen bomb! They were no Ken Lays using a plane to fly a USA President around, or using inhumane means to raise gas and gasoline prices. And now we have at least 3 new Ken Lays: One is Abe Shlomo Davis. He is head of British Petroleum (BP). His England based company wants to drill in Alaska's North Slope. Recently, BP reported a years profit of 20 billion US. This and the near 20 billion total profits by Exxon and Mobil Oil make all people vomit.
Another Ken Lay and Texan is "Bush Butt". He is quoted as saying, "As CEO of America, although I know nothing about how to balance books, I trust my top Financial Officer, Abe Wolfowitz--the pits--who tells me that under my sly 'off budget money spending' guidance America has the highest profit and budget surplus of any country or company in the world". It makes one vomit. For we have the worst debt ever.
And then lastly there is Cheating Cheney who set Americans a great example. He set an "honest, trust me" example by hunting illegally--poaching: For he did not spend money to buy a bird hunting stamp. And even with his wealth, he set an example on how not to prevent infecting other people's hearts with bird shot: He did not pay a factory to make him sterilized bird shot. Even when hunting with a lawyer Cheney didn't come clean. And then he tried to raise his low popularity rating by shooting an attorney! Moreover the reason the shooting was not reported right away was because either: (1) someone in the hunting party returned Cheney a favor-- socked him. Thus with a minor black eye, Cheney could not show himself to explain how he mistook a person as being a small bird; or (2) it took 2 days to get Cheney's blood alcohol level down. For any future Vice President, Cheney will be a tough act to follow.
In any case, Federal and State tax revenues 40 years ago paid for 80% of tuition at state universities. But to bring this fact--and other facts--out our members are not allowed to be guests or call in on some state's Public Radio Networks: They are not really public as the calls are screened--and twice!--before one is allowed on the air. In any event, this is a "work in progress". Thus strap yourself in your chair, or take a nap. But do come back, if you find I am not yet finished--pardon the pun. I will try my best to be a 71 year old retired Ph. D. Chemist, and now a young "bloggin blogger."
A wise human being reads an article to its end, if it has new information. Thus for everyone, including scholars of the past, this article should hopefully cause joyful thought; a desire to help find an answer to our existence, and an increase in caring.
Thus let us continue. And as we read this article let us keep in mind the opinion of the father of comparative philology, the Dane, Rasmus Rask, 1787-1832. He held that there must have existed somewhere, a great civilization that developed a tongue that was the most precise, most flexible (free) in the order of placement of words in a sentence; and the most beautiful; a tongue most magnificent for speaking, reading, and singing; Finnish. Hopefully Poles and Arabs will understand why the world's people are most fortunate that neither Polish or Arabic are the world's lingua franca.
Incidentally, a Chinese citizen and language authority, who knows Finnish, was recently on a rather widely distributed radio program: The person stated that the Chinese language and writing has no grammar; I. e., Chinese and its dialects have no rules for preferred forms in speaking or writing. Hence, China will have a most serious problem in competing in a trustworthy manner in the world economy. For, he stated, "In Chinese it is most difficult to create exactness of meaning in legal writing." He lamented, "Oh how wonderful it would have been if the Chinese had only begun speaking (and writing) in Finnish. But even for a billion people it may not be too late."
And oh yes, before I continue I must add that, as mentioned, this is a "work in progress": I will be inserting new material in various places and adding items at the end. Thus the reader may want to visit this site once a day, or week. Lastly, I write this blog in the hope that GOD wills it to be near the truth--or, in fact, the truth. And let us pray for GOD's help to save endangered tribes, peoples and tongues: These must include those belonging in the Finno-Ugric Language Family. Sadly, these people, as small nationality groups, want their membership applications to be approved--in the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization; before it is too late. For example, United Nations members must allow that the once large but now endangered nationality groups such as the Ingrians, Karelians, Seto, Veps, Vots, and their land areas, are autonomous--free of Russian Slav language and cultural influence. Kiitos 'Thank you'. And now I continue.
Human beings have evolved to speak in many different tongues. And linguists have developed research methods that allow them to place tongues into various separate Language Families. Now in what enigmatic tongue may GOD have spoken to Moses? And in what tongue may JESUS have spoken? New transliteration supports one answer to both: The tongue was one found to be in the Finno-Ugric, Finno-Uralic or Finnic language family: It was most likely Estonian, Finnish, Livonian, Mari, Seto, Vep or Vot: The tongue did not belong in the Indo-European nor in the Afroasiatic language families: It was not Aramaic, and truly not Hebrew: Jesus was not a Jew.
Now if the tongue was a Finnic tongue, for example, Seto, then why have we not been told this? Was and is the cover-up due to racism? Could the meaning of some ancient words, phrases and sentences as understood through the ages--including some most crucial words or phrases in the Bible--be wrong? Could their meaning, as generally understood today, be wrong because they were in fact wrongly transliterated (intentional or not), or enigmatic; or their meaning was conjectured?
In what follows I will explain how past tribal, religious, and language racism was directed against the ancient Finno-Uralic language family--and against tribes and people that spoke tongues of this family: Sadly, this racism still exists. This racism almost certainly resulted in serious errors (contrived or not) in the transliteration and understanding of past statements of GOD and JESUS. Also, racism was and is most likely the major cause of our not fully understanding the statements and writings of many people that spoke tongues of the Finno-Uralic language family: The once widely distributed Finno-Uralic people and their tongues are now found only in northern Europe--with some in Russia, and only a very few in Canada and America: In some areas they are fast disappearing, a tragedy. But, yes, once they existed widely.
So why may we need to know a Finno-Uralic tongue, for example Finnish, to better understand old texts? I will disclose the answer to both the general public and to those university taught linguists who do not know fluently the generally accepted pronunciation of Finnish, Aramaic, and Hebrew. I will supply the answer by the following supporting method: I will transliterate old words, statements and writings by using my mother tongue, Finnish. Tangentially, linguist researchers are aware that tongues have dialects. But the feature that tongues have dialects does not detract from the transliterations and disclosures I shall present. Having said that, I will present some texts and then in later paragraphs I will transliterate them into English using Finnish, a Finnic tongue. Thus first I will present texts, and later their transliteration--along with interesting new information. Some texts I gave above, and state again.
In Genesis (12:1) Abraham left Ur on GOD's order, "Lekh-lekha.", Its unclear meaning was ventured most crudely as, "Lowlife, leave", (THE GIFTS OF THE JEWS, Thomas Cahill, DoubleDay, 1998, p. 62). The Book of Daniel (5:25) reads that before a hated Babylonian drunkard Belshazzar, who was next in line to be King, a hand appeared. Then the hand wrote an enigmatic sentence on a wall, 'Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin'.

There were other enigmatic statements/writings. One was GOD's voice to Moses in a tongue strange to Moses "EHYEY ASHER EHYEY", (TO LIFE, Rabbi Harold Kushner, Little Brown, 1993, p. 146): Another was when JESUS spoke to PETER, "You are named Kivi (Kiphias) 'rock', for upon this rock GOD will build HIS church", John 1:42. And yet another is: Judas Iscariot, spy, betrayer, Luke 6:16: About these, more later.
But to record the words of JESUS the writer(s) likely had a problem. They may not have been well versed in the local village dialect in which JESUS spoke. Yet they tried the best they could to record/write the sounds of the words they heard (as direct witnesses) and remembered: Or, later writers tried, as best they were able, to record the words as close to their original sound formation as had been passed down. So the word sounds of JESUS on the cross were written as, "Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachtani".
A hypothesis I present below--with supporting facts--is that all of the above sample writings and words were Finnish, or in tongues closely or distantly related to Finnish: The tongues--or one or more vocabularies--were likely descended from the ancient mother tongue of the earliest aboriginal peoples; peoples called succinctly, "natives".
The natives were the pre-Hellenes, the Pelasgians, the builders of the Pyramids, the one or more tribes in Ancient Egypt, and others: It needs noting that some of the just mentioned natives may have spoken tongues that were not in the Finno-Ugric family: Yet these tongues also were non-Afroasiatic. Here someone may dare ask if one or more ancient vocabularies were left by the mysterious Atlantians. And was Atlantis the name the inhabitants used in their own tongue for their country? Or was Atlantis a close transliteration of a Finnish word, Etelälänteen, 'Southwest'-land(ers); a name used for land or people to the southwest of the Finnics? (etelä 'south', länteen 'west')
Most important for our understanding the Good News of GOD and JESUS is that GOD, JESUS and likely some (not all) early peoples spoke in tongues that belonged to the Finno-Ugric language family. It was totally outside of another language family, the Afroasiatic language family: In fact it may be of utmost value to humans of today to know that GOD and JESUS almost certainly did not speak in an Afroasiatic, Aramaic or Hebrew tongue: Their non-Afroasiatic words and phrases were still used by the descendants of the aboriginal peoples--as part of their ancient mother tongue, in their regional or local areas and villages: Is this how it is possible that Moses did not understand the words of GOD as they were not in a Semitic, Afroasiatic tongue?
Amazingly, and STRONGLY SUPPORTING MY HYPOTHESIS is that Greek had and has a less than 40% Indo-European vocabulary, and that in the past tribes created their tongues "purged" of other tongues: BLACK ATHENA WRITES BACK, Martin Barnal, Duke University Press, 2001, p. 5, p.122.
Before I proceed further I must state I am not a "Man of the Cloth". Yet I attended a Norwegian Lutheran college, St. Olaf, Northfield, MN. I have a Ph.D. in Chemistry, minor Genetics from Indiana University. Since the late 1960's I have spent half my time in Finland: And I have traveled, or lived, a tad of time in Belgium, Denmark, England, Estonia, France, Germany, Holland, Ingeria, Karelia, Latvia, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Vepsland, Russia, and elsewhere in Europe.
But let us go on. Likely past acts of racism and wrongful transliteration by people, as noted, may have left humankind a most intriguing, challenging and joyful task; i.e., Biblical and other old text scholars--also others--may need to learn Finnish, and now.
And why learn Finnish now is because in earlier times past scholars and others did not take (possibly purposely) the time and effort to learn Finnish in order to more correctly transliterate old texts: Thus today's scholars and others, who will inspire themselves and their students or children to learn Finnish, will be justly rewarded.
And in learning Finnish they will be rewarded in more ways than one. For example, Finnish is a tongue that thoroughly knowledgeable linguistic scholars hold is the world's most beautiful tongue--a poet's and singer's tongue. In fact America's greatest poet, William Wadsworth Longfellow wrote in his autobiography that if he had a choice for a world's language he would choose Finnish. Moreover, learning a tongue--including correct pronunciation--not belonging to the Indo-European language family allows one to attempt to find out when and where a non-Indo-European tribe(s) may have had contact with an Indo-European tribe(s). (Some researchers suggest a contact date pre-9000 B.C. near the Black Sea. Interestingly, Finnish may be a good candidate for a tongue that is most likely closest to humankind's mother tongue.)
Ages ago, during and after the Ice Age(s), Finnic peoples and tongues most likely existed in wide areas of the globe--but not under the glaciers that covered northern Europe. Long ago, peoples of, for example, tribe A named themselves and their homeland area in their own tongue. But peoples of a neighboring or distant tribe B, speaking a totally different tongue B, likely used a different name(s) for tribe A and the land of tribe A: Today we can often trace back tribal migration histories by the use of gene markers and/or by looking at names and words in ancient maps or writings.
Yet we must be cautious when we read a name of a tribe or a tribe's land area in a map or old document: For we may not know if the names we read are truly the ones a tribe used for themselves and their land in their own tongue ages ago: Instead the name(s) we read may have been used by a neighbor tribe(s) speaking a totally different tongue(s). Hence, the name(s) we read today may read and sound far removed from what ages ago were the true name(s).
Ages ago, Finnic tongues, such as Estonian, Finnish, and nearly extinct Livonian, Seto and Vepsa--also other Finnic tongues, now extinct--were spoken more widely. They were spoken in areas such as England, Denmark, northern Germany, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Russia. A tongue kin to Estonian was spoken A.D. 60 in Britain stated Roman historian Tacitus, THE GERMANIA, Penguin Classics books, Revised ed., 1970, p. 139. Also in THE LIFE OF CHARLEMAGNE by EINHARD, Ann Arbor Paperbacks, Univ. Mich. Press, 1960, a map, p. 20, has the Livonians, around A. D. 800, living in an area stretching from the Elbe River in what is now northwest Germany, eastward through today's northern Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Kaliningrad and Latvia into Estonia.
And there is a trip or Voyage of Wulfstan in the Baltic. It was related to King Alfred of Wessex (reign: A.D. 871-899). Then King Alfred, or someone else, wrote it down. The writing of the trip--and lands or tribes encountered--first appeared in the English of 1100 years ago. Later it was written into more current English by H. Sweet, KING ALFREDS OROSIUS, pp. 17-19: Also other writers have made it more readable. It states that in the 800s there were many tribal lands bordering the south and east shores of the Baltic Sea--lands that are now northern Germany, Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia. Thus among these lands, before A.D. 800 were Finnic (Livonian and Estonian) tribal lands. For example, one of these was Witland or Samland: Samland was cruelly taken by Russia at end of WWII and renamed Kaliningrad. And the Viking, Leif Erickson, was Liivin Erki 'Erik The Livonian'.
Now, in another area, in the Near East and Egypt some ancient tongues--including local village dialects--and writings likely were closely or distantly related to Finnish: Or they had embodied (adopted, retained) some smaller or larger number of Finnish, Finnic, Finno-Uralic or Finno-Ugric words (vocabularies) through linguistic mixing. How they may have been related to Finnish I will try to support next.
I begin by stating that in Eurasia, Europe, and perhaps in northern and northeastern Africa, before, during and after the last Ice Age, two language families likely reigned, or were present. They were the Finno-Ugric and the Indo-European tongue families. And the Finno-Ugric tended to reign in cold or past cooler climate areas.
Thus after the last Ice Age, GOD chose to speak to the aboriginal tribes in a tongue that was spoken or understood by one or more of the tribes in the vast area--at the time. The tongue may have been Finnish, a dialect thereof, or a "mixed" tongue.
It is intriguing to consider that in ancient times Finnish and its dialect(s)--or an Indo-European tongue(s) that had incurred
"linguistic mixing" with a Finno-Ugric tongue(s)--may have been spoken in the vicinity of the Black and Mediterranean Seas (including Sumeria?); and in the area or local village of JESUS' birth, also Egypt: Linguistic mixing may occur when there is forced or voluntary tribal or tongue mixing to a small or large degree--for example, mixing of a tongue of the Finno-Uralic language family with a tongue of the Indo-European. It results in a mixed tongue(s) with a mixed vocabulary(is). On linguistic mixing see book referred to above by Martin Bernal, p. 3.) Now as present day Estonian, Finnish, Livonian, Seto, and Vepsa are spoken so far north of the Near East how did Finnic tongues end up so far north?
The answer may be that as the glacier(s) melted some Finnic tribes moved north. Note: As stated above it needs to be understood that in very ancient times, the Finno-Uralics may have lived in several areas of the globe, including northern Africa, the Near East, and also near glaciers. Now as the glaciers melted, some of these tribes moved near and into the areas of present day Estonia, Finland, Karelia, Ingeria (around St. Petersburg); former Livonia (now Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and former Prussia), Kaliningrad (former Samland); and Vepsland, the area south of Karelia, east of St. Petersburg. And perhaps some moved back north into their origin areas described in Homer's epics, as mentioned above when discussing Dr Felici Vinci's most interesting theory. Incidentally, near or even distant from the edge(s) of one or more glaciers, there lived other tribes such as the Muromo, Mari, Seto, and several others. Sadly some names are now extinct, such as the Tyrrfinns, east of Karelia. All these tribes were Finnics.
But as stated some Finnic tribes may have once been in the Near East: So read the statements or words in the material above; starting with paragraph beginning: In Genesis Abraham left Ur: These words are most likely from the Finno-Ugric language family (likely Finnish). The first, the order to Abraham, lekh-lekha transliterated is Laiska/leuhka-lähe 'lazy lout, leave'. The second, the wall handwriting to Belshazzar, Mene, Mene, Tekele, Upharsin is Mene Mene(htynyt) Tekele Uuvuksiin 'Go, go, dried poop, so worn out, worthless'. (He was obviously not overjoyed on reading he was so useless that no one out of strongest hate and disgust would give him enough respect to say that he was once even fresh poop!--it likely drove him to more drink.)
In the third, Moses heard GOD's voice, "ehjä askar(oipi) ehjä" '(I AM) UNBROKEN, WHOLE, EVERYTHING, ALWAYS AHEAD, IMMORTAL, (CARING) ENTIRETY'. And the fourth in above, where JESUS names Peter, Cephias 'rock' is kivi,'stone, rock'.
Number five about Judas linked to term Iscariot, traitor is iskeä 'spy, traitor'. Note: The derivation or base of iscariot is unclear: R. E. Brown, et al., THE JEROME BIBLICAL COMMENTARY, Prentice Hall, Englewood Ciffs, New Jersey, 1968, vol. II, p. 438.
Finally, the last one from above--the words of JESUS on the cross--most likely were, "Elävä, Elävä, loimme, saavutetaan", 'LIVING GOD, WE laid out, accomplished, implemented, saved forever (the Great Message for humanity)'. The last words of JESUS should not be read as a racist negative interpretation left by those who most likely wanted to disparage HIS statement, tongue and tribe. The writers who tried to interpret the last words of JESUS did not want to understand that JESUS was not, as the writers themselves may have been, a racist. HE died for all. Thus the message of JESUS was and is most astoundingly positive! And HE delivered HIS SPIRIT.
Although the next paragraphs appeared above I repeat them here for emphasis. The Old Testament states that a racist foreign tribe invaded a land and region where JESUS was born. The tribe was the Hebrew or Piru

'Devil' tribe. A Finnish transliteration is the Se(He) Piru 'The Devil', The Hebrews. To Jews the term Hebrew is a pejorative--meaning Devil Tribe. Yet it needs stating that not all tribes were racist.
In the Hebrew tribe, the Biblical Judas was a swarthy racist against native fair Finnics: He had JESUS arrested, Acts 1:16. Like other invaders, Judas took the aborigine's land in and around Jerusalem. Acts 1:18-19 states: Judas headlong (bloodily) burst upon (took land from), and gushed his bowels (pooped) on the natives. This was known to the dwellers of Jerusalem; inasmuch as the land in their own tongue is Akeldama 'Field of Blood', Finnic Akkiel(s)tähmaa '(bloodily) fast taken land, field'. It may be worth noting that the base (root) of name Jerusalem may be Finnic jörö(s) (julma)
'bloody raw', alem(pi) 'lower', maa 'land, field'. Tribes still fight over it. This ancient land, cruelly taken long ago from Finnics, is still the Land of Blood.
Here must be added an item: Already in the eighth century B.C. Arabs and Jews were roaming in the desert from some areas into other areas in what was then the Assyrian Empire. Thus King Sargon II wrote an edict (c.716-704 B.C.), 'No person shall sell or teach how to make iron to the Arabs or Jews (for iron swords in their hands will help them drive us out, north)': The Correspondence of Sargon II, Pt I, vol. 1, State Archives of Assyria, Simo Parpola, Helsinki Univ. Press, 1987, p.140.
In any event, one may ask why GOD would choose to speak to humans in Finnish, if in fact the tongue was Finnish. The answer may be that GOD may love pleasant sounds. And among tongues Finnish has the highest beauty of sound, highest vowel to consonant ratio, and no harsh consonants: In fact, as already was alluded to above, America's Greatest poet, Longfellow, wrote in his autobiography that because of its beauty--and high versatility in word position placement in a sentence--if he could he would choose the world's language to be Finnish. Now I have lost my Dutch and Polish friends. In any case, young Biblical scholars and others may want to learn Finnish. Enjoy. Dr. Will.
Incidentally, from 1947 through mid 1980s, a wealthy Jewish businessman, Benjamin H. Freedman, a Defector from Jewish Supremacism, warned America of the great danger of allowing our media and government to be dominated by Jews. Two tracts by Mr. Freedman can be found on your browser by typing with his name 'The Hidden Tyranny Revealed', and 'A Jewish Defector Warns America'. And in URL,, one can find by Mr Freedman a short article that appeared in a paper Common Sense, JESUS WAS NOT A JEW.
Now we give links to above items. As stated Mr. Freedman was a wealthy Jewish businessman, and a Defector from Jewish Supremacism. He warned America of the great danger of allowing our media and government to be dominated by Jews. He was at a very high level in the Jewish and Zionist power structures. He made revelations of Jewish intrigues that led to both World Wars. Three books by Mr. Freedman can be found on your browser by typing with his name, the URL, to get A Jewish Defector Warns America; also 'The Hidden Tyranny Revealed', and 'Facts Are Facts'. And in browser type URL, to get Benjamin Freedman: Defector From Jewish Supremacism. And in URL,, one can find by Mr Freedman a short article that was in a paper Common Sense, JESUS Was NOT A JEW. Note: I typed out the URLs because clicking on a link may yield, 'Error 404' or 'Site not found'. If this occurs, then try other link. For the Controllers can do 'funny business'.
In above 'A Jewish Defector Warns America' Mr. Freedman, exposes a most hideous prayer, the KOL NIDRE. This "prayer is made three times by Jews on the Day of Atonement. In the prayer, the Jew enters into an agreement with God that any oath, vow, or pledge that he/she makes during the next twelve months shall be null and void: They shall have no force or effect. And further, the Talmud teaches that the Jew is exempted from fulfilling them".
Now we have a link below to this prayer. But it may be slow to appear. So here it is: "All vows, obligations, oaths, and anathemas, whether called 'ḳonam,' 'ḳonas,' or by any other name, which we may vow, or swear, or pledge, or whereby we may be bound, from this Day of Atonement until the next (whose happy coming we await), we do repent. May they be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void, and made of no effect; they shall not bind us nor have power over us. The vows shall not be reckoned vows; the obligations shall not be obligatory; nor the oaths be oaths."
So to a Jew the pledge of allegiance to a nation or flag other than Israel has no meaning. One can also verify above about Kol Nidre prayer in a browser URL,, and click in letter K area to (Note: As stated its appearance may take time.) Kol Nidre. Some Jews think of banning this prayer.
Now this is a work in progress. And again my 2 year old Golden Retriever puppy, Tossu 'slipper', is barking, "I want to go for one of my 2-3 daily walks. And I want to go right now, because on a leash just went a girl doggy". Well, it's a dog's life. He's my buddy, my boss. So I take leave now: I will add more each day. Kindly understand. Thank you.
Will Sandstrom, Exec. Sec. Fish and Wildlife Unlimited, P.0. Box 8323. Madison, WI 53708-8323. Retired Ph.D. Cancer Biochemist.
Political experience: Mayor Candidate for Madison, WI, February, 2007. Also I tried, 1) runs for US House in ‘68 and ’69 and 2) run for Governor of Wisconsin, ’70; 3) run for US House in Arkansas to unseat Congressman Wilbur Mills, then Chairman of Ways and Means Committee (My conversations with Mr. Mills and his Chief of Staff, Mr Tooz, helped get Congressman Dave Obey onto House Appropriations Committee; he is now its Chairman) and 4) run for US House in Iowa to unseat Jim Leach, then Chairman of House Banking Committee.
Other public service: I was elected as a Price County member to the Wisconsin Conservation Congress, 1959; and elected President of Fish & Wildlife Unlimited – a large group of Fishers and Hunters of Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin in the 1960s and 1970s.
Education: 1) BA, Chemistry, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN, 1957, 2) MS Biochemistry, Univ. No. Dakota, Grand Forks, 1961 and 3) PhD Chemistry, Indiana Univ. Bloomington, IN. 1969.
Biggest issue is property taxes are too high: they must be reduced. Washington and state politicians must lobby and act to do the following: 1) get back into the U.S. Treasury the 3.3 trillion dollars that President Bush allowed Dov Zakheim (a most sad Rabbi)--who was his Pentagon Controller (of finances)--to steal from the Defense Department, and 2) get back the trillions that Bush has wrongly spent; while he did/does not cover his wrongful spending with tax rates on those best able to pay. The prior morally correct high tax rates on those best able to pay was enacted by President Franklin Roosevelt to help pay for the World War II spending and debt. (For anyone to access a great learning site on this, in a search engine such as Google type words "Schalkenbach Foundation”.) To help pay for this current Iraq war--and accounting for inflation since 1944--a person earning a yearly income in 2004 of $200,000,000 (two hundred million dollars) would have paid Federal taxes at a rate of 94%; rather than at a current miniscule rate approaching 1%. And a portion of these trillions must be sent back to the states and cities; as was done with Federal revenues during and after WW II.
With the large and sufficient revenues the Federal Government received each year from 1944 to 1961--by way of the tax rates enacted under President Roosevelt in 1944--the U.S. Govt. paid off the WW II debts, had a surplus, and returned sufficient monies to cities and states to pay educators humane salaries at state colleges, universities, and elementary and high schools. Back in the 50s and 60s students studying for a degree- and their parents--did not go deeply into debt.
Note: As some few links (in blog, Part One) have become unavailable we place a great humorous article by University of Wisconsin journalism senior--and student paper, Badger Herald reporter--Dave McGrath below:
Thursday, February 15, 2007
If life has taught me one thing, it’s this: Awesome is better than the alternative. Touchdowns are better than turnovers, personal restrooms are better than portable toilets and watching Arnold Schwarzenegger’s masterpiece “Commando” on loop is vastly superior to suffering through five seconds of any Hugh Grant flick.
This principle — we’ll call it the Arnold Principle of Awesomeness, or APA — applies to politics just as it does in every other walk of life. You need look no further than the “Governator” himself, who has proven to be much better at running the Golden State than any option. The same could be said about Teddy Roosevelt (an all-around ass kicker) and Ronald Reagan (a jelly bean lover).
That is why Madison must elect a man (Will Sandstrom) who is awesome — whose awesomeness was gained from years of varied experiences.
What kinds of experiences you ask? How about taking on the Russian KGB with only a broken toilet seat? James Bond — as close to the definition of awesome as you will find — didn’t even try that one.
Or how about when ol’ Sandy traveled through a parallel dimension in hopes of finding a boot he had lost? You try and tell me that Mayor Dave or any other candidate can put “Parallel Dimension Jetsetter” on their résumés. That’s experience, brother. And if the Wisconsin men’s basketball team has taught us anything, it’s that experience is directly proportional to awesome.
Now, not all the Sandman’s encounters in life have been so neato. He’s had to bury his own father — a victim of canned-heat ingestion — after the men paid to dig the grave ran off to get drunk — likely on the deceased’s product (he was a moonshiner). That’s rough.
At least he was able to look at the bright side: His pop’s last ride was in style — a 1938 Buick Century with side-tire mounts on the front fenders. We should all be so lucky.
These experiences have taught the Sandcastle many things, such as to beware of the mafia and organized crime that doubtless is casting a dark cloud over not only Madison, but the world — with the exception of Finland, of course. This is why he will fight to the death to avoid a trolley system in Mad Town, just because “the mafia needs a sweet ride.”
I, for one, am with Sandbox: Our tax money should not go to providing transportation to the Madison mafia. Could you imagine the spike in trolley-by shootings?
The Notorious S.A.N.D. vows to work strongly to lower parking fines of all kinds, pledging not to be a “night wallet burglar,” which he accuses Mayor Dave of being. Again, when it comes to where I stand on the important issues, I’m anti-night wallet burglar for mayor. Sure, it might not be all that bad now, but how long until wallets start being burgled in the daytime?
He is also on the record as being against the extinction of cats by means of bald eagle, another worthy cause. Though many are not particularly fond of cats, the fact is we can’t just have bald eagles swooping down all over the place, snatching unsuspecting kittens from their milk saucers.
The only thing that Mr. Sandstrom is missing is a name more befitting than his dynamic nature. His name should be Billy Sand-Storm (cue deafening thunder). In fact, he should hire someone to walk around with him to make the thunder sound every time his new name is said. I’ll nominate myself, so long as he’s got a decent dental plan.
No stranger to controversy, The Storm has been quoted as saying that “we can’t have 500 million Chinese,” that we need a two-sided fence on the U.S. southern border and that he doesn’t want Madison to become a sardine can. He’s really just misunderstood.
The fact is Madison, a city of just more than 200,000 residents, logistically can not have 500 million Chinese — or Americans or Native Americans or whatever. He’s just stating the obvious. His fence idea is probably more for aesthetic purposes than anything else. What yard doesn’t look better with a fence around it?
And who wants Madison to be a sardine can? Sardines don’t look very comfortable, and could you imagine how awful it would be living under an aluminum roof all the time? We’d never see the sun! It would be like living in warehouse. No, changing Madison into a sardine can would be bad. I’d rather it just be a city, thank you.
Again, more proof of the Quiet Storm’s wisdom, acquired from years of various experiences, many of which have been awesome.
Add it all up. Quick-Sand stands for: No trolleys for Madison or its mafia, no more night wallet burgling, no more cat losses to the national bird and no erecting of a giant sardine can around our fair city.
The APA dictates that I will stand with Sandstrom.
Won’t you, too?
Dave McGrath ( graduated majoring in English and journalism. He was sports editor at The Badger Herald.
The Face of a Prophet By LOUISE STORY, 4-11-8, Correction Appended
GEORGE SOROS will not go quietly.
At the age of 77, Mr. Soros, one the world’s most successful investors and richest men, leapt out of retirement last summer to safeguard his fortune and legacy. Alarmed by the unfolding crisis in the financial markets, he once again began trading for his giant hedge fund--and won big while so many others lost.
Mr. Soros has always been a controversial figure. But he is becoming more so with a new, dire forecast for the world economy. Last week he rushed out a book, his 10th, warning that the financial pain has only just begun.
“I consider this the biggest financial crisis of my lifetime,” Mr. Soros said during an interview Monday in his office overlooking Central Park. A “superbubble” that has been swelling for a quarter of a century is finally bursting, he said.
Mr. Soros, whose daring, controversial trades came to symbolize global capitalism in the 1990s, is now busy promoting his book, “The New Paradigm for Financial Markets.”--goes on sale mid-May. An electronic version is already available online.
And yet this is not the first time that Mr. Soros has prophesied doom. In 1998, he published a book predicting a global economic collapse that never came.
Mr. Soros thinks that this time he is right. Now in his eighth decade, he yearns to be remembered not only as a great trader but also as a great thinker. The market theory he has promoted for two decades and espoused most of his life — something he calls “reflexivity” — is still dismissed by many economists. The idea is that people’s biases and actions can affect the direction of the underlying economy, undermining the conventional theory that markets tend toward some sort of equilibrium.
Mr. Soros said all aspects of his life — finance, philanthropy, even politics--are driven by reflexivity, which has to do with the feedback loop between people’s understanding of reality and their own actions. Society as a whole could learn from his theory, he said. “To make a contribution to our understanding of reality would be my greatest accomplishment,” he said.
Mr. Soros has been worrying about the fragile state of the markets for years. But last summer, at a luncheon at his home in Southampton with 20 prominent financiers, he struck an unusually bearish note.
“The mood of the group was generally gloomy, but George said we were going into a serious recession,” said Byron Wien, the chief investment strategist of Pequot Capital, a hedge fund.
Mr. Soros was one of only two people there who predicted the American economy was headed for a recession, he said.
Shortly after that luncheon Mr. Soros began meeting with hedge fund managers like John Paulson, who was early to predict a crisis in the housing market. He interrogated his portfolio managers and external hedge funds that manage his fund’s money, and he took on new positions to hedge where they might have gone wrong. His last-minute strategies contributed to a 32 percent return--or roughly $4 billion for the year.
The more Mr. Soros learned about the crisis, the more certain he became that he should rebroadcast his theories. In the book, Mr. Soros, a fierce critic of the Bush administration, faults regulators for allowing the buildup of the housing and mortgage bubbles. He envisions a time, not so distant, when the dollar is no longer the world’s main currency and people will have a harder time borrowing money.
Mr. Soros hopes his theories will finally win the respect he craves. But, ever the trader, he hedges his bets. “I may well be proven wrong,” he said. “I would say that I’m the boy who cried wolf three times.”
Many of the people Mr. Soros wants to influence may view him with skepticism, in part because of how he made his fortune. In 1992, his fund famously bet against the British pound and helped force the British government to devalue the currency. Five years later, he bet--correctly--that Thailand would be forced to devalue its currency, the baht. The resulting bitterness toward him among Thais was such that Mr. Soros canceled a trip to the country in 2001, fearing for his safety.
Asked if it bothers him that people accuse him of causing economic pain, his eyes dart around the room. “Yes, it does, actually yes,” he said.
Asked if those people are right to blame him, he says, “Well no, not entirely.”
No single investor can move a currency, he said. “Markets move currencies, so what happened with the British pound would have happened anyway. If I hadn't attacked and made a killing on the Pound, someone, sooner or later, would have. So I became the billionaire, they didn't. So I take no responsibility.” Note: The following words are inserted by those who write this blog. BUT THE EVIL ONES--HE AND THE ROTHSCHILDS (THE MARKET MAKERS)--MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY.
Mr. Soros, a closet Zionist, came of age in Nazi-occupied Hungary and has for decades longed to write a masterpiece that might put him among thinkers like Hegel or Keynes, said Michael T. Kaufman, who wrote a book about Mr. Soros. “He spent years writing papers/letters to people, but everyone ignored him,” Mr. Kaufman said.
But when Mr. Soros became rich, people began listening. He also started giving large sums to charities, and in Eastern Europe, as the Soviet Union crumbled, he distributed copy machines to encourage free speech in his native Hungary. So generous was Mr. Soros with his money that “Sorosovat” became a new verb in Russian, loosely meaning to apply for a grant.
He continues, he claims, to be one of the top givers to charities around the world, and has given more than $5 billion away, he claims, through his foundations.
Yet even Mr. Soros acknowledges that many economists still slight his theories.
“I am known as a hedge fund manager and it’s very hard for, say, academics--who don't know the world economic power of Mega Market Makers--to accept that a hedge fund manager with MEGA wealth may actually have something to say about economics,” Mr. Soros said. “So that has been difficult for me to overcome.”
But Joseph E. Stiglitz, a professor at Columbia who won the Nobel for economics in 2001, said Mr. Soros might still meet success. “With a slightly different vocabulary these ideas, I think, are going to become more and more part of the center,” said Mr. Stiglitz, a longtime friend of Mr. Soros.
Mr. Soros’s firm, Soros Fund Management, has been through several turbulent years. Stanley Druckenmiller, his longtime No. 2, left in 2000, in part because he was tired of the constant media attention Mr. Soros attracted. (Mr. Soros credits Mr. Druckenmiller for the winning gamble on the British pound, saying he added the encouragement to bet more money on the trade. Soros tries to say he personally was and is not evil.)
Several outside investors also left, and Mr. Soros overhauled the company as more of a wealth management tool for his own family. Mr. Soros said in 2000 that he no longer desired returns like the 30.5 percent his fund returned on average, after management fees, from 1969 to 2000.
In 2004, Mr. Soros tapped his oldest son, Robert, to become the chief investment officer, despite Robert’s reluctance.
At that time, Mr. Soros, was busy trying to turn public opinion against President Bush. He donated $27 million to anti-Bush organizations and traveled the country speaking out against the president. This time around, he is less involved. He endorsed Senator Barack Obama but kept his distance from the campaign trail.
Robert Soros, 44, who once claimed his father based his trades not on grand ideas as reflexivity but rather on his back pain, never shared his father’s enthusiasm for the markets. “When you’re a billionaire’s son, you’re less hungry than when you’re a Hungarian immigrant,” one former Soros Fund Management executive said.
Even so, the Soros fund performed well under the younger Soros, and as recently as last June, it was up 10 percent for the year, according to a letter to investors. At the end of July, Robert stepped down from his head investment role, just before his father returned to trading. Robert and his brother Jonathan remain deputy co-chairmen, under their father, the chairman of the fund.
This week, Mr. Wien illustrated the knack of Mr. Soros for timing with an old story. In 1995, Mr. Soros asked Mr. Wien why he bothered going to work every day. Why not go to work only on days when there is something to do?
“I said, ‘George, one of the differences between you and me is you know when those days are, and I don’t,’” Mr. Wien said.
This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: April 12, 2008, BUSINESS DAY
Because of an editing error, an article on Friday about the financial predictions of the investor George Soros referred incompletely to the availability of his latest book, “The New Paradigm for Financial Markets.” As the article noted, the book goes on sale in bookstores in mid-May; but an electronic version is already available through and other online retailers.
One Guy Who Has Seen It All Doesn't Like What He Sees Now
By E.S. BROWNING, Wall Street Journal, April 26, 2008; Page B1
Peter BERNSTEIN has witnessed nearly every financial crisis of the past century.
As a boy, he watched his father, a money manager, navigate the Depression. As a financial manager, consultant and financial historian, he personally dealt with the recession of 1958, the bear markets of the 1970s, the 1987 crash, the savings-and-loan crisis of the late 1980s and the 2000-2002 bear market that followed the tech-stock bubble
Today's trouble, the 89-year-old Mr. Bernstein says, is worse than he has seen since the Depression and threatens to roil markets into 2009 and beyond--longer than many people expect.
Mr. Bernstein, whose books include "Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk," sees two culprits. One is the abuse of securitization--the trend for banks to hold fewer loans on their books and instead turn them into securities that were sold to other investors. The other is simply years of overborrowing by financial institutions and consumers alike.
Mr. Bernstein is hopeful that Federal Reserve intervention will prevent deflation and depression, but he says there is no guarantee.
Excerpts of a recent interview:
WSJ: Aside from securitization, what were the main causes of the problem?
Mr. Bernstein: You don't get into a mess without too much borrowing. It was sparked primarily by the hedge funds, which were both unregulated by government and in many ways unregulated by their owners, who gave their managers a very broad set of marching orders. It was a real delusion. It was like [former New York Gov. Eliot] Spitzer: "I am doing something dangerous, but because of who I am, and how smart I am, it is not going to come back to haunt me."
When you think about how all of this will work out in the long run, we are going to have an extremely risk-averse economy for a long long time. The lesson has painfully been learned. That's part of the problem going forward. You don't have a high-growth exit from this, as you've had from other kinds of crises. We won't have a powerful start, where the business cycle looks like a V. Here, the shape of the business cycle is like an L, where it goes down and doesn't turn up. Or like a U, a flat U.
The reason for that is that people aren't going to get caught in this bind again. They will tell themselves, "I'm too smart to do that again." And everyone else is going to be saying the same thing.
It is, in fact, going to be a wonderful environment in which to take risk, because there aren't going to be any excesses.
I'm a child of the Depression, and I am thinking about what the early years were like after World War II. It took a very long time to get the memory of the Depression out of business decisions, and certainly banking decisions. I think this is going to be the same.
The Fed, too, is going to be less decisive and is going to feel that what it should do is less clear. One of the things that gave people a sense that they could afford to take risks was the sense that the central bankers more or less know what they are doing. But I don't think we are going to feel that way going forward.
WSJ: You said that it could turn out that the smart thing to do is to take more risk, because everyone will be so risk-averse. What kinds of investments do you see as the big winners coming out of this?
Mr. Bernstein: You could say: the things that have been beaten down the most, which would be real estate. But I think real estate is going to be under a cloud for so long, and you can't buy real estate with cash, it is too much money. I think you should go with the stock market. If things are better, the stock market will go up, and if things are awful, the stock market is going to be way down. But it is a place where, if you want to take risks, you've got a wide range of choices. This is why I own stocks [in addition to other investments], because I don't know where the bottom is going to come, and I want to be exposed to every kind of possibility I can think of. And, at least, if you pick the stock market and you are wrong, you can change your mind. There is some liquidity there. Stocks never became cheap, but they didn't become crazy, the way other assets were.
WSJ: How long will this whole process take, before we get back to normal?
Mr. Bernstein: Longer than people think. The people who think we will have turned in 2009 are wrong. There has to be a respite along the way. Nothing goes in one direction forever. But it will take longer than people think. If that weren't the case, I would be talking entirely differently. I would be saying, "What an opportunity we have got." And I just can't believe that the opportunity is here yet--too much to unwind.
WSJ: Can you explain the reason you think it will take a long time?
Mr. Bernstein: We have to go back to a moment when people have the courage to borrow and lenders have the courage to lend. Until credit is going up instead of down, you can't have growth. Housing has got to be a very important part of that; it always has been. You have to reach a point where somebody says, "This house is cheap, I am going to buy it," or where some businessman says, "This is a great opportunity for us to expand our business. Everything is available to us."
If China goes into a recession, God knows. The Iraq war and the whole situation with terrorism, we really don't know where that is going to come out. There are so many things that have got to get buttoned down before you say that the future looks good enough to take a risk.
WSJ: What kind of indications are you looking for as signs that economy is about to get better and that the stock market and investment world are about to turn corner?
Mr. Bernstein: Somehow, the housing trouble has to at least flatten out. As long as that is going on, I think the pressure on the credit system is going to persist. It is kind of the leading indicator. It is where the trouble started. We have to underpin the consumer. That is why this is different. That is why this is like nothing we have had before.
Before, it was investment that made the V at the bottom of the business cycle. I don't see real investment turning enough without some sign from the consumer side. Maybe the foreign countries will do it for us. That is a substitute for consumption here. Maybe. But I think that they won't do enough for us, and maybe will be too infected by us to do it. But maybe growth in Asia will help us. The Asian thing is tremendously exciting.
Write to E.S. Browning at
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